

test_that("read config loads config from directory", {

  cfg <- read_r_config("example")
  expect_s3_class(cfg, "dettl_import_config")

  expect_length(cfg, 7)

  expect_true("extract" %in% names(cfg))
  expect_length(cfg$extract, 2)
  expect_true("func" %in% names(cfg$extract))
  expect_true("test" %in% names(cfg$extract))
  expect_is(cfg$extract$func, "function")
  expect_equal(cfg$extract$test, "R/test_extract.R")

  expect_true("transform" %in% names(cfg))
  expect_length(cfg$transform, 2)
  expect_true("func" %in% names(cfg$transform))
  expect_true("test" %in% names(cfg$transform))
  expect_is(cfg$transform$func, "function")
  expect_equal(cfg$transform$test, "R/test_transform.R")

  expect_true("load" %in% names(cfg))
  expect_length(cfg$load, 4)
  expect_true("func" %in% names(cfg$load))
  expect_true("test" %in% names(cfg$load))
  expect_true("verification_queries" %in% names(cfg$load))
  expect_is(cfg$load$func, "function")
  expect_equal(cfg$load$test, "R/test_load.R")
  expect_is(cfg$load$verification_queries, "function")

  expect_true("name" %in% names(cfg))
  expect_equal(cfg$name, "example")


  expect_true("path" %in% names(cfg))
  expect_equal(cfg$path, "example")

  expect_equal(cfg$dettl$mode, "append")

test_that("read config adds missing fields from defaults", {
  cfg <- read_r_config("simple_example")
  expect_s3_class(cfg, "dettl_import_config")

  expect_length(cfg, 7)

  expect_true("extract" %in% names(cfg))
  expect_length(cfg$extract, 1)
  expect_true("func" %in% names(cfg$extract))
  expect_is(cfg$extract$func, "function")
  expect_equal(cfg$extract$func(), "Executed extract function")

  expect_true("transform" %in% names(cfg))
  expect_length(cfg$transform, 1)
  expect_true("func" %in% names(cfg$transform))
  expect_is(cfg$transform$func, "function")
  expect_equal(cfg$transform$func(), "Executed transform function")

  expect_true("load" %in% names(cfg))
  expect_length(cfg$load, 4)
  expect_true("func" %in% names(cfg$load))
  expect_true("test" %in% names(cfg$load))
  expect_true("verification_queries" %in% names(cfg$load))
  expect_is(cfg$load$func, "function")
  expect_equal(cfg$load$func(), "Executed load function")
  expect_is(cfg$load$verification_queries, "function")
  expect_equal(cfg$load$test, "R/test_load.R")

  expect_true("name" %in% names(cfg))
  expect_equal(cfg$name, "simple_example")

  expect_true("path" %in% names(cfg))
  expect_equal(cfg$path, "simple_example")

  expect_equal(cfg$dettl$mode, "append")

test_that("read config fails if required configuration is not available", {
               "No files found matching file pattern script.R")

test_that("wildcards in sources are expanded", {
  sources <- "R/*.R"
  files <- expand_wildcards(sources, "example")
  expect_equal(files, normalizePath(c("example/R/extract.R", "example/R/load.R",
                                    winslash = "/"))

  sources <- c("example/R/extract.R", "example/R/load.R",
  files <- expand_wildcards(sources, ".")
  expect_length(files, 3)

  sources <- "no_match.R"
  expect_error(expand_wildcards(sources, "."),
               "No files found matching file pattern no_match.R")

test_that("automatic load can be specified in config", {
  dir <- setup_dettl_config("automatic: true")
  cfg <- read_r_config(dir)

  dir <- setup_dettl_config("automatic: FALSE")
               "Load stage must specify a load function OR use the automatic load function. Got automatic FALSE and NULL func TRUE.")

  dir <- setup_dettl_config("
  automatic: TRUE
  func: load")
               "Load stage must specify a load function OR use the automatic load function. Got automatic TRUE and NULL func FALSE.")

test_that("error thrown if pre or post load used without automatic load", {
  dir <- setup_dettl_config("func: load_func\n  pre: pre_load")
               "Pre or post load are configured but using a custom load step. Pre and post load can only be used with automatic load.")

  dir <- setup_dettl_config("func: load_func\n  post: post_load")
               "Pre or post load are configured but using a custom load step. Pre and post load can only be used with automatic load.")

test_that("read config loads pre and post load functions in config", {

  cfg <- read_r_config("example_pre_post_load")
  expect_s3_class(cfg, "dettl_import_config")

  expect_length(cfg, 7)

  expect_true("load" %in% names(cfg))
  expect_length(cfg$load, 5)
  expect_true("pre" %in% names(cfg$load))
  expect_true("post" %in% names(cfg$load))
  expect_is(cfg$load$pre, "function")
  expect_is(cfg$load$post, "function")

test_that("missing required function fields throw error", {
  fields <- list(extract = list(
      func = "func",
      must_exist = TRUE
  config <- list()
  env <- new.env()
  expect_error(read_function_fields(fields, config, env),
               "Can't find required function func for field extract")

test_that("dettl config interprets import mode is invalid", {
  dir <- setup_dettl_config()
  cfg <- read_r_config(dir)
  expect_equal(cfg$dettl$mode, "append")

  dir <- setup_dettl_config(dettl = "dettl:
                                       mode: append")
  cfg <- read_r_config(dir)
  expect_equal(cfg$dettl$mode, "append")

  dir <- setup_dettl_config(dettl = "dettl:
                                       mode: create")
  cfg <- read_r_config(dir)
  expect_equal(cfg$dettl$mode, "create")

  dir <- setup_dettl_config(dettl = "dettl:
                                       mode: invalid")
    'Invalid mode - mode must be one of append, create got "invalid".')

test_that("dettl config transaction correctly", {
  dir <- setup_dettl_config()
  cfg <- read_r_config(dir)

  dir <- setup_dettl_config(dettl = "dettl:
                                       transaction: TRUE")
  cfg <- read_r_config(dir)

  dir <- setup_dettl_config(dettl = "dettl:
                                       transaction: FALSE")
  cfg <- read_r_config(dir)

  dir <- setup_dettl_config(dettl = "dettl:
                                       transaction: invalid")
  cfg <- read_r_config(dir)

  dir <- setup_dettl_config(dettl = "dettl:
                                       transaction: no")
  cfg <- read_r_config(dir)

test_that("read config loads sql config from directory", {
  cfg <- read_sql_config("example_sql_only")
  expect_s3_class(cfg, "dettl_import_config")

  expect_length(cfg, 5)
  expect_equal(names(cfg), c("dettl", "sources", "load", "name", "path"))
  expect_equal(cfg$dettl$language, "sql")
  expect_equal(cfg$dettl$transaction, TRUE)
  expect_equal(cfg$sources, "R/verification_queries.R")
  expect_equal(cfg$load$sql, "import.sql")
  expect_is(cfg$load$verification_queries, "function")
  expect_equal(cfg$load$test, "R/test_load.R")
  expect_is(cfg$load$func, "function")
  expect_equal(cfg$name, "example_sql_only")
  expect_equal(cfg$path, "example_sql_only")

test_that("parsing sql config fails if both load func and sql specified", {
  ## Setup cfg with both sql: and automatic: TRUE set and test for error
  t <- setup_dettl_config(load = "sql: import.sql\n  automatic: true",
                          dettl = "dettl:\n  language: sql")
               "Unknown fields in [\\w/\\.:~]+ load stage: automatic",
               perl = TRUE)

  ## Setup cfg with both sql: and load: func set and test for error
  t <- setup_dettl_config(load = "sql: import.sql\n  load: load",
                          dettl = "dettl:\n  language: sql")
               "Unknown fields in [\\w/\\.:~]+ load stage: load",
               perl = TRUE)

test_that("read_config_yml reads language from cfg", {
  path <- prepare_test_import()
  yml <- read_config_yml(file.path(path, "example"))
  ## Using default
  expect_equal(yml$dettl$language, "r")

  cfg <- yaml_read(file.path(path, "example", "dettl.yml"))
  cfg$dettl$language <- "sql"
  t <- tempfile()
  yaml::write_yaml(cfg, file.path(t, "dettl.yml"))
  yml <- read_config_yml(t)
  expect_equal(yml$dettl$language, "sql")

  ## converts to lower case
  cfg$dettl$language <- "R"
  t <- tempfile()
  yaml::write_yaml(cfg, file.path(t, "dettl.yml"))
  yml <- read_config_yml(t)
  expect_equal(yml$dettl$language, "r")
vimc/dettl documentation built on Oct. 6, 2022, 2:13 p.m.