
Defines functions temp_file temp_dir data_frame dettl_file zip_dir file_copy file_canonical_case file_has_canonical_case file_split_base vnapply vcapply vlapply squote file_exists set_names is_linux is_windows find_file_descend is_relative_path is_absolute_path check_symbol_from_str check_length check_fields read_lines yaml_read yaml_load `%||%`

`%||%` <- function(a, b) {
  if (is.null(a)) b else a

yaml_load <- function(string) {
  ## More restrictive true/false handling.  Only accept if it maps to
  ## full (true|yes) / (false|no):
  handlers <- list(
    "bool#yes" = function(x)
      if (tolower(x) %in% c("true", "yes")) TRUE else x,
    "bool#no" = function(x)
      if (tolower(x) %in% c("false", "no")) FALSE else x)
  yaml::yaml.load(string, handlers = handlers)

yaml_read <- function(filename) {
  catch_yaml <- function(e) {
    stop(sprintf("while reading '%s'\n%s", filename, e$message),
         call. = FALSE)
  tryCatch(yaml_load(read_lines(filename, warn = FALSE)),
           error = catch_yaml)

read_lines <- function(...) {
  paste(readLines(...), collapse = "\n")

check_fields <- function(x, name, required, optional) {
  msg <- setdiff(required, names(x))
  if (length(msg) > 0L) {
    stop(sprintf("Fields missing from %s: %s",
                 name, paste(msg, collapse = ", ")))
  extra <- setdiff(names(x), c(required, optional))
  if (length(extra) > 0L) {
    stop(sprintf("Unknown fields in %s: %s",
                 name, paste(extra, collapse = ", ")))

check_length <- function(object, check, value) {
  if (check == "gt") {
    if (!(length(object) > value)) {
      stop(sprintf("Length of %s must be greater than %i.",
                   deparse(substitute(object)), value))
  } else if (check == "lt") {
    if (!(length(object) < value)) {
      stop(sprintf("Length of %s must be less than %i.",
                   deparse(substitute(object)), value))

check_symbol_from_str <- function(str, name) {
  dat <- strsplit(str, "::", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]
  if (length(dat) != 2) {
    stop(sprintf("Expected fully qualified name for %s", name))

is_absolute_path <- function(path) {
  grepl("^(/|[A-Z][a-z]:)", path)

is_relative_path <- function(path) {

## Originally in cyphr:
find_file_descend <- function(target, start = ".", limit = "/") {
  root <- normalizePath(limit, winslash = "/", mustWork = TRUE)
  start <- normalizePath(start, winslash = "/", mustWork = TRUE)

  f <- function(path) {
    if (file.exists(file.path(path, target))) {
    if (normalizePath(path, mustWork = TRUE) == root) {
    parent <- normalizePath(file.path(path, ".."), winslash = "/")
    if (parent == path) {
  ret <- f(start)
  if (!(is.null(ret))) {
    ret <- normalizePath(ret, winslash = "/", mustWork = TRUE)

is_windows <- function() {
  Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows"

is_linux <- function() {
  Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Linux"

set_names <- function(x, nms) {
  names(x) <- nms

file_exists <- function(..., check_case = FALSE, workdir = NULL,
                        force_case_check = FALSE) {
  files <- c(...)
  if (!is.null(workdir)) {
    owd <- setwd(workdir)
  exists <- file.exists(files)

  if (check_case) {
    incorrect_case <- logical(length(files))
    if (!is_linux() || force_case_check) {
      incorrect_case[exists] <-
        !vlapply(files[exists], file_has_canonical_case)
      if (any(incorrect_case)) {
        correct <- vcapply(files[incorrect_case], file_canonical_case)
        names(correct) <- files[incorrect_case]
        attr(exists, "incorrect_case") <- incorrect_case
        attr(exists, "correct_case") <- correct
        exists[incorrect_case] <- FALSE


squote <- function(x) {
  sprintf("'%s'", x)

vlapply <- function(X, FUN, ...) {
  vapply(X, FUN, logical(1), ...)

vcapply <- function(X, FUN, ...) {
  vapply(X, FUN, character(1), ...)

vnapply <- function(X, FUN, ...) {
  vapply(X, FUN, numeric(1), ...)

file_split_base <- function(filename, lowercase = FALSE) {
  path <- strsplit(filename, "[/\\\\]")[[1L]]
  if (!nzchar(path[[1]])) {
    base <- "/"
    path <- path[-1L]
    absolute <- TRUE
  } else if (grepl("^[A-Za-z]:", path[[1]])) {
    base <- paste0(path[[1L]], "/")
    path <- path[-1L]
    absolute <- TRUE
  } else {
    base <- "."
    absolute <- FALSE
  if (lowercase) {
    path <- tolower(path)
  list(path = path[nzchar(path)], base = base, absolute = absolute)

file_has_canonical_case <- function(filename) {
  dat <- file_split_base(filename)
  base <- dat$base
  absolute <- dat$absolute

  for (p in dat$path) {
    if (p %in% dir(base, all.files = TRUE)) {
      base <- paste(base, p, sep = if (absolute) "" else "/")
      absolute <- FALSE
    } else {

## This one here behaves differently on unix because we could have
## files called Foo and foo next to each other (but not on
## windows/mac)
file_canonical_case <- function(filename) {
  dat <- file_split_base(filename, TRUE)
  base <- dat$base
  absolute <- dat$absolute

  for (p in dat$path) {
    pos <- dir(base, all.files = TRUE)
    i <- match(p, tolower(pos))
    if (is.na(i)) {
    } else {
      base <- paste(base, pos[[i]], sep = if (absolute) "" else "/")
      absolute <- FALSE

  if (grepl("^\\./", base) && !grepl("^\\./", filename)) {
    base <- sub("^\\./", "", base)

file_copy <- function(..., overwrite = TRUE) {
  ok <- file.copy(..., overwrite = overwrite)
  if (any(!ok)) {
    stop("Error copying files")

zip_dir <- function(path, dest = paste0(basename(path), ".zip")) {
  owd <- setwd(dirname(path))
  code <- utils::zip(dest, basename(path), extras = "-q")
  if (code != 0) {
    stop("error running zip")
  normalizePath(dest, winslash = "/")

dettl_file <- function(...) {
  system.file(..., package = "dettl", mustWork = TRUE)

data_frame <- function(...) {
  data.frame(..., stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

temp_dir <- function(...) {
  gsub("\\\\", "/", tempdir(...))

temp_file <- function(...) {
  gsub("\\\\", "/", tempfile(...))
vimc/dettl documentation built on Oct. 6, 2022, 2:13 p.m.