

test_that("status", {
  path <- orderly_unzip_git_demo()
               list(success = TRUE, code = 0,
                    output = character(0), clean = TRUE))

  writeLines("hello", file.path(path, "hello"))
               list(success = TRUE, code = 0,
                    output = "?? hello", clean = FALSE))

test_that("branches", {
  path <- orderly_unzip_git_demo()
  sha1 <- git_ref_to_sha("master", path)
  sha2 <- git_ref_to_sha("other", path)

  expect_match(sha1, "^[[:xdigit:]]{40}$")
  expect_match(sha2, "^[[:xdigit:]]{40}$")
  expect_true(sha1 != sha2)

  expect_equal(git_ref_to_sha("HEAD", path), sha1)
  expect_equal(git_branch_name(path), "master")

  expect_identical(git_ref_to_sha("unknown", path),
  expect_error(git_ref_to_sha("unknown", path, TRUE),
               "Git reference 'unknown' not found")

test_that("checkout_branch checks", {
  path <- orderly_unzip_git_demo()
  filename <- file.path(path, "dirty")
  expect_error(git_checkout_branch("other", root = path),
               "working directory must be clean")

test_that("detect missing ref", {
  path <- orderly_prepare_orderly_git_example()
  path1 <- path[["origin"]]
  path2 <- path[["local"]]

  sha1 <- git_ref_to_sha("HEAD", path1)
  sha2 <- git_ref_to_sha("HEAD", path2)

  expect_true(git_ref_exists(sha1, path1))
  expect_true(git_ref_exists(sha2, path2))

  expect_true(git_ref_exists(sha2, path1))
  expect_false(git_ref_exists(sha1, path2))

  expect_true(git_ref_exists("master", path1))
  expect_true(git_ref_exists("master", path2))

  expect_false(git_ref_exists("origin/master", path1))
  expect_true(git_ref_exists("origin/master", path2))

  expect_false(git_ref_exists("origin/other", path1))
  expect_true(git_ref_exists("origin/other", path2))

  expect_true(git_ref_exists("other", path1))
  expect_true(git_ref_exists("other", path2))

  expect_false(git_ref_exists("foo", path1))
  expect_false(git_ref_exists("foo", path2))

test_that("handle failure", {
  path <- orderly_prepare_orderly_git_example()
  r <- git_run("unknown-command", root = path[["origin"]])
    git_run("unknown-command", root = path[["origin"]], check = TRUE),
    r$output, fixed = TRUE)

test_that("can get unmerged branches from git", {
  path <- orderly_prepare_orderly_git_example()
  ## Create another branch for testing
  prev <- git_checkout_branch("other", root = path[["local"]])
  prev <- git_checkout_branch("new-branch", root = path[["local"]],
                              create = TRUE)

  branches <- git_branches_no_merged(path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(nrow(branches), 1)
  expect_equal(colnames(branches), c("name", "last_commit", "last_commit_age"))
  ## Branch not on remote are not returned
  expect_equal(branches$name, "other")
               "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$")
  expect_type(branches$last_commit_age, "integer")

  branches <- git_branches_no_merged(path[["local"]], include_default = TRUE)
  expect_equal(nrow(branches), 2)
  expect_equal(colnames(branches), c("name", "last_commit", "last_commit_age"))
  expect_equal(branches$name, c("master", "other"))

test_that("gh-pages branch is ignored in list of not merged branches", {
  path <- orderly_prepare_orderly_git_example()
  ## Create another branch for testing
  prev <- git_checkout_branch("other", root = path[["local"]])
  prev <- git_checkout_branch("gh-pages", root = path[["local"]], create = TRUE)

  branches <- git_branches_no_merged(path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(nrow(branches), 1)
  expect_true(!("gh-pages" %in% branches$name))

test_that("can get commit history for a branch", {
  path <- orderly_prepare_orderly_git_example()

  commits <- git_commits("master", path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(nrow(commits), 1)
  expect_equal(colnames(commits), c("id", "date_time", "age"))
  expect_type(commits$id, "character")
               "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$")
  expect_type(commits$age, "integer")

  other_commits <- git_commits("other", path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(nrow(other_commits), 1)
  expect_equal(colnames(other_commits), c("id", "date_time", "age"))
  expect_type(other_commits$id, "character")
               "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$")
  ## Commit from master branch is not returned
  expect_true(commits$id != other_commits$id)

test_that("git commits lists merge commit", {
  ## If we have a case like
  ## master  (A)-(B)       #nolint
  ##          \
  ## other    (A)-(C)      #nolint
  ## And we merge master into other we get
  ## master  (A)-(B)          #nolint
  ##          \
  ## other    (A)-(C)-(B)-(D) #nolint
  ## where (D) is a merge commit
  ## If we git_commits("other") we want to have all unmerged commits listed
  ## i.e. C and D

  path <- orderly_prepare_orderly_git_example()

  commits <- git_commits("other", path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(nrow(commits), 1)

  ## Add a commit to master which is not on other branch
  writeLines("example", file.path(path[["local"]], "file.txt"))
  git_run(c("add", "."), root = path[["local"]])
  git_run(c("commit", "-m", "\"add example\""), root = path[["local"]])
  ## Can't push as upstream is a non-bare repository, unless we set
  ## the git config to allow it
  git_run(c("config", "receive.denyCurrentBranch updateInstead"),
          root = path[["origin"]])
  git_run(c("push", "--set-upstream origin master"),
          root = path[["local"]])

  ## Merge master into other
  git_checkout_branch("other", root = path[["local"]])
  git_run(c("merge", "master"), root = path[["local"]])
  git_run(c("push", "--set-upstream origin other"),
          root = path[["local"]])

  commits <- git_commits("other", path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(nrow(commits), 2)

  master_commits <- git_commits("master", path[["local"]])
  expect_false(any(master_commits$id %in% commits$id))

test_that("can get report list from git", {
  path <- orderly_prepare_orderly_git_example()

  commits <- git_commits("master", path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(nrow(commits), 1)
  reports <- get_reports("master", commits$id, FALSE, "master", path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(reports, c("global", "minimal"))

  other_commits <- git_commits("other", path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(nrow(other_commits), 1)
  other_reports <- get_reports("other", other_commits$id, FALSE,
                               "master", path[["local"]])
  expect_true("other" %in% other_reports)

  ## git_commits works with NULL branch and commit
  default_reports <- get_reports(NULL, NULL, FALSE, "master", path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(default_reports, reports)

test_that("report only shows when pushed to remote", {
  path <- orderly_prepare_orderly_git_example()

  ## Make a change to other and test that it isn't listed in call to
  ## git_commits
  invisible(git_checkout_branch("other", root = path[["local"]]))
  dir.create(file.path(path[["local"]], "src/new-report"))
  invisible(file.copy(file.path(path[["local"]], "src/minimal"),
                      file.path(path[["local"]], "src/new-report"),
                      recursive = TRUE))
  invisible(git_run(c("add", "."), root = path[["local"]]))
  invisible(git_run(c("commit", "-m", "'add another report'"),
                    root = path[["local"]]))

  other_commits <- git_commits("other", path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(nrow(other_commits), 1)
  other_reports <- get_reports("other", other_commits$id, FALSE,
                               "master", path[["local"]])
  expect_true("other" %in% other_reports)

  ## Push to remote
  invisible(git_run(c("push", "--set-upstream origin other"),
                    root = path[["local"]]))

  other_commits <- git_commits("other", path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(nrow(other_commits), 2)
  other_reports <- get_reports("other", other_commits$id[[1]], FALSE,
                               "master", path[["local"]])
  expect_true(all(c("other", "new-report") %in% other_reports))

test_that("get_reports only shows one sided changes", {
  path <- orderly_prepare_orderly_git_example()

  ## At the moment we have
  ## master  (A)-(B)        #nolint
  ##          \
  ## other    (X)
  ## Where B is a commit without a report in it

  ## We want to test divergent branches where both branches contain a report
  ## which doesn't exist on the other branch.
  ## Create something like
  ## master  (A)-(B)-(C)    #nolint
  ##          \
  ## other    (X)
  ## Where commit C contains a report and test that when listing reports on
  ## commit X that the report added in commit C is not returned.

  ## Add a new commit to master branch containing a report
  invisible(dir.create(file.path(path[["origin"]], "src/new-report")))
  invisible(file.copy(file.path(path[["origin"]], "src/minimal"),
                      file.path(path[["origin"]], "src/new-report"),
                      recursive = TRUE))
  invisible(git_run(c("add", "."), root = path[["origin"]]))
  invisible(git_run(c("commit", "-m", "'add another report'"),
                    root = path[["origin"]]))

  commits <- git_commits("master", path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(nrow(commits), 3)
  reports <- get_reports("master", commits$id[[1]], FALSE, "master",
  expect_equal(reports, c("global", "minimal", "new-report"))

  other_commits <- git_commits("other", path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(nrow(other_commits), 1)
  other_reports <- get_reports("other", other_commits$id, FALSE, "master",
  expect_true("other" %in% other_reports)

test_that("get reports can show all reports on a branch", {
  path <- orderly_prepare_orderly_git_example()

  ## with a commit & a branch
  other_commits <- git_commits("other", path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(nrow(other_commits), 1)
  other_reports <- get_reports("other", other_commits$id, TRUE, "master",
  expect_true(all(c("global", "minimal", "other") %in% other_reports))

  other_reports <- get_reports("other", other_commits$id, FALSE, "master",
  expect_true("other" %in% other_reports)
  expect_true(!any(c("global", "minimal") %in% other_reports))

test_that("get reports can show all reports on a branch without a commit", {
  path <- orderly_prepare_orderly_git_example()

  ## with a commit & a branch
  other_reports <- get_reports("other", NULL, TRUE, "master", path[["local"]])
  expect_true(all(c("global", "minimal", "other") %in% other_reports))

test_that("can get parameters from a report", {
  path <- orderly_prepare_orderly_git_example()

  ## Write some parameters lines to the upstream yml and commit it
  origin_yml <- file.path(path[["origin"]], "src", "minimal", "orderly.yml")
  yml <- readLines(origin_yml)
  text <- c(yml, c(
    "  a: ~",
    "  b:",
    "    default: test",
    "  c:",
    "    default: 2"
  writeLines(text, origin_yml)
  invisible(git_run(c("add", "."), root = path[["origin"]]))
  invisible(git_run(c("commit", "-m", "'add parameters'"),
                    root = path[["origin"]]))

  commits <- git_commits("master", path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(nrow(commits), 3)
  params <- get_report_parameters("minimal", commits$id[1], path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(params, list(
    a = NULL,
    b = list(
      default = "test"
    c = list(
      default = 2
  params <- get_report_parameters("global", commits$id[1], path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(params, NULL)

  other_commits <- git_commits("other", path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(nrow(other_commits), 1)
  params <- get_report_parameters("other", other_commits$id, path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(params, list(nmin = NULL))

  ## get report parameters defaults to latest commit if NULL or NA
  default_params <- get_report_parameters("minimal", NULL, path[["origin"]])
  expect_equal(default_params, list(a = NULL,
                                    b = list(default = "test"),
                                    c = list(default = 2)))

  default_params <- get_report_parameters("minimal", NA, path[["origin"]])
  expect_equal(default_params, list(a = NULL,
                                    b = list(default = "test"),
                                    c = list(default = 2)))

test_that("get_report_parameters handles errors", {
    get_report_parameters("rep1", "commit1", "."),
    "Failed to get report parameters for report 'rep1' and commit 'commit1':")

  mockery::stub(get_report_parameters, "git_run", list(
    success = FALSE,
    code = 1,
    output = NULL
    get_report_parameters("rep1", "commit1", "."),
      "Failed to get report parameters for report 'rep1' and commit 'commit1':",
      "\nNon zero exit code from git"))

  mockery::stub(get_report_parameters, "git_run", list(
    success = TRUE,
    code = 0,
    output = "[invalid_yml"
    get_report_parameters("report1", "commit1", "."),
      "Failed to parse yml for report 'report1' and commit 'commit1':",
      "\nParser error: "))

test_that("git commits won't interpret ambiguous hash as number", {
  mock_log <- list(
    success = TRUE,
    code = 0,
    output = c("1234e56,1604998406")
  mockery::stub(git_commits, "git_run", mock_log)
  commits <- git_commits("master")
  expect_type(commits$id, "character")
  expect_equal(commits$id, "1234e56")

  mock_log <- list(
    success = TRUE,
    code = 0,
    output = c("1234e23,1604998406",
  mockery::stub(git_commits, "git_run", mock_log)
  commits <- git_commits("master")
  expect_type(commits$id, "character")

test_that("git_pull updates git", {
  path <- orderly_prepare_orderly_git_example()

  commits <- git_commits("master", path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(nrow(commits), 1)

  pull <- git_pull(path[["local"]])

  commits <- git_commits("master", path[["local"]])
  expect_equal(nrow(commits), 2)

test_that("can clone a local repo", {
  path <- orderly_git_example("minimal")

  destination <- git_clone_local(path)
  expect_true(!identical(path, destination))
  ## gitignored files in source path are not copied
  expect_true(all(list.files(destination) %in% list.files(path)))

  ## Cloned and original repos have same remote
  original_remote <- git_run(c("config", "--get", "remote.origin.url"),
                             root = path, check = TRUE)
  cloned_remote <- git_run(c("config", "--get", "remote.origin.url"),
                             root = destination, check = TRUE)
  expect_equal(original_remote, cloned_remote)

test_that("git show", {
  path <- orderly_unzip_git_demo()
  yml <- file.path("src/minimal/orderly.yml")
  out <- git_show(yml, root = path)
  expect_equal(out$output, readLines(file.path(path, yml)))

  ## Reading from another branch
  master <- git_checkout_branch("example", root = path, create = TRUE)
  writeLines("test new line", file.path(path, yml))
  git_run(c("add", "."), root = path, check = TRUE)
  git_run(c("commit", "-m", "'add line'"), root = path, check = TRUE)
  hash <- git_run(c("rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD"), root = path, check = TRUE)
  contents <- readLines(file.path(path, yml))
  git_checkout_branch(master, root = path)

  out <- git_show(yml, ref = hash$output, root = path)
  expect_equal(out$output, contents)
vimc/orderly.server documentation built on July 27, 2023, 5:07 p.m.