
Defines functions vwReg

# Version history:
# 0.1: original code
# 0.1.1: changed license to FreeBSD; re-established compability to ggplot2 (new version 0.9.2)

## Visually weighted regression / Watercolor plots
## Idea: Solomon Hsiang, with additional ideas from many blog commenters

# B = number bootstrapped smoothers
# shade: plot the shaded confidence region?
# shade.alpha: should the CI shading fade out at the edges? (by reducing alpha; 0 = no alpha decrease, 0.1 = medium alpha decrease, 0.5 = strong alpha decrease)
# spag: plot spaghetti lines?
# spag.color: color of spaghetti lines
# mweight: should the median smoother be visually weighted?
# show.lm: should the linear regresison line be plotted?
# show.CI: should the 95% CI limits be plotted?
# show.median: should the median smoother be plotted?
# median.col: color of the median smoother
# shape: shape of points
# method: the fitting function for the spaghettis; default: loess
# bw = TRUE: define a default b&w-palette
# slices: number of slices in x and y direction for the shaded region. Higher numbers make a smoother plot, but takes longer to draw. I wouldn'T go beyond 500
# palette: provide a custom color palette for the watercolors
# ylim: restrict range of the watercoloring
# quantize: either "continuous", or "SD". In the latter case, we get three color regions for 1, 2, and 3 SD (an idea of John Mashey)
# add: if add == FALSE, a new ggplot is returned. If add == TRUE, only the elements are returned, which can be added to an existing ggplot (with the '+' operator)
# show.point should the point be plotted? 
# ...: further parameters passed to the fitting function, in the case of loess, for example, "span = .9", or "family = 'symmetric'"
vwReg <- function(formula, data, title="", B=1000, shade=TRUE, shade.alpha=.1, spag=FALSE, spag.color="darkblue", mweight=TRUE, show.lm=FALSE, show.median = TRUE, median.col = "white", shape = 21, show.CI=FALSE, method=loess, bw=FALSE, slices=200, palette=colorRampPalette(c("#FFEDA0", "#DD0000"), bias=2)(20), ylim=NULL, quantize = "continuous",  add=FALSE, show.points=TRUE, alpha=1, point.color="black", name=NULL,   ...) {
    IV <- all.vars(formula)[2]
    DV <- all.vars(formula)[1]
    if(is.null(name) ) name = deparse(substitute(data)) 
    data <- na.omit(data[order(data[, IV]), c(IV, DV)])
    if (bw == TRUE) {
        palette <- colorRampPalette(c("#EEEEEE", "#999999", "#333333"), bias=2)(20)

    print("Computing boostrapped smoothers ...")
    newx <- data.frame(seq(min(data[, IV]), max(data[, IV]), length=slices))
    colnames(newx) <- IV
    l0.boot <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(newx), ncol=B)
    l0 <- method(formula, data)
    for (i in 1:B) {
        data2 <- data[sample(nrow(data), replace=TRUE), ]
        data2 <- data2[order(data2[, IV]), ]
        if (class(l0)=="loess") {
            m1 <- method(formula, data2, control = loess.control(surface = "i", statistics="a", trace.hat="a"), ...)
        } else {
            m1 <- method(formula, data2, ...)
        l0.boot[, i] <- predict(m1, newdata=newx)

    # compute median and CI limits of bootstrap
    CI.boot <- adply(l0.boot, 1, function(x) quantile(x, prob=c(.025, .5, .975, pnorm(c(-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3))), na.rm=TRUE))[, -1]
    colnames(CI.boot)[1:10] <- c("LL", "M", "UL", paste0("SD", 1:7))
    CI.boot$x <- newx[, 1]
    CI.boot$width <- CI.boot$UL - CI.boot$LL
    # scale the CI width to the range 0 to 1 and flip it (bigger numbers = narrower CI)
    CI.boot$w2 <- (CI.boot$width - min(CI.boot$width))
    CI.boot$w3 <- 1-(CI.boot$w2/max(CI.boot$w2))

    # convert bootstrapped spaghettis to long format
    b2 <- melt(l0.boot)
    b2$x <- newx[,1]
    colnames(b2) <- c("index", "B", "value", "x")

    # Construct ggplot
    # All plot elements are constructed as a list, so they can be added to an existing ggplot
    # if add == FALSE: provide the basic ggplot object
    p0 <- ggplot(data, aes_string(x=IV, y=DV)) + theme_bw()
    # initialize elements with NULL (if they are defined, they are overwritten with something meaningful)
    gg.tiles <- gg.poly <- gg.spag <- gg.median <- gg.CI1 <- gg.CI2 <- gg.lm <- gg.points <- gg.title <- NULL

    if (shade == TRUE) {
        quantize <- match.arg(quantize, c("continuous", "SD"))
        if (quantize == "continuous") {
            print("Computing density estimates for each vertical cut ...")
            if (is.null(ylim)) {
                min_value <- min(min(l0.boot, na.rm=TRUE), min(data[, DV], na.rm=TRUE))
                max_value <- max(max(l0.boot, na.rm=TRUE), max(data[, DV], na.rm=TRUE))
                ylim <- c(min_value, max_value)

            # vertical cross-sectional density estimate
            d2 <- ddply(b2[, c("x", "value")], .(x), function(df) {
                res <- data.frame(density(df$value, na.rm=TRUE, n=slices, from=ylim[1], to=ylim[2])[c("x", "y")])
                #res <- data.frame(density(df$value, na.rm=TRUE, n=slices)[c("x", "y")])
                colnames(res) <- c("y", "dens")
            }, .progress="text")

            maxdens <- max(d2$dens)
            mindens <- min(d2$dens)
            d2$dens.scaled <- (d2$dens - mindens)/maxdens  
            ## Tile approach
            d2$alpha.factor <- d2$dens.scaled^shade.alpha
            gg.tiles <-  list(geom_tile(data=d2, aes(x=x, y=y, fill=dens.scaled, alpha=alpha.factor)), scale_fill_gradientn(name, colours=palette), scale_alpha_continuous(range=c(0.001, 1)))
        if (quantize == "SD") {
            ## Polygon approach
            SDs <- melt(CI.boot[, c("x", paste0("SD", 1:7))], id.vars="x")
            count <- 0
            d3 <- data.frame()
            col <- c(1,2,3,3,2,1)
            for (i in 1:6) {
                seg1 <- SDs[SDs$variable == paste0("SD", i), ]
                seg2 <- SDs[SDs$variable == paste0("SD", i+1), ]
                seg <- rbind(seg1, seg2[nrow(seg2):1, ])
                seg$group <- count
                seg$col <- col[i]
                count <- count + 1
                d3 <- rbind(d3, seg)
            gg.poly <-  list(geom_polygon(data=d3, aes(x=x, y=value, color=NULL, fill=col, group=group), alpha=0.6), 
			     scale_fill_gradientn(name, colours=palette, values=seq(-1, 3, 1),  breaks=1:3, labels=paste0(3:1, "sd")))
    print("Build ggplot figure ...")
    if (spag==TRUE) {
      b2$name <- name
        #gg.spag <- list( geom_path(data=b2, aes(x=x, y=value, group=B, colour=name), size=0.7, alpha=10/B ), scale_color_manual(name,  values=c(spag.color)))
        #gg.spag <- geom_path(data=b2, aes(x=x, y=value, group=B, colour=name), size=0.7, alpha=10/B, show_guide=T)
        gg.spag <- list(geom_path(data=b2, aes(x=x, y=value, group=B, colour=name), size=1.5, alpha=10/B) )
        #gg.spag <-  geom_path(data=b2, aes(x=x, y=value, group=B, color=eval(spag.color)), size=0.7, alpha=10/B)
    if (show.median == TRUE) {
        if (mweight == TRUE) {
            gg.median <-  geom_path(data=CI.boot, aes(x=x, y=M ), alpha=(CI.boot$w3)^3, size=.6, linejoin="mitre", color=median.col)
        } else {
            gg.median <-  geom_path(data=CI.boot, aes(x=x, y=M), size = 0.6, linejoin="mitre", color=median.col)
    # Confidence limits
    if (show.CI == TRUE) {
        gg.CI1 <- geom_path(data=CI.boot, aes(x=x, y=UL), size=1, color="red")
        gg.CI2 <- geom_path(data=CI.boot, aes(x=x, y=LL), size=1, color="red")
    # plain linear regression line
    if (show.lm==TRUE) {gg.lm <- geom_smooth(method="lm", color="darkgreen", se=FALSE)}
    if(show.points==TRUE) gg.points <- geom_point(data=data, aes_string(x=IV, y=DV), size=1, shape=shape, color= point.color, alpha = alpha)       
    #if(show.points==TRUE) gg.points <- geom_point(data=data, aes_string(x=IV, y=DV), size=1, shape=shape, fill="white", color="black", alpha = alpha)       
    if (title != "") {
        gg.title <- theme(title=title)

    gg.elements <- list(gg.tiles, gg.poly , gg.spag, gg.median, gg.CI1, gg.CI2, gg.lm, gg.points, gg.title) 
    #gg.elements <- list(gg.tiles, gg.poly, gg.spag, gg.median, gg.CI1, gg.CI2, gg.lm, gg.points, gg.title)
    if (add == FALSE) {
        return(p0 + gg.elements)
    } else {
vinash85/avinash documentation built on Jan. 7, 2021, 1:44 a.m.