#' Quick overview of numeric or categorical variables
#' This function was inspired by the excellent `skimr` package for R.
#' See the Details and Examples sections below, and the vignettes on the
#' `modelsummary` website:
#' * https://modelsummary.com/
#' * https://modelsummary.com/articles/datasummary.html
#' @inheritParams datasummary
#' @inheritParams modelsummary
#' @import data.table
#' @param type String. Variables to summarize: "all", "numeric", "categorical", "dataset"
#' @param by Character vector of grouping variables to compute statistics over.
#' @param fun_numeric Named list of funtions to apply to each numeric column of `data`. If `fun_numeric` includes "Histogram" or "Density", inline plots are inserted. This argument is only used when `type="numeric"` or `"all"`.
#' @template kableExtra2tinytable
#' @template citation
#' @template options
#' @examplesIf FALSE
#' dat <- mtcars
#' dat$vs <- as.logical(dat$vs)
#' dat$cyl <- as.factor(dat$cyl)
#' datasummary_skim(dat)
#' datasummary_skim(dat, type = "categorical")
#' @export
datasummary_skim <- function(data,
output = getOption("modelsummary_output", default = "default"),
type = getOption("modelsummary_type", default = "all"),
fmt = 1,
title = getOption("modelsummary_title", default = NULL),
notes = getOption("modelsummary_notes", default = NULL),
align = getOption("modelsummary_align", default = NULL),
escape = getOption("modelsummary_escape", default = TRUE),
by = getOption("modelsummary_by", default = NULL),
fun_numeric = getOption("modelsummary_fun_numeric", default = list(
"Unique" = NUnique,
"Missing Pct." = PercentMissing,
"Mean" = Mean,
"SD" = SD,
"Min" = Min,
"Median" = Median,
"Max" = Max,
"Histogram" = function(x) "")),
...) {
## settings
settings_init(settings = list("function_called" = "datasummary_skim"))
tmp <- sanitize_output(output) # before sanitize_escape
output_format <- tmp$output_format
output_factory <- tmp$output_factory
output_file <- tmp$output_file
sanitize_escape(escape) # after sanitize_output
checkmate::assert_list(fun_numeric, min.len = 1, names = "unique")
for (fun_numeric_element in fun_numeric) {
checkmate::assert_character(by, null.ok = TRUE)
if (!is.null(by)) {
checkmate::assert_true(all(by %in% colnames(data)))
dots <- list(...)
if (isFALSE(dots[["histogram"]])) {
fun_numeric[["Histogram"]] <- NULL
insight::format_warning("The `histogram` argument is deprecated. Use `fun_numeric` instead.")
# in 2.0.0, histogram is a tinytable-specific option.
if (!settings_equal("output_factory", c("tinytable", "dataframe"))) {
insight::format_warning("Inline histograms in `datasummary_skim()` are only supported for tables produced by the `tinytable` backend.")
fun_numeric[["Histogram"]] <- NULL
checkmate::assert_choice(type, c("all", "numeric", "categorical", "dataset"))
# tables does not play well with tibbles
data <- as.data.frame(data)
if (type == "all" && !settings_equal("output_factory", "tinytable")) {
insight::format_warning("`type='all'` is only supported for the `tinytable` backend. Set the `type` argument explicitly to suppress this warning.")
type <- "numeric"
if (type == "all") {
a <- tryCatch(
output = "tinytable", fmt = fmt, by = by,
title = title, notes = notes, align = align,
escape = FALSE, fun_numeric = fun_numeric, ...),
error = function(e) e$message)
b <- tryCatch(
output = "tinytable", fmt = fmt,
title = title, notes = notes, align = align,
escape = FALSE, ...),
error = function(e) e$message)
data_list <- attr(a, "data_list")
if (inherits(a, "tinytable") && inherits(b, "tinytable")) {
out <- tinytable::rbind2(a, b, use_names = FALSE)
out <- tinytable::format_tt(out, replace = "")
out <- tinytable::style_tt(out, i = nrow(a) + 1, line = "t", line_size = .3)
if (identical(output_format, "html")) {
out <- tinytable::style_tt(out, i = nrow(a) + 1, bold = TRUE, line = "bt", line_color = "#d3d8dc")
} else if (!inherits(a, "tinytable") && !inherits(b, "tinytable")) {
insight::format_error(a, b)
} else if (inherits(a, "tinytable")) {
out <- a
} else if (inherits(b, "tinytable")) {
out <- b
ofmt <- output_format
if (isTRUE(ofmt %in% c("latex", "markdown", "html", "typst", "dataframe"))) {
out@output <- ofmt
ofile <- output_file
if (!is.null(ofile)) {
tinytable::save_tt(out, output = ofile, overwrite = TRUE)
out <- tinytable::format_tt(out, escape = escape)
} else if (type == "numeric") {
out <- datasummary_skim_numeric(data,
output = output, fmt = fmt, by = by,
title = title, notes = notes, align = align,
escape = escape, fun_numeric = fun_numeric, ...)
data_list <- attr(out, "data_list")
} else if (type == "categorical") {
out <- datasummary_skim_categorical(data,
output = output, fmt = fmt,
title = title, notes = notes, align = align,
escape = escape, ...)
} else if (type == "dataset") {
out <- datasummary_skim_dataset(data,
output = output, title = title,
notes = notes, align = align,
escape = escape, ...)
if (inherits(out, "tinytable")) {
if ("Histogram" %in% out@names && !is.null(data_list)) {
out <- tinytable::plot_tt(out, i = seq_along(data_list), j = "Histogram", fun = "histogram", data = data_list)
if ("Density" %in% out@names && !is.null(data_list)) {
out <- tinytable::plot_tt(out, i = seq_along(data_list), j = "Density", fun = "density", data = data_list)
if (!is.null(output_file)) {
} else {
if (output == "jupyter" || (output == "default" && settings_equal("output_default", "jupyter"))) {
#' Internal function to skim whole datasets
#' @noRd
datasummary_skim_dataset <- function(
...) {
is.binary <- function(x) {
tryCatch(length(unique(stats::na.omit(x))) == 2, error = function(e) FALSE, silent = TRUE)
rounding <- fmt_decimal(digits = 0)
out <- c(
Rows = rounding(nrow(data)),
Columns = rounding(ncol(data)),
# `# Binary` = rounding(sum(sapply(data, is.binary))),
`# Character` = rounding(sum(sapply(data, is.character))),
`# Factor` = rounding(sum(sapply(data, is.factor))),
`# Logical` = rounding(sum(sapply(data, is.logical))),
`# Numeric` = rounding(sum(sapply(data, is.numeric))),
`% Missing` = rounding(mean(is.na(data) * 100))
out <- data.frame(names(out), out)
out <- out[out[[2]] != "0" | out[[1]] == "% Missing", ]
row.names(out) <- NULL
colnames(out) <- c(" ", " ")
out <- datasummary_df(
data = out,
output = output,
title = title,
align = align,
notes = notes,
#' Internal function to skim numeric variables
#' @noRd
datasummary_skim_numeric <- function(data,
by = NULL,
fun_numeric = NULL,
...) {
# subset of numeric variables
idx <- sapply(data, is.numeric)
idx[colnames(data) %in% by] <- TRUE
if (!any(idx)) insight::format_error("data contains no numeric variable.")
dat_new <- data[, idx, drop = FALSE]
# subset of non-NA variables
idx <- sapply(dat_new, function(x) !all(is.na(x)))
if (!any(idx)) insight::format_error("all numeric variables are completely missing.")
dat <- dat_new[, idx, drop = FALSE]
# too large
if (ncol(dat) > 250) {
insight::format_error("Cannot summarize more than 250 variables at a time.")
cols <- setdiff(colnames(dat), by)
dat <- data.table::as.data.table(dat)
funcs <- list(
"Variable" = function(x) "",
"Internal Data List" = function(x) list(x)
funcs <- c(funcs, fun_numeric)
# Compute
rows <- list()
for (v in cols) {
tmp <- dat[, lapply(funcs, function(funny) funny(variable)),
by = by,
env = list("variable" = v)][
, Variable := v]
for (i in seq_along(tmp)) {
class(tmp[[i]]) <- setdiff(class(tmp[[i]]), c("haven_labelled", "vctrs_vctr"))
rows <- c(rows, list(tmp))
rows <- data.table::rbindlist(rows)
data_list <- rows[["Internal Data List"]]
# labels
for (col in colnames(data)) {
lab <- attr(data[[col]], "label")
if (!is.null(lab)) {
rows[Variable == col, Variable := lab]
rows[, Variable := dedup(Variable)]
rows[, `Internal Data List` := NULL]
idx <- unique(c("Variable", by, colnames(rows)))
rows <- rows[, ..idx]
data.table::setnames(rows, old = "Variable", new = " ")
out <- datasummary_df(rows,
fmt = fmt,
output = output)
attr(out, "data_list") <- data_list
#' Internal function to skim categorical variables
#' @noRd
datasummary_skim_categorical <- function(
...) {
dat_new <- data
# pad colnames in case one is named Min, Max, Mean, or other function name
# colnames(dat_new) <- paste0(colnames(dat_new), " ")
drop_too_many_levels <- NULL
drop_entirely_na <- NULL
for (n in colnames(dat_new)) {
# completely missing
if (all(is.na(dat_new[[n]]))) {
dat_new[[n]] <- NULL
drop_entirely_na <- c(drop_entirely_na, n)
if (is.logical(dat_new[[n]]) |
is.character(dat_new[[n]]) |
is.factor(dat_new[[n]])) {
# convert to factor and keep NAs as distinct level
if (is.logical(dat_new[[n]]) | is.character(dat_new[[n]])) {
dat_new[[n]] <- factor(dat_new[[n]], exclude = NULL)
# tables::tabular breaks on ""
if (is.factor(dat_new[[n]]) && "" %in% levels(dat_new[[n]])) {
idx <- levels(dat_new[[n]]) == ""
levels(dat_new[[n]])[idx] <- " "
## factors with too many levels
if (is.factor(dat_new[[n]])) {
if (length(levels(dat_new[[n]])) > 50) {
dat_new[[n]] <- NULL
drop_too_many_levels <- c(drop_too_many_levels, n)
# discard non-factors
} else {
dat_new[[n]] <- NULL
# too small
if (ncol(dat_new) == 0) {
stop("data contains no logical, character, or factor variable.")
# too large
if (ncol(dat_new) > 50) {
stop("Cannot summarize more than 50 variables at a time.")
if (!is.null(drop_too_many_levels)) {
warning(sprintf("These variables were omitted because they include more than 50 levels: %s.", paste(drop_too_many_levels, collapse = ", ")),
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(drop_entirely_na)) {
warning(sprintf("These variables were omitted because they are entirely missing: %s.", paste(drop_entirely_na, collapse = ", ")),
call. = FALSE)
pctformat <- sanitize_fmt(fmt)
f <- All(dat_new, numeric = FALSE, factor = TRUE, logical = TRUE, character = TRUE) ~
(N = 1) * Format() + (`%` = Percent()) * Format(pctformat())
formula = f,
data = dat_new,
output = output,
title = title,
align = align,
notes = notes)
dedup <- function(x) {
if (length(x) < 2) {
for (i in length(x):2) {
if (x[i] == x[i - 1]) {
x[i] <- NA
if (is.character(x)) {
x[is.na(x)] <- ""
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