
#' microsynthesise
#' This function generates an individual population from aggregate census data. Members of the population are
#' categorised by age, sex, ethnicity and geographical location.
#' This file synthesises a population in: MSOA, Sex, Age(single year), Ethnicity
#' The input data are loaded automatically and derive from 2011 census tables containing:
#'   Aggregates of Persons per MSOA, Sex, Age(band) and Ethnicity
#'   Aggregates of Persons per MSOA, Sex, Age(single year)
#' @return a data.table containing the synthetic population
#' @export
#' @examples
#' synpop = microsynthesise()
microsynthesise = function() {

  # makes use of the following lazy-loaded package data: sexAgeEth, sexAgeYear

  cat(paste("Population: ", sum(sexAgeEth$Persons), "\n"))
  cat("Starting microsynthesis...")

  # Generate aggregate totals for the four categories
  msoa=aggregate(sexAgeEth$Persons, by=list(sexAgeEth$MSOA), FUN=sum)
  sex=aggregate(sexAgeEth$Persons, by=list(sexAgeEth$Sex), FUN=sum)
  age=aggregate(sexAgeEth$Persons, by=list(sexAgeEth$AgeBand), FUN=sum)
  eth=aggregate(sexAgeEth$Persons, by=list(sexAgeEth$Ethnicity), FUN=sum)

  # mapping from age bands to age ranges

  # overall population
  n = sum(sexAgeYear$Persons)

  # initialise population table
  synpop=data.table(MSOA=rep("",n), Sex=rep("",n), Age=rep(-1,n), Ethnicity=rep("",n))

  index = 1L

  # microsim to get sex-age-eth expanded to single year of age, preserving marginal totals in area, sex, age band and ethnicity

  # loop over MSOAs
  for (a in msoa$Group.1) {
    # loop over genders
    for (s in sex$Group.1) {
      # loop over age bands
      for (b in age$Group.1) {
        # marginal labels
        l1 = sexAgeEth[sexAgeEth$MSOA==a & sexAgeEth$Sex==s & sexAgeEth$AgeBand==b,]$Ethnicity
        l2 = sexAgeYear[sexAgeYear$MSOA==a & sexAgeYear$Sex==s & sexAgeYear$Age >= ageLookup[Band==b]$LBound & sexAgeYear$Age <= ageLookup[Band==b]$UBound,]$Age
        # marginal frequencies
        m1 = sexAgeEth[sexAgeEth$MSOA==a & sexAgeEth$Sex==s & sexAgeEth$AgeBand==b,]$Persons
        m2 = sexAgeYear[sexAgeYear$MSOA==a & sexAgeYear$Sex==s & sexAgeYear$Age >= ageLookup[Band==b]$LBound & sexAgeYear$Age <= ageLookup[Band==b]$UBound,]$Persons
        # microsynthesis (if people exist in MSOA/sex/age combination)
        if (sum(m1)>0) {
          res = humanleague::synthPop(list(m1,m2))
          # insert into the main population
          for (i in 1:nrow(res$pop)) {
            set(synpop,index,"MSOA", a)
            set(synpop,index,"Sex", s)
            set(synpop,index,"Age", l2[res$pop$C1[i]+1])
            set(synpop,index,"Ethnicity", l1[res$pop$C0[i]+1])
            index = index + 1L


  cat("Checking consistency of microsynthesised population...")
  # do some spot-checks on the population to ensure it's consistent
  # ensure all rows populated
  stopifnot(nrow(synpop[Age==-1]) == 0)
  # check sex totals match
  stopifnot(nrow(synpop[Sex=="M"]) == sum(sexAgeYear[sexAgeYear$Sex=="M",]$Persons))
  stopifnot(nrow(synpop[Sex=="F"]) == sum(sexAgeYear[sexAgeYear$Sex=="F",]$Persons))
  # check some age totals match
  stopifnot(nrow(synpop[Age==8]) == sum(sexAgeYear[sexAgeYear$Age==8,]$Persons))
  stopifnot(nrow(synpop[Age==48]) == sum(sexAgeYear[sexAgeYear$Age==48,]$Persons))
  # check some ethnicity totals match
  stopifnot(nrow(synpop[Ethnicity=="OTH"]) == sum(sexAgeEth[sexAgeEth$Ethnicity=="OTH",]$Persons))
  stopifnot(nrow(synpop[Ethnicity=="BLC"]) == sum(sexAgeEth[sexAgeEth$Ethnicity=="BLC",]$Persons))
  stopifnot(nrow(synpop[Ethnicity=="BAN"]) == sum(sexAgeEth[sexAgeEth$Ethnicity=="BAN",]$Persons))
  # check some MSOA totals match
  stopifnot(nrow(synpop[MSOA=="E02000864"]) == sum(sexAgeEth[sexAgeEth$MSOA=="E02000864",]$Persons))
  stopifnot(nrow(synpop[MSOA=="E02000888"]) == sum(sexAgeEth[sexAgeEth$MSOA=="E02000888",]$Persons))
  stopifnot(nrow(synpop[MSOA=="E02006854"]) == sum(sexAgeEth[sexAgeEth$MSOA=="E02006854",]$Persons))


  # save data
virgesmith/demographyMicrosim documentation built on May 29, 2019, 12:42 p.m.