
Defines functions get_ontology run_go

Documented in get_ontology run_go

# --------- get_ontology ----------

#' Run GO enrichment analysis for a specified ontology.
#' \code{get_ontology} uses \code{\link[GOstats]{hyperGTest}} to calculate
#' hypergeometric statistics (for over-representation of each GO term);
#' \code{\link[=GOHyperGResult-class]{GOstats::summary}} to return the summarized
#' results with adjusted p values using \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust}} function
#' and the method "bonferroni".
#' @param gene_id Character vector of unique ENTREZ gene identifiers of
#'  interest.
#' @param universe Character vector of unique ENTREZ gene identifiers to be used
#'  as a universe.
#' @param ontology Character string specifying the ontology, must be either
#'  "BP", "CC" or "MF".
#' @param set_label Character string used to populate the column
#'  \strong{set_label}. This parameter is optional. It is used for
#'  identification of results when \code{get_ontology} is used in a loop.
#' @param annotation Character string with the name of the annotation data
#'  package.
#' @return Data frame with the following columns: \strong{goid},
#'  \strong{pvalue}, \strong{odds_ratio}, \strong{exp_count}, \strong{count},
#'  \strong{size}, \strong{term}, \strong{p_bonferroni}, \strong{ontology},
#'  \strong{set_label} (if provided).
#' @seealso \code{\link[GOstats]{hyperGTest}},
#' \code{\link[=GOHyperGResult-class]{GOstats::summary}}.
#' @export

get_ontology <- function(gene_id, universe, annotation,
                         ontology, set_label){
  params <- methods::new("GOHyperGParams", geneIds = gene_id,
                         universeGeneIds = universe,
                         annotation = annotation,
                         ontology = ontology,
                         pvalueCutoff = 1,
                         conditional = FALSE,
                         testDirection = "over")
  hg_over_test <- GOstats::hyperGTest(params)
  hg_over_results <- GOstats::summary(hg_over_test)
  hg_over_results <- hg_over_results %>%
    dplyr::mutate(p_bonferroni = stats::p.adjust(.data$Pvalue,
                                                 method = "bonferroni"),
                  ontology = ontology)
  # rename the columns
  colnames(hg_over_results)[1:7] <- c("goid", "pvalue", "odds_ratio",
                                      "exp_count", "count", "size", "term")
  if (!missing(set_label)) {
    hg_over_results <- hg_over_results %>%
      dplyr::mutate(set_label = set_label)

# --------- run_parallel_go ----------
#' Run GO analysis on parallel.
#' \code{run_parallel_go} splits provided data frame into a list of data frames
#' based on the values in the column \strong{set_label} and
#' using \code{\link[iterators]{isplit}} function. It then runs
#' \code{get_all_ontologies} in parallel using \pkg{foreach} by sending each
#' data frame onto a worker.
#' @param dat Data frame with two columns: \strong{entrez} and
#'  \strong{set_label}. The column \strong{entrez} should contain ENTREZ gene
#'  identifiers; the column \strong{set_label} should contain labels for
#'  identifiers that will be analyzed as a group.
#' @param species Character string specifying the species, must be one of two
#'  "human" (default) or "mouse". For GO analysis we use
#'  \href{https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/data/annotation/html/org.Hs.eg.db.html}{org.Hs.eg.db}, and for mouse \href{https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/data/annotation/html/org.Mm.eg.db.html}{org.Mm.eg.db}.
#' @param universe Character vector of unique ENTREZ gene identifiers to be used
#'  as a universe.
#' @param ontologies Character vector of ontologies for which to run the
#'  analysis. If not provided the analysis will be run for all ontologies:
#'  cellular component (CC), biological process (BP) and molecular function
#'  (MF).
#' @param cores Integer value representing the number of cores to use. This
#'  parameter is optional. If not provided
#'  \code{\link[foreach]{getDoParWorkers}} function will be called to determine
#'  the number of workers.
#' @param run_parallel Boolean indicating whether to run the execution in
#'  parallel. Default is TRUE. If FALSE parameter \code{cores} will be ignored.
#' @return Data frame with the results of GO enrichment.
#' @seealso \code{get_ontology} to understand the output format.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load test data:
#' data("human_symbol")
#' remove duplicate rows:
#' dat_clean <- deduplicate_rows(human_symbol)
#' # map symbol to ENTREZ gene id:
#' dat_mapped <- map_genes(dat_clean, id = "symbol", species = "human")
#' # extract universe
#' universe <- unique(dat_mapped$entrez)
#' # run GO enrichment in parallel for all three ontologies
#' res <- run_go(dat_mapped, species = "human", universe = universe)
#' }
#' @export

run_go <- function(dat, species = c("human", "mouse"),
                            ontologies, cores,
                            run_parallel = TRUE){
    if (!missing(cores)) {
      doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = cores)
      workers <- foreach::getDoParWorkers()
        crayon::green("Will run GO computation in parallel on", workers,
                      "cores using", foreach::getDoParName(), "backend.")
    } else {
      workers <- foreach::getDoParWorkers()
        crayon::yellow("Parameter 'cores' is not provided. Getting the number of",
                      "available cores with foreach::getDoParWorkers().",
                      "GO enrichment will be run in parallel on",
                      crayon::underline(workers), "cores using ",
                      foreach::getDoParName(), "backend.")
  } else {
      crayon::yellow("Parameter run_parallel is FALSE.",
                    "Computation will be run sequentially.")

  species <- verify_input(input_name = species,
                          input_choices = c("human", "mouse"),
                          input_default = "human")
  if (species == "human") {
    annotation <- "org.Hs.eg.db"
  } else {
    annotation <- "org.Mm.eg.db"
  if (missing(ontologies)) {
    ontologies <- c("BP", "CC", "MF")
      crayon::yellow("Parameter 'ontologies' is not provided.",
                     "Analysis will be run for CC, BP and MF ontologies.")
  } else {
    if (!any(ontologies %in% c("BP", "CC", "MF"))) {
        crayon::red("ERROR: Please provide valid values for the parameter",
                    "'ontologies'. Possible valid values: CC, BP, MF.",
                    "You provided:",
                    crayon::underline(paste0(ontologies, collapse = ",")), ".")
    } else {
      k <- ontologies %in% c("BP", "CC", "MF")
      valid_ont <- ontologies[k]
        crayon::yellow("ATTENTION: You provided the following values for the",
                       "the parameter 'ontologies':",
                       crayon::underline(paste0(ontologies, collapse = ", ")),
                       ". Possible valid values: CC, BP, MF. Analysis will be",
                       "run using",
                       crayon::underline(paste0(valid_ont, collapse = ", ")),
      ontologies <- valid_ont
  iterated_df <- iterators::isplit(dat, as.factor(dat$set_label))
  # to prevent complaining that %dopar% is not found
  `%:%` <- foreach::`%:%`
  `%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
  res <- foreach::foreach(a = iterated_df,
                          .combine = rbind,
                          .packages = c("parallelGO", "GOstats")) %:%
    foreach::foreach(ont = ontologies, .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
        get_ontology(gene_id = a$value$entrez,
                     universe = universe,
                     annotation = annotation,
                     ontology = ont,
                     set_label = a$key[[1]])
      warning = function(w){
                            input_genes = a$value$entrez,
                            input_label = a$key[[1]])
      error = function(e){
                            input_genes = a$value$entrez,
                            input_label = a$key[[1]])
    } # end internal foreach
  # if any jobs created errors or warnings, remove these sets from the output
  res <- remove_errors(res)
vitalinakomashko/parallelGO documentation built on May 18, 2019, 1:32 p.m.