
Defines functions map_genes

Documented in map_genes

#' Map gene identifiers to ENTREZ gene
#' \code{map_genes} provides mapping to ENTREZ gene identifiers for Hugo or
#' Ensembl gene identifiers using either \href{https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/data/annotation/html/org.Mm.eg.db.html}{org.Mm.eg.db} or \href{https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/data/annotation/html/org.Hs.eg.db.html}{org.Hs.eg.db} Bioconductor annotation
#' packages. Function \code{\link[annotate:getSYMBOL]{annotate::lookUp()}}
#' extract the mappings. We use \code{ALIAS2EG} for Hugo - ENTREZ
#' mappings and \code{ENSEMBL} for Ensembl - ENTREZ gene mappings.
#' @param dat Data frame with two columns: \strong{id} and \strong{set_label}.
#' @param id A character string specifying the type of gene identifier in the
#'  data, must of be one of two "symbol" (default) or "ensembl".
#' @param species A character string specifying the species, must be one of two
#'  "human" (default) or "mouse".
#' @return Data frame with two columns: \strong{entrez} and \strong{set_label}.
#' The column with the original identifiers is removed.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load test data:
#' data("human_symbol")
#' # remove duplicate rows:
#' dat_clean <- deduplicate_rows(human_symbol)
#' # map symbol to ENTREZ gene id:
#' dat_mapped <- map_genes(dat_clean, id = "symbol", species = "human")
#' }
#' @export

map_genes <- function(dat, id, species){
  # verify 'species' parameter
  species <- verify_input(input_name = species,
                          input_choices = c("human", "mouse"),
                          input_default = "human")
  # verify 'id' parameter
  id <- verify_input(input_name = id, input_choices = c("symbol", "ensembl"),
                     input_default = "symbol")
  if (species == "mouse") {
    metadata_basename <- "org.Mm.eg"
  } else {
    metadata_basename <- "org.Hs.eg"
  if (id == "symbol") {
    annotation_element <- "ALIAS2EG"
  } else {
    annotation_element <- "ENSEMBL"
    # also, remove versions in ENSEMBL ids in the input dat
    dat$id <- stringr::str_remove(dat$id, "\\..{1,}")
  # this returns a list, where the name is the symbol/ensembl and the value is
  # the character vector of all ENTREZ ids this symbol maps to.
  xx <- annotate::lookUp(dat$id, metadata_basename, annotation_element,
                         load = TRUE)
  # each symbol/ensembl might map to more than one ENTREZ id.
  map_length <- sapply(xx, function(x) length(which(!is.na(x))))
  map_count <- data.frame(matches = unname(map_length), id = names(map_length))
  # summarize
  map_summary <- map_count %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$matches) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(count = n()) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(report = paste(.data$count, .data$matches, sep = ": "))
    crayon::green("Summary of provided identifiers and mapped ENTREZ genes:",
                  paste0(map_summary$report, collapse = "; "), ".")
      crayon::green("If more than 1 match to ENTREZ id is found, only the",
               "first match is used.")
  # extract the first matches only
  first_match_entrez <- sapply(xx, "[", 1)
  # add ENTREZ ids to dat
  dat_with_match <- dplyr::mutate(dat, entrez = unname(first_match_entrez))
  # drop "id" column
  dat_with_match <- dat_with_match[, c("entrez", "set_label")]
  # remove rows with missing ENTREZ (where ENTREZ wasn't found)
  if(any(is.na(dat_with_match$entrez))) {
    k <- which(is.na(dat_with_match$entrez))
    dat_with_match <- dat_with_match[!is.na(dat_with_match$entrez), ]
    if (nrow(dat_with_match) == 0) {
          crayon::red("ERROR: The number of rows after mapping identifiers to",
                   "ENTREZ gene identifiers is 0. Please verify that you used",
                   "correct input values for 'species' and 'id' parameters.",
                   "You used", crayon::underline(species),
                   "for the 'species' parameter and",
                   crayon::underline(id), "for the 'id' parameter.")
    } else if (nrow(dat_with_match) < nrow(dat) / 2) {
        crayon::yellow("ATTENTION: The number of rows after mapping identifiers",
                       "to ENTREZ gene identifiers is less than a half of the",
                       "original identifiers provided.  Please verify that you",
                       "used correct input values for 'species' or 'id'",
                       "parameters. You used ", crayon::underline(species),
                       "for the 'species' parameter and",
                       crayon::underline(id), "for the 'id' parameter.")

    } else {
        crayon::green("SUCCESS: Performed mapping to ENTREZ gene identifiers.",
                      "out of the original", crayon::underline(nrow(dat)),
                      "identifiers were mapped.")
  } else {
        crayon::green("SUCCESS: Performed mapping to ENTREZ gene identifiers.",
                      "All identifiers have been mapped.")
  # remove duplicates
  if (any(duplicated(dat_with_match))) {
    dat_with_match <- unique(dat_with_match)
      crayon::yellow("ATTENTION: Removed duplicated rows after mapping to",
                     "ENTREZ gene identifiers.",
                     "rows remained.")
vitalinakomashko/parallelGO documentation built on May 18, 2019, 1:32 p.m.