
Identity by State with Error

sampleAllele <- function(x) {
  sapply(x, function(g) {
         # TODO could be simpler bernoulli
         p <- matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 1), nrow=3)[g+1L, ]
         sample(c(0L, 1L), prob=p, 1)

halfsibFamily <- function(n, nsites, popsize=1000, ehet=0.8, ehom=0.1) {
  # for sim, we need mom's gametes so normal diploid sample routine won't work
  # instead, we make her grandparent pop, and draw mom and fathers from that
  grandpop <- createDiploidSample(popsize, nsites)

  # grab mom and dad's parents
  grandpars <- sample(1:ncol(grandpop), 2)
  momhaps <- mate(grandpop[, grandpars[1]], grandpop[, grandpars[2]], dont_combine=TRUE)
  randmate <- function(i) {
    mate(grandpop[, sample(1:popsize, 1)], grandpop[, sample(1:popsize, 1)])
  mom_geno <- rowSums(momhaps)

  # create pop for other parents, excluding 1 for mom since we generated her
  pop <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:(popsize-1), randmate))
  fathers <- sample(1:ncol(pop), n) # no replacement, no selfs
  whichmomhap <- sample(1:2, n, replace=TRUE)
  gametes <- mapply(function(f, h) cbind(sampleAllele(pop[, f]), momhaps[, h]),
                    fathers, whichmomhap, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  genos <- lapply(gametes, rowSums)
  genos_error <- lapply(genos, function(g) addGenotypeError(g, ehet=ehet, ehom=ehom))

  # allele freqs in prev generation
  freqs  <- alleleFreqs(grandpop)
  list(genos=genos, genos_error=genos_error, gametes=momhaps, freqs=freqs, whichmomhap=whichmomhap)

hs <- halfsibFamily(30, 500)
g <- do.call(cbind, hs$genos_error)

#cppFunction("double tot_ibs(int p1, int p2, IntegerMatrix g, IntegerMatrix ibs) {
#  double x = 0;
#  for (int i = 0; i < g.nrow(); i++)
#    x += ibs(g(i, p1), g(i, p2));
#  return x;
#ibsDist <- function(x) {
#  stopifnot(typeof(x) == "integer")
#  outer(1:ncol(x), 1:ncol(x), Vectorize(tot_ibs, vectorize.args=c('p1', 'p2')),
#        g=x, ibs=IBS)

IBS <- matrix(as.integer(c(2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2)), nrow=3)

ibs <- function(i, j, g) {
  gi <- g[, i]
  gj <- g[, j]
  mean(IBS[cbind(gi+1L, gj+1L)])

ibsSim <- function(x) {
  stopifnot(typeof(x) == "integer")
  outer(1:ncol(x), 1:ncol(x), Vectorize(ibs, vectorize.args=c('i', 'j')),

plot(hclust(as.dist(2-ibsSim(g))), labels=hs$whichmomhap)

MLE Haplotype Imputation

Our next task is to impute the unseen haplotype states, given our clustering. Here is some prototype code with some benchmarks.

pgh <- function(p) matrix(c(1-p, 0, p, 1-p, 0, p), nrow=2)

mleHapAlleleAlt <- function(x, freqs, ehet=0.8, ehom=0.1) {
  # uses multinomial
  E <- genotypingErrorMatrix(ehet, ehom)
  cnts <- t(apply(x, 1, countGenotypes))[, -4]
  ll <- sapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) {
    gm <- pgh(freqs[i]) %*% E
    c(dmultinom(cnts[i, ], prob=gm[1,]), dmultinom(cnts[i, ], prob=gm[2,]))
  ll <- t(ll)
  list(mle=apply(ll, 1, which.max)-1L, ll=ll)

mleHapAllele <- function(x, freqs, ehet=0.8, ehom=0.1) {
  # probability of exact sequence
  E <- genotypingErrorMatrix(ehet, ehom)
  cnts <- t(apply(x, 1, countGenotypes))[, -4]
  ll <- sapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) {
    gm <- pgh(freqs[i]) %*% E
    colSums(log(t(sapply(x[i, ], function(j) gm[, j+1L]))))
  ll <- t(ll)
  list(mle=apply(ll, 1, which.max)-1L, ll=ll)

haploImpute <- function(genos, freqs, ehet=0.8, ehom=0.1) {
  #hc <- hclust(as.dist(2-ibsSim(genos)))
  #hgrps <- cutree(hc, 2)
  hc <- kmeans(t(genos), 2)
  hgrps <- hc$cluster
  h1 <- mleHapAlleleAlt(genos[, hgrps == 1], freqs, ehet, ehom)
  h2 <- mleHapAlleleAlt(genos[, hgrps == 2], freqs, ehet, ehom)
  haps <- cbind(h1[[1]], h2[[1]])
  ll <- list(h1[[2]], h2[[2]])
  list(haplotypes=haps, ll=ll, group=hgrps, clust=hc)

Let's try this over a set of parameters to assess accuracy. Note that we do not know which inferred haplotype is which true one, which causes problems in assessing accuracy.

famsize <- seq(5, 50, 5)
ehet <- c(seq(0, 0.8, 0.2), 0.9)
ehom <- c(seq(0, 0.8, 0.2), 0.9)
NLOCI <- 1000

params <- expand.grid(famsize=famsize, ehet=ehet, ehom=ehom)

hamming <- function(x, y) sum(x != y)

out <- with(params, mcmapply(function(fs, ehet, ehom) {
       cbn <- expand.grid(1:2, 1:2)
       h <- halfsibFamily(fs, NLOCI, ehet=ehet, ehom=ehom)
       g <- do.call(cbind, h$genos_error)
       ihaps <- haploImpute(g, h$freqs, ehet, ehom)$haplotypes
       cbn$ham <- apply(cbn, 1, function(x) hamming(ihaps[, x[1]], h$gametes[, x[2]]))
       # for each of the true haplotypes, match with closest imputed haplotype
       # since that's all we can do.
       best1 <- cbn$Var1[which.min(cbn$ham[cbn$Var2 == 1])]
       best2 <- cbn$Var1[which.min(cbn$ham[cbn$Var2 == 2])]
       cm <- list(confusionMatrix(ihaps[, best1], h$gametes[, 1]), confusionMatrix(ihaps[, best2], h$gametes[, 2]))
       if (best1 == best2) warning("best haplotype is same")
       message(sprintf("complete sim: famsize=%d, ehet=%0.3f, ehom=%0.3f", fs, ehet, ehom))
       ac <- sapply(cm, function(y) y$overall['Accuracy'])
}, famsize, ehet, ehom, SIMPLIFY=FALSE))



We extend the haplotype imputation above to include partition-ligation.

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