Man pages for vsbuffalo/ProgenyArray
Some statistical genetics for progeny array experiments

alleleFreqsCalculate allele frequenceies.
allSibFamiliesGet all sibling families for a ProgenyArray object
approxGeneticMapThis uses a monotonic polynomial regression (9th order by...
caclulateLODscalculate LODs for QQ/UU and QU/UU, for maximum parent 1 and...
calcFreqsCalculate allele frequencies
calcFreqs-ProgenyArray-methodCalculate allele frequencies from parents in a ProgenyArray
emHaplotypeImputeUse EM Haplotype Phasing by Imputation Algorithm (internal...
emPlotA diagnostic plot of haplotype imputation of simulated data
extractProgenyHaplotypesExtract all progeny haplotypes from all parents
fathersAccessor for fathers (returning indices or names)
fathers-ProgenyArray-methodAccessor for fathers in a ProgenyArray object
fathers-setSetter for fathers
filterSibFamiliesFilter sibling families by minimum number of offspring
freqsGetter for frequencies
freqs-ProgenyArray-methodGetter for allele frequencies
freqs-setSetter for frequencies
geneticTilesCreate a PhasingTiles object for tiles based on genetic...
genotypeFreqsCalculate genotype frequencies.
genotypingErrorMatrixCreate a genotyping error matrix.
granges-ProgenyArray-methodAccessor for genomic ranges from a ProgenyArray object
hapAgreementStatsAgreement Rate (across both haplotypes) for all windows
HWCreate dataframe of Hardy-Weinberg values.
HWPlotPlot genotype and allele frequencies.
inferParentsAccessor for inferParents
inferParents-ProgenyArray-methodInfer parents of all progeny in a ProgenyArray
inferParents-SimulatedProgenyArray-methodInfer parents for SimulatedProgenyArray
isSelfedMethod to calculate if progeny is selfed
isSelfed-ProgenyArray-methodMethod to check if individual is selfed
loadGeneticMapLoad genetic map of four columns: marker, chrom, position,...
lodcutoffGetter for LOD cutoff
lodcutoff-setSetter for LOD cutoff
MendelianTransmissionWithErrorCreate a Mendelian transmission matrix, with error in...
miMatrixPerTileTrio Mendelian inconsistency across full-sib family per...
miRatesMendelian inconsistency rates across a chromosome
mothersAccessor for mothers (returning indices or names)
mothers-ProgenyArray-methodAccessor for mothers in a ProgenyArray object
mothers-setSetter for mothers
parentageCreate parentage dataframe
parentGenotypesAccessor for parentGenotypes
parentGenotypes-ProgenyArray-methodAccessor for parent genotypes
parentGenotypes-SimulatedProgenyArray-methodAccessor for parent genotypes
parentLLPlotCreate a diagnostic plot of a parentage inference, looking at...
parentLLPlot-ProgenyArray-methodCreate a diagnostic plot of a parentage inference, looking at...
parentNamesAccessor for parents sample names
parentNames-ProgenyArray-methodReturn parent sample names
parentNames-setSetter for parents sample names
parentsAccessor for parents (returning indices or names)
parents-ProgenyArray-methodAccessor for parents 'data.frame' in a ProgenyArray object
phaseParentsPhase all parents data in a ProgenyArray
phaseParents-ProgenyArray-methodPhase all Parents in a ProgenyArray object
phasesOutput all a simplified table of phasing data
phaseSibFamilyPhase Sibling Family by Haplotype Imputation
phases-ProgenyArray-methodMerge phasing data
PhasingTiles-classA container for tiles used for phasing by imputation
physicalTilesCreate a PhasingTiles object for tiles based on physical...
plotGeneticMapFunction to inspect the Montonic Polynomial Regression...
predictGeneticMapUse Monotonic Polynomial Regression Fits to Predict Genetic...
ProgenyArray-classAn S4 class that stores genotyping data from a progeny array...
progenyArray-SimulatedProgenyArray-methodAccessor for ProgenyArray object
progenyGenotypesAccessor for progenyGenotypes
progenyGenotypes-ProgenyArray-methodAccessor for progeny genotypes
progenyGenotypes-SimulatedProgenyArray-methodAccessor for progeny genotypes
progenyNamesAccessor for progeny sample names
progenyNames-ProgenyArray-methodReturn progeny sample names
progenyNames-setSetter for progeny sample names
show-PhasingTiles-methodPretty-print a PhasingTiles object
show-ProgenyArray-methodPretty-print a ProgenyArray object
sibFamilySimulate a half-sib family, fixed number of sites
SimulatedProgenyArrayCreate some simulation data
SimulatedProgenyArray-classAn S4 class that wraps a ProgenyArray object of noisy,...
snpTilesCreate a PhasingTiles object for tiles based on fixed number...
suppliedMothersAccessor for user-supplied mothers (returning indices or...
suppliedMothers-ProgenyArray-methodAccessor for user-supplied mothers
suppliedMothers-setAccessor for user-supplied mothers
tileRefA function that gets the reference alleles used in the tiles....
whichLociCompleteReturn which loci are complete
whichLociPolymorphicWhich loci are not fixed
whichRowColMaxwhich.max for matrices
vsbuffalo/ProgenyArray documentation built on May 3, 2019, 6:41 p.m.