make_newline_geojson <- function(data, file_loc) {
# Credit to
# for example implementation
data_gj <- geojsonsf::sf_geojson(data, atomise = TRUE)
filecon <- file(file_loc)
writeLines(data_gj, filecon, sep = "\n")
#' Create a Mapbox tileset source from a sf object using the Mapbox Tiling Service API
#' The \code{mts_create_source()} function can be used to create a tileset source or append to an existing tileset source. This function publishes a simple features object you've created in R to your Mapbox account, where it is stored as line-delimited GeoJSON. A tileset source is required to create a vector tileset, and the same source can be used across multiple tilesets.
#' @param data An input simple features object
#' @param tileset_id The tileset ID. If the tileset ID already exists in your Mapbox account, this function will overwrite the existing source with a new source.
#' @param username Your Mapbox username
#' @param access_token Your Mapbox access token with secret scope. Install with \code{mb_access_token()} after you retrieve it from your Mapbox account.
#' @return A list of the MTS API's responses, including the name of the tileset source in your Mapbox account. You'll use this name to build a MTS recipe.
#' @example examples/mts_demo.R
#' @seealso \url{}
#' @export
mts_create_source <- function(data, tileset_id, username,
access_token = NULL) {
# Grab & validate the access token
# Secret scope is required
access_token <- get_mb_access_token(access_token, secret_required = TRUE)
# Make a temporary directory to store the newline-delimited GeoJSON
tmp <- tempdir()
# Write the dataset to the temporary directory
output_name <- paste0(deparse(substitute(data)), ".geojson.ld")
out_file <- file.path(tmp, output_name)
rlang::inform("Processing data, please wait...")
make_newline_geojson(data, out_file)
# Once the object is created, send it to the MTS API
url <- sprintf("",
username, tileset_id)
request <- httr::POST(url = url,
body = list(file = httr::upload_file(out_file)),
query = list(access_token = access_token),
httr::add_headers("Content-Type: multipart/form-data"),
httr::progress(type = "up"))
# Capture the response from req and give back
response <- request %>%
httr::content(as = "text") %>%
if (request$status_code != "200") {
stop(sprintf("Attempt failed: your error message is %s", response),
call. = FALSE
rlang::inform(c("v" = sprintf("Successfully created tileset source with the ID\n'%s'.",
"Use your source ID to build your tileset's recipe."))
# Return the response as a list
#' List tileset sources in your Mapbox account
#' @param username Your Mapbox username
#' @param sortby One of \code{"created"} or \code{"modified"}; the returned data frame will be sorted by one of these two options.
#' @param limit The number of tileset sources to return; defaults to 100. The maximum number of tileset sources returned by this endpoint is 2000.
#' @param start The source ID at which to start the list of sources; defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param access_token Your Mapbox access token with secret scope.
#' @return A data frame containing information on your tileset sources.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' source_list <- mts_list_sources(username = "your_mapbox_username")
#' }
#' @seealso \url{}
#' @export
mts_list_sources <- function(username,
sortby = c("created", "modified"),
limit = 100,
start = NULL,
access_token = NULL) {
access_token <- get_mb_access_token(access_token, secret_required = TRUE)
sortby <- rlang::arg_match(sortby)
request <- httr::GET(
url = sprintf("", username),
query = list(access_token = access_token,
sortby = sortby,
limit = limit,
start = start)
response <- request %>%
httr::content(as = "text") %>%
if (request$status_code != "200") {
stop(sprintf("Request failed: your error message is %s", response),
call. = FALSE
#' Prepare a recipe for use with the Mapbox Tiling Service
#' @param ... One or more named lists that represent layers in the Mapbox Tiling Service recipe specification (\url{}). These lists can be prepared with the helper function \code{recipe_layer()}, or prepared by hand if the user prefers. If multiple layers are included, a multi-layer recipe will be prepared that can produce tilesets with multiple sources.
#' @return An R list representing an MTS recipe to be used to create a tileset.
#' @example examples/mts_demo.R
#' @seealso \url{}
#' @export
mts_make_recipe <- function(...) {
layers <- list(...)
# If unnamed, you'll need to name the layers
if (is.null(names(layers))) {
l <- length(layers)
nms <- paste0("layer", 1:l)
names(layers) <- nms
recipe <- list(
version = 1,
layers = layers
#' Prepare a formatted recipe layer for use in a Mapbox Tiling Service recipe
#' @param source The tileset source ID. This is returned by \code{mts_create_source()} or can be retrieved from your Mapbox account with \code{mts_list_sources()}.
#' @param minzoom The minimum zoom level at which a layer can be viewed.
#' @param maxzoom The maximum zoom level at which a layer is rendered; the layer will still be visible past the maximum zoom level due to overzooming.
#' @param features A list of feature options, possibly generated with \code{feature_options()}.
#' @param tiles A list of tile options, possibly generated with \code{tile_options()}
#' @return A recipe layer list to be used in \code{mts_make_recipe()}.
#' @example examples/mts_demo.R
#' @seealso \url{}
#' @export
recipe_layer <- function(
features = feature_options(),
tiles = tile_options()
) {
output <- list(source = source,
minzoom = minzoom,
maxzoom = maxzoom,
features = features,
tiles = tiles)
if (length(output$features) == 0) {
output$features <- NULL
if (length(output$tiles) == 0) {
output$tiles <- NULL
#' Specify feature options for an MTS recipe layer
#' @param id A column representing the feature ID. See \url{}.
#' @param bbox A bounding box within which rendered features will be clipped. See \url{}.
#' @param attributes A named list of attribute transformations. \code{zoom_element} specifies how an attribute should be made available at different zoom levels; \code{set} allows you to calculate new attributes from existing attributes when processing the tiles; and \code{allowed_output} specifies which columns should be carried through to the output tiles. See \url{}.
#' @param filter An expression that determines how features in the tileset should be filtered. See \url{} for information on how to specify the filter.
#' @param simplification Rules for feature simplification. See \url{} for more information on how to specify this.
#' @return A list of feature options, likely to be used in \code{recipe_layer()}.
#' @example examples/mts_demo.R
#' @seealso \url{}
#' @export
feature_options <- function(
id = NULL,
bbox = NULL,
attributes = list(
zoom_element = NULL,
set = NULL,
allowed_output = NULL
filter = NULL,
simplification = NULL
) {
output <- leaflet::filterNULL(list(
id = id,
bbox = bbox,
attributes = leaflet::filterNULL(attributes),
filter = filter,
simplification = simplification
if (length(output$attributes) == 0) {
output$attributes <- NULL
#' Specify tile options for an MTS recipe layer
#' @param bbox,extent,buffer_size,limit,union,filter,attributes,order,remove_filled,id,layer_size Tile options in the MTS recipe. See \url{} for more information on the available options.
#' @return A list of tile options, likely to be used in \code{recipe_layer}.
#' @example examples/mts_demo.R
#' @seealso \url{}
#' @export
tile_options <- function(
bbox = NULL,
extent = NULL,
buffer_size = NULL,
limit = NULL,
union = list(
where = NULL,
group_by = NULL,
aggregate = NULL,
maintain_direction = NULL,
simplification = NULL
filter = NULL,
attributes = NULL,
order = NULL,
remove_filled = NULL,
id = NULL,
layer_size = NULL
) {
output <- leaflet::filterNULL(list(
bbox = bbox,
extent = extent,
buffer_size = buffer_size,
limit = limit,
union = leaflet::filterNULL(union),
filter = filter,
attributes = attributes,
order = order,
remove_filled = remove_filled,
id = id,
layer_size = layer_size
if (length(output$union) == 0) {
output$union <- NULL
} else {
output$union <- list(output$union)
#' Validate a Mapbox Tiling Service recipe
#' @param recipe A recipe list, created with \code{mts_make_recipe()}
#' @param access_token Your Mapbox access token.
#' @return A response from the API indicating whether the MTS recipe is valid or not. If the recipe is valid, returns \code{TRUE}, allowing you to use the output of this function for error handling pipelines. If the recipe is invalid, the function returns \code{FALSE} and prints the API response telling you why the recipe is invalid.
#' @example examples/mts_demo.R
#' @seealso \url{}
#' @export
mts_validate_recipe <- function(recipe,
access_token = NULL) {
access_token <- get_mb_access_token(access_token)
request <- httr::PUT(
url = "",
body = recipe,
encode = "json",
query = list(access_token = access_token),
response <- request %>%
httr::content(as = "text") %>%
if (request$status_code != "200") {
stop(sprintf("Request failed; the response from the API is %s", response))
} else {
if (!response$valid) {
rlang::inform(c("x" = "Your tileset recipe is invalid. Please view the returned object for error messages."))
} else {
rlang::inform(c("v" = "Your tileset recipe is valid!"))
#' Create a tileset with the Mapbox Tiling Service API
#' After you've uploaded your spatial data to your Mapbox account with \code{mts_create_source} and prepared a valid recipe with \code{mts_make_recipe()}, you can use your source and recipe to create a vector tileset. This tileset will be hosted at your Mapbox account. Once created successfully, you will need to publish the tileset using \code{mts_publish_tileset} to use it in Mapbox Studio, Mapbox GL JS, or an R package that can read Mapbox tilesets.
#' @param tileset_name The name of the MTS tileset you intend to create
#' @param username Your Mapbox username
#' @param recipe An MTS recipe, created with \code{mts_make_recipe()}
#' @param request_name The name of the request; defaults to the tileset name
#' @param access_token Your Mapbox access token
#' @return The response from the API, formatted as an R list.
#' @example examples/mts_demo.R
#' @seealso \url{}
#' @export
mts_create_tileset <- function(tileset_name,
request_name = tileset_name,
access_token = NULL) {
access_token <- get_mb_access_token(access_token, secret_required = TRUE)
tileset <- sprintf("%s.%s", username, tileset_name)
url <- sprintf("", tileset)
# Prepare the request body
req_body <- list(
recipe = recipe,
name = request_name
request <- httr::POST(
url = url,
body = req_body,
encode = "json",
query = list(access_token = access_token),
response <- request %>%
httr::content(as = "text") %>%
if (request$status_code != "200") {
stop(sprintf("Tileset creation failed: your error message is %s", response),
call. = FALSE
#' Publish a tileset with Mapbox Tiling Service
#' \code{mts_publish_tileset()} publishes an existing vector tileset at your Mapbox account, allowing you to use the vector tiles in your projects. The tileset name will be the same name you specified in \code{mts_create_tileset()}.
#' The published tileset will conform to rules specified in its recipe. If you want to change the recipe for a tileset, use \code{mts_update_recipe()} then re-publish the tileset with a call to \code{mts_publish_tileset()} once more.
#' @param tileset_name The name of the tileset (as supplied to \code{mts_create_tileset()})
#' @param username Your Mapbox username
#' @param access_token Your Mapbox access token
#' @return The response from the Mapbox Tiling Service API, formatted as an R list.
#' @example examples/mts_demo.R
#' @seealso \url{}
#' @export
mts_publish_tileset <- function(tileset_name,
access_token = NULL) {
access_token <- get_mb_access_token(access_token, secret_required = TRUE)
tileset <- sprintf("%s.%s", username, tileset_name)
url <- sprintf("",
request <- httr::POST(
url = url,
query = list(access_token = access_token)
response <- request %>%
httr::content(as = "text") %>%
if (request$status_code != "200") {
stop(sprintf("Request failed: your error message is %s", response),
call. = FALSE
#' List tilesets in a Mapbox account
#' @param username A Mapbox username
#' @param type (optional) Return only \code{"vector"} or \code{"raster"} tilesets. If left blank, all tilesets will be returned.
#' @param visibility Return only \code{"public"} or \code{"private"} tilesets. Public tilesets can be returned with any public access token; private tilesets require the user's access token with secret scope.
#' @param sortby One of \code{"created"} or \code{"modified"}; the returned data frame will be sorted by one of these two options.
#' @param limit The number of tilesets to return; defaults to 100. The maximum number of tilesets returned by this endpoint is 500.
#' @param start The tileset ID at which to start the list of sources; defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param access_token Your Mapbox access token with secret scope.
#' @return A data frame containing information on available tilesets in a given Mapbox account.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' tileset_list <- mts_list_tilesets(username = "your_mapbox_username")
#' }
#' @seealso \url{}
#' @export
mts_list_tilesets <- function(username,
type = NULL,
visibility = NULL,
sortby = c("created", "modified"),
limit = 100,
start = NULL,
access_token = NULL) {
if (!is.null(visibility)) {
if (visibility == "public") {
access_token <- get_mb_access_token(access_token, secret_required = FALSE)
} else {
access_token <- get_mb_access_token(access_token, secret_required = TRUE)
} else {
access_token <- get_mb_access_token(access_token, secret_required = TRUE)
sortby <- rlang::arg_match(sortby)
request <- httr::GET(
url = sprintf("", username),
query = list(access_token = access_token,
type = type,
visibility = visibility,
limit = limit,
start = start)
response <- request %>%
httr::content(as = "text") %>%
if (request$status_code != "200") {
stop(sprintf("Request failed: your error message is %s", response),
call. = FALSE
#' Retrieve the recipe for an MTS tileset in your Mapbox account
#' @param tileset_name The tileset name for which you'd like to retrieve a recipe
#' @param username Your Mapbox username
#' @param access_token Your Mapbox access token with secret scope
#' @return The recipe for your tileset as an R list
#' @example examples/mts_demo.R
#' @seealso \url{}
#' @export
mts_get_recipe <- function(tileset_name,
access_token = NULL) {
access_token <- get_mb_access_token(access_token, secret_required = TRUE)
tileset <- sprintf("%s.%s", username, tileset_name)
url <- sprintf("",
request <- httr::GET(
url = url,
query = list(access_token = access_token)
response <- request %>%
httr::content(as = "text") %>%
if (request$status_code != "200") {
stop(sprintf("Request failed: your error message is %s", response),
call. = FALSE
#' Update a tileset's MTS recipe
#' @param tileset_name The name of your Mapbox tileset
#' @param username Your Mapbox username
#' @param recipe The new recipe for your tileset, likely created with \code{mts_make_recipe()}.
#' @param access_token Your Mapbox access token
#' @return If the update is successful, the function will print a message informing you of its success. Otherwise, a list of responses from the API will be returned letting you know why the request was invalid.
#' @example examples/mts_demo.R
#' @seealso \url{}
#' @export
mts_update_recipe <- function(tileset_name,
access_token = NULL) {
access_token <- get_mb_access_token(access_token, secret_required = TRUE)
tileset <- sprintf("%s.%s", username, tileset_name)
url <- sprintf("", tileset)
request <- httr::PATCH(
url = url,
body = recipe,
encode = "json",
query = list(access_token = access_token),
if (request$status_code != "204") {
response <- request %>%
httr::content(as = "text") %>%
stop(sprintf("Tileset creation failed: your error message is %s", response),
call. = FALSE
} else {
rlang::inform(c("v" = sprintf("Recipe for tileset %s.%s successfully updated.", username, tileset_name)))
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