
Defines functions matrix2html table_format

Documented in matrix2html table_format

#' @name table_format
#' @export
#' @author Walmes Zeviani, \email{walmes@@ufpr.br}.
#' @title Round Numeric Columns of a Table
#' @description This function returns a table with numeric columns
#'     rounded accordingly the specified number of decimal
#'     digits. Numeric columns are coverted to character after rounding.
#' @param table a data frame.
#' @param digits a vector with non negative integer values with length
#'     equals the number of columns of \code{table}. These number
#'     represent the number of digits used to round numeric values. The
#'     number is ignored when the correponding column isn't
#'     numeric. \code{NA} and negative values are ignored.
#' @return a table with column rounded to the number of decimal digits
#'     specified. All columns are coverted to character, so numeric
#'     functions can not be direct applied to them anymore. Because of
#'     this, it is not recommended assign the result of the function to
#'     the object used as \code{table} argument.
#' @seealso \code{\link{matrix2html}()}.
#' @examples
#' x <- table_format(head(rock), digits = c(1, 2, 3, 4))
#' x
#' str(x)
#' x <- table_format(head(iris), c(2, 3, 2, 3, NA))
#' x
#' str(x)
#' x <- table_format(head(rock), c(-1, NA, 3, 4))
#' x
#' str(x)
table_format <- function(table, digits) {
    if (!is.data.frame(table)) {
        stop("`table` must be a data.frame.")
    if (ncol(table) != length(digits)) {
        stop(paste0("Length of `digits` is not equal ",
                    "the `table` number of columns."))
    tb <- table
    for (i in which(digits >= 0)) {
        x <- tb[, i]
        d <- digits[i]
        if (is.numeric(x)) {
            f <- paste0("%0.", d, "f")
            x <- sprintf(f, x)
        } else {
            x <- as.character(x)
        tb[, i] <- x

#' @name matrix2html
#' @export
#' @author Walmes Zeviani, \email{walmes@@ufpr.br}.
#' @title Convert a character matrix to HTML table
#' @description This function coverts a character matrix to an html
#'     table.
#' @param x a character matrix. Is most of the cases it is the object
#'     returned by \code{table_format}.
#' @param caption a string to be the caption of the table. Default is
#'     \code{NULL}, no caption.
#' @param styles a vector with style definition for \code{th}, \code{tr}
#'     and \code{td} tags. See the examples section. Default is
#'     \code{NULL}. These styles must be defined in a css file used to
#'     render the html page. If you are using \code{knitr}, you can use
#'     a custom css file when knitting \code{knit2html("my\_doc.Rmd",
#'     stylesheet = "my\_custom\_css.css")}.
#' @param indexes a positive integer matrix with dimensions equal to
#'     \code{x}. The numbers in each cell of \code{indexes} call the
#'     corresponding \code{styles} to be used in \code{x}. See examples
#'     for clarification. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param class a string corresponding a table style defined in a
#'     \code{css} file. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @return a character vector. Use \code{cat} inside chunks with header
#'     \code{results = "asis"} to print the result as interpretable code
#'     of an html table.
#' @seealso \code{\link{table_format}()}.
#' @examples
#' x <- head(rock)
#' x <- sapply(x, as.character)
#' str(x)
#' m2h <- matrix2html(x)
#' cat(m2h)
#' x <- mtcars[1:10, 1:3]
#' x <- rbind(c("", colnames(x)), cbind(rownames(x), x))
#' x <- as.matrix(x)
#' rownames(x) <- colnames(x) <- NULL
#' x[1,1] <- "Cars"
#' x
#' m2h <- matrix2html(x, caption="Part of the cars data set.")
#' cat(m2h)
#' # These table class are assumed to be defined in a css file as
#' # follow.
#' # td.red { color: #CC0000; }
#' # td.blue { color: #0000CC; }
#' # td.shade { background-color: #CCCCCC; }
#' # td.line { border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; }
#' # td.bold { font-weight: bold; }
#' # td.italic { font-style: italic; }
#' sty <- c("<th align=\"center\">%s</th>", "<tr>\n%s\n</tr>\n",
#'          "<td align=\"center\">%s</td>",
#'          "<td align=\"center\" class=\"red\">%s</td>",
#'          "<td align=\"center\" class=\"blue line\">%s</td>",
#'          "<td align=\"center\" class=\"shade\">%s</td>",
#'          "<td align=\"center\" class=\"line\">%s</td>",
#'          "<td align=\"center\" class=\"bold shade\">%s</td>",
#'          "<td align=\"center\" class=\"italic blue\">%s</td>")
#' # Which style for which cell table.
#' idx <- 0L * row(x) + 3L
#' idx[3, ] <- 4L
#' idx[4, ] <- 5L
#' idx[5, ] <- 6L
#' idx[7, ] <- 7L
#' idx[8, ] <- 8L
#' idx[9, ] <- 9L
#' idx[, 3] <- 3L
#' idx[1, ] <- 1L
#' m2h <- matrix2html(x = x, styles = sty, indexes = idx,
#'                    caption = "Part of the cars data set.")
#' cat(m2h)
matrix2html <- function(x,
                        caption = NULL,
                        styles = NULL,
                        indexes = NULL,
                        class = NULL) {
    applysty <- function(x, sty, which = 1L) {
        sprintf(sty[which], x)
    applySty <- Vectorize(applysty, c("x", "which"))
    if (is.null(styles)) {
        styles <- c("<th>%s</th>", "<tr>\n%s\n</tr>\n", "<td>%s</td>")
    if (is.null(indexes)) {
        indexes <- 0L * row(x) + 3L
        indexes[1, ] <- 1L
    if (!(is.matrix(indexes) & is.integer(indexes))) {
        stop("indexes must be a integer matrix.")
    if (!(length(styles)>=3)) {
        stop("styles must have minimum length equal 3.")
    if (!is.character(styles)) {
        stop("styles must be character.")
    if (!all(grepl("%s", styles))) {
        stop("All styles elements must have %s.")
    th <- grepl("^<th.*th>", styles)[1]
    td <- grepl("^<td.*td>", styles)[1]
    if (!(th | td)) {
        stop(paste("styles[1] must be a definition",
                   "for <th><\th> or <td></td>."))
    tr <- grepl("^<tr.*tr>", styles)[2]
    if (!tr) {
        stop("styles[2] must be a definition for <tr><\tr>.")
    td <- grepl("^<td.*td>", styles)[3]
    if (!td) {
        stop("styles[3] must be a definition for <td><\td>.")
    if (nrow(x)!=nrow(indexes) | ncol(x)!=ncol(indexes)) {
        stop("x and indexes must be of the same dimension.")
    if (max(indexes) > length(styles)) {
        stop("There is some index outside the styles provided.")
    if (is.matrix(x) & is.character(x)) {
        A <- applySty(unlist(x), styles, which = unlist(indexes))
        dim(A) <- dim(x)
        A <- apply(A, 1, paste, collapse = "\n")
        A <- applysty(A, sty = styles, which = 2L)
    } else {
        stop("x must be a character matrix.")
    if (!is.null(caption)) {
        cap <- c("<figcaption class=\"tab\">",
                 caption, "\n</figcaption>\n")
        A <- c(cap, A)
    if (length(class)==1) {
        table <- sprintf("<table class=\"%s\">\n", class)
    } else {
        table <- "<table>\n"
    A <- c(table, A, "</table>\n")
walmes/wzRfun documentation built on Aug. 10, 2021, 2:19 p.m.