
Defines functions parseToggles

Documented in parseToggles

# parse the toggling events in this file

# 1. generate a signal LUT
# 2. count the events

#' Parses a VCD file and generated toggle count statistics.
#' @param vcd The VCDFile to parse
#' @param top The top signal, if none is given the top signal of the vcdfile is taken
#' @param depth depth in the module tree before signals are accumulated, default=0 (top only), -1 is infinite depth
#' @param maxtime an string (!) value giving an upper limit on the timestamps to parse; NULL to parse all timestamps
#' For more elaborate filtering of nodes, pre-edit the signal-tree in the vcd-object.
#' Black/Whitelisting of signals is an optional further enhancement.
#' @return a module tree and a list of toggle counts and a list of dump events
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' parseToggles(vcd,"top",3)
#' parseToggles(vcd,"submodule",3)
#' parseToggles(vcd,"submodule",3,"12345678901")
#' }
#' @export

parseToggles <- function(vcd,top=NA,depth=0L,maxtime=NULL){
  if (!file.exists(vcd$filename)) {
    warning("File does not exist: ", vcd$filename)

  # assume we have a sane VCDFile object

  # 1. find the desired root signal (if names are not unique, the topmost one is selected)
  vartree <- vcd$hierarchy

  topNode <- NULL
  if (!is.na(top)) topNode <- FindNodeGeneric(vartree$root,top,traversal = "level")
  if (is.null(topNode)) topNode <- vartree$root

  # 2. make a copy of the tree for working on
  vartree <- data.tree::Clone(topNode,attributes = T)

  # 3. prepare the list of signals
  rootLevel <- vartree$level # in data.tree this is 1 (but was documented as 0 in v0.2.4)
  if (depth < 0) {
    detailLevel <- vartree$height
  } else {
    detailLevel <- min(vartree$height,rootLevel + depth)
  detailSignals <- data.tree::Traverse(vartree, traversal = "level", pruneFun = function(x) {
    (x$level <= detailLevel) # keep all with a lower level

  # 4. select all multibit signals and add the artificially generated subsignals for counting;
  # the individual bits of the last level multibit-values need to be included now
  # as they have level == detailLevel + 1 and are not captured by the above traversal
  multiBitIdxs <- which(unlist(sapply(detailSignals,function(x) {
    return( (x$bits > 1) && (x$level==detailLevel) )
  vBitSignals <- unlist(sapply(detailSignals[multiBitIdxs],function(node) node$children))
  relevantSignals <- c(detailSignals,vBitSignals)

  # 5. collect the signal names and construct mapping (hashtable) for signals
  #    that are mapped to the same group for counting
  #    also create a mapping from nodenames to nodes

  #    signal names are not unique, see IEEE Std 1364-2001 version C ยง18.2.3.8, Comment b (p.336)
  #    in that case the toggling event is accounted for only once
  #    we do not distinguish by modules

  nameBucketLUT <- hash::hash()

  mbCountLUT <- hash::hash()

  for (node in relevantSignals) {
    bucket <- node$name
    for (sig in node$Get("name")) {
      nameBucketLUT[[sig]] <- bucket
    sigbits <- node$Get("bits")
    sigbits <- Filter(function(x) {
    for (sig in names(sigbits)) {
      mbCountLUT[[sig]] <- as.integer(sigbits[sig])

  # 6. prepare toggle count structure
  # growing vectors/lists at last level are a huge performance problem
  # linking lists is much better, performance is limited by the memory demand of these deeply nested lists
  # collapsing them into a vector (unlist) when they get too big might help
  # the final unlist step also works, when the $val entry holds a vector instead of a single value


  # make lists of lists of lists
  # about twice as fast as hashtable of lists of lists
  counts <- vector("list",length(vallist))
  for (i in vallist) {
    counts[[i]] <- vector("list",4)
    names(counts[[i]]) <- c("0","1","z","x")
    # a dummy timestamp "X" spares checking for NULL/NAN in the inner loop
    for (j in 1:4) counts[[i]][[j]] <- list(time=list(val="X"),count=list(val=0L))

  timestamps <- vector("list",0L)

  # we can make a sig to bucketIdx LUT for faster list element accesses

  nameIdxList <- 1L:as.integer(length(counts))
  names(nameIdxList) <- names(counts)

  mapping<-sapply(hash::names.hash(nameBucketLUT),function(x) nameIdxList[[nameBucketLUT[[x]]]])
  nameBucketIdxLUT <- hash::hash(mapping)

  # 7. let the parsing fun begin

  tok$setDelimiters(c(10L,13L)) # scan only full lines for timestamps

  # we assume dumpstart was set sensible and scan to the next timestamp
  event <- tok$nextToken()

  while (strHead(event) != "#") {
    event <- tok$nextToken()
    if (is.na(event)) {
      warning("premature end of file")


  timestamp <- "0"
  multibitvals <- hash::hash()

  #Tokenizer returns NA when EOF is reached
  while (!is.na(event)) {
    indicator <- strHeadLower(event)

    if (indicator == "#") {
      timestamp <- strTail(event)
      if (!is.null(maxtime)) {
        if (numstring.lower(maxtime,timestamp)) break # end of selected range found
    # handle a DUMP-EVENT
    if (indicator == "$") {
      #dump events are currently ignored
      #just cache of multibit-Signals is updated

      while (event != "$end") {
        indicator <- strHeadLower(event)

        if (isMultiBit(indicator)) {
          valname <- strTail(event)
          sig <- tok$nextToken()
          mbNodeBits <- mbCountLUT[[sig]]
          # mbNode will be NULL for signals we do not want to count
          if (!is.null(mbNodeBits)) {
            val <-
            multibitvals[[sig]] <- val

        event <- tok$nextToken()
        if (is.na(event)) break
      #fix the indicator overwritten by inner loop
      indicator <- "$"

    # SCALAR
    indicatorIdx <- scalarIndicatorToInt(indicator)
    # if (any(indicator == c("0","1","x","z"))) {
    if (indicatorIdx) {

      sig <- strTail(event)
      bucket <- nameBucketIdxLUT[[sig]]

      # bucket will be NULL for signals we do not want to count
      # we only create a new chain link, when we have a new timestamp
      # the lookups are taking some time, but assigning the results to intermediate values
      # make R copy the whole linked list of list which is a real performance killer
      if (!(is.null(bucket))) {
        tval <- counts[[bucket]][[indicatorIdx]]$time$val
        if ( (!is.null(tval)) && (tval != timestamp) ) {
          counts[[bucket]][[indicatorIdx]]$time <- list(prev=counts[[bucket]][[indicatorIdx]]$time,val=timestamp)
          counts[[bucket]][[indicatorIdx]]$count <- list(prev=counts[[bucket]][[indicatorIdx]]$count,val=1L)
        } else {
          counts[[bucket]][[indicatorIdx]]$count$val <- counts[[bucket]][[indicatorIdx]]$count$val + 1L

    # handle a MULTIBIT-VARIABLE
    if (isMultiBit(indicator)) {
      valname <- strTail(event)
      sig <- tok$nextToken()
      mbNodeBits <- mbCountLUT[[sig]]
      # mbNodeBits will be NULL for signals we do not want to count
       if (!is.null(mbNodeBits)) {
        val <-
        lastval <- multibitvals[[sig]]
        if (is.null(lastval))
          lastval <- val

        # compare bitwise and set toggle counts
        bits.lastval <- strRevAndSplit(lastval)
        bits.val     <- strRevAndSplit(val)

        whichToggled <- which(!bits.lastval == bits.val)
        if (length(whichToggled>0)) {
          # when a circuit comes up, toggling events from xxxxxxxx to xxxxxxxx may come up
          bitsig <- sapply(whichToggled, function(i) paste0(c(sig,".",as.character(i - 1)),collapse = ""))
          buckets <- sapply(bitsig, function(x) nameBucketIdxLUT[[x]])
          for (j in 1:length(whichToggled)) {
            i <- whichToggled[j]

            bucket <- buckets[j]
            indicatorIdx <- scalarIndicatorToInt(bits.val[i])
            tval <- counts[[bucket]][[indicatorIdx]]$time$val

            if ( (!is.null(tval)) && (tval != timestamp) ) {
              counts[[bucket]][[indicatorIdx]]$time <- list(prev=counts[[bucket]][[indicatorIdx]]$time,val=timestamp)
              counts[[bucket]][[indicatorIdx]]$count <- list(prev=counts[[bucket]][[indicatorIdx]]$count,val=1L)
            } else {
              counts[[bucket]][[indicatorIdx]]$count$val <- counts[[bucket]][[indicatorIdx]]$count$val + 1L
        multibitvals[[sig]] <- val

    event <- tok$nextToken()

  #finally we can prune vartree
  if (depth >= 0) {
    data.tree::Prune(vartree,pruneFun = function(x) {
      if (x$level <= detailLevel) return(TRUE)
      if ( (x$level == detailLevel+1) && !is.null(x$parent$bits) && (x$parent$bits > 1) ) return(TRUE)

  # and unlist the counts
  for (i in names(counts)) {
    for (j in names(counts[[i]])) {
      # [-1] removes the dummy timestamp
      times <- unlist(counts[[i]][[j]]$time,use.names = F)[-1]
      counts[[i]][[j]]<-unlist(counts[[i]][[j]]$count,use.names = F)[-1]

  timestamps <- unlist(timestamps, use.names = F)

  return(list(hierarchy = vartree,counts = counts,timestamps = timestamps))
wamserma/VCD2R documentation built on May 20, 2023, 11:17 p.m.