
Defines functions tar.name tar.value

#I presume this will be called through source()
#Idea is to give date and statistics. Calculated using start of the simulation - that time.

#Parameters  creation

#Set up simulation parameters and initiate simulation
#just the year when simulation started.
sim.start.full <- as.Date("1970-03-31")
sim.start <- as.numeric(substr(sim.start.full,1,4))
maxart.starttime <- as.Date("2014-09-01")
maxart.endtime <- as.Date("2017-08-31")
sim.end.full <- as.Date("2019-03-31")
seed.hiv.date <- as.Date("1986-03-31")

#initial population
init.population.total <- 3000
women.frac <- 0.5253

################### ART initiation ##############################
max.art.initiated.all <- read.table(
        text="PrimaryClients   AllClients
  all              77.6         84.6
  before.eligible  4.6          2.2
  within2.weeks    61           64
  among.eligible   85           90
  within12.months  85           91
  within6months    79           87", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#TimeTo: 2016-11

##########################  ART Retention  #############################
max.art.retention.all <- read.table(
  text="PrimaryClients AllClients
  all             72      73
  at6.months      89      87
  at12.months     82      79", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#timeTo: 2016-11

###########################  ViralLoadSuppression ##################
max.vl.none.suppression.all <- read.table(
  text="PrimaryClients AllClients
  at6.months       4      6
  at12.months      6      11", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#Check validation
#atleast6.months  4      8       2016-11

#############  ViralLoadSuppression ###########################
max.mortality.all <- read.table(
    text="PrimaryClients AllClients
  all            1.01      1.87
  aids.related   0.51      1.49", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#timeTo 2016-11

####################  Swaziland specific statitics ##########################.
#GrowthRate for all ages and gender
swazi.growth.rate <- read.table(
    text="X1985   X1990   X1995  X2000   X2005  X2010   X2015   X2016
  one.year   3.63    3.39    2.00   1.50    0.98   1.86    1.83    1.81",
                                header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

############ Incidence UNAIDS estimates (End of march each year) #############
swazi.inci.15.49 <- read.table(
  text="X1990  X1992  X1995  X2000  X2005  X2010  X2015
inci.15.49   1.24   2.9   4.66    3.7   3.08     3.09   2.36",
                               header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

############# 2011 Incidence ages specific: SHIMS 1 #############################
#consider for validation:  [all       3.14   1.65   2.38  2010-12    2011-06]
swazi.inci.2011 <- read.table(
      text="F.value    M.value
  A18.19    3.84       0.84
  A20.24    4.17       1.66
  A25.29    2.25       2.36
  A30.34    2.78       3.12
  A35.39    4.10       0.44
  A40.44    2.07       1.24
  A45.49    1.20       0.02",
                              header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

########### 2006-07 prevalence ages specific: Swaziland demographics and health survey SHDS ##
# Data was collected between July 2006 and March 2007. TimeTo: 2007-03
swazi.prev.2007 <- read.table(
      text="F.value    M.value  FM.value
  A10.14    3.3        1.9      2.6
  A15.19    10.1       1.9      5.8
  A20.24    38.4       12.4     26.5
  A25.29    49.2       27.8     39.3
  A30.34    45.2       43.7     44.6
  A35.39    37.7       44.9     40.8
  A40.44    27.9       40.7     32.7
  A45.49    21.4       27.9     24.0
  A50.54    24.3       28.3     26.0
  A55.59    9.6        17.4     12.7
  A60.150   7.0        13.3     9.5
  A15.49    31.1       19.7     25.9
  A50.150   11.7       17.9     14.2",
                              header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#A2.4      4.8        5.5      5.1       2007-03
#A5.9      3.6        4.8      4.2       2007-03
#A2.150    22.1       14.9     18.8

#Note it is not possibloe to compute the young age incidence 2- 12 yr olds since these will
#not be sexually active more of which we would expect the infection to be through MTCT

############# Prevalence ages specific UNAIDS (End of March each year) ############
swazi.prev.age.year <- read.table(
         text="F.value    M.value
  A15.24.1990    2.6       1.5
  A15.49.1990    2.3       2.2
  A15.24.1995    17.4      7.5
  A15.49.1995    14.4      16.9
  A15.24.2000    21.9      8.1
  A15.49.2000    21.8      27.6
  A15.24.2005    18.1      6.7
  A15.49.2005    21.8      29.4
  A15.24.2010    17.4      7.2
  A15.49.2010    22.6      31.9
  A15.24.2015    16.7      7.3",
                              header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#A15.49.2015    NA    34.2  28.8 ### Maybe for validation
#A15.49.1990    2.3       2.2       2.2
#A15.49.1995    14.4      16.9      15.7
#A15.49.2000    21.8      27.6      24.8
#A15.49.2005    21.8      29.4      25.7
#A15.49.2010    22.6      31.9      27.2

############  Hhohho prevalence ##############################################
#Data was collected between July 2006 and March 2007 [SDHS 2006-07]: TimeTo = 2007-03
hhohho.prev <- read.table(
      text="F.value    M.value    FM.value
  A0.150    24.2       17.4       21.0
  A15.49    33.8       23.1       28.9
  A50.150   11.2       20.7       15.4  ",
                          header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#A2.14     4.1        3.6        3.9           2007-03

########## Swazi Age difference ######################################################
# Data was collected between December 2010 and June 2011 [SHIMS 2011] TimeTo: 2011-06
swazi.age.diff <- read.table(
  mean      5.19
  meadian   6.64  ", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

swazi.AD.tar.names <- paste("FM.value", row.names(swazi.age.diff),"AD", sep = ".")

################### Hhohho age diff ##########################################
# Data was collected between December 2010 and June 2011 [SHIMS 2011] TimeTo: 2011-06
hhohho.age.diff <- read.table(
      text="F.value    M.value  FM.value
  mean      7.51       5.53     6.76
  meadian   6.82       5.34     5.19  ",
                              header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

##################### ART Retention UNAIDS (End of March each year) ############
#Consider using 2015 98 and 97 % for validation
swazi.art.retention <- read.table(
                      text="X2007  X2008  X2009  X2010  X2011  X2012  X2013  X2014
  less.15.at6.months        81     88     87     87     89     84     85     97
  greateq.15.at6.months     82     85     85     86     88     87     86     96
  less.15.at12.months       73     82     81     80     89     76     91     93
  greateq.15.at12.months    76     78     78     80     80     77     88     92",
                                  header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#consider validation
#less.15.at24.months       67    75    74   73   69    87    87   NA
#greateq.15.at24.months    70    71    71   71   69    82    87   NA

################ ART coverage UNAIDS (End of March each year) ####################
swazi.art.coverage <- read.table(
             text="F.value    M.value  FM.value
  over15.2012     94         77       87
  over15.2013     91         76       85
  over15.2014     85         89       93
  over15.2015     90         73       83", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#14.less.2015     NA  NA  72 validation

################ Swazi age distribution for 1970 ####################
swazi.1970.popn <- read.table(
  text="Age Percent.Male Percent.Female
0.5	4.031943296	3.654955405
1.5	4.031943296	3.654955405
2.5	4.031943296	3.654955405
3.5	4.031943296	3.654955405
4.5	4.031943296	3.654955405
5.5	3.186107501	2.910353131
6.5	3.186107501	2.910353131
7.5	3.186107501	2.910353131
8.5	3.186107501	2.910353131
9.5	3.186107501	2.910353131
10.5	2.687773184	2.46512879
11.5	2.687773184	2.46512879
12.5	2.687773184	2.46512879
13.5	2.687773184	2.46512879
14.5	2.687773184	2.46512879
15.5	2.200496161	2.097011771
16.5	2.200496161	2.097011771
17.5	2.200496161	2.097011771
18.5	2.200496161	2.097011771
19.5	2.200496161	2.097011771
20.5	1.58261075	1.748705272
21.5	1.58261075	1.748705272
22.5	1.58261075	1.748705272
23.5	1.58261075	1.748705272
24.5	1.58261075	1.748705272
25.5	1.08994684	1.371878456
26.5	1.08994684	1.371878456
27.5	1.08994684	1.371878456
28.5	1.08994684	1.371878456
29.5	1.08994684	1.371878456
30.5	1.006213822	1.147729262
31.5	1.006213822	1.147729262
32.5	1.006213822	1.147729262
33.5	1.006213822	1.147729262
34.5	1.006213822	1.147729262
35.5	0.924181926	0.979254458
36.5	0.924181926	0.979254458
37.5	0.924181926	0.979254458
38.5	0.924181926	0.979254458
39.5	0.924181926	0.979254458
40.5	0.77968104	0.836140535
41.5	0.77968104	0.836140535
42.5	0.77968104	0.836140535
43.5	0.77968104	0.836140535
44.5	0.77968104	0.836140535
45.5	0.677991731	0.71232479
46.5	0.677991731	0.71232479
47.5	0.677991731	0.71232479
48.5	0.677991731	0.71232479
49.5	0.677991731	0.71232479
50.5	0.584051979	0.599609767
51.5	0.584051979	0.599609767
52.5	0.584051979	0.599609767
53.5	0.584051979	0.599609767
54.5	0.584051979	0.599609767
55.5	0.452782044	0.487663255
56.5	0.452782044	0.487663255
57.5	0.452782044	0.487663255
58.5	0.452782044	0.487663255
59.5	0.452782044	0.487663255
60.5	0.330395747	0.375972914
61.5	0.330395747	0.375972914
62.5	0.330395747	0.375972914
63.5	0.330395747	0.375972914
64.5	0.330395747	0.375972914
65.5	0.217554637	0.2727362
66.5	0.217554637	0.2727362
67.5	0.217554637	0.2727362
68.5	0.217554637	0.2727362
69.5	0.217554637	0.2727362
70.5	0.136467809	0.173768994
71.5	0.136467809	0.173768994
72.5	0.136467809	0.173768994
73.5	0.136467809	0.173768994
74.5	0.136467809	0.173768994
75.5	0.072297696	0.101614301
76.5	0.072297696	0.101614301
77.5	0.072297696	0.101614301
78.5	0.072297696	0.101614301
79.5	0.072297696	0.101614301
80.5	0.029061889	0.045975199
81.5	0.029061889	0.045975199
82.5	0.029061889	0.045975199
83.5	0.029061889	0.045975199
84.5	0.029061889	0.045975199
85.5	0.008547614	0.01545207
86.5	0.008547614	0.01545207
87.5	0.008547614	0.01545207
88.5	0.008547614	0.01545207
89.5	0.008547614	0.01545207
90.5	0.001709523	0.003259752
91.5	0.001709523	0.003259752
92.5	0.001709523	0.003259752
93.5	0.001709523	0.003259752
94.5	0.001709523	0.003259752
95.5	0.000184813	0.000423344
96.5	0.000184813	0.000423344
97.5	0.000184813	0.000423344
98.5	0.000184813	0.000423344
99.5	0.000184813	0.000423344
100.5	0	0", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

##################################### END #######################################################

###################### target names
tar.name <- function(df, tar.type = "name"){
  apply(expand.grid(rownames(df),".", names(df), ".",tar.type), 1, paste0,collapse="" )

### get the real target values
tar.value <- function(df){
  return(as.numeric(unlist(df, use.names = FALSE)))

#Creating target names
target.variables <- c(tar.name(max.art.initiated.all, "max.ART.init"),
                      tar.name(max.art.retention.all, "max.ret"),
                      tar.name(max.vl.none.suppression.all, "max.val"),
                      tar.name(max.mortality.all, "max.mort"),
                      tar.name(swazi.growth.rate, "growth.rate"),
                      tar.name(swazi.inci.15.49, "swazi"),
                      tar.name(swazi.inci.2011, "swazi.inci.2011"),
                      tar.name(swazi.prev.2007, "2007.swazi.prev"),
                      tar.name(swazi.prev.age.year, "swazi.prev"),
                      tar.name(hhohho.prev, "hho.prev"),
                      tar.name(swazi.age.diff, "swazi.AD"),
                      tar.name(hhohho.age.diff, "hho.AD"),
                      tar.name(swazi.art.retention, "swazi.art.ret"),
                      tar.name(swazi.art.coverage, "swazi.art.cov"))

#if you will be doing calibration you need the table names
target.values <- c(tar.value(max.art.initiated.all), tar.value(max.art.retention.all),
                   tar.value(max.vl.none.suppression.all), tar.value(max.mortality.all),
                   tar.value(swazi.growth.rate), tar.value(swazi.inci.15.49),
                   tar.value(swazi.inci.2011), tar.value(swazi.prev.2007),
                   tar.value(swazi.prev.age.year), tar.value(hhohho.prev),
                   tar.value(swazi.age.diff), tar.value(hhohho.age.diff),
                   tar.value(swazi.art.retention), tar.value(swazi.art.coverage))

#target.variables <- c(max.art.retention.tar.names,"node.id")
wdelva/RSimpactHelp documentation built on Dec. 26, 2019, 3:42 a.m.