context("Time Series Summary Statistics")
test_path <- tempdir()
Sys.setenv(MATSS_DATA_PATH = test_path)
test_that("ts_summary works", {
dat <- get_jornada_data()
obs <- dat$abundance
n <- NCOL(obs)
var_names <- names(obs)
# check message output
expect_error(m <- capture_messages(output <- ts_summary(obs)), NA)
expect_match(m, "`time` is `NULL`, assuming evenly spaced data", all = FALSE)
expect_match(m, "`effort` is `NULL`, assuming all effort = 1", all = FALSE)
# check basic output structure
expect_true(all(c("num_spp", "num_obs", "stats", "spp_correlations") %in% names(output)))
expect_equal(output$num_spp[1], n)
expect_equal(output$num_obs[1], NROW(obs))
# check output stats
stats <- output$stats[[1]]
expect_equal(dim(stats), c(n + 4, 8))
expect_true(all(c("variable", "min", "max", "median", "mean", "sd", "n", "autocorrelation")
%in% names(stats)))
expect_equal(vapply(stats$autocorrelation, length, 0, USE.NAMES = FALSE),, n + 4))
expect_true(all(c(var_names, "times", "effort", "richness", "tot_obs")
%in% stats$variable))
expect_known_hash(stats, "1c69815948")
# check output spp correlations
cor_matrix <- output$spp_correlations[[1]]
expect_equal(dim(cor_matrix), c(n, n))
expect_equal(var_names, rownames(cor_matrix))
expect_equal(var_names, colnames(cor_matrix))
expect_known_hash(cor_matrix, "67f4ec1955")
test_that("ts_summary works for formatted data", {
dat <- get_maizuru_data()
n <- NCOL(dat$abundance)
var_names <- names(dat$abundance)
# check message output
expect_error(m <- capture_messages(output <- ts_summary(dat)), NA)
expect_match(m, "`effort` is `NULL`, assuming all effort = 1", all = FALSE)
# check basic output structure
expect_true(all(c("num_spp", "num_obs", "stats", "spp_correlations") %in% names(output)))
expect_equal(output$num_spp[1], n)
expect_equal(output$num_obs[1], NROW(dat$abundance))
# check output stats
stats <- output$stats[[1]]
expect_equal(dim(stats), c(n + 4, 8))
expect_true(all(c("variable", "min", "max", "median", "mean", "sd", "n", "autocorrelation")
%in% names(stats)))
expect_equal(vapply(stats$autocorrelation, length, 0, USE.NAMES = FALSE),, n + 4))
expect_true(all(c(var_names, "times", "effort", "richness", "tot_obs")
%in% stats$variable))
expect_known_hash(stats, "e77e6193fa")
# check output spp correlations
cor_matrix <- output$spp_correlations[[1]]
expect_equal(dim(cor_matrix), c(n, n))
expect_equal(var_names, rownames(cor_matrix))
expect_equal(var_names, colnames(cor_matrix))
expect_known_hash(cor_matrix, "3061024928")
test_that("ts_summary works with just a time series", {
ts <- sunspot.year
ts[c(1, 5, 10:14)] <- NA
expect_error(m <- capture_messages(output <- ts_summary(ts)), NA)
expect_known_hash(tibble::as_tibble(output), "a38b9118f0")
test_that("ts_summary works with full obs, times, effort", {
ts <- sunspot.year
ts[c(1, 5, 10:14)] <- NA
times <- as.numeric(time(sunspot.year))
effort <- rep_len(1:12, length.out = length(times))
expect_error(output <- ts_summary(data = ts, times = times, effort = effort), NA)
autocorr <- data.frame(output$stats[[1]]$autocorrelation)
expect_known_hash(round(autocorr, 2), "648bf4aeb9")
expect_known_hash(round(output$stats[[1]][, -c(1, 8)], 3), "596e864bcb1")
expect_known_hash(output$spp_correlations, "1d6dee4961")
test_that("summarize_df works", {
expect_known_hash(summarize_df(iris[, 1:4]), "727949b43d")
expect_error(output <- summarize_df(iris[, 1:4], lag.max = 7), NA)
expect_equal(vapply(output$autocorrelation, length, 1, USE.NAMES = FALSE),, 4))
expect_known_hash(output, "ee2776fcb2")
ts <- sunspot.year
test_that("summarize_vec works", {
expect_error(summarize_vec(ts, NULL, round_out = 1))
expect_error(summarize_vec(ts, ts, digits = 2.3))
test_that("summarize_vec works", {
expect_error(output <- summarize_vec(ts), NA)
expect_known_hash(output, "0d9e559fea")
obs <- data.frame(sunspot.year = as.numeric(sunspot.year))
expect_error(output <- summarize_vec(obs), NA)
expect_known_hash(output, "0d9e559fea")
expect_error(output <- summarize_vec(time(ts)), NA)
expect_known_hash(output, "ae89fe6e71")
expect_error(output <- summarize_vec(rep(1, NROW(ts))), NA)
expect_known_hash(output, "802c1824cc")
test_that("temp_autocor works for different data types", {
ts <- sunspot.year
ts[c(1, 5, 10:14)] <- NA
expect_error(output <- temp_autocor(ts, time(sunspot.year)), NA)
expect_equal(length(output), 25)
expect_known_hash(output, "5842a3ef0f")
expect_error(output <- temp_autocor(as.numeric(ts), time(sunspot.year)), NA)
expect_known_hash(output, "5842a3ef0f")
expect_error(output <- temp_autocor(matrix(ts), time(sunspot.year)), NA)
expect_known_hash(output, "5842a3ef0f")
expect_error(output <- temp_autocor(data.frame(x = ts), time(sunspot.year)), NA)
expect_known_hash(output, "5842a3ef0f")
expect_error(output <- temp_autocor(tibble::tibble(x = ts), time(sunspot.year)), NA)
expect_known_hash(output, "5842a3ef0f")
test_that("richness works", {
expect_error(richness(array(rnorm(12), dim = c(3, 4))))
ts <- rpois(30, lambda = 2) + 1
ts[sample(30, 5)] <- 0
expect_error(output <- richness(ts), NA)
expect_identical(output, 25L)
test_that("interpolate_obs works", {
ts <- sunspot.year
missing_idx <- c(1, 5, 10:14)
ts[missing_idx] <- NA
expect_error(output <- interpolate_obs(ts, time(sunspot.year)), NA)
expect_identical(length(output), length(ts))
expect_true(all(output[missing_idx] >= min(ts, na.rm = TRUE)))
expect_true(all(output[missing_idx] <= max(ts, na.rm = TRUE)))
expect_known_hash(output, "0bd2cccc8e")
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