
Defines functions use_default_data_path get_default_data_path check_default_data_path

Documented in check_default_data_path get_default_data_path use_default_data_path

#' @title Download the PortalData repo
#' @description Downloads specified version of the Portal data.
#' @param path \code{character} Folder into which data will be downloaded.
#' @param version \code{character} Version of the data to download (default = "latest"). If \code{NULL}, returns.
#' @param quiet \code{logical} whether to download data silently.
#' @param verbose \code{logical} whether to provide details of downloading.
#' @param pause Positive \code{integer} or integer \code{numeric} seconds for pausing during steps around unzipping that require time delayment. 
#' @param timeout Positive \code{integer} or integer \code{numeric} seconds for timeout on downloads. Temporarily overrides the \code{"timeout"} option in \code{\link[base]{options}}.
#' @param source \code{character} indicator of the source for the download. Either \code{"github"} (default) or \code{"zenodo"}.
#' @param force \code{logical} indicator of whether or not existing files or folders (such as the archive) should be over-written if an up-to-date copy exists (most users should leave as \code{FALSE}).
#' @return NULL invisibly.
#' @export
download_observations <- function (path    = get_default_data_path(),
                                   version = "latest", 
                                   source  = "github",
                                   quiet   = FALSE,
                                   verbose = FALSE,
                                   pause   = 30,
                                   timeout = getOption("timeout"),
                                   force   = FALSE) {

  return_if_null(x = version)

  timeout_backup <- getOption("timeout")
  on.exit(options(timeout = timeout_backup))
  options(timeout = timeout) 

  if (source == "zenodo") {

    base_url <- "https://zenodo.org/api/records/" 

    got <- GET(base_url, query = list(q = "conceptrecid:1215988",
                                      size = 9999, 
                                      all_versions = "true"))

    stop_for_status(got, task = paste0("locate Zenodo concept record"))

    contents <- content(got)    

    metadata <- lapply(FUN = getElement, 
                       X = contents, 
                       name = "metadata")
    versions <- sapply(FUN = getElement, 
                       X = metadata, 
                       name = "version")
    pub_date <- sapply(FUN = getElement, 
                       X = metadata, 
                       name = "publication_date")

    selected <- ifelse(version == "latest",
                       which(versions == version))

    if (length(selected) == 0){

      stop(paste0("Failed to locate version `", version, "`"))
    zipball_url <- contents[[selected]]$files[[1]]$links$download     
    version <- ifelse(version == "latest", 
                      metadata[[selected]]$version, version)

  } else if (source == "github") {

    base_url <- "https://api.github.com/repos/weecology/PortalData/releases/" 
    url <- ifelse(version == "latest", 
                  paste0(base_url, "latest"),
                  paste0(base_url, "tags/", version))

    got <- GET(url)

    stop_for_status(got, task = paste0("locate version `", version, "`"))

    zipball_url <- content(got)$zipball_url      
    version <- ifelse(version == "latest", content(got)$name, version)

  } else {

    stop("`source` must be either 'zenodo' or 'github'")


  temp <- file.path(tempdir(), "PortalData.zip")
  final <- file.path(path, "PortalData")
  version_file <- file.path(final, "version.txt")

  if (!force & file.exists(version_file)) {

    existing_version <- scan(file  = version_file, 
                             what  = character(), 
                             quiet = TRUE)

    if (existing_version == version) {

      if (!quiet) {
        message("Existing local version is up-to-date with remote version (", version, ") requested and `force` is FALSE, download is skipped")




  if (!quiet) {
    message("Downloading version `", version, "` of the data...")

  result <- tryCatch(
              expr  = download.file(url      = zipball_url, 
                                    destfile = temp, 
                                    quiet    = !verbose, 
                                    mode     = "wb"),
              error = function(x){NA})

  if (is.na(result)) {

    warning("Archive version `", version, "` could not be downloaded")
    return(invisible( ))


  if (file.exists(final)) {

    old_files <- list.files(path         = final,
                            full.names   = TRUE,
                            all.files    = TRUE,
                            recursive    = TRUE,
                            include.dirs = FALSE)


    unlink(x         = final, 
           recursive = TRUE)


  temp_unzip <- unzip(temp, list = TRUE)$Name[1]

  unzip(temp, exdir = path)


  file.rename(file.path(path, temp_unzip), final)


#' @title Check for latest version of data files
#' @description Check the latest version against the data that exists on the GitHub repo
#' @param path Folder in which data will be checked
#' @return bool TRUE if there is a newer version of the data online
#' @export
check_for_newer_data <- function (path = get_default_data_path()) {

    path <- file.path(path),
    error = function(e) stop("Unable to locate ", path, call. = FALSE))

  version_file <- file.path(path, "PortalData", "version.txt")

  if (!file.exists(version_file)) {

  url <- "https://api.github.com/repos/weecology/PortalData/releases/latest" 
  got <- tryCatch(GET(url),
                  error = function(e) NULL)
  return_if_null(x = got, value = FALSE)

  stop_for_status(got, task = paste0("locate latest GitHub version"))

  github_version_str <- content(got)$name

  pattern <- "([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)"
  version_str <- as.character(read.table(version_file)[1, 1])
  local_version <- c(as.numeric(gsub(pattern, "\\1", version_str)),
                     as.numeric(gsub(pattern, "\\2", version_str)),
                     as.numeric(gsub(pattern, "\\3", version_str)))

  github_version <- c(as.numeric(gsub(pattern, "\\1", github_version_str)),
                      as.numeric(gsub(pattern, "\\2", github_version_str)),
                      as.numeric(gsub(pattern, "\\3", github_version_str)))

  if (github_version[1] > local_version[1])

  if (github_version[1] == local_version[1] &&
      github_version[2] > local_version[2])

  if (github_version[1] == local_version[1] &&
      github_version[2] == local_version[2] &&
      github_version[3] > local_version[3])


#' @rdname use_default_data_path
#' @description \code{check_default_data_path} checks if a default data path is
#'   set, and prompts the user to set it if it is missing.
#' @inheritParams use_default_data_path
#' @param MESSAGE_FUN the function to use to output messages
#' @param DATA_NAME the name of the dataset to use in output messages
#' @return FALSE if there is no path set, TRUE otherwise
#' @export
check_default_data_path <- function(ENV_VAR = "PORTALR_DATA_PATH",
                                    MESSAGE_FUN = message, DATA_NAME = "Portal data")
  if (is.na(get_default_data_path(fallback = NA, ENV_VAR)))
    MESSAGE_FUN("You don't appear to have a defined location for storing ", DATA_NAME, ".")
    MESSAGE_FUN(format_todo(" Call ",
                            " if you wish to set the default data path."))
    MESSAGE_FUN(DATA_NAME, " will be downloaded into ",
                format_code(path.expand("~")), " otherwise.")

#' @rdname use_default_data_path
#' @description \code{get_default_data_path} gets the value of the data path
#'   environmental variable
#' @inheritParams use_default_data_path
#' @param fallback the default value to use if the setting is missing
#' @export
get_default_data_path <- function(fallback = "~", ENV_VAR = "PORTALR_DATA_PATH")
  Sys.getenv(ENV_VAR, unset = fallback)

#' @name use_default_data_path
#' @aliases get_default_data_path
#' @title Manage the default path for downloading Portal Data into
#' @description \code{use_default_data_path} has 3 steps. First, it checks for
#'   the presence of a pre-existing setting for the environmental variable.
#'   Then it checks if the folder exists and creates it, if needed. Then it
#'   provides instructions for setting the environmental variable.
#' @inheritParams download_observations
#' @param ENV_VAR the environmental variable to check (by default
#' @return None
#' @export
use_default_data_path <- function(path = NULL, ENV_VAR = "PORTALR_DATA_PATH")
  # check for prexisting setting
  curr_data_path <- Sys.getenv(ENV_VAR, unset = NA)
  if (!is.na(curr_data_path))
    warning("A default data path exists:", Sys.getenv(ENV_VAR), ".")

  # check if a path is provided
  if (is.null(path))
    stop("Please provide a path to store downloaded data.")

  # check if path is valid
  if (!dir.exists(path))

  # display message and copy new path setting to clipboard
  path_setting_string <- paste0(ENV_VAR, "=", '"', path, '"')
  message(format_todo("Call ", format_code('usethis::edit_r_environ()'), " to open ",
  message(format_todo("Store your data path with a line like:"))
  message("  ", format_code(path_setting_string))
  if (rlang::is_interactive() && clipr::clipr_available()) {
    message("  [Copied to clipboard]")
  message(format_todo("Make sure ", format_value('.Renviron'), " ends with a newline!"))
weecology/portalr documentation built on Feb. 29, 2024, 3:34 a.m.