convertDFT <- function(data_dft, col_v = NA, newName_v = NULL, rmCol_v = T, split_v = NULL) {
#' Convert between data.table and data.frame
#' @description
#' Change data.tables into data.frames with specified row.names or
#' data.frames/matrices into data.tables, copying over row.names as the first column.
#' If data.frame/matrix doesn't have row.names, then no columns will be added to data.table
#' @param data_dft data in either data.table or data.frame format (can also be a matrix)
#' @param col_v character or numeric vector. if converting from dt to df, column name or index of which column to use as row.names.
#' NA (default) will use 1st column; NULL will not add rownames. NEW can also provide multiple columns here. The names and values
#' will be pasted together with "_" to create one column to become the rownames.
#' @param newName_v character vector. if converting from df/mat to dt, what to name new column. (default is "V1")
#' if newName_v is already a column name, will paste "_2" to end of newName_v.
#' @param rmCol_v boolean value indicating whether to remove the column used to make the rownames from the output table (T) or to leave it (F)
#' @param split_v character vector. default = NULL. Used for converting TO data.table. If there are multiple columns' worth of data in the rownames, split on this and assign results to multiple columns.
#' both the column names and the values by the provided delimiter.
#' @description
#' TODO! Add description
#' @return either a data.table or data.frame (opposite class of input)
#' @examples
#' # Data
#' my_df <- data.frame("A" = 1:10, "B" = LETTERS[1:10], "C" = letters[11:20])
#' my_df2 <- my_df; rownames(my_df2) <- paste0("Row", 1:10)
#' my_mat <- as.matrix(my_df); my_mat2 <- as.matrix(my_df2)
#' my_dt <- data.table("AA" = 10:1, "BB" = LETTERS[5:14], "CC" = letters[20:11])
#' convertDFT(data_dft = my_df)
#' convertDFT(data_dft = my_df2)
#' convertDFT(data_dft = my_df2, newName_v = "Test")
#' convertDFT(data_dft = my_mat2, newName_v = "MatTest")
#' convertDFT(data_dft = my_dt)
#' convertDFT(data_dft = my_dt, col_v = NULL)
#' convertDFT(data_dft = my_dt, col_v = "BB")
#' convertDFT(data_dft = my_dt, col_v = 3, rmCol_v = F)
#' @export
## Row names function
addRowNames <- function(data_dft, out_dft, newName_v, split_v = NULL) {
### For no split
if (is.null(split_v)) {
newName_v <- ifelse(newName_v %in% colnames(out_dft), paste0(newName_v, "_2"), newName_v)
out_dft[[newName_v]] <- rownames(data_dft)
out_dft <- out_dft[, c(ncol(out_dft), 1:(ncol(out_dft)-1)), with = F]
} else {
for (i in 1:length(newName_v)) {
currNewName_v <- newName_v[i]
currNewName_v <- ifelse(currNewName_v %in% colnames(out_dft), paste0(currNewName_v, "_2"), currNewName_v)
currNewVals_v <- sapply(rownames(data_dft), function(x) strsplit(x, split = split_v)[[1]][i])
out_dft[,(currNewName_v) := currNewVals_v]
#out_dft[[currNewName_v]] <- sapply(rownames(data_dft), function(x) strsplit(x, split = split_v)[[1]][i])
} # for i
} # fi split_v
} # addRowNames
## Get class
class_v <- class(data_dft)
## New for R 4.x - matrix now has two classes - matrix and arrary
## So if matrix is in class, just ignore the array
if (length(grep("matrix", class_v)) > 0) class_v <- "matrix"
## Convert data.table to data.frame
if ("data.table" %in% class_v) {
## Convert
out_dft <-
## Special case for multiple columns. Have to paste together and then remove the others
if (length(col_v) > 1) {
cols_v <- col_v
collapse_v <- ifelse(is.null(split_v), "-_-", split_v)
col_v <- paste(cols_v, collapse = collapse_v)
out_dft[[col_v]] <- apply(out_dft[,c(cols_v)], 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = collapse_v))
for (c_v in cols_v) out_dft[[c_v]] <- NULL
} else if (length(col_v) == 1) {
col_v <- ifelse(, colnames(data_dft)[1],
ifelse(is.numeric(col_v), colnames(data_dft)[col_v], col_v))
} else if (is.null(col_v)) {
col_v <- NULL
} else {
stop("Didn't expect this to get triggered...check your if statements!")
} # fi
### Original.
# col_v <- ifelse(, colnames(data_dft)[1],
# ifelse(is.null(col_v), NULL,
# ifelse(is.numeric(col_v), colnames(data_dft)[col_v], col_v)))
## Add row names and handle column that provided names
if (length(col_v) > 0) {
rownames(out_dft) <- out_dft[[col_v]]
## Remove column that provided rownames
if (rmCol_v) {
whichCol_v <- which(colnames(out_dft) == col_v)
out_dft <- out_dft[,-whichCol_v, drop = F]
} # fi
} # fi
## Convert data.frame to data.table
} else if (class_v == "data.frame"){
## If no newName provided, assign V1
## If split_v, will split the name.
if (is.null(newName_v)) {
newName_v <- "V1"
} else {
if (!is.null(split_v)) {
newName_v <- strsplit(newName_v, split = split_v)[[1]]
} # fi
} # fi
## Convert
out_dft <-
## Handle row names
if (!identical(rownames(data_dft), as.character(1:nrow(data_dft)))) {
out_dft <- addRowNames(data_dft, out_dft, newName_v, split_v = split_v)
} # fi
## Convert matrix to data.table
} else if (class_v == "matrix") {
if (length(col_v) > 1) stop("Can only handle 1 col_v if input is matrix")
## Convert
out_dft <-
## Handle row names
if (!is.null(rownames(data_dft))) {
out_dft <- addRowNames(data_dft, out_dft, newName_v)
} # fi
} else {
stop("Neither 'data.table', 'data.frame', nor 'matrix' were in the class of data_dft. Please check your input data.")
} # fi
## Return
} # convertDFT
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