# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Last Updated: August 5, 2020
# Author: Kristen Yeh
# Title: subMALDI - Peak Detection Methods
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----
# ----
# Noise is estimated as the median of the absolute deviation (MAD)
# of points within a window.
.peak_snr <- function(dat, mass_dat, intensity_dat, n, SNR_thresh = 0.1){
stopifnot(mass_dat %in% colnames(dat),
intensity_dat %in% colnames(dat),
SNR_thresh >= 0)
x <- dat[[mass_dat]]
y <- dat[[intensity_dat]]
# Separate into windows of size n
y_seg <- split(y, ceiling(seq_along(x)/n))
if(length(y_seg) == 1){
stop(paste0("Chosen window covers entire spectrum. To avoid this, please select a value of n much less than ", length(x),"."))
noise <- c()
# Calculate MAD within each window
for(i in 1:length(y_seg)){
m <- mad(unlist(y_seg[i]))
noise <- append(noise, m, after = length(noise))
snr <- c()
# Calculate signal-to-noise ratio for all peaks in window
for(j in 1:length(noise)){
if(noise[j] == 0){
snr_seg <- unlist(y_seg[j]) / noise[j] # Values will be SNR = Inf since there is no noise present
snr_seg[is.na(snr_seg)] <- 0 # Replacing NAs with zero (arising from 0/0)
snr <- append(snr, snr_seg, after = length(snr))
} else{
snr_seg <- unlist(y_seg[j]) / noise[j]
snr <- append(snr, snr_seg, after = length(snr))}
idx <- data.frame(x,y,snr)
removed <- logical(nrow(idx))
# Remove all signals below input SNR
for(k in 1:nrow(idx)){
if(idx[k, "snr"] < SNR_thresh){
idx[k, "y"] <- 0
removed[k] <- TRUE
} else{
idx[k, "y"] <- idx[k, "y"]
out <- idx[1:2]
if(sum(removed) == 0){
stop(paste0("No signals detected below specified SNR. Minimum SNR in this spectrum is ", min(idx$snr),"."))
} else{
message(paste0(sum(removed), " peaks removed below SNR_thresh = ", SNR_thresh))
names(out) <- c("mz", "peaks")
# ----------------
# ----------------
# This criterion uses the shape of peaks to remove false peak candidates.
# In order to compute the left slope and the right slope of a peak,
# both the left end point and the right end point of the peak need to
# be identified. Peak candidate is discarded if both left slope and right
# slope are less than a threshold. The threshold is defined as half of
# the local noise level.
.peak_slope <- function(dat, mass_dat, intensity_dat, n){
options(warn = -1)
stopifnot(mass_dat %in% colnames(dat),
intensity_dat %in% colnames(dat),
x <- dat[[mass_dat]]
y <- dat[[intensity_dat]]
# Identify left and right endpoints using avg. slopes
slopes <- diff(y)/diff(x)
# account for NaN in slopes (in case diff(x) = 0)
if(any(diff(x)) == 0){ stop('Xi - Xi+1 = 0. Please remove duplicated m/z value.')
} else{
slopes <- sign(slopes)
slopes <- as.numeric(stats::filter(slopes, rep(1 / 2, 2)))
slopes <- slopes[!is.na(slopes)]
slopes <- append(slopes, 1, after = 0)
slopes <- append(slopes, 0, after = length(slopes))
idx <- cbind(x,y,slopes)
L_endpoints <- c()
R_endpoints <- c()
for(i in 1:nrow(idx)){
if(idx[i,"slopes"] > 0){
# if slope of A > 0, find nearest point B w/ intensity < A
a <- i
# find nearest peak w/ slope -1
b <- which(idx[,"slopes"] < 0)
b <- b[which(b > i)]
b <- min(b)
b[which(b == Inf)] <- nrow(idx)
# valley to left of A = left end point
# valley to right of B = right end point
left_end <- a-1
right_end <- b+1
if(right_end > nrow(idx)){
right_end <- nrow(idx)
# check that next non-0 point to left of a is == -1
e <- which(idx[,"slopes"] != 0)
e <- e[which(e < a)]
e <- max(e)
e[e == -Inf] <- nrow(idx)
# if next non-0 is still 1, ignore points
if(idx[e,"slopes"] != 1){
# if right_end has slope -1, move to next 0 valley
if(idx[right_end,"slopes"] < 0){
d <- which(idx[,"slopes"] == 0)
d <- d[which(d > right_end)]
right_end <- min(d)
# check that next non-0 point to right of b is == 1
c <- which(idx[,"slopes"] != 0)
c <- c[which(c > right_end)]
c <- min(c)
c[c == Inf] <- nrow(idx)
# if next non-0 is still -1, record this as right_end
if(idx[c,"slopes"] != 1){
right_end <- c+1
# if left_end is 0, move to first row
left_end[left_end < 1] <- 1
# if right_end is Inf, move to last row
right_end[right_end == Inf] <- length(right_end)
L_endpoints <- append(L_endpoints, left_end, after = length(L_endpoints))
R_endpoints <- append(R_endpoints, right_end, after = length(R_endpoints))
slopes <- diff(y) / diff(x)
L_slopes <- c()
R_slopes <- c()
# Compute slopes of left and right endpoints
for(j in 1:length(L_endpoints)){
L_slope <- slopes[L_endpoints[j]]
R_slope <- slopes[R_endpoints[j]]
L_slopes <- append(L_slopes, L_slope, after = length(L_slopes))
R_slopes <- append(R_slopes, R_slope, after = length(R_slopes))
R_slopes[is.na(R_slopes)] <- 0
L_slopes[is.na(L_slopes)] <- 0
# Define threshold: half of noise level in window
# Separate into windows of size n
y_seg <- split(y, ceiling(seq_along(x)/n))
if(length(y_seg) == 1){
stop(paste0("Chosen window covers entire spectrum. To avoid this, please select a value of n much less than ", length(x),"."))
noise <- c()
# Calculate noise within each window
for(k in 1:length(y_seg)){
m <- mad(unlist(y_seg[k]))
noise <- append(noise, m, after = length(noise))
thresh <- noise/2
thresh[is.na(thresh)] <- 0
# Discard peak candidates w/slopes less than threshold
# Compare each thresh to slopes within window
# Use endpoints vectors to gauge which window
peaks <- data.frame(L_endpoints, R_endpoints, L_slopes, R_slopes)
peaks <- transform(peaks, "L_thresh" = FALSE, "R_thresh" = FALSE)
seg <- seq(1, nrow(idx), by = 1)
seg <- split(seg, ceiling(seq_along(seg)/n))
for(q in 1:length(seg)){
# grab all L_endpoints %in% seg[q][[1]]
m <- which(peaks[,"L_endpoints"] %in% seg[q][[1]])
for(l in m){
# compare thresh[q] to L_slope[l]
if(peaks[l, "L_slopes"] < thresh[q]){
# if L slope is less than thresh in window
# label for discard (L_thresh = TRUE)
peaks[l, "L_thresh"] = TRUE
} else{
# if greater than threshold
# label thresh as "FALSE"
peaks[l, "L_thresh"] = FALSE
# grab all R_endpoints %in% seg[q][[1]]
m <- which(peaks[,"R_endpoints"] %in% seg[q][[1]])
for(l in m){
# compare thresh[q] to R_slope[l]
if(peaks[l, "R_slopes"] < thresh[q]){
# if R slope is less than thresh in window
# label for discard (R_thresh = TRUE)
peaks[l, "R_thresh"] <- TRUE
} else{
# if greater than threshold
# label thresh as "FALSE"
peaks[l, "R_thresh"] <- FALSE
# if any thresh in row = TRUE
# make intensity between endpoints 0
L_disc <- peaks[which(peaks$L_thresh == TRUE | peaks$R_thresh == TRUE), "L_endpoints"]
R_disc <- peaks[which(peaks$R_thresh == TRUE | peaks$L_thresh == TRUE), "R_endpoints"]
disc <- data.frame(L_disc, R_disc)
# for each row of discard, grab points in idx between L and R
# make those points <- 0
for(w in 1:nrow(disc)){
L <- disc[w,"L_disc"]
R <- disc[w, "R_disc"]
win <- L:R
idx[win, "y"] <- 0
out <- data.frame(idx[,"x"], idx[,"y"])
names(out) <- c("mz", "peaks")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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