
bayes.gene.selection <- function(n_sigGene, dat, trainingLabel,iter=500, burn_in=100,
                                 sigmaZero = 0.1, sigmaNonZero = 1, alpha_tau = 1,
                                 beta_tau = 0.01, p = 0.01, pctUp=0.5)
  nPath <- length(trainingLabel) - 1
  bgPosB <- NULL; edPosB <- NULL
  for (i in 1:length(trainingLabel[[1]])){
    bgPosB <- c(bgPosB, trainingLabel[[1]][[i]][1])
    edPosB <- c(edPosB, trainingLabel[[1]][[i]][length(trainingLabel[[1]][[i]])])
  bgPosS <- NULL; edPosS <- NULL
  for (i in 2:length(trainingLabel)){
    bgPosS <- c(bgPosS, trainingLabel[[i]][1])
    edPosS <- c(edPosS, trainingLabel[[i]][length(trainingLabel[[i]])])
  m <- nPath  # pathways
  n <- NROW(dat)  # genes
  B_pos <- matrix(0, n, m)
  S_pos <- matrix(0, n, m)
  r_pos <- matrix(0, n, m)
  tau2_pos <- matrix(0, n, m)
  for (j in 1: m){
    cat("Gene selection on", names(trainingLabel)[j+1], "pathway...\n")
    Y <- dat[, c(bgPosB[j]:edPosB[j], bgPosS[j]:edPosS[j])]
    k <- NCOL(Y)
    k1 <- edPosB[j] - bgPosB[j] +1
    k2 <- edPosS[j] - bgPosS[j] +1
    sigma1 <- sigmaZero     	#need to be modified!!!
    sigma2 <- sigmaNonZero
    u <- alpha_tau		
    v <- beta_tau
    PHI_B <- matrix(nrow = iter, ncol = n)
    PHI_S <- matrix(nrow = iter, ncol = n)
    PHI_Delta <- matrix(nrow = iter, ncol = n)
    PHI_tau2 <- matrix(nrow = iter, ncol = n)
    PHI_B[1, ] <- rep(0, n)
    PHI_S[1, ] <- rep(0, n)
    PHI_Delta[1, ] <- rep(0, n)
    PHI_tau2[1, ] <- rep(u/v, n)
    for (i in 2:iter){
      if(i %% 10 == 0){cat("iteration", i, "\n", sep=" ")}
      s_B_1 <- 1/(k * PHI_tau2[i-1, ]+ 1/sigma2^2)
      mu_B_1 <- s_B_1 * (apply(Y, 1, sum) - k2 * PHI_S[i-1, ]) * PHI_tau2[i-1, ]
      PHI_B[i, ] <- rnorm(n, mu_B_1, sapply(s_B_1, sqrt))
      a <- ifelse(PHI_Delta[i-1, ] == 1, sigma2, sigma1)
      s_beta_1 <- 1/(k2 * PHI_tau2[i-1, ] + 1/a^2)
      mu_beta_1 <- s_beta_1 * (apply(Y[,(k1+1):k], 1, sum) - k2 * PHI_B[i, ]) * PHI_tau2[i-1, ]
      PHI_S[i, ] <- rnorm(n, mu_beta_1, sapply(s_beta_1, sqrt))
      b_div_a <- (1-p)/p * (sigma2 / sigma1) * exp(-1/2 * (PHI_S[i, ]^2 / sigma1^2 - PHI_S[i, ]^2 / sigma2^2))
      PHI_Delta[i, ] <- rbern(n, 1/(1+b_div_a))
      un <- u + k/2
      sum1 <- apply((Y[,1:k1]-matrix(rep(PHI_B[i, ], k1), n, k1))^2, 1, sum)
      sum2 <- apply((Y[, (k1+1):k]-matrix(rep((PHI_B[i, ]+PHI_S[i, ]), k2), n, k2))^2, 1, sum)
      vn <- (sum1+sum2)/2 + v
      PHI_tau2[i, ] <- rgamma(n, un, vn)
    B_pos[, j] <- apply(PHI_B[-c(1:burn_in), ], 2, mean)
    S_pos[, j] <- apply(PHI_S[-c(1:burn_in), ], 2, mean)
    r_pos[, j] <- apply(PHI_Delta[-c(1:burn_in), ], 2, mean)
    tau2_pos[, j] <- apply(PHI_tau2[-c(1:burn_in), ], 2, mean)
  diffGeneList <- vector("list")
  for (j in 1:m){
      tmp_up   <- order((S_pos[,j] * r_pos[,j]), decreasing=TRUE)[1:floor(n_sigGene[j]/(1/(pctUp)))]
      tmp_down <- order((S_pos[,j] * r_pos[,j]), decreasing=FALSE)[1:ceiling(n_sigGene[j]/(1/(1-pctUp)))]
      tmp <- c(tmp_up, tmp_down)
      tmp <- order((abs(S_pos[,j]) * r_pos[,j]), decreasing=TRUE)[1:n_sigGene[j]]
    diffGeneList[[j]] <- row.names(dat)[tmp]
  return(list(prior_p=r_pos, beta1=S_pos, diffGeneList=diffGeneList))
wevanjohnson/ASSIGN documentation built on May 4, 2019, 5:21 a.m.