
#' Plot a value across time for all wells in the experiment.
#' @param experiment An experiment object, usually created by 
#'   \code{\link{loadExperiment}}.
#' @param value The name of a value on experiment$map to plot.
#' @return A ggplot2 object.
#' @export
plotMapFacet <- function(experiment, value) {
  ggplot(experiment$map, aes_string(x = "time", y = value)) +
    #geom_point(size = I(0.85)) +
    geom_line() +
    facet_grid(row ~ col) +
    theme_bw() + 
    theme( axis.ticks.x = element_blank()
         , axis.ticks.y = element_blank()
         , axis.text.x  = element_blank()
         , axis.text.y  = element_blank()

mapNumericNames <- function(experiment) {
  names <- colnames(experiment$map)
  names[ sapply( names
               , function(n) { is.numeric(experiment$map[[n]]) & (n != 'time') }

mapChannels <- function(experiment) {
  numNames <- mapNumericNames(experiment)
  numNames[ !(numNames %in% colnames(experiment$factors)) ]

mapNumericFactors <- function(experiment) {
  numNames  <- mapNumericNames(experiment)
  chanNames <- mapChannels(experiment)
  setdiff(numNames, chanNames)
mapCategoricalFactors <- function(experiment) {
  names <- colnames(experiment$map)
  names[ sapply(names, function(n) { !is.numeric(experiment$map[[n]])}) ]
mapAllFactors <- function(experiment) {
  c(mapCategoricalFactors(experiment), mapNumericFactors(experiment))

mapUI <- function(experiment) {
  tagList( fluidRow( uiOutput('mapOverviewBox'))
         , fluidRow( box( uiOutput('mapViewBox.controls')
                        , hr()
                        , plotOutput('mapViewBox.plot')
                        , title  = "Kinetics viewer"
                        , status = "success"
                        , width  = 12

getReduceGridWell <- function(info, experiment) {
  col.n  <- info$panelvar1
  row.n  <- info$panelvar2
  rows   <- experiment$reduce$row
  cols   <- experiment$reduce$col
  df <- experiment$reduce[rows == row.n & cols == col.n, ]
  if (nrow(df) != 0) {
  } else {

mapServer <- function(experiment) {
  function(input, output, session) {
    pushSelection <- function(id, values, append = TRUE, unique = TRUE) {
      if (id %in% names(input)) {
        if (append) {
            vals <- c(input[[id]], values)
        } else {
          vals <- values
        if (unique) {
          vals <- unique(vals)

        updateSelectInput(session, id, selected = vals)
    output$mapOverviewBox <- renderUI({
      info <- p("This overview shows the change in values over time for each 
                well in your experiment.  If there are many wells this plot 
                will take a while to render.", strong(" Click "), "to add a 
                channel to the current view below or ", strong(" double click "),
                "on a well to reset the viewer."
      tabs <- lapply( mapChannels(experiment)
                    , function(name) {
                        box.id <- paste0('mapOverviewBox.', name)
                        output[[box.id]] <- renderPlot({ 
                          plotMapFacet(experiment, name) 
                          info <- input[[paste0(box.id, ".click")]]
                          well <- getReduceGridWell(info, experiment)
                          if (!is.na(well)) {
                            pushSelection("mapViewBox.values", name)
                            pushSelection("mapViewBox.wells", well)  

                          info <- input[[paste0(box.id, ".dblclick")]]
                          well <- getReduceGridWell(info, experiment)
                          if (!is.na(well)) {
                            pushSelection("mapViewBox.values", name, append = FALSE)
                            pushSelection("mapViewBox.wells", well, append = FALSE)
                        output[[paste0(box.id, '.hover.table')]] <- renderUI({
                          info <- input[[paste0(box.id, ".hover")]]
                          well <- getReduceGridWell(info, experiment)
                          df   <- experiment$reduce[well,]
                          if (!is.na(well)) {
                            s <- renderTable(df)()
                            HTML(gsub( 'table-condensed\">'
                                     , 'table-condensed\", style=\"width: 100%;\">'
                                     , s
                                     , fixed = TRUE
                          } else {
                            p("Hover over a well to see experimental labels.", class = "text-center")
                        tabPanel( title = name
                                , info
                                , plotOutput( box.id
                                            , click    = paste0(box.id, ".click")
                                            , dblclick = paste0(box.id, ".dblclick")
                                            , hover    = paste0(box.id, ".hover")
                                , fluidRow( column( 10
                                                  , uiOutput(paste0(box.id, ".hover.table"))
                                                  , offset = 1
      tabs$title = tagList(icon("th"), 'Overview')
      tabs$width = 12
      do.call(tabBox, tabs)
    output$mapViewBox.controls <- renderUI({
      times <- c(min(experiment$map$time), max(experiment$map$time))
      div( fluidRow( column( 4
                           , selectInput( 'mapViewBox.values'
                                        , 'Plot:'
                                        , mapChannels(experiment)
                                        , multiple = TRUE
                   , column( 4
                           , selectInput( 'mapViewBox.wells'
                                        , 'For well(s):'
                                        , experiment$design$wells
                                        , multiple = TRUE
                   , column( 4
                           , sliderInput( 'mapViewBox.times'
                                        , 'Time range:'
                                        , min   = times[1]
                                        , max   = times[2]
                                        , value = times
         , fluidRow( column( 4
                           , selectInput( 'mapViewBox.color'
                                        , 'Color by:'
                                        , mapAllFactors(experiment)
                                        , selected = 'well'
                                        , multiple = FALSE
                   , column( 4
                           , selectInput( 'mapViewBox.shape'
                                        , "Point shape:"
                                        , c('channel', mapCategoricalFactors(experiment))
                                        , selected = 'channel'
                                        , multiple = FALSE
                   , column( 4
                           , selectInput( 'mapViewBox.scale'
                                        , 'Value scale:'
                                        , c('linear', 'log')
                                        , selected = 'linear'
                                        , multiple = FALSE
    output$mapViewBox.plot <- renderPlot({
      wells   <- experiment$map$well
      values  <- input$mapViewBox.values
      times   <- experiment$map$time
      trange  <- input$mapViewBox.times
      rows    <- (wells %in% input$mapViewBox.wells) &
        (times > trange[1] & times < trange[2])
      if (any(rows)) {
        df <- experiment$map[rows, ]
        df <- tidyr::gather_(df, 'channel', 'value', values)
        val <- if (input$mapViewBox.scale == 'log') "log(value)" else "value"
        ggplot(df) + 
          geom_point( aes_string( x     = "time"
                                , y     = val
                                , color = input$mapViewBox.color
                                , shape = input$mapViewBox.shape
whitwort/plateKinetics documentation built on May 4, 2019, 5:23 a.m.