
Defines functions weib.limit weib.limit.bootstrap

Documented in weib.limit weib.limit.bootstrap

#' Calculating the limit(s) of a distribution or onset/cessation
#' \code{weib.limit} estimates either the the lower or upper limit of
#' a distribution of numbers given it. This is used in the manuscript
#' to calculate the onset of flowering given a set of flowering dates.
#' \code{weib.se.bootstrap} bootstraps an estimate of the Standard
#' Error for a particular estimate of the limit of a distribution. As
#' discussed in the Methods section of the manuscript, care should be
#' taken when bootstrapping estimates: the confidence intervals of
#' these estimates are asymmetrical, and so a single SE value should
#' be interpreted with caution. There are many ways of calculating
#' bootstrapped values, and (personally) I would advise you to write
#' your own function to make sure you're comfortable with what's going
#' on.
#' @param x vector of dates/times of observations, given as numbers
#' @param k how many entries in 'x' will be used to calculate the
#'     estimate. See 'Methods' in Pearse et al. (2017) for an
#'     explanation of why not all numbers need be used in the estimate
#' @param upper whether to calculate the upper limit (if TRUE) or the
#'     lower limit (if FALSE, the default). In the context of plant
#'     flowering phenology, the default option calculates when
#'     flowering started (the focus of this manuscript)
#' @param alpha the alpha value for the confidence intervals for the
#'     estimate of the limit of the distribution
#' @param n how many times to run the bootstrapping
#' @param max.iter it is not always possible to calculate an estimate
#'     for the limit (see Methods), and this means it is sometimes not
#'     possible to calculate an estimate across all bootstraps. If
#'     such a case occurs, this parameter sets how many times the
#'     function will try the bootstrapping again until the problem
#'     doesn't occur.
#' @note Smith (1987) discusses how there is a trade-off between
#'     choosing a value of \code{k} that is sufficiently large so as
#'     to detect signal, but not so large as to introduce signal from
#'     the bulk (centre) of the distribution. When there is evidence
#'     that the confidence intervals are being influenced by the bulk
#'     of the distribution this function returns \code{NA} confidence
#'     intervals and issues a warning. The estimate of the limit
#'     itself seems unaffected, but as with any statistical method you
#'     should inspect your estimates to ensure they make sense. This
#'     is a rare occurrence, WDP should add!
#' @examples
#' # Gather some observations of when flowers were in bloom
#' observations <- 5:15
#' # Estimate the onset of flowering 
#' weib.limit(observations)
#' # Estimate the end of flowering
#' weib.limit(observations, upper=TRUE)
#' # Change the alpha value for the confidence about those observations
#' weib.limit(observations, alpha=.2)
#' # Make use of fewer observations in estimating the onset (note the CI widen as a result)
#' weib.limit(observations, k=10)
#' # Bootstrap some confidence limits about the estimate
#' weib.limit.bootstrap(observations)
#' @references Pearse, W. D., Davis, C. C., Inouye, D. W., Primack,
#' R. B., & Davies, T. J. (2017). A statistical estimator for
#' determining the limits of contemporary and historic
#' phenology. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1. DOI:
#' 10.1038/s41559-017-0350-0
#' Smith, R. L. (1987). Estimating tails of probability
#' distributions. The annals of Statistics, 1174-1207.
#' @rdname weibull
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @export
weib.limit <- function(x, k=NULL, upper=FALSE, alpha=0.05){
    # Check the k-value is setup correctly
    k.check <- function(x, k=NULL){
            k <- length(x)
        if(k < 3 )
            stop("Insufficient data or insufficient time window")
        if(k > length(x)){
            warning("'k' longer than 'x'; using all of 'x'")
            k <- length(x)
    # Wrappers for parts of the calculation
    lam <- function(i, j, v){
        std <- function(x,y) (gamma(2*v+x) * gamma(v+y)) / (gamma(v+x) * gamma(y))
        inv <- function(x,y) (gamma(2*v+y) * gamma(v+x)) / (gamma(v+y) * gamma(x))
        return(ifelse(j <= i, std(i,j), inv(i,j)))
    weights <- function(x, upper){
        k <- length(x)
        v <- v.hat(x, upper)
        lam.mat <- outer(seq_along(x), seq_along(x), lam, v)
        e <- matrix(rep(1,k), ncol=1)
        alpha <- as.vector(solve(t(e) %*% solve(lam.mat) %*% e)) * as.vector(solve(lam.mat) %*% e)
    v.hat <- function(x, upper){
        x <- sort(x, decreasing=upper)
        if(x[1] == x[2]){
            warning("Repeated earliest measurements; applying correction")
            x <- c(x[1], x[x != x[1]])
        if(length(unique(x)) == 2){
            warning("Only two unique measurement dates; unable to compute")
        k <- length(x)
        return((1/(k-1)) * sum(log((x[1] - x[k]) / (x[1] - x[seq(2,k-1)]))))
    Sl <- function(x,k,alpha) (-log(1 - alpha/2)/k)^(-v.hat(x,upper))
    Su <- function(x,k,alpha) (-log(alpha/2)/k)^(-v.hat(x,upper))
    # Calculate the estimate
    k <- k.check(x, k)
    x <- sort(x, decreasing=upper)
    x <- x[seq_len(k)]
    theta <- tryCatch(sum(x * weights(x,upper)), error=function(x) NA)

    # Calculate the CIs
    ci.one <- tryCatch(x[1] + ((x[1]-x[k]) / (Sl(x,k,alpha) -1)), error=function(x) NA)
    ci.two <- tryCatch(x[1] + ((x[1] - x[k]) / (Su(x,k,alpha)-1)), error=function(x) NA)
    ci <- range(ci.one, ci.two)
    # Could we estimate theta or its CI?
    # - if so, check for sense, otherwise they're NA already
        # Check for tail vs. centre of distribution issues
        if(theta < ci[1] | theta > ci[2]){
            warning("Confidence interval estimation problem; see notes")
            ci <- rep(NA, 2)
    # Return
    return(setNames(c(theta, ci), c("estimate", "lower-ci", "upper-ci")))

#' @export
#' @rdname weibull
#' @importFrom stats sd rpois
weib.limit.bootstrap <- function(x, k=NULL, n=1000, max.iter=10, upper=FALSE){
    # Check the k-value is setup correctly
    k.check <- function(x, k=NULL){
            k <- length(x)
        if(k < 3 )
            stop("Insufficient data or insufficient time window")
        if(k > length(x)){
            warning("'k' longer than 'x'; using all of 'x'")
            k <- length(x)
    # Wrappers for parts of the calculation
    lam <- function(i, j, v){
        std <- function(x,y) (gamma(2*v+x) * gamma(v+y)) / (gamma(v+x) * gamma(y))
        inv <- function(x,y) (gamma(2*v+y) * gamma(v+x)) / (gamma(v+y) * gamma(x))
        return(ifelse(j <= i, std(i,j), inv(i,j)))
    weights <- function(x, upper){
        k <- length(x)
        v <- v.hat(x, upper)
        lam.mat <- outer(seq_along(x), seq_along(x), lam, v)
        e <- matrix(rep(1,k), ncol=1)
        alpha <- as.vector(solve(t(e) %*% solve(lam.mat) %*% e)) * as.vector(solve(lam.mat) %*% e)
    v.hat <- function(x, upper){
        x <- sort(x, upper)
        if(x[1] == x[2]){
            warning("Repeated earliest measurements; applying correction")
            x <- c(x[1], x[x != x[1]])
        if(length(unique(x)) == 2){
            warning("Only two unique measurement dates; unable to compute")
        k <- length(x)
        return((1/(k-1)) * sum(log((x[1] - x[k]) / (x[1] - x[seq(2,k-1)]))))

    theta.hat <- function(x, k=NULL, upper=FALSE){
        k <- k.check(x, k)
        x <- sort(x, decreasing=upper)
        x <- x[seq_len(k)]
        tryCatch(sum(x * weights(x,upper)), error=function(x) NA)

    #Estimate parameters
    k <- k.check(x, k)
    theta <- theta.hat(x, k=k, upper=upper)
    shape <- v.hat(x, upper)

    #Handle values less than 0 (through recursion)
    if(theta < 0){
        warning("theta < 0; scaling (will unscale before return)")
        output <- Recall(x + max(abs(c(theta, min(x)))), k, n, max.iter)
        return(c(theta, output[2]))

    sims <- replicate(n, rpois(k, theta^shape))
    s.thetas <- apply(sims, 2, theta.hat, upper=upper)
    for(i in seq_len(max.iter)){
        s.thetas <- s.thetas[!is.na(s.thetas)]
        if(length(s.thetas) >= n){
            s.thetas <- s.thetas[seq_len(n)]
        sims <- replicate(n, rpois(k, theta^shape))
        s.thetas <- append(s.thetas, apply(sims, 2, theta.hat, upper=upper))
    if(length(s.thetas) != n){
        warning("Iteration limit exceeded")
    return(setNames(c(theta,sd(s.thetas)), c("estimate", "SE")))

willpearse/phest documentation built on May 18, 2019, 1:27 a.m.