
#' Convert MRM-MS files to LC-MS style files
#' Convert MRM-MS \code{.mzML} files which contain a series of time-intensity pairs (chromatograms) to a series of LC-MS scan style \code{m/z}-intensity pairs.
#' Once the data is represented as a matrix of \code{m/z} and intensity pairs for each scan; the data can be further processed by open source tools such as \code{xcms}.
#' @param input a character stirng of the absolute file path of a MRM-MS \code{.mzML} file
#' @param outpath a character string of the location to save converted files to. If \code{NULL} then \code{return} must be \code{TRUE}
#' @param return logical; if \code{TRUE} then the `peaks` list is returned from the function. \code{Default is FALSE}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% select bind_rows group_by summarise ungroup arrange rename tibble mutate
#' @author Tom Wilson \email{tpw2@@aber.ac.uk}

convert <- function(input, outpath, return = FALSE)
  if (tools::file_ext(input) != 'mzML') {
    stop(deparse(substitute(input)), ' is not a .mzML file', call. = FALSE)

  open_raw <- mzR::openMSfile(input, backend = 'pwiz')

  if (length(open_raw) != 0) {
    warning('length is > 0')

  chrom_raw <- mzR::chromatograms(open_raw)

  filter_id <- purrr::map(chrom_raw, ~ {
  }) %>% unlist(.)

  filter_polarity <- purrr::map_dbl(filter_id, extract_polarity)

  filter_prec <- purrr::map_dbl(filter_id, extract_precursor)

  filter_prod <- purrr::map_dbl(filter_id, extract_prodcut)

  filter_index <-
      polarity = filter_polarity,
      precursor = filter_prec,
      product = filter_prod,
      chromidx = seq(from = 1, to = length(chrom_raw))

  idn_out <-
    which(filter_index[, 'polarity'] == 0 &
            filter_index[, 'precursor'] == 0 &
            filter_index[, 'product'] == 0)

  if (length(idn_out) > 0) {
    filter_index <- filter_index[-idn_out,]
    chrom_raw[[idn_out]] <- NULL

  chrom_tmp <- NULL
  for (i in seq_along(chrom_raw)) {
    chrom_tmp[[i]] <-
        rt = chrom_raw[[i]]$time,
        int = chrom_raw[[i]][, 2],
        polarity = rep(filter_index[i, 'polarity']),
        precursor = rep(filter_index[i, 'precursor']),
        product = rep(filter_index[i, 'product'])

  chrom_all <- chrom_tmp %>% bind_rows() %>% rename(., mz = product)
  chrom_all[, 'rt'] <- round(chrom_all[, 'rt'], digits = 1)

  chrom_agg <-
    chrom_all %>% group_by(., polarity, rt, mz) %>% summarise(., int = sum(int)) %>% ungroup(.) %>%
    mutate(., spf = paste0(.$polarity, ':', .$rt)) %>% arrange(., rt)

  uuid <-
    data.frame(spf = unique(chrom_agg[, 'spf']),
               id = seq(from = 1, to = length(unique(chrom_agg[, 'spf']$spf))))

  midx <- match(chrom_agg$spf, uuid[, 'spf'])
  chrom_agg <- chrom_agg %>% mutate(., spid = uuid$id[midx])

  chrom_split <- split(chrom_agg, ordered(chrom_agg$spid))

  chrom_pol <-
    purrr::map(chrom_split, ~ {
    }) %>% unlist(.)

  chrom_rt <-  purrr::map(chrom_split, ~ {
  }) %>% unlist(.)
  peaks_count <- purrr::map(chrom_split, ~ {
  }) %>% unlist(.)

  bpi <- purrr::map(chrom_split, ~ {
  }) %>% unlist(.)
  tic <- purrr::map(chrom_split, ~ {
  }) %>% unlist(.)
  bpmz <-
    purrr::map(chrom_split, ~ {
      .$mz[which(.$int == max(.$int))]
    }) %>% unlist(.)

  # # this is too slow
  peaks <-
    purrr::map(chrom_split, ~ {
      select(., -c(polarity, rt, spf, spid)) %>% as.matrix(.)

  # peaks <-
  #   purrr::map(chrom_split, ~ {
  #     select(.,-c(rt, spf,spid)) %>% as.matrix(.)
  #   })
  # create the `header``

  names(peaks) <- NULL

  hdnm <- header_names()

  hd_tmp <-
    data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(peaks), ncol = length(hdnm)))
  names(hd_tmp) <- hdnm

  hd_tmp[, 'acquisitionNum'] <-
    seq(from = 1,
        to = nrow(hd_tmp),
        by = 1)
  #acqt <- max(hd_tmp$acquisitionNum) / 2
  #  hd_tmp[, 'seqNum'] <- rep(1:acqt, each = 2)

  hd_tmp[, 'seqNum'] <- hd_tmp[, 'acquisitionNum']

  hd_tmp[, 'msLevel'] <- rep(1, nrow(hd_tmp))
  hd_tmp[, 'polarity'] <- chrom_pol
  hd_tmp[, 'retentionTime'] <- chrom_rt
  hd_tmp[, 'peaksCount'] <- peaks_count
  hd_tmp[, 'totIonCurrent'] <- as.numeric(tic)
  hd_tmp[, 'basePeakIntensity'] <- as.numeric(bpi)
  hd_tmp[, 'basePeakMZ'] <- as.numeric(bpmz)

  hd_tmp[is.na(hd_tmp)] <- 0

  if ('filterString' %in% names(hd_tmp)) {
    hd_tmp[, 'filterString'] <- as.character(hd_tmp[, 'filterString'])

  if (isTRUE(return)) {
  } else{
    destfile <- paste0(outpath, '/', 'convert_', basename(input))
    destfile <- gsub('.mzML', '.mzML', destfile)

      object = peaks,
      file = destfile,
      header = hd_tmp,
      outformat = 'mzml'

wilsontom/MRMConverteR documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:59 p.m.