
Defines functions grouplassoLambdas

Documented in grouplassoLambdas

#' Compute the lambdas (adaptive group lasso tuning parameters) at which the local model will be fitted. 
#' Finds \code{lambda.max}, the smallest lambda that shrinks all the penalized groups to zero. The rest of the lambdas form a log-linear sequence from \code{lambda.max} to \code{lambda.min = min.frac*lambda.max}.
#' @param data list consisting of \code{x}, a matrix of grouped lcoal covariates, and \code{y}, the vector of observed responses
#' @param index vector indicating group membership for each column of \code{x}
#' @param weights vector of observations weights
#' @param adaweights vector of adaptive group penalty multipliers (computed from the unpenalized coefficients)
#' @param min.frac ratio of \code{lambda.max} to \code{lambda.min}
#' @param nlam how many lambdas to compute along the sequence from \code{lambda.max} to \code{lambda.min}
#' @param type string indicating the kind of regression model, defaults to \code{"linear"}
#' @return vector of adaptive group lasso tuning parameters at which to compute the local LAGR coefficients
grouplassoLambdas <- function(data, index, family, weights, adaweights, min.frac=0.05, nlam=20, type="linear") {    
    X <- data$x
    y <- data$y

    n <- nrow(X)
    p <- ncol(X)
    #put the groups and adaweights in numerical order
    groups <- unique(index)
    ord.g = order(groups)
    groups = groups[ord.g]
    adaweights = adaweights[ord.g]
    #Reorder columns of X so that groups are contiguous
    ord <- order(index)
    index <- index[ord]
    X <- X[,ord]
    unOrd <- match(1:length(ord),ord)
    ## Coming up with other C++ info ##        
    num.groups <- length(groups)
    range.group.ind <- rep(0,(num.groups+1))
    for (i in 1:num.groups) {
        range.group.ind[i] <- min(which(index == groups[i])) - 1
    range.group.ind[num.groups + 1] <- ncol(X)
    group.length <- diff(range.group.ind)
    #Find the largest penalty for which each group would appear in the model, if it were the only penalized group:
    lambda.max <- rep(0,num.groups)
    #Unpenalized groups should appear for any value of lambda:
    unpen = groups[which(adaweights==0)]
    indx.unpen = which(index == unpen)
    n.unpen = length(indx.unpen)
    X.unpen = X[, indx.unpen, drop=FALSE]
    m.unpen = glm.fit(y=y, x=X.unpen, weights=weights, family=family, intercept=FALSE)
    eta.unpen = family$linkfun(m.unpen$fitted)
    beta.unpen = matrix(0, nrow=ncol(X), ncol=nlam)
    beta.unpen[indx.unpen,1] = coef(m.unpen)
    for (i in 1:num.groups) {
        if (adaweights[i] > 0) {
            ind <- groups[i]
            n.pen = group.length[i]
            X.fit <- X[,c(which(index == ind), indx.unpen), drop=FALSE]
            m = glm.fit(y=y, x=X.fit, weights=weights, family=family, intercept=FALSE)

            XtWX = t(m$R) %*% m$R
            #Works well for gaussian:
            #cors = (XtWX %*% m$coef / adaweights[i])[1:n.pen]
            #Original (also worked well for gaussian:)
            #cors <- t(X.fit) %*% diag(weights) %*% resp / adaweights[i]

            #Maybe works for any family?
            cors = (t(X.fit) %*% diag(weights) %*% (y-m.unpen$fitted) / adaweights[i])[1:n.pen]

            lambda.max[i] <- sqrt(sum(cors^2)) / sqrt(n.pen)        
    max.lam <- max(lambda.max) * 1.1 #The factor of 1.1 is to make sure the first lambda has only unpenalized covariates.
    min.lam <- min.frac * max.lam
    lambdas <- exp(seq(log(max.lam), log(min.lam), length.out=nlam))
    return(list(lambdas=lambdas/sum(weights), eta.unpen=eta.unpen, beta.unpen=beta.unpen))
wrbrooks/lagr documentation built on May 4, 2019, 11:59 a.m.