
Defines functions set_name get_name dump_jobs query_job_queue query_job_processing query_job_finish query_job_error encode_base64 decode_base64 redisSet redisGet redisLPush redisRPop redisHSet redisHGet push_job_queue push_job_processing push_job_finish push_job_error job_queue_len job_processing_len job_finish_len pop_job_queue pop_job_processing pop_job_finish clear_job_queue clear_job_processing clear_job_finish wait_worker set_init_job init_job finish_job ask_job pong

Documented in clear_job_finish clear_job_processing clear_job_queue job_finish_len job_processing_len job_queue_len pop_job_finish pop_job_processing pop_job_queue push_job_finish push_job_processing push_job_queue query_job_error query_job_finish query_job_processing query_job_queue set_init_job wait_worker

set_name <- function(name) {
  rredis::redisSet(".jobqueue", name)

get_name <- function() {

dump_jobs <- function(key) {
  extractor <- switch(
    "job.processing" = function(key) rredis:::redisHGetAll(key),
    function(key) rredis:::redisLRange(key, 0, rredis:::redisLLen(key) - 1)
  value.base64 <- extractor(key)
  value <- tryCatch({ 
    sapply(value.base64, function(base64) {
      unserialize(.Call("base64__decode", base64), refhook=FALSE)
    error = function(e) {
      greg.result <- gregexpr("^\\.onLoad failed in loadNamespace\\(\\) for \'(?<pkgname>\\w+)\',.*", text=conditionMessage(e), perl=TRUE)[[1]]
      if (greg.result == -1) stop(conditionMessage(e))
      pkgname <- substr(conditionMessage(e), attr(greg.result, "capture.start"), attr(greg.result, "capture.start") + attr(greg.result, "capture.length") - 1)
      library(pkgname, character.only=TRUE)
      value <- sapply(value.base64, function(base64) {
        unserialize(.Call("base64__decode", base64), refhook=FALSE)

#'@title query_job_queue
#'Dump the jobs in the job queue for monitoring.
#'This function won't affect the job queue in redis server.
#'@return data.frame includes the information of jobs. The 'title' attribute is used in shiny app
query_job_queue <- function() {
  value <- dump_jobs("job.queue")
  value.argv <- sapply(value, function(a) {
    argv <- a["argv"]
    retval <- capture.output(dump("argv", ""))
    return(paste(retval, collapse=""))
  retval <- data.frame(hash = sapply(value, function(a) a["hash"], simplify=TRUE))
  attr(retval, "title") <- value.argv

#'@title query_job_processing
#'Dump the jobs which is under executing for monitoring.
#'This function won't affect the job queue in redis server.
#'@return data.frame includes the information of jobs. The 'title' attribute is used in shiny app
query_job_processing <- function() {
  value <- dump_jobs("job.processing")
  get_column <- function(name) {
    return(sapply(value, function(a) a[name]))
  value.argv <- sapply(value, function(a) {
    argv <- a["argv"]
    retval <- capture.output(dump("argv", ""))
    return(paste(retval, collapse=""))
  retval <- data.frame(row.names = get_column("hash"), worker.id = get_column("worker.id"), start.processing = get_column("start.processing"))
  class(retval$start.processing) <- c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")
  retval$start.processing <- format(retval$start.processing)
  attr(retval, "title") <- value.argv

#'@title query_job_finish
#'Dump the jobs which is finished
#'This function won't affect the job queue in redis server.
#'@return data.frame includes the information of jobs. The 'title' attribute is used in shiny app
query_job_finish <- function() {
  value <- dump_jobs("job.finish")
  get_column <- function(name) {
    return(sapply(value, function(a) a[name]))
  value.argv <- sapply(value, function(a) {
    argv <- a["argv"]
    retval <- capture.output(dump("argv", ""))
    return(paste(retval, collapse=""))
  retval <- data.frame(row.names = get_column("hash"), worker.id = get_column("worker.id"), start.processing = get_column("start.processing"), processing.time = get_column("processing.time"))
  class(retval$start.processing) <- c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")
  retval$start.processing <- format(retval$start.processing)
  attr(retval, "title") <- value.argv

#'@title query_job_error
#'Dump the jobs which occurred errors.
#'This function won't affect the job queue in redis server.
#'@return data.frame includes the information of jobs. The 'title' attribute is used in shiny app
query_job_error <- function() {
  value <- dump_jobs("job.error")
  get_column <- function(name) {
    return(sapply(value, function(a) a[name]))
  value.argv <- sapply(value, function(a) {
    argv <- a["argv"]
    retval <- capture.output(dump("argv", ""))
    return(paste(retval, collapse=""))
  retval <- data.frame(row.names = get_column("hash"), worker.id = get_column("worker.id"), start.processing = get_column("start.processing"))
  class(retval$start.processing) <- c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")
  retval$start.processing <- format(retval$start.processing)
  attr(retval, "title") <- value.argv

encode_base64 <- function(value) {
  .Call("base64__encode", serialize(value, connection=NULL))

decode_base64 <- function(value.base64) {
  unserialize(.Call("base64__decode", value.base64))

redisSet <- function(key, value) {
  rredis:::redisSet(key, encode_base64(value))

redisGet <- function(key) {

redisLPush <- function(key, value) {
  rredis:::redisLPush(key, encode_base64(value))

redisRPop <- function(key) {

redisHSet <- function(key, field, value, NX=FALSE) {
  rredis:::redisHSet(key, field, encode_base64(value), NX)

redisHGet <- function(key, field) {
  decode_base64(rredis:::redisHGet(key, field))

#'@title push_job_queue
#'Add job to the job queue in redis
#'@param job an instance of 'job'
push_job_queue <- function(job) {
  stopifnot(class(job) == "job")
  redisLPush("job.queue", job)

#'@title push_job_processing
#'Add job to hash values in redis
#'@param job an instance of 'job'
push_job_processing <- function(job, hash) {
  stopifnot(class(job) == "job")
  job["start.processing"] <- Sys.time()
  redisHSet("job.processing", job["hash"], job)

#'@title push_job_finish
#'Add job to the list of finished job in redis
#'@param job an instance of 'job'
push_job_finish <- function(job) {
  stopifnot(class(job) == "job")
  job["processing.time"] <- as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), job["start.processing"], units="secs"))
  redisLPush("job.finish", job)

push_job_error <- function(job) {
  stopifnot(class(job) == "job")
  redisLPush("job.error", job)

#'@title job_queue_len
#'@return int the number of jobs in job queue
job_queue_len <- function() redisLLen("job.queue")

#'@title job_processing_len
#'@return int the number of jobs under execution
job_processing_len <- function() redisHLen("job.processing")

#'@title job_finish_len
#'@return int the number of finished jobs
job_finish_len <- function() redisLLen("job.finish")

#'@title pop_job_queue
#'Return the first job in the queue
#'@return an instance of 'job'
pop_job_queue <- function() {
  if (job_queue_len() == 0) {
    stop("Logical Error: The empty job queue should be handle in \"ask_job\"")
  job <- redisRPop("job.queue")
  stopifnot(class(job) == "job")
  job["type"] <- "normal"

#'@title pop_job_processing
#'Return the job in the hash values in redis according to the parameter \code{hash}
#'@param hash the hash value of the job
#'@return an instance of 'job'
pop_job_processing <- function(hash) {
  job <- redisHGet("job.processing", field=hash)
  stopifnot(class(job) == "job")
  redisHDel("job.processing", field=hash)

#'@title pop_job_finish
#'Return the first job in the list of finished job
#'@return an instance of 'job'
pop_job_finish <- function() {
  job <- redisRPop("job.finish")
  stopifnot(class(job) == "job")

#'@title clear_job_queue
#'Clear the job queue
clear_job_queue <- function() {

#'@title clear_job_processing
#'Clear the hash values in redis of jobs under execution 
clear_job_processing <- function() {

#'@title clear_job_finish
#'Clear the list of finished job
clear_job_finish <- function() {

#'@title wait_worker
#'Listen to a specific port for workers and assign the first job in job queue if the worker asks a job.
#'@param path string, ex: "tcp://*:12345"
#'@param shared_secret string, a secret shares with workers
#'@param terminate logical, whether terminate worker after the job-queue is cleared
#'@param is_start logical, check if the hash value of job under execution is empty or not
#'@param is_clear_job_finish logical, whether clear the list of finished job or not 
wait_worker <- function(path = NULL, shared_secret = "default", terminate = TRUE, is_start = FALSE, is_clear_job_finish = FALSE, ping.time.gap = 10L) {
  if (is.null(path)) stop("\"path\" is required")
  if (is.null(dict$context)) dict$context = init.context()
  if (is.null(dict$socket[[path]])) {
    dict$socket[[path]] = init.socket(dict$context,"ZMQ_REP")
    stopifnot(bind.socket(dict$socket[[path]], path))
  if (is_start) stopifnot(job_processing_len() == 0)
  if (is_clear_job_finish) clear_job_finish()
  child.pid <- c()
  child.pid <- c(child.pid, open_subprocess("ping.R", sub("*", "localhost", x="tcp://*:12345", fixed=TRUE), shared_secret, "10"))
  on.exit(pskill(child.pid), add=TRUE)
  job.total.count <- job_queue_len()
#   pb <- txtProgressBar(max = job.total.count)
  while(job_queue_len() + job_processing_len() > 0) {
    try.socket <- try(worker <- receive.socket(dict$socket[[path]]))
    if (class(try.socket) == "try-error") {
    info(dict$logger, sprintf("receive worker %s with request %s and shared secret %s", worker$worker.id, worker$request, worker$shared_secret))
    if (worker$shared_secret != shared_secret) {
    if (! worker$request %in% c("finish job", "ping")) { # check if job error 
      job.processing.list <- dump_jobs("job.processing")
      worker.list <- sapply(job.processing.list, function(job) job["worker.id"])
      error.index <- which(worker$worker.id == worker.list)
      stopifnot(length(error.index) < 2)
      if (length(error.index) == 1) {
        error.job.hash <- names(worker.list)[error.index]
        cat(sprintf("Detect error occurred on worker: %s and hash: %s \n", worker$worker.id, error.job.hash))
        job <- pop_job_processing(error.job.hash)
      "init" = init_job(dict$socket[[path]], worker),
      "finish job" = finish_job(dict$socket[[path]], worker),
      "ask job" = ask_job(dict$socket[[path]], worker, terminate),
      "ping" = pong(dict$socket[[path]], worker)
#     setTxtProgressBar(pb, length(dict$job.finish))
    if (length(dict$job.finish) == job.total.count) {
      cat(sprintf("There are %d jobs in job.queue and %d jobs in job.processing...\n", length(dict$job.queue), length(dict$job.processing)))
#   close(pb)

#'Ask the worker do the job when it asking how to initialize
#'@param job an instance of 'job'
set_init_job <- function(job) {
  if (class(job) != "job") stop("non-job object")
  redisSet("job.init", job)

init_job <- function(socket, worker) {
  job <- redisGet("job.init")
  if (is.null(job)) stop("init script has not been set yet!")
  info(dict$logger, sprintf("sending init script to %s", worker$worker.id)) 
  send.socket(socket, job)

finish_job <- function(socket, worker) {
  job.hash <- worker$job.hash
  job.result <- worker$job.result
  job <- pop_job_processing(job.hash)
  job["result"] <- job.result
  info(dict$logger, sprintf("sending null response to %s", worker$worker.id)) 
  send.socket(socket, NULL)

empty_job <- new("job", "empty", Sys.sleep, list(time = 10))
terminate_job <- new("job", "terminate", fun = Sys.sleep, list(time = 1))

ask_job <- function(socket, worker, terminate) {
  if (job_queue_len() == 0) {
    info(dict$logger, sprintf("job queue is empty"))
    if (terminate) {
      info(dict$logger, sprintf("terminating the worker %s", worker$worker.id))
      send.socket(socket, data=terminate_job) 
    } else send.socket(socket, data=empty_job)
  job <- pop_job_queue()
  if (!send.socket(socket, data=job)) {
      info(dict$logger, sprintf("send job %s to %s failed", job["hash"], worker$worker.id))}, 
      error=function(e) info(dict$logger, geterrmessage())
  info(dict$logger, sprintf("send job %s to %s successfully", job["hash"], worker$worker.id)) 
  job["worker.id"] <- worker$worker.id
  push_job_processing(job, job.hash)

pong <- function(socket, worker) {
  send.socket(socket, data="pong")
wush978/RzmqJobQueue documentation built on May 4, 2019, 12:02 p.m.