## Retention time correction methods.
#' @include DataClasses.R functions-MsFeatureData.R
#' @title Align spectrum retention times across samples using peak groups
#' found in most samples
#' @description
#' The function performs retention time correction by assessing
#' the retention time deviation across all samples using peak groups
#' (features) containg chromatographic peaks present in most/all samples.
#' The retention time deviation for these features in each sample is
#' described by fitting either a polynomial (\code{smooth = "loess"}) or
#' a linear (\code{smooth = "linear"}) model to the data points. The
#' models are subsequently used to adjust the retention time for each
#' spectrum in each sample.
#' @note The method ensures that returned adjusted retention times are
#' increasingly ordered, just as the raw retention times.
#' @details
#' The alignment bases on the presence of compounds that can be found
#' in all/most samples of an experiment. The retention times of individual
#' spectra are then adjusted based on the alignment of the features
#' corresponding to these \emph{house keeping compounds}. The paraneters
#' \code{minFraction} and \code{extraPeaks} can be used to fine tune which
#' features should be used for the alignment (i.e. which features
#' most likely correspond to the above mentioned house keeping compounds).
#' Parameter \code{subset} allows to define a subset of samples within the
#' experiment that should be aligned. All samples not being part of the subset
#' will be aligned based on the adjustment of the closest sample within the
#' subset. This allows to e.g. exclude blank samples from the alignment process
#' with their retention times being still adjusted based on the alignment
#' results of the \emph{real} samples.
#' @inheritParams adjustRtime-peakGroups
#' @param peaks a \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame} with the identified
#' chromatographic peaks in the samples.
#' @param peakIndex a \code{list} of indices that provides the grouping
#' information of the chromatographic peaks (across and within samples).
#' @param rtime a \code{list} of \code{numeric} vectors with the retention
#' times per file/sample.
#' @param peakGroupsMatrix optional \code{matrix} of (raw) retention times for
#' peak groups on which the alignment should be performed. Each column
#' represents a sample, each row a feature/peak group. If not provided,
#' this matrix will be determined depending on parameters
#' \code{minFraction} and \code{extraPeaks}. If provided,
#' \code{minFraction} and \code{extraPeaks} will be ignored.
#' @return A \code{list} with \code{numeric} vectors with the adjusted
#' retention times grouped by sample.
#' @family core retention time correction algorithms
#' @author Colin Smith, Johannes Rainer
#' @references
#' Colin A. Smith, Elizabeth J. Want, Grace O'Maille, Ruben Abagyan and
#' Gary Siuzdak. "XCMS: Processing Mass Spectrometry Data for Metabolite
#' Profiling Using Nonlinear Peak Alignment, Matching, and Identification"
#' \emph{Anal. Chem.} 2006, 78:779-787.
do_adjustRtime_peakGroups <-
function(peaks, peakIndex, rtime, minFraction = 0.9, extraPeaks = 1,
smooth = c("loess", "linear"), span = 0.2,
family = c("gaussian", "symmetric"),
peakGroupsMatrix = matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = 0),
subset = integer(), subsetAdjust = c("average", "previous"))
subsetAdjust <- match.arg(subsetAdjust)
## Check input.
if (missing(peaks) | missing(peakIndex) | missing(rtime))
stop("Arguments 'peaks', 'peakIndex' and 'rtime' are required!")
smooth <- match.arg(smooth)
family <- match.arg(family)
## minFraction
if (any(minFraction > 1) | any(minFraction < 0))
stop("'minFraction' has to be between 0 and 1!")
## Check peaks:
OK <- xcms:::.validChromPeaksMatrix(peaks)
if (is.character(OK))
## Check peakIndex:
if (any(!(unique(unlist(peakIndex)) %in% seq_len(nrow(peaks)))))
stop("Some indices listed in 'peakIndex' are outside of ",
## Check rtime:
if (!is.list(rtime))
stop("'rtime' should be a list of numeric vectors with the retention ",
"times of the spectra per sample!")
if (!all(unlist(lapply(rtime, is.numeric), use.names = FALSE)))
stop("'rtime' should be a list of numeric vectors with the retention ",
"times of the spectra per sample!")
if (length(rtime) != max(peaks[, "sample"]))
stop("The length of 'rtime' does not match with the total number of ",
"samples according to the 'peaks' matrix!")
total_samples <- length(rtime)
if (length(subset)) {
if (!is.numeric(subset))
stop("If provided, 'subset' is expected to be an integer")
if (!all(subset %in% seq_len(total_samples)))
stop("One or more indices in 'subset' are out of range.")
if (length(subset) < 2)
stop("Length of 'subset' too small: minimum required samples for ",
"alignment is 2.")
} else subset <- seq_len(total_samples)
## Translate minFraction to number of allowed missing samples.
nSamples <- length(subset)
missingSample <- nSamples - (nSamples * minFraction)
## Remove peaks not present in "subset" from the peakIndex
peaks_in_subset <- which(peaks[, "sample"] %in% subset)
peakIndex <- lapply(peakIndex, function(z) z[z %in% peaks_in_subset])
## Check if we've got a valid peakGroupsMatrix
## o Same number of samples.
## o range of rt values is within the rtime.
if (nrow(peakGroupsMatrix)) {
if (ncol(peakGroupsMatrix) != nSamples)
stop("'peakGroupsMatrix' has to have the same number of columns ",
"as there are samples!")
pg_range <- range(peakGroupsMatrix, na.rm = TRUE)
rt_range <- range(rtime)
if (!(pg_range[1] >= rt_range[1] & pg_range[2] <= rt_range[2]))
stop("The retention times in 'peakGroupsMatrix' have to be within",
" the retention time range of the experiment!")
rt <- peakGroupsMatrix
} else
rt <- .getPeakGroupsRtMatrix(peaks, peakIndex, subset,
missingSample, extraPeaks)
if (ncol(rt) != length(subset))
stop("Length of 'subset' and number of columns of the peak group ",
"matrix do not match.")
## Fix for issue #175
if (length(rt) == 0)
stop("No peak groups found in the data for the provided settings")
message("Performing retention time correction using ", nrow(rt),
" peak groups.")
## Calculate the deviation of each peak group in each sample from its
## median
rtdev <- rt - apply(rt, 1, median, na.rm = TRUE)
if (smooth == "loess") {
mingroups <- min(colSums(!is.na(rt)))
if (mingroups < 4) {
smooth <- "linear"
warning("Too few peak groups for 'loess', reverting to linear",
" method")
} else if (mingroups * span < 4) {
span <- 4 / mingroups
warning("Span too small for 'loess' and the available number of ",
"peak groups, resetting to ", round(span, 2))
rtdevsmo <- vector("list", nSamples)
## Code for checking to see if retention time correction is overcorrecting
rtdevrange <- range(rtdev, na.rm = TRUE)
warn.overcorrect <- FALSE
warn.tweak.rt <- FALSE
rtime_adj <- rtime
## Adjust samples in subset.
for (i in seq_along(subset)) {
i_all <- subset[i] # Index of sample in whole dataset.
pts <- na.omit(data.frame(rt = rt[, i], rtdev = rtdev[, i]))
## order the data.frame such that rt and rtdev are increasingly ordered.
pk_idx <- order(pts$rt, pts$rtdev)
pts <- pts[pk_idx, ]
if (smooth == "loess") {
lo <- suppressWarnings(loess(rtdev ~ rt, pts, span = span,
degree = 1, family = family))
rtdevsmo[[i]] <- xcms:::na.flatfill(
predict(lo, data.frame(rt = rtime[[i_all]])))
## Remove singularities from the loess function
rtdevsmo[[i]][abs(rtdevsmo[[i]]) >
quantile(abs(rtdevsmo[[i]]), 0.9,
na.rm = TRUE) * 2] <- NA
if (length(naidx <- which(is.na(rtdevsmo[[i]]))))
rtdevsmo[[i]][naidx] <- suppressWarnings(
approx(na.omit(data.frame(rtime[[i_all]], rtdevsmo[[i]])),
xout = rtime[[i_all]][naidx], rule = 2)$y
## Check if there are adjusted retention times that are not ordered
## increasingly. If there are, search for each first unordered rt
## the next rt that is larger and linearly interpolate the values
## in between (see issue #146 for an illustration).
while (length(decidx <- which(diff(rtime[[i_all]] - rtdevsmo[[i]]) < 0))) {
warn.tweak.rt <- TRUE ## Warn that we had to tweak the rts.
rtadj <- rtime[[i_all]] - rtdevsmo[[i]]
rtadj_start <- rtadj[decidx[1]] ## start interpolating from here
## Define the
next_larger <- which(rtadj > rtadj[decidx[1]])
if (length(next_larger) == 0) {
## Fix if there is no larger adjusted rt up to the end.
next_larger <- length(rtadj) + 1
rtadj_end <- rtadj_start
} else {
next_larger <- min(next_larger)
rtadj_end <- rtadj[next_larger]
## linearly interpolate the values in between.
adj_idxs <- (decidx[1] + 1):(next_larger - 1)
incr <- (rtadj_end - rtadj_start) / length(adj_idxs)
rtdevsmo[[i]][adj_idxs] <- rtime[[i_all]][adj_idxs] -
(rtadj_start + (1:length(adj_idxs)) * incr)
rtdevsmorange <- range(rtdevsmo[[i]])
if (any(rtdevsmorange / rtdevrange > 2))
warn.overcorrect <- TRUE
} else {
if (nrow(pts) < 2) {
stop("Not enough peak groups even for linear smoothing ",
## Use lm instead?
fit <- lsfit(pts$rt, pts$rtdev)
rtdevsmo[[i]] <- rtime[[i_all]] * fit$coef[2] + fit$coef[1]
ptsrange <- range(pts$rt)
minidx <- rtime[[i_all]] < ptsrange[1]
maxidx <- rtime[[i_all]] > ptsrange[2]
rtdevsmo[[i]][minidx] <- rtdevsmo[[i]][head(which(!minidx), n = 1)]
rtdevsmo[[i]][maxidx] <- rtdevsmo[[i]][tail(which(!maxidx), n = 1)]
## Finally applying the correction
rtime_adj[[i_all]] <- rtime[[i_all]] - rtdevsmo[[i]]
## Adjust the remaining samples.
rtime_adj <- adjustRtimeSubset(rtime, rtime_adj, subset = subset,
method = subsetAdjust)
if (warn.overcorrect) {
warning("Fitted retention time deviation curves exceed points by more",
" than 2x. This is dangerous and the algorithm is probably ",
"overcorrecting your data. Consider increasing the span ",
"parameter or switching to the linear smoothing method.")
if (warn.tweak.rt) {
warning(call. = FALSE, "Adjusted retention times had to be ",
"re-adjusted for some files to ensure them being in the same",
" order than the raw retention times. A call to ",
"'dropAdjustedRtime' might thus fail to restore retention ",
"times of chromatographic peaks to their original values. ",
"Eventually consider to increase the value of the 'span' ",
## That's the original code that fails to fix unsorted adjusted retention times
## (see issue #146).
do_adjustRtime_peakGroups_orig <- function(peaks, peakIndex, rtime,
minFraction = 0.9, extraPeaks = 1,
smooth = c("loess", "linear"), span = 0.2,
family = c("gaussian", "symmetric")) {
## Check input.
if (missing(peaks) | missing(peakIndex) | missing(rtime))
stop("Arguments 'peaks', 'peakIndex' and 'rtime' are required!")
smooth <- match.arg(smooth)
family <- match.arg(family)
## minFraction
if (any(minFraction > 1) | any(minFraction < 0))
stop("'minFraction' has to be between 0 and 1!")
## Check peaks:
OK <- .validChromPeaksMatrix(peaks)
if (is.character(OK))
## Check peakIndex:
if (any(!(unique(unlist(peakIndex)) %in% seq_len(nrow(peaks)))))
stop("Some indices listed in 'peakIndex' are outside of ",
## Check rtime: in line with the total number of samples we've got in
## peaks?
if (!is.list(rtime))
stop("'rtime' should be a list of numeric vectors with the retention ",
"times of the spectra per sample!")
if (!all(unlist(lapply(rtime, is.numeric), use.names = FALSE)))
stop("'rtime' should be a list of numeric vectors with the retention ",
"times of the spectra per sample!")
if (length(rtime) != max(peaks[, "sample"]))
stop("The length of 'rtime' does not match with the total number of ",
"samples according to the 'peaks' matrix!")
nSamples <- length(rtime)
## Translate minFraction to number of allowed missing samples.
missingSample <- nSamples - (nSamples * minFraction)
rt <- .getPeakGroupsRtMatrix(peaks, peakIndex, seq_len(nSamples),
missingSample, extraPeaks)
message("Performing retention time correction using ", nrow(rt),
" peak groups.")
## Calculate the deviation of each peak group in each sample from its
## median
rtdev <- rt - apply(rt, 1, median, na.rm = TRUE)
if (smooth == "loess") {
mingroups <- min(colSums(!is.na(rt)))
if (mingroups < 4) {
smooth <- "linear"
warning("Too few peak groups for 'loess', reverting to linear",
" method")
} else if (mingroups * span < 4) {
span <- 4 / mingroups
warning("Span too small for 'loess' and the available number of ",
"peak groups, resetting to ", round(span, 2))
rtdevsmo <- vector("list", nSamples)
## Code for checking to see if retention time correction is overcorrecting
rtdevrange <- range(rtdev, na.rm = TRUE)
warn.overcorrect <- FALSE
for (i in 1:nSamples) {
pts <- na.omit(data.frame(rt = rt[, i], rtdev = rtdev[, i]))
if (smooth == "loess") {
lo <- suppressWarnings(loess(rtdev ~ rt, pts, span = span,
degree = 1, family = family))
rtdevsmo[[i]] <- na.flatfill(predict(lo, data.frame(rt = rtime[[i]])))
## Remove singularities from the loess function
rtdevsmo[[i]][abs(rtdevsmo[[i]]) >
quantile(abs(rtdevsmo[[i]]), 0.9) * 2] <- NA
if (length(naidx <- which(is.na(rtdevsmo[[i]]))))
rtdevsmo[[i]][naidx] <- suppressWarnings(
approx(na.omit(data.frame(rtime[[i]], rtdevsmo[[i]])),
xout = rtime[[i]][naidx], rule = 2)$y
## That's to ensure that the adjusted retention times are in the
## same order than the raw retention times - I guess...
## Check if adjustment changes the order of the adjusted retention
## times. If yes, the difference between consecutive retention times
## will be negative.
## What does this code do:
## o move the last adjusted retention time to the left by its
## difference to the next one.
while (length(decidx <- which(diff(rtime[[i]] - rtdevsmo[[i]]) < 0))) {
d <- diff(rtime[[i]] - rtdevsmo[[i]])[tail(decidx, 1)]
rtdevsmo[[i]][tail(decidx, 1)] <- rtdevsmo[[i]][tail(decidx, 1)] - d
if (abs(d) <= 1e-06)
rtdevsmorange <- range(rtdevsmo[[i]])
if (any(rtdevsmorange / rtdevrange > 2))
warn.overcorrect <- TRUE
} else {
if (nrow(pts) < 2) {
stop("Not enough peak groups even for linear smoothing ",
## Use lm instead?
fit <- lsfit(pts$rt, pts$rtdev)
rtdevsmo[[i]] <- rtime[[i]] * fit$coef[2] + fit$coef[1]
ptsrange <- range(pts$rt)
minidx <- rtime[[i]] < ptsrange[1]
maxidx <- rtime[[i]] > ptsrange[2]
rtdevsmo[[i]][minidx] <- rtdevsmo[[i]][head(which(!minidx), n = 1)]
rtdevsmo[[i]][maxidx] <- rtdevsmo[[i]][tail(which(!maxidx), n = 1)]
## Finally applying the correction
rtime[[i]] <- rtime[[i]] - rtdevsmo[[i]]
if (warn.overcorrect) {
warning("Fitted retention time deviation curves exceed points by more",
" than 2x. This is dangerous and the algorithm is probably ",
"overcorrecting your data. Consider increasing the span ",
"parameter or switching to the linear smoothing method.")
#' This function adjusts retentin times in the vector/matrix `x` given the
#' provided `numeric` vectors `rtraw` and `rtadj`.
#' @note
#' Values in `x` that are outside of the range of `rtraw` are linearly shifted
#' by the difference of the first/last adjusted value.
#' @details
#' The function uses `stepfun` to adjust `x` given adjustment from `rtraw`
#' to `rtadj`. It is possible to perform or to revert retention time
#' correction in `x` depending on whether raw or adjusted retention times are
#' provided with `rtraw` or `rtadj`, respectively.
#' See examples for details.
#' @param x A `numeric` or `matrix` with retention time values that should be
#' adjusted.
#' @param rtraw `numeric` with raw retention times.
#' @param rtadj `numeric` with adjusted retention times.
#' @noRd
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @examples
#' ## Perform retention time correction:
#' ## feats is supposed to be the peaks matrix FOR A SINGLE SAMPLE, rtr and
#' ## rtc the raw and adjusted retention times of the spectras from the same
#' ## samples:
#' ## adjFts <- feats
#' ## adjFts[, c("rt", "rtmin", "rtmax")] <- .applyRtAdjustment(feats[, c("rt", "rtmin", "rtmax")], rtr, rtc)
#' ## To revert the adjustment: just switch the order of rtr and rtc
.applyRtAdjustment <- function(x, rtraw, rtadj) {
## re-order everything if rtraw is not sorted; issue #146
if (is.unsorted(rtraw)) {
idx <- order(rtraw)
rtraw <- rtraw[idx]
rtadj <- rtadj[idx]
adjFun <- stepfun(rtraw[-1] - diff(rtraw) / 2, rtadj)
res <- adjFun(x)
## Fix margins.
idx_low <- which(x < rtraw[1])
if (length(idx_low)) {
first_adj <- idx_low[length(idx_low)] + 1
res[idx_low] <- x[idx_low] + res[first_adj] - x[first_adj]
idx_high <- which(x > rtraw[length(rtraw)])
if (length(idx_high)) {
last_adj <- idx_high[1] - 1
res[idx_high] <- x[idx_high] + res[last_adj] - x[last_adj]
if (is.null(dim(res)))
names(res) <- names(x)
#' Helper function to apply retention time adjustment to already identified
#' peaks in the peaks matrix of an XCMSnExp (or peaks matrix of an
#' xcmsSet).
#' @noRd
.applyRtAdjToChromPeaks <- function(x, rtraw, rtadj) {
if (!is.list(rtraw) | !is.list(rtadj))
stop("'rtraw' and 'rtadj' are supposed to be lists!")
if (length(rtraw) != length(rtadj))
stop("'rtraw' and 'rtadj' have to have the same length!")
## Going to adjust the columns rt, rtmin and rtmax in x.
## Using a for loop here.
for (i in 1:length(rtraw)) {
whichSample <- which(x[, "sample"] == i)
if (length(whichSample)) {
x[whichSample, c("rt", "rtmin", "rtmax")] <-
.applyRtAdjustment(x[whichSample, c("rt", "rtmin", "rtmax")],
rtraw = rtraw[[i]], rtadj = rtadj[[i]])
#' Simple helper function to create a matrix with retention times for well
#' aligned peak groups, each row containing the rt of a peak group,
#' columns being samples.
#' @details This function is called internally by the
#' do_adjustRtime_peakGroups function and the retcor.peakgroups method.
#' @noRd
.getPeakGroupsRtMatrix <- function(peaks, peakIndex, sampleIndex,
missingSample, extraPeaks) {
## For each feature:
## o extract the retention time of the peak with the highest intensity.
## o skip peak groups if they are not assigned a peak in at least a
## minimum number of samples OR if have too many peaks from the same
## sample assigned to it.
nSamples <- length(sampleIndex)
rt <- lapply(peakIndex, function(z) {
cur_fts <- peaks[z, c("rt", "into", "sample"), drop = FALSE]
## Return NULL if we've got less samples that required or is the total
## number of peaks is larger than a certain threshold.
## Note that the original implementation is not completely correct!
## nsamp > nsamp + extraPeaks might be correct.
nsamp <- length(unique(cur_fts[, "sample"]))
if (nsamp < (nSamples - missingSample) |
nrow(cur_fts) > (nsamp + extraPeaks))
cur_fts[] <- cur_fts[order(cur_fts[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]
cur_fts[match(sampleIndex, cur_fts[, 3]), 1]
rt <- do.call(rbind, rt)
## Order them by median retention time. NOTE: this is different from the
## original code, in which the peak groups are ordered by the median
## retention time that is calculated over ALL peaks within the peak
## group, not only to one peak selected for each sample (for multi
## peak per sample assignments).
## Fix for issue #175
if (is(rt, "matrix")) {
rt <- rt[order(rowMedians(rt, na.rm = TRUE)), , drop = FALSE]
#' For a given index `x` return one from `idx` that is the *closest*, can be
#' either simply the `"next"`, or the `"closet"` (smallest difference to `x`).
#' For `"next"`: if there is no *next* index, it takes the previous.
#' @noRd
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @examples
#' .get_closest_index(3, c(2, 4, 6, 8))
.get_closest_index <- function(x, idx, method = c("next", "previous",
"closest")) {
method <- match.arg(method)
`next` = {
nxt <- idx > x
if (any(nxt))
else idx[!nxt][sum(!nxt)]
`previous` = {
prv <- idx < x
if (any(prv))
else idx[!prv][1]
closest = {
dst <- abs(idx - x)
#' *align* two vectors with each other. If they have a different length they
#' will be trimmed to have the same length starting from the end with the
#' smaller average difference (between 5 datapoints).
#' @param x `list` of two `numeric` vectors with potentially different length.
#' @return `list` of two `numeric` vectors with equal length.
#' @noRd
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @examples
#' x <- list(a = 1:10, b = 3:10)
#' .match_trim_vectors(x)
#' x <- list(a = 1:10, b = 2:15)
#' .match_trim_vectors(x)
#' x <- list(a = 1:20, b = 1:5)
#' .match_trim_vectors(x)
.match_trim_vector_index <- function(x, n = 5) {
lens <- lengths(x)
min_len <- min(lens)
if (length(unique(lens)) == 1)
replicate(n = length(lens), seq_len(min_len))
hd <- vapply(x, function(z) mean(head(z, n = n)), numeric(1))
tl <- vapply(x, function(z) mean(tail(z, n = n)), numeric(1))
if (diff(range(hd)) <= diff(range(tl)))
replicate(n = length(x), 1:min_len, FALSE)
lapply(lens, function(z) (z - min_len + 1):z)
.match_trim_vectors <- function(x, n = 5, idxs) {
if (missing(idxs))
idxs <- .match_trim_vector_index(x, n = n)
mapply(x, idxs, FUN = function(z, idx) z[idx], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
#' @title Adjust retention times based on alignment result from subset
#' @description
#' This function adjusts retention times based on the alignment results on a
#' subset of samples from an experiment. Specifically, the samples **not** part
#' of `subset` are adjusted based on the adjusted retention times of the
#' *closest* `subset` samples:
#' How the retention times will be adjusted depends on `method`:
#' - `"previous"`: adjusted retention times will match the adjusted retention
#' times of the closest previous subset-sample.
#' - `"average"`: adjusted retention times for a non-subset sample is calculated
#' based on the average retention times of the closest previous and following
#' subset-sample. The average is calculated based on an weighted average
#' with weights representing the distance of the non-subset sample to the
#' closest subset samples.
#' @param rtraw `list` of raw retention times, one element/vector per sample.
#' @param rtadj `list` of adjusted retention times, one element/vector per
#' sample. Has to have the same length than `rtraw`.
#' @param subset `integer` with the indices of the `subset` on which the
#' alignment has been performed.
#' @param method `character` specifying the method with which the non-subset
#' samples are adjusted: either `"previous"` or `"average"`. See details.
#' @return `list` of adjusted retention times.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
#' @md
adjustRtimeSubset <- function(rtraw, rtadj, subset,
method = c("average", "previous")) {
method <- match.arg(method)
if (length(rtraw) != length(rtadj))
stop("Lengths of 'rtraw' and 'rtadj' have to match.")
if (missing(subset))
subset <- seq_along(rtraw)
if (!all(subset %in% seq_along(rtraw)))
stop("'subset' is out of bounds.")
## if (length(subset) == length(rtraw)) {
## cat("return rtadj\n")
## return(rtadj)
## }
no_subset <- seq_len(length(rtraw))[-subset]
for (i in no_subset) {
message("Aligning sample number ", i, " against subset ... ",
appendLF = FALSE)
if (method == "previous") {
i_adj <- xcms:::.get_closest_index(i, subset, method = "previous")
rtadj[[i]] <- .applyRtAdjustment(rtraw[[i]], rtraw[[i_adj]],
if (method == "average") {
i_ref <- c(xcms:::.get_closest_index(i, subset, method = "previous"),
xcms:::.get_closest_index(i, subset, method = "next"))
trim_idx <- .match_trim_vector_index(rtraw[i_ref])
rt_raw_ref <- do.call(
cbind, .match_trim_vectors(rtraw[i_ref], idxs = trim_idx))
rt_adj_ref <- do.call(
cbind, .match_trim_vectors(rtadj[i_ref], idxs = trim_idx))
wghts <- 1 / abs(i_ref - i) # weights depending on distance to i
rt_raw_ref <- apply(rt_raw_ref, 1, weighted.mean, w = wghts)
rt_adj_ref <- apply(rt_adj_ref, 1, weighted.mean, w = wghts)
rtadj[[i]] <- .applyRtAdjustment(rtraw[[i]], rt_raw_ref,
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