mzClust_hclust <- function(x, eppm, eabs)
N <- length(x)
d <- dist(x)
g <- .C("R_mzClust_hclust",
x = as.double(x),
num = N,
d = as.double(d),
g = integer(length = N),
eppm = as.double(eppm),
eabs = as.double(eabs), NAOK = TRUE)$g
mzClustGeneric <- function(p,sampclass=NULL,
mzppm = 20,
mzabs = 0,
minsamp = 1,
makeBin <- function(pos)
if(pos > numpeaks)
bin <- pord[pos]
pos <- pos+1
basepeak <- p[bin[1],1]
error_range <- c(basepeak,
basepeak * error_window + basepeak + 2 * mzabs)
while(pos < numpeaks && p[pord[pos], 1] <= error_range[2]) {
bin <- c(bin, pord[pos])
pos <- pos + 1
if(pos %% (numpeaks%/%100+1) == 0) {
cat(format(((pos-1)/numpeaks*100),digits=1,nsmall=2)," ")
lst <- list(pos=pos,bin=bin)
meanDeviationOverLimit <- function(bin)
bin_mz <- p[bin,1]
m <- mean(bin_mz)
error_range <- c(m-ppm_error*m-mzabs, ppm_error*m+m+mzabs)
if(length(bin_mz[(bin_mz > error_range[2]) |
(bin_mz < error_range[1])]) > 0 ) {
} else { FALSE }
bin2output <- function(bin)
gcount <- integer(length(classnum))
if(length(gcount) != 0) {
for(i in seq(along = bin)) {
class_idx <- sampclass[p[bin[i],2]]
gcount[class_idx] <- gcount[class_idx] + 1
## make sure, that if no classes given, 'any' is false
if(length(bin) < minsamp || (!any(gcount >= classnum*minfrac)
&& length(gcount)>0))
groupvec <- c(rep(NA,4+length(gcount)))
groupvec[1] <- mean(p[bin,1])
groupvec[2:3] <- range(p[bin,1])
groupvec[4] <- length(bin)
sorted <- order(p[bin,1])
grp_members <- bin[sorted]
groupvec[4+seq(along = gcount)] <- gcount
lst <- list(stat=groupvec,members=grp_members)
ppm_error <- mzppm / 1000000
error_window <- 2 * ppm_error
## numeric version of classlabel
if(is.null(sampclass)) {
classnum <- integer(0)
classnames <- seq(along=classnum)
} else {
classnames <- levels(sampclass)
sampclass <- as.vector(unclass(sampclass))
classnum <- integer(max(sampclass))
for (i in seq(along = classnum))
classnum[i] <- sum(sampclass == i)
numpeaks <- nrow(p)
groupmat <- matrix(nrow = 512, ncol = 4 + length(classnum))
groupindex <- vector("list", 512)
pord <- order(p[,1])
pos <- c(1)
binNumber <- 1
newbin <- makeBin(pos)
binA <- newbin$bin
pos <- newbin$pos
while(1) {
if (binNumber +4 > nrow(groupmat)) {
groupmat <- rbind(groupmat, matrix(nrow = nrow(groupmat),
ncol = ncol(groupmat)))
groupindex <- c(groupindex, vector("list", length(groupindex)))
newbin <- makeBin(pos)
binB <- newbin$bin
pos <- newbin$pos
if(binB[1] < 0) {
out <- bin2output(binA)
if(length(out) != 0) {
groupmat[binNumber,] <- out$stat
groupindex[[binNumber]] <- out$members
binNumber <- binNumber + 1
max_binA <- max(p[binA,1])
min_binB <- min(p[binB,1])
binclust <- 0
if(max_binA + max_binA*error_window+2*mzabs >= min_binB &&
min_binB - min_binB*error_window -2*mzabs <= max_binA) {
binC <- c(binA,binB)
binclust <- 1
} else {
if(meanDeviationOverLimit(binA)) {
binC <- binA
binclust <- 2
## case: not in range or mean deviation over limit
## perform hierarchical clustering
if(binclust != 0) {
groups <- mzClust_hclust(p[binC,1],ppm_error,mzabs)
last_group <- groups[which.max(p[binC,1])]
binA <- binC[which(groups == last_group)]
if(max(groups) >1) {
for(c in 1:max(groups)) {
if(c == last_group) { next }
tmp_grp <- which(groups == c)
tmp_c <- binC[tmp_grp]
out <- bin2output(tmp_c)
if(length(out) != 0) {
groupmat[binNumber,] <- out$stat
groupindex[[binNumber]] <- out$members
binNumber <- binNumber + 1
if(binclust != 1) {
out <- bin2output(binA)
if(length(out) != 0) {
groupmat[binNumber,] <- out$stat
groupindex[[binNumber]] <- out$members
binNumber <- binNumber + 1
binA <- binB
colnames(groupmat) <- c("mzmed", "mzmin", "mzmax", "npeaks", classnames)
binNumber <- binNumber - 1
groupmat <- groupmat[seq(length = binNumber),]
groupindex <- groupindex[seq(length = binNumber)]
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