dec2bin = function(y,ly)
stopifnot(length(y) == 1, mode(y) == 'numeric')
q1 = (y / 2) %/% 1
r = y - q1 * 2
res = c(r)
while(q1 >= 1)
q2 = (q1 / 2) %/% 1
r = q1 - q2 * 2
q1 = q2
res = c(r, res)
res = c(rep(0,ly - length(res)),res)
dec2binmat = function(y)
numrows = 2^y
res = matrix(0,numrows,y)
for(i in 0:(numrows-1))
res[i + 1,] = dec2bin(i,y)
bin2dec <- function(y)
res <- y %*% 2^((length(y) - 1):0)
kimat <- function(dec2binmatk)
ki <- matrix(0,dim(dec2binmatk)[1],dim(dec2binmatk)[1])
for(i in 2:dim(dec2binmatk)[1])
locationones <- which(dec2binmatk[i,] == 1)
for(j in 1:length(locationones))
dec2binmatki <- dec2binmatk[i,]
dec2binmatki[locationones[j]] = 0
j2 <- 1 + bin2dec(dec2binmatki)
ki[i,j2] <- 1
kmini = function(dec2binmatk,lxm1,lxm2,lxe,sysdim = dim(dec2binmatk)[1])
posc = Matrix::rowSums(dec2binmatk)
negc = log2(sysdim) - posc
kmin = rep(negc,each = lxm1 * lxm2 * lxe)
dim(kmin) = c(lxm1,lxm2,lxe,sysdim)
ki = kimat(dec2binmatk)
res = list(kmin = kmin,ki = ki)
nndivdep = function(lxm1,lxm2,lxe,sysdim,Kprime,M,k,l)
nnl = c(0,0:(lxm1 + 1))
nnm = c(0,0:(lxm2 + 1))
nne = c(0,0,0:(lxe + 1))
lnnl = length(nnl)
lnnm = length(nnm)
lnne = length(nne)
nil2lxm1= 2:(lxm1 + 1)
nil2lxm2 = 2:(lxm2 + 1)
nil2lxe = 3:(lxe + 2)
nn = rowSums(expand.grid(n1 = nnl,n2 = nnm,n3 = nne))
dim(nn) = c(lnnl,lnnm,lnne)
nn = replicate(sysdim,nn)
nilm1 = rep(1,lxm1)
nilm2 = rep(1,lxm2)
nile = rep(1,lxe)
allc = 1:sysdim
divdepfac = pmax(array(0,dim = c(lxm1+3,lxm2+3,lxe+4,sysdim)),1 - (nn + k)/Kprime)
divdepfacmin1 = pmax(array(0,dim = c(lxm1+3,lxm2+3,lxe+4,sysdim)),1 - (nn + k - 1)/Kprime)
divdepfac = divdepfac[nil2lxm1,nil2lxm2,nil2lxe,allc]
divdepfacmin1 = divdepfacmin1[nil2lxm1,nil2lxm2,nil2lxe,allc]
Mminm = M - nn[nil2lxm1,nil2lxm2,nile,allc]
lminm1 = l - nn[nil2lxm1,nilm2,nile,allc]
Mminlminm2 = M - l - nn[nilm1,nil2lxm2,nile,allc]
res = list(nn = nn,divdepfac = divdepfac,divdepfacmin1 = divdepfacmin1,Mminm = Mminm,lminm1 = lminm1,Mminlminm2 = Mminlminm2)
selectrows = function(sysdim,order)
mat = NULL
for(i in seq(1,sysdim/order,by = 2))
group1 = (i - 1) * order + (1:order)
group2 = i * order + (1:order)
mat = rbind(mat,cbind(group1,group2))
DAISIE_loglik_rhs_IW = function(t,x,pars)
lac = pars[[1]][1]
mu = pars[[1]][2]
Kprime = pars[[1]][3]
gam = pars[[1]][4]
laa = pars[[1]][5]
M = pars[[1]][6]
k = pars[[2]]
ddep = pars[[3]]
lxm1 = pars[[4]]$lxm1
lxm2 = pars[[4]]$lxm2
lxe = pars[[4]]$lxe
sysdim = pars[[4]]$sysdim
kmin = pars[[5]]$kmin
kplus = k - kmin
ki = pars[[5]]$ki
nn = pars[[6]]$nn
divdepfac = pars[[6]]$divdepfac
divdepfacmin1 = pars[[6]]$divdepfacmin1
Mminm = pars[[6]]$Mminm
Mminm[Mminm < 0] = 0
lminm1minkminplus1 = pars[[6]]$lminm1 - kmin + 1
lminm1minkminplus1[lminm1minkminplus1 < 0] = 0
Mminlminm2plus1 = pars[[6]]$Mminlminm2 + 1
Mminlminm2plus1[Mminlminm2plus1 < 0] = 0
dim(x) = c(lxm1,lxm2,lxe,sysdim)
xx = array(0,dim = c(lxm1+2,lxm2+2,lxe+3,sysdim))
xx[2:(lxm1+1),2:(lxm2+1),3:(lxe+2),1:sysdim] = x
nil2lxm1 = 2:(lxm1 + 1)
nil2lxm2 = 2:(lxm2 + 1)
nil2lxe = 3:(lxe + 2)
allc = 1:sysdim
nilm1 = rep(1,lxm1)
nile = rep(1,lxe)
nilm2 = rep(1,lxm2)
if(sysdim == 1 & lxm1 > 1)
dim(Mminm) = c(lxm1,lxm2,lxe)
} else
if(sysdim == 1 & lxm1 == 1)
dim(Mminm) = c(lxm2,lxe)
} else
if(sysdim > 1 & lxm1 == 1)
dim(Mminm) = c(lxm2,lxe,allc)
dx = gam * divdepfacmin1 * lminm1minkminplus1 * xx[nil2lxm1-1,nil2lxm2,nil2lxe,allc] + #immigration
gam * divdepfacmin1 * Mminlminm2plus1 * xx[nil2lxm1,nil2lxm2-1,nil2lxe,allc] + #immigration
mu * nn[nil2lxm1+1,nilm2,nile,allc] * xx[nil2lxm1+1,nil2lxm2,nil2lxe,allc] + #extinction non-endemics
mu * nn[nilm1,nil2lxm2+1,nile,allc] * xx[nil2lxm1,nil2lxm2+1,nil2lxe,allc] + #extinction non-endemics
mu * nn[nilm1,nilm2,nil2lxe+1,allc] * xx[nil2lxm1,nil2lxm2,nil2lxe+1,allc] + #extinction endemics
lac * divdepfacmin1 * nn[nil2lxm1+1,nilm2,nile,allc] * xx[nil2lxm1+1,nil2lxm2,nil2lxe-2,allc] + #cladogenesis non-endemics
lac * divdepfacmin1 * nn[nilm1,nil2lxm2+1,nile,allc] * xx[nil2lxm1,nil2lxm2+1,nil2lxe-2,allc] + #cladogenesis non-endemics
lac * divdepfacmin1 * nn[nilm1,nilm2,nil2lxe-1,allc] * xx[nil2lxm1,nil2lxm2,nil2lxe-1,allc] + #cladogenesis endemics
2 * kplus * lac * divdepfacmin1 * xx[nil2lxm1,nil2lxm2,nil2lxe-1,allc] + #cladogenesis species in tree
laa * nn[nil2lxm1+1,nilm2,nile,allc] * xx[nil2lxm1+1,nil2lxm2,nil2lxe-1,allc] + #anagenesis non-endemics
laa * nn[nilm1,nil2lxm2+1,nile,allc] * xx[nil2lxm1,nil2lxm2+1,nil2lxe-1,allc] + #anagenesis non-endemics
-(laa * (nn[nil2lxm1,nil2lxm2,nile,allc] + kmin) + (gam * divdepfac * Mminm) +
(lac * divdepfac + mu) * (nn[nil2lxm1,nil2lxm2,nil2lxe,allc] + k)) * xx[nil2lxm1,nil2lxm2,nil2lxe,allc]
if(sysdim > 1)
dx = dx +
laa * tensor::tensor(xx[nil2lxm1,nil2lxm2,nil2lxe,allc],ki,4,2) + # anagenesis in colonizing lineage
2 * lac * divdepfacmin1 * tensor::tensor(xx[nil2lxm1,nil2lxm2,nil2lxe-1,allc],ki,4,2) # cladogenesis in colonizing lineage
dim(dx) = c(sysdim * lxm1 * lxm2 * lxe,1)
#' Computes the loglikelihood of the DAISIE model with island-wide
#' diversity-dependence given data and a set of model parameters
#' Computes the loglikelihood of the DAISIE model given colonization and
#' branching times for lineages on an island, and a set of model parameters for
#' the DAISIE model with island-wide diversity-dependence
#' The output is a loglikelihood value
#' @param pars1 Contains the model parameters: \cr \cr \code{pars1[1]}
#' corresponds to lambda^c (cladogenesis rate) \cr \code{pars1[2]} corresponds
#' to mu (extinction rate) \cr \code{pars1[3]} corresponds to K (clade-level
#' carrying capacity) \cr \code{pars1[4]} corresponds to gamma (immigration
#' rate) \cr \code{pars1[5]} corresponds to lambda^a (anagenesis rate) \cr
#' \code{pars1[6]} is optional; it may contain M, the total number of species
#' on the mainland \cr \cr
#' @param pars2 Contains the model settings \cr \cr \code{pars2[1]} corresponds
#' to lx = length of ODE variable x \cr \code{pars2[2]} corresponds to ddmodel
#' = diversity-dependent model, model of diversity-dependence, which can be one
#' of\cr \cr ddmodel = 0 : no diversity dependence \cr ddmodel = 1 : linear
#' dependence in speciation rate \cr ddmodel = 11: linear dependence in
#' speciation rate and in immigration rate \cr ddmodel = 2 : exponential
#' dependence in speciation rate\cr ddmodel = 21: exponential dependence in
#' speciation rate and in immigration rate\cr Only ddmodel = 11 is currently
#' implemented \cr \cr \code{pars2[3]} corresponds to cond = setting of
#' conditioning\cr \cr cond = 0 : conditioning on island age \cr cond = 1 :
#' conditioning on island age and non-extinction of the island biota \cr \cr
#' \code{pars2[4]} Specifies whether intermediate output should be provided,
#' because computation may take long. Default is 0, no output. A value of 1
#' means the parameters and loglikelihood are printed. A value of 2 means also
#' intermediate progress during loglikelihood computation is shown.
#' @param datalist Data object containing information on colonisation and
#' branching times. This object can be generated using the DAISIE_dataprep
#' function, which converts a user-specified data table into a data object, but
#' the object can of course also be entered directly. It is an R list object
#' with the following elements.\cr The first element of the list has two or
#' three components: \cr \cr \code{$island_age} - the island age \cr Then,
#' depending on whether a distinction between types is made, we have:\cr
#' \code{$not_present} - the number of mainland lineages that are not present
#' on the island \cr The remaining elements of the list each contains
#' information on a single colonist lineage on the island and has 5
#' components:\cr \cr \code{$colonist_name} - the name of the species or clade
#' that colonized the island \cr \code{$branching_times} - island age and stem
#' age of the population/species in the case of Non-endemic, Non-endemic_MaxAge
#' and Endemic anagenetic species. For cladogenetic species these should be
#' island age and branching times of the radiation including the stem age of
#' the radiation.\cr \code{$stac} - the status of the colonist \cr \cr *
#' Non_endemic_MaxAge: 1 \cr * Endemic: 2 \cr * Endemic&Non_Endemic: 3 \cr *
#' Non_endemic: 4 \cr * Endemic_MaxAge: 5 \cr \cr \code{$missing_species} -
#' number of island species that were not sampled for particular clade (only
#' applicable for endemic clades) \cr
#' @param methode Method of the ODE-solver. See package deSolve for details.
#' Default is "ode45"
#' @param abstolint Absolute tolerance of the integration
#' @param reltolint Relative tolerance of the integration
#' @param verbose Logical controling if progress is printed to console.
#' @return The loglikelihood
#' @author Rampal S. Etienne & Bart Haegeman
#' @seealso \code{\link{DAISIE_ML_IW}}, \code{\link{DAISIE_loglik_CS}},
#' \code{\link{DAISIE_sim}}
#' @references Valente, L.M., A.B. Phillimore and R.S. Etienne (2015).
#' Equilibrium and non-equilibrium dynamics simultaneously operate in the
#' Galapagos islands. Ecology Letters 18: 844-852.
#' @keywords models
#' @export DAISIE_loglik_IW
DAISIE_loglik_IW = function(
methode = "ode45",
abstolint = 1E-16,
reltolint = 1E-14,
verbose = FALSE
# pars1 = model parameters
# - pars1[1] = lac = (initial) cladogenesis rate
# - pars1[2] = mu = extinction rate
# - pars1[3] = K = maximum number of species possible in the clade
# - pars1[4] = gam = (initial) immigration rate
# - pars1[5] = laa = (initial) anagenesis rate
# - pars1[6] = M = number of mainland species
# pars2 = model settings
# - pars2[1] = lx = length of ODE variable x
# - pars2[2] = ddep = diversity-dependent model,mode of diversity-dependence
# . ddep == 0 : no diversity-dependence
# . ddep == 1 : linear dependence in speciation rate (anagenesis and cladogenesis)
# . ddep == 11 : linear dependence in speciation rate and immigration rate
# . ddep == 3 : linear dependence in extinction rate
# - pars2[3] = cond = conditioning
# . cond == 0 : no conditioning
# . cond == 1 : conditioning on presence on the island (not used in this single loglikelihood)
pars2[4] = 0
datalist = Add_brt_table(datalist)
brts = c(-abs(datalist[[1]]$brts_table[,1]),0)
clade = datalist[[1]]$brts_table[,2]
event = datalist[[1]]$brts_table[,3]
pars1 = as.numeric(pars1)
if(length(pars1) == 5)
np = datalist[[1]]$not_present
np = datalist[[1]]$not_present_type1 + datalist[[1]]$not_present_type2
cat('Number of species not present is misspecified.\n')
loglik = NA
M = length(datalist) - 1 + np
} else
if(length(pars1) == 6)
M = pars1[6]
} else
cat('pars1 should contain 5 or 6 values.\n')
loglik = NA
ddep = pars2[2]
cond = pars2[3]
lac = pars1[1]
mu = pars1[2]
Kprime = pars1[3]
if(ddep == 0)
Kprime = Inf
gam = pars1[4]
laa = pars1[5]
l = 0
if(min(pars1) < 0)
cat('One or more parameters are negative.\n')
loglik = -Inf
endemic = 0
nonendemic1 = 0
nonendemic2 = 0
for(i in 2:length(datalist))
endemic = endemic + (datalist[[i]]$stac == 5)
nonendemic1 = nonendemic1 + (datalist[[i]]$stac == 3)
nonendemic2 = nonendemic2 + (datalist[[i]]$stac == 1)
if((ddep == 1 | ddep == 11) & (ceiling(Kprime) < nonendemic1 + nonendemic2 + endemic + length(brts) - 2))
if (verbose) {
cat('The proposed value of K is incompatible with the number of species
in the clade. Likelihood for this parameter set
will be set to -Inf. \n')
loglik = -Inf
if(ddep == 1 | ddep == 11)
lx = min(1 + ceiling(Kprime),DDD::roundn(pars2[1]) )
} else {
lx = DDD::roundn(pars2[1])
lxm1 = max(clade) + 1
lxm2 = min(lx,M + 1)
lxe = lx
sysdimchange = 1
sysdim = 1
totdim = lxm1 * lxm2 * lxe * sysdim
probs = rep(0,totdim)
probs[1] = 1
loglik = 0
expandvec = NULL
for(k in 0:(length(brts) - 2))
if(pars2[4] == 2)
cat(paste('k = ',k,', sysdim = ',sysdim,'\n',sep = ''))
dime = list(lxm1 = lxm1,lxm2 = lxm2,lxe = lxe,sysdim = sysdim)
if(sysdimchange == 1)
if(sysdim > 1)
dec2binmatk = dec2binmat(log2(sysdim))
kmi = kmini(dec2binmatk,lxm1,lxm2,lxe,sysdim)
} else if(sysdim == 1)
kmi = list(kmin = 0,ki = NULL)
sysdimchange = 0
nndd = nndivdep(lxm1,lxm2,lxe,sysdim,Kprime,M,k,l)
parslist = list(pars = pars1,k = k,ddep = ddep,dime = dime,kmi = kmi,nndd = nndd)
y = deSolve::ode(y = probs,times = brts[(k + 1):(k + 2)],func = DAISIE_loglik_rhs_IW,parms = parslist,rtol = reltolint,atol = abstolint,method = methode)
probs = y[2,2:(totdim + 1)]
cp = checkprobs2(NA, loglik, probs, verbose); loglik = cp[[1]]; probs = cp[[2]]
dim(probs) = c(lxm1,lxm2,lxe,sysdim)
if(k < (length(brts) - 2))
divdepfac = nndd$divdepfac
if(event[k + 2] == 1)
Mminlminm2 = nndd$Mminlminm2
Mminlminm2[Mminlminm2 < 0] = 0
probs = gam * divdepfac * Mminlminm2 * probs[,,,1:sysdim]
probs = c(probs,rep(0,totdim))
l = l + 1
sysdim = sysdim * 2
expandvec = c(expandvec,clade[k + 2])
sysdimchange = 1
} else
probs = lac * divdepfac * probs[,,,1:sysdim]
if(event[k + 2] == 2)
tocollapse = which(expandvec == clade[k + 2])
sr = selectrows(sysdim,2^(tocollapse - 1))
probs = probs[,,,sr[,1]] + probs[,,,sr[,2]]
sysdim = sysdim / 2
dim(probs) = c(lxm1,lxm2,lxe,sysdim)
expandvec = expandvec[-tocollapse]
sysdimchange = 1
cp = checkprobs2(NA, loglik, probs, verbose); loglik = cp[[1]]; probs = cp[[2]]
totdim = lxm1 * lxm2 * lxe * sysdim
dim(probs) = c(totdim,1)
dim(probs) = c(lxm1,lxm2,lxe,sysdim)
expandedclades = which(pracma::histc(clade,1:length(clade))$cnt == 1)
status = rep(0,lexpandedclades <- length(expandedclades))
if(lexpandedclades > 0)
for(i in lexpandedclades:1)
if(datalist[[1 + expandedclades[i]]]$stac == 2)
status[i] = 1
if(length(status) > 0)
decstatus = bin2dec(rev(status))
} else
decstatus = 0
numcol = length(datalist) - 1
loglik = loglik - (lgamma(M + 1) - lgamma(M - numcol + 1) - lgamma(nonendemic2 + 1) - lgamma(endemic + 1))
#print(loglik + log(probs[1,,1,]))
loglik = loglik + log(probs[1 + nonendemic1,1 + nonendemic2,1 + endemic,1 + decstatus])
if(cond > 0)
sysdim = 1
totdim = lxm1 * lxm2 * lxe * sysdim
dime = list(lxm1 = lxm1,lxm2 = lxm2,lxe = lxe,sysdim = sysdim)
probs = rep(0,totdim)
probs[1] = 1
kmi = list(kmin = 0,ki = NULL)
nndd = nndivdep(lxm2,lxe,sysdim,Kprime,M,k = 0)
parslist = list(pars = pars1,k = k,ddep = ddep,dime = dime,kmi = kmi,nndd = nndd)
y = deSolve::ode(y = probs,times = brts[(k + 1):(k + 2)],func = DAISIE_loglik_rhs_IW,parms = parslist,rtol = reltolint,atol = abstolint,method = methode)
probs = y[2,2:(totdim + 1)]
dim(probs) = c(lxm1,lxm2,lxe,sysdim)
logcond = log(1 - probs[1,1,1,1])
loglik = loglik - logcond
if(pars2[4] >= 1)
s1 = sprintf('Parameters: %f %f %f %f %f',pars1[1],pars1[2],pars1[3],pars1[4],pars1[5])
s2 = sprintf(', Loglikelihood: %f',loglik)
cat(s1,s2,"\n",sep = "")
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