#' Internal function of the DAISIE simulation
#' Taken from CRAN, commit https://github.com/richelbilderbeek/DAISIE/commit/c700b0fcf9e2c2b5d7248f02af7596fac5a2f573#diff-ddae7ad3ae2def3cb66ecf8a8a45cc41
#' @param time simulated amount of time
#' @param mainland_n number of mainland species, that
#' is, the number of species that can potentially colonize the island.
#' If \code{\link{DAISIE_sim}} uses a clade-specific diversity dependence,
#' this value is set to 1.
#' If \code{\link{DAISIE_sim}} uses an island-specific diversity dependence,
#' this value is set to the number of mainland species.
#' @param pars a numeric vector:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{[1]: cladogenesis rate}
#' \item{[2]: extinction rate}
#' \item{[3]: carrying capacity}
#' \item{[4]: immigration rate}
#' \item{[5]: anagenesis rate}
#' }
DAISIE_sim_core_1_4 = function(time, mainland_n, pars)
lac = pars[1]
mu = pars[2]
K = pars[3]
gam = pars[4]
laa = pars[5]
stop('Rate of colonisation is zero. Island cannot be colonised.')
timeval = 0
mainland_spec = seq(1,mainland_n,1)
maxspecID = mainland_n
island_spec = c()
stt_table = matrix(ncol=4)
colnames(stt_table) = c("Time","nI","nA","nC")
stt_table[1,] = c(time,0,0,0)
while(timeval < time)
n_island_species <- length(island_spec[,1])
n_immigrants <- length(which(island_spec[,4] == "I"))
ext_rate <- DAISIE_calc_clade_ext_rate(ps_ext_rate = mu, n_species = n_island_species)
ana_rate <- DAISIE_calc_clade_ana_rate(ps_ana_rate = laa, n_immigrants = n_immigrants)
clado_rate <- DAISIE_calc_clade_clado_rate(ps_clado_rate = lac, n_species = n_island_species, carr_cap = K)
immig_rate <- DAISIE_calc_clade_imm_rate(ps_imm_rate = gam, n_island_species = n_island_species, n_mainland_species = mainland_n, carr_cap = K)
totalrate <- ext_rate + clado_rate + ana_rate + immig_rate
dt <- stats::rexp(1, totalrate)
timeval <- timeval + dt
possible_event <- rng_respecting_sample(1:4,1,replace=FALSE,c(immig_rate,ext_rate,ana_rate,clado_rate))
if(timeval <= time)
if(possible_event == 1)
colonist = DDD::sample2(mainland_spec,1)
if(length(island_spec[,1]) != 0){isitthere = which(island_spec[,1] == colonist)}
if(length(island_spec[,1]) == 0) {isitthere = c()}
if(length(isitthere) == 0){island_spec = rbind(island_spec,c(colonist,colonist,timeval,"I",NA,NA,NA))}
if(length(isitthere) != 0){ island_spec[isitthere,] = c(colonist,colonist,timeval,"I",NA,NA,NA)}
if(possible_event == 2)
extinct = DDD::sample2(1:length(island_spec[,1]),1)
#this chooses the row of species data to remove
typeofspecies = island_spec[extinct,4]
if(typeofspecies == "I")
island_spec = island_spec[-extinct,]
#remove immigrant
if(typeofspecies == "A")
island_spec = island_spec[-extinct,]
#remove anagenetic
if(typeofspecies == "C")
#remove cladogenetic
#first find species with same ancestor AND arrival time
sisters = intersect(which(island_spec[,2] == island_spec[extinct,2]),which(island_spec[,3] == island_spec[extinct,3]))
survivors = sisters[which(sisters != extinct)]
if(length(sisters) == 2)
#survivors status becomes anagenetic
island_spec[survivors,4] = "A"
island_spec[survivors,c(5,6)] = c(NA,NA)
island_spec[survivors,7] = "Clado_extinct"
island_spec = island_spec[-extinct,]
if(length(sisters) >= 3)
numberofsplits = nchar(island_spec[extinct,5])
mostrecentspl = substring(island_spec[extinct,5],numberofsplits)
sistermostrecentspl = "A"
sistermostrecentspl = "B"
motiftofind = paste(substring(island_spec[extinct,5],1,numberofsplits-1),sistermostrecentspl,sep = "")
possiblesister = survivors[which(substring(island_spec[survivors,5],1,numberofsplits) == motiftofind)]
#different rules depending on whether a B or A is removed. B going extinct is simpler because it only
#carries a record of the most recent speciation
if(mostrecentspl == "A")
#change the splitting date of the sister species so that it inherits the early splitting that used to belong to A.
tochange = possiblesister[which(island_spec[possiblesister,6] == max(as.numeric(island_spec[possiblesister,6])))]
island_spec[tochange,6] = island_spec[extinct,6]
#remove the offending A/B from these species
island_spec[possiblesister,5] = paste(substring(island_spec[possiblesister,5],1,numberofsplits - 1),
substring(island_spec[possiblesister,5],numberofsplits + 1,
nchar(island_spec[possiblesister,5])),sep = "")
island_spec = island_spec[-extinct,]
island_spec = rbind(island_spec)
if(possible_event == 3)
immi_specs = which(island_spec[,4] == "I")
#we only allow immigrants to undergo anagenesis
if(length(immi_specs) == 1)
anagenesis = immi_specs
if(length(immi_specs) > 1)
anagenesis = DDD::sample2(immi_specs,1)
maxspecID = maxspecID + 1
island_spec[anagenesis,4] = "A"
island_spec[anagenesis,1] = maxspecID
island_spec[anagenesis,7] = "Immig_parent"
#CLADOGENESIS - this splits species into two new species - both of which receive
if(possible_event == 4)
tosplit = DDD::sample2(1:length(island_spec[,1]),1)
#if the species that speciates is cladogenetic
if(island_spec[tosplit,4] == "C")
#for daughter A
island_spec[tosplit,4] = "C"
island_spec[tosplit,1] = maxspecID + 1
oldstatus = island_spec[tosplit,5]
island_spec[tosplit,5] = paste(oldstatus,"A",sep = "")
#island_spec[tosplit,6] = timeval
island_spec[tosplit,7] = NA
#for daughter B
island_spec = rbind(island_spec,c(maxspecID + 2,island_spec[tosplit,2],island_spec[tosplit,3],
"C",paste(oldstatus,"B",sep = ""),timeval,NA))
maxspecID = maxspecID + 2
} else {
#if the species that speciates is not cladogenetic
#for daughter A
island_spec[tosplit,4] = "C"
island_spec[tosplit,1] = maxspecID + 1
island_spec[tosplit,5] = "A"
island_spec[tosplit,6] = island_spec[tosplit,3]
island_spec[tosplit,7] = NA
#for daughter B
island_spec = rbind(island_spec,c(maxspecID + 2,island_spec[tosplit,2],island_spec[tosplit,3],"C","B",timeval,NA))
maxspecID = maxspecID + 2
stt_table = rbind(stt_table,c(time - timeval,length(which(island_spec[,4] == "I")),
length(which(island_spec[,4] == "A")),length(which(island_spec[,4] == "C"))))
stt_table[nrow(stt_table),1] = 0
### if there are no species on the island branching_times = island_age, stac = 0, missing_species = 0
island = list(stt_table = stt_table, branching_times = time, stac = 0, missing_species = 0) }
cnames <- c("Species","Mainland Ancestor","Colonisation time (BP)",
"Species type","branch_code","branching time (BP)","Anagenetic_origin")
colnames(island_spec) <- cnames
### set ages as counting backwards from present
island_spec[,"branching time (BP)"] = time - as.numeric(island_spec[,"branching time (BP)"])
island_spec[,"Colonisation time (BP)"] = time - as.numeric(island_spec[,"Colonisation time (BP)"])
if(mainland_n==1) {
island <- DAISIE_ONEcolonist(time,island_spec,stt_table, keep_final_state = FALSE)
if(mainland_n>1) {
### number of colonists present
colonists_present = sort(as.numeric(unique(island_spec[,'Mainland Ancestor'])))
number_colonists_present = length(colonists_present)
for (i in 1:number_colonists_present) {
subset_island<-island_spec[which(island_spec[,'Mainland Ancestor']==colonists_present[i]),]
if(class(subset_island)!='matrix') { subset_island<-rbind(subset_island[1:7])
colnames(subset_island) = cnames}
keep_final_state = FALSE)
island = list(stt_table = stt_table, taxon_list = island_clades_info)
#' Does something
#' @param time simulated amount of time
#' @param island_spec matrix with current state of simulation
#' @param keep_final_state logical indicating if final state of simulation
#' should be returned. Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param stt_table ?Species-Through-Time table
#' @return a list with these elements:
#' \itemize{
#' item{[1]: stt_table, the same stt_table as put in}
#' item{[2]: branching_times, branching times}
#' item{[3]: stac, ?statuses}
#' item{[4]: missing_species, ?the number of missing species}
#' item{[5]: other_clades_same_ancestor, ?no idea}
#' }
DAISIE_ONEcolonist <- function(time,island_spec,stt_table, keep_final_state = FALSE)
### number of independent colonisations
uniquecolonisation = as.numeric(unique(island_spec[,"Colonisation time (BP)"]))
number_colonisations = length(uniquecolonisation)
### if there is only one independent colonisation - anagenetic and cladogenetic
#species are classed as stac=2; immigrant classed as stac=4:
if(number_colonisations == 1)
if (island_spec[1,"Species type"] == "I")
descendants = list(stt_table = stt_table, branching_times = c(time,as.numeric(island_spec[1,"Colonisation time (BP)"])),
stac = 4, missing_species = 0)
if (island_spec[1,"Species type"] == "A")
descendants = list(stt_table = stt_table, branching_times = c(time,as.numeric(island_spec[1,"Colonisation time (BP)"])),
stac = 2,missing_species = 0)
if (island_spec[1,"Species type"] == "C")
descendants = list(stt_table = stt_table, branching_times = c(time,rev(sort(as.numeric(island_spec[,"branching time (BP)"])))),
stac = 2,missing_species = 0)
### if there are two or more independent colonisations, all species are classed as stac=3 and put within same list item:
if(number_colonisations > 1)
descendants = list(stt_table = stt_table, branching_times = NA,stac = 3,missing_species = 0,
other_clades_same_ancestor = list())
btimes_all_clado_desc = rev(sort(as.numeric(island_spec[,'branching time (BP)'])))
if(length(btimes_all_clado_desc)!=0) { descendants$branching_times= c(time, btimes_all_clado_desc)}
if(length(btimes_all_clado_desc)==0) { descendants$branching_times= c(time, max(as.numeric(island_spec[,"Colonisation time (BP)"])))}
### create table with information on other clades with same ancestor, but this information is not used in DAISIE_ML
oldest = which(as.numeric(island_spec[,"Colonisation time (BP)"]) == max(as.numeric(island_spec[,"Colonisation time (BP)"])))
youngest_table = island_spec[-oldest,]
youngest_table = t(as.matrix(youngest_table))
uniquecol = as.numeric(unique(youngest_table[,"Colonisation time (BP)"]))
for(colonisation in 1:length(uniquecol))
descendants$other_clades_same_ancestor[[colonisation]] = list(brts_miss = NA,species_type = NA)
samecolonisation = which(as.numeric(youngest_table[,"Colonisation time (BP)"]) == uniquecol[colonisation])
if (youngest_table[samecolonisation[1],"Species type"] == "I")
descendants$other_clades_same_ancestor[[colonisation]]$brts_miss = as.numeric(youngest_table[samecolonisation,"Colonisation time (BP)"])
descendants$other_clades_same_ancestor[[colonisation]]$species_type = "I"
if (youngest_table[samecolonisation[1],"Species type"] == "A")
descendants$other_clades_same_ancestor[[colonisation]]$brts_miss = as.numeric(youngest_table[samecolonisation,"Colonisation time (BP)"])
descendants$other_clades_same_ancestor[[colonisation]]$species_type = "A"
if (youngest_table[samecolonisation[1],"Species type"] == "C")
descendants$other_clades_same_ancestor[[colonisation]]$brts_miss = rev(sort(as.numeric(youngest_table[samecolonisation,"branching time (BP)"])))
descendants$other_clades_same_ancestor[[colonisation]]$species_type = "C"
#### ADDS island_spec ####
if (keep_final_state == TRUE) {
descendants$island_spec <- island_spec
#' Runs one DAISIE simulation with a clade-specific carrying capacity.
#' Version of \code{DAISIE_sim_core} that checks all its inputs
#' and uses descriptively named arguments
#' @param sim_time length of the simulated time
#' @param n_mainland_species number of mainland species
#' @param clado_rate cladogenesis rate
#' @param ext_rate extinction rate
#' @param carr_cap carrying capacity
#' @param imm_rate immigration rate
#' @param ana_rate anagenesis rate
#' @return a list with these elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{stt_table}{a species-through-time table}
#' \item{branching_times}{branching times}
#' \item{stac}{
#' the status of the colonist
#' \itemize{
#' \item{1: \code{Non_endemic_MaxAge} (?immigrant is present but has not formed an extant clade)}
#' \item{2: \code{Endemic} (?immigrant is not present but has formed an extant clade)}
#' \item{3: \code{Endemic&Non_Endemic} (?immigrant is present and has formed an extant clade)}
#' \item{4: \code{Non_endemic} (?immigrant is present but has not formed an extant clade, and it is known when it immigrated)}
#' }
#' }
#' \item{missing_species}{number of missing species}
#' \item{other_clades_same_ancestor}{(not always present) ?no idea}
#' }
#' @author Richel J.C. Bilderbeek
DAISIE_sim_core_checked_1_4 <- function(
) {
testit::assert(sim_time > 0.0)
testit::assert(n_mainland_species > 0)
testit::assert(clado_rate >= 0.0)
testit::assert(ext_rate >= 0.0)
testit::assert(carr_cap > 0)
testit::assert(imm_rate > 0.0)
testit::assert(ana_rate >= 0.0)
time = sim_time,
mainland_n = n_mainland_species,
pars = c(clado_rate, ext_rate, carr_cap, imm_rate, ana_rate)
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