Man pages for xmc811/Scillus
Seurat wrapper package enhancing the processing and visualization of single cell data

add_program_scoreAdd gene program scores
are_colorsTest if a vector of strings are valid colors
convert_symbolConversion between mouse and human gene symbols
exhaust_genesT cell exhaustion genes
filter_scdataFilter a list of Seurat objects
find_diff_genesFind differential expressed genes between two groups in each...
gene_in_dataTest whether a gene waas in the dataset
get_measure_dataObtain the expression data for genes
get_top_genesGet top genes of each cluster
load_scfileLoad single cell RNA-seq data from directory or file
mm_hsMouse Human gene symbol lookup table
pathways.hallmarkHallmark genes
plot_all_cluster_goplot the GO enrichment analysis of all clusters of a dataset
plot_cluster_goplot the GO enrichment analysis of a cluster
plot_GSEAplot the results of GSEA
plot_heatmapPlot the heatmap of single cell dataset
plot_measureBox plot/Violin plot of gene expressions or meta measures
plot_measure_dimSingle cell visualization - gene expression levels
plot_qcPlot the QC metrics of an individual biological sample
plot_scdataSingle cell visualization - merged and colored by biological...
plot_statPlot the basic statistics after cell clustering and labeling
refactor_seuratRefactor grouping variables in Seurat object
rename_clusterRename clusters in Seurat object
set_colorsSetup the colors for plotting
test_GSEAGSEA of differential gene expression in each cluster
vlookupLook up corresponding values from a lookup table
xmc811/Scillus documentation built on April 26, 2021, 1:41 a.m.