
Defines functions svg2psp

Documented in svg2psp

#' @importFrom spatstat.geom affine as.owin as.psp lengths_psp owin rescale
#'   superimpose unmark

#' Convert a SVG file to a spatstat psp object.
#' @param file File path of the svg file to convert.
#' @param bezier Parameters for approximating bezier curves (see Details).
#' @param owin Specify a window for the \code{psp}. If \code{NULL}, use details
#'   in the SVG file.
#' @param marks Add marks to segments (see details).
#' @param connect Assign segments to sets depending on their distance and
#'   orientation.
#' @param upward,rightward directions of the segments (see details).
#' @param rescale rescale \code{psp} to the dimensions given in the svg.
#' @param reverse Define the position of the origin of the \code{psp}.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to \link{cut.psp} or \link{connectedsets.psp}.
#' @details This functions provide a way to import SVG files in R to use with
#'   spatstat. Only absolute and relative SVG paths \code{moveto},
#'   \code{lineto}, and \code{curveto} (quadratic and cubic bezier) are
#'   implemented at the moment.  There seem to be a wide range of
#'   interpretations of the W3C SVG specifications, so import is not completely
#'   guaranteed. Package tested with SVG produced by \code{autotrace}
#'   (\url{http://autotrace.sourceforge.net/}) and \code{Inkscape}
#'   (\url{https://inkscape.org/}, Save as Plain SVG).
#' Bezier quadratic and cubic curves are approximated using the De Casteljau
#' algorithm. Quadratic bezier curves are first approximated by a cubic bezier
#' curves. If \code{bezier = 0}, bezier curves are converted to bezier polygons
#' (i.e. goes through all control points). If \code{bezier}>0, Bezier curves
#' are approximated by linear segments. The value of the parameter is the
#' number of iterations used in the approximation (see
#' \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Casteljau's_algorithm} for details).
#' The resulting \code{psp} can have marks attached. If \code{marks = 1},
#' segments of the \code{psp} have a numeric mark depending on the SGV path
#' they belong to. If \code{marks = 2}, all segments have a numeric mark
#' depending on the SVG command that created them. If \code{marks = 3}, all
#' segments have a unique mark (for debug purposes). Defaults to \code{marks =
#' 0} which results in an unmarked \code{psp}. If \code{marks} is a character,
#' then marks will be read from the corresponding field in the svg file.
#' If \code{connect = TRUE}, the resulting \code{psp} is processed through
#' \link{connectedsets.psp}. The resulting \code{psp} will be a marked psp with
#' each mark corresponding to a set.
#' Parameters \code{upward} and \code{rightward} allow to alter the orientation
#' of segments of the \code{psp}. If both are \code{FALSE}, detected segments
#' have the orientation they have in the SVG file. If \code{upward = TRUE}, the
#' direction of of segments is flipped so that all segments will point towards
#' increasing values of the \emph{y} direction. If \code{rightward = TRUE}, the
#' direction of of segments is flipped so that all segments will point towards
#' increasing values of the \emph{x} direction.
#' The \code{reverse} parameter determines the position of the origin of the
#' \code{psp}. \code{reverse = F} (default) considers the origin at the bottom
#' left of the SVG. \code{reverse = TRUE} puts the origin of the image at the
#' top left, as in SVG files.
#' Some SVG file contains size information. \code{rescale} determines whether
#' the resulting \code{psp} dimensions are expressed in pixel units
#' (\code{rescale = FALSE}, \emph{default}) or in the units of the SVG file
#' (\code{rescale = TRUE}, if available).
#' @return A (marked) \code{psp} object
#' @examples
#' # Get file path of example data.
#' svgfile <- system.file("extdata", "SVG.svg", package = "svg2psp")
#' # Reverse and rescale are set to true to use the "paper" dimension of the
#' # SVG.
#' data <- svg2psp(svgfile, reverse = TRUE, rescale = TRUE)
#' plot(data)
#' @export
svg2psp <- function(file, bezier = 5, owin = NULL, marks = 0, connect = FALSE,
                    upward = FALSE, rightward = FALSE, reverse = TRUE,
                    rescale = TRUE, ...) {

  moreargs <- list(...)

  svgtranslate <- c(0, 0)
  svgscale <- c(1, 1)
  svgunits <- NULL
  svgowin <- NULL

  datasvg <- XML::htmlParse(file)
  # Getting info from svgfile.
  svgviewbox <- unlist(XML::xpathApply(datasvg, "//svg", XML::xmlGetAttr,
  svgwidth <- XML::xpathApply(datasvg, "//svg", XML::xmlGetAttr, "width")
  svgheight <- XML::xpathApply(datasvg, "//svg", XML::xmlGetAttr, "height")
  svgunits <- gsub("[0-9 \\.]", "", svgwidth)
  svgwidth <- as.numeric(gsub("[a-zA-Z]", "", svgwidth))
  svgheight <- as.numeric(gsub("[a-zA-Z]", "", svgheight))

  if (!is.null(svgviewbox)) {
    svgviewbox <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(svgviewbox, " ")))
    svgscale <- c(svgwidth / diff(svgviewbox[c(1, 3)]),
                  svgheight / diff(svgviewbox[c(2, 4)]))
    svgowin <- owin(svgviewbox[c(1, 3)], svgviewbox[c(2, 4)])

  if (!is.null(unlist(XML::xpathApply(datasvg, "//g", XML::xmlGetAttr,
                                      "transform")))) {
    svgtransform <- unlist(strsplit(unlist(XML::xpathApply(datasvg, "//g",
                                                           "transform")), " "))
    if (grepl("translate", svgtransform)) {
      svgtranslate <- svgtransform[grep("translate", svgtransform)]
      svgtranslate <-
        as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(gsub(")", "",
                                        gsub("translate(", "", svgtranslate,
                                             fixed = TRUE),
                                        fixed = TRUE), ",")))
      if (length(svgtranslate) == 1) {
        svgtranslate <- c(svgtranslate, 0)
    if (grepl("scale", svgtransform)) {
      svgscale <- ifelse(svgtransform[grep("scale", svgtransform)],
                         svgtransform[grep("scale", svgtransform)],
      svgscale <-
        as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(gsub(")", "",
                                        gsub("scale(", "", svgscale,
                                             fixed = TRUE),
                                        fixed = TRUE), ",")))
      if (length(svgscale) == 1) {
        svgscale <- c(svgscale, svgscale)
  # Operating on paths.
  lpath <- list()
  if (is.character(marks)) {
    ## Get path id for (marks == 1 & svgmarks = T)
    segment_marks <- unlist(XML::xpathApply(datasvg, "//path", XML::xmlGetAttr,
  paths <- XML::xpathApply(datasvg, "//path", XML::xmlGetAttr, "d")
  paths <- gsub("([a-zA-Z])", " \\1 \\2", paths)
  if (! is.null(marks) && marks == 1) {
    segment_marks <- seq_along(paths)
  if (is.character(marks)) {
    marks <- 1
  for (i in seq_along(paths)) {
    pos <- c(0, 0)
    p <-  unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(paths[[i]], "[, ]+")), "\n",
                          fixed = TRUE))
    p <- p[seq_along(p)]
    closure <- FALSE
    datapoints <- data.frame(x1 = NA, y1 = NA, x2 = NA, y2 = NA, marks = NA)
    cp <- 0
    m <- 0
    while (length(p) > 0) {
      islet <- regexpr("[a-zA-Z]", p[1])[1]
      if (islet > 0) {
        let <- substr(p[1], islet, 1)
        if (length(p) > 2) {
          p <- p[2:length(p)]
        } else {
          p <- c()
      } else {
        if (let == "M") {
          let <- "L"
        if (let == "m") {
          let <- "l"
        # Dealing with start positions moveto (m/M).
        "M" = {
          pos <- as.numeric(p[1:2])
          if (length(p) > 2) {
            p <- p[3:length(p)]
          } else {
            continue <- FALSE
        "m" = {
          pos <- pos + as.numeric(p[1:2])
          if (length(p) > 2) {
            p <- p[3:length(p)]
          } else {
            continue <- FALSE
        # Dealing with lines lineto (l/L).
        "l" = {
          lgt <- 2
          cp <- cp + 1
          m <- switch(marks + 1, NA, segment_marks[i], m + 1, cp)
          oldpos <- pos
          pos <- pos + as.numeric(p[1:lgt])
          datapoints[cp, ] <- list(oldpos[1], oldpos[2], pos[1], pos[2], m)
          if (length(p) > lgt) {
            p <- p[(lgt + 1):length(p)]
          } else {
            p <- c()
        "L" = {
          lgt <- 2
          cp <- cp + 1
          m <- switch(marks + 1, NA, segment_marks[i], m + 1, cp)
          oldpos <- pos
          pos <- as.numeric(p[1:lgt])
          datapoints[cp, ] <- list(oldpos[1], oldpos[2], pos[1], pos[2], m)
          if (length(p) > lgt) {
            p <- p[(lgt + 1):length(p)]
          } else {
            p <- c()
        # Dealing with vertical lines lineto (v/V).
        "v" = {
          lgt <- 1
          cp <- cp + 1
          m <- switch(marks + 1, NA, segment_marks[i], m + 1, cp)
          oldpos <- pos
          pos <- pos + c(0, as.numeric(p[1:lgt]))
          datapoints[cp, ] <- list(oldpos[1], oldpos[2], pos[1], pos[2], m)
          if (length(p) > lgt) {
            p <- p[(lgt + 1):length(p)]
          } else {
            p <- c()
        "V" = {
          lgt <- 1
          cp <- cp + 1
          m <- switch(marks + 1, NA, segment_marks[i], m + 1, cp)
          oldpos <- pos
          pos <- c(pos[1], as.numeric(p[1:lgt]))
          datapoints[cp, ] <- list(oldpos[1], oldpos[2], pos[1], pos[2], m)
          if (length(p) > lgt) {
            p <- p[(lgt + 1):length(p)]
          } else {
            p <- c()
        # Dealing with horizontal lines lineto (h/H)
        "h" = {
          lgt <- 1
          cp <- cp + 1
          m <- switch(marks + 1, NA, segment_marks[i], m + 1, cp)
          oldpos <- pos
          pos <- pos + c(as.numeric(p[1:lgt]), 0)
          datapoints[cp, ] <- list(oldpos[1], oldpos[2], pos[1], pos[2], m)
          if (length(p) > lgt) {
            p <- p[(lgt + 1):length(p)]
          } else {
            p <- c()
        "H" = {
          lgt <- 1
          cp <- cp + 1
          m <- switch(marks + 1, NA, segment_marks[i], m + 1, cp)
          oldpos <- pos
          pos <- c(as.numeric(p[1:lgt]), pos[2])
          datapoints[cp, ] <- list(oldpos[1], oldpos[2], pos[1], pos[2], m)
          if (length(p) > lgt) {
            p <- p[(lgt + 1):length(p)]
          } else {
            p <- c()
        # Dealing with quadratic bezier curves (Q/q).
        "Q" = {
          lgt <- 4
          cp <- cp + 1
          m <- switch(marks + 1, NA, segment_marks[i], m + 1, cp)
          oldpos <- pos
          if (bezier == 0) {
            b10 <- pos + as.numeric(p[1:2])
            datapoints[cp, ] <- list(oldpos[1], oldpos[2], b10[1], b10[2], m)
            cp <- cp + 1
            if (marks == 3) {
              m <- cp
            b20 <- pos + as.numeric(p[3:4])
            datapoints[cp, ] <- list(b10[1], b10[2], b20[1], b20[2], m)
            cp <- cp + 1
            if (marks == 3) {
              m <- cp
            oldpos <- b20
          } else {
            if (bezier > 1) {
              breaks <- ((1:bezier) / bezier)[-bezier]
              b00 <- oldpos
              b30 <- as.numeric(p[3:4])
              b10 <- b00 + 2 / 3 * (as.numeric(p[1:2]) - b00)
              b20 <- b30 + 2 / 3 * (as.numeric(p[1:2]) - b30)

              for (t in breaks) {
                oldpos <- pos
                b01 <- (1 - t) * b00 + t * b10
                b11 <- (1 - t) * b10 + t * b20
                b21 <- (1 - t) * b20 + t * b30

                b02 <- (1 - t) * b01 + t * b11
                b12 <- (1 - t) * b11 + t * b21
                pos <- (1 - t) * b02 + t * b12

                datapoints[cp, ] <-
                  list(oldpos[1], oldpos[2], pos[1], pos[2], m)
                cp <- cp + 1
                if (marks == 3) {
                  m <- cp
              pos <- pos
              oldpos <- pos
          if (bezier == 0 || bezier <= 1) {
            pos <- pos + as.numeric(p[(lgt - 1):lgt])
          } else {
            pos <- b30
          datapoints[cp, ] <- list(oldpos[1], oldpos[2], pos[1], pos[2], m)
          if (length(p) > lgt) {
            p <- p[(lgt + 1):length(p)]
          } else {
            p <- c()
        "q" = {
          lgt <- 4
          cp <- cp + 1
          m <- switch(marks + 1, NA, segment_marks[i], m + 1, cp)
          oldpos <- pos
          if (bezier == 0) {
            b10 <- pos + as.numeric(p[1:2])
            datapoints[cp, ] <- list(oldpos[1], oldpos[2], b10[1], b10[2], m)
            cp <- cp + 1
            if (marks == 3) {
              m <- cp
            b20 <- pos + as.numeric(p[3:4])
            datapoints[cp, ] <- list(b10[1], b10[2], b20[1], b20[2], m)
            cp <- cp + 1
            if (marks == 3) {
              m <- cp
            oldpos <- b20
          } else {
            if (bezier > 1) {

              breaks <- ((1:bezier) / bezier)[-bezier]

              b00 <- oldpos
              b30 <- pos + as.numeric(p[3:4])
              b10 <- b00 + 2 / 3 * (as.numeric(p[1:2]) - b00)
              b20 <- b30 + 2 / 3 * (as.numeric(p[1:2]) - b30)

              for (t in breaks) {
                oldpos <- pos
                b01 <- (1 - t) * b00 + t * b10
                b11 <- (1 - t) * b10 + t * b20
                b21 <- (1 - t) * b20 + t * b30

                b02 <- (1 - t) * b01 + t * b11
                b12 <- (1 - t) * b11 + t * b21
                pos <- (1 - t) * b02 + t * b12

                datapoints[cp, ] <-
                  list(oldpos[1], oldpos[2], pos[1], pos[2], m)
                cp <- cp + 1
                if (marks == 3) {
                  m <- cp
              pos <- pos
              oldpos <- pos
          if (bezier == 0 || bezier <= 1) {
            pos <- pos + as.numeric(p[(lgt - 1):lgt])
          } else {
            pos <- b30
          datapoints[cp, ] <- list(oldpos[1], oldpos[2], pos[1], pos[2], m)
          if (length(p) > lgt) {
            p <- p[(lgt + 1):length(p)]
          } else {
            p <- c()
        # Dealing with cubic bezier curves (c/C).
        "c" = {
          lgt <- 6
          cp <- cp + 1
          m <- switch(marks + 1, NA, segment_marks[i], m + 1, cp)
          oldpos <- pos
          if (bezier == 0) {
            b10 <- pos + as.numeric(p[1:2])
            datapoints[cp, ] <- list(oldpos[1], oldpos[2], b10[1], b10[2], m)
            cp <- cp + 1
            if (marks == 3) {
              m <- cp
            b20 <- pos + as.numeric(p[3:4])
            datapoints[cp, ] <- list(b10[1], b10[2], b20[1], b20[2], m)
            cp <- cp + 1
            if (marks == 3) {
              m <- cp
            oldpos <- b20
          } else {
            if (bezier > 1) {

              breaks <- ((1:bezier) / bezier)[-bezier]

              b00 <- oldpos
              b10 <- pos + as.numeric(p[1:2])
              b20 <- pos + as.numeric(p[3:4])
              b30 <- pos + as.numeric(p[5:6])

              for (t in breaks) {
                oldpos <- pos
                b01 <- (1 - t) * b00 + t * b10
                b11 <- (1 - t) * b10 + t * b20
                b21 <- (1 - t) * b20 + t * b30

                b02 <- (1 - t) * b01 + t * b11
                b12 <- (1 - t) * b11 + t * b21
                pos <- (1 - t) * b02 + t * b12

                datapoints[cp, ] <-
                  list(oldpos[1], oldpos[2], pos[1], pos[2], m)
                cp <- cp + 1
                if (marks == 3) {
                  m <- cp
              pos <- pos
              oldpos <- pos
          if (bezier == 0 || bezier <= 1) {
            pos <- pos + as.numeric(p[(lgt - 1):lgt])
          } else {
            pos <- b30
          datapoints[cp, ] <- list(oldpos[1], oldpos[2], pos[1], pos[2], m)
          if (length(p) > lgt) {
            p <- p[(lgt + 1):length(p)]
          } else {
            p <- c()
        "C" = {
          lgt <- 6
          cp <- cp + 1
          m <- switch(marks + 1, segment_marks[i], m + 1, cp)
          oldpos <- pos
          if (bezier == 0) {
            pos <- as.numeric(p[1:2])
            datapoints[cp, ] <- list(oldpos[1], oldpos[2], pos[1], pos[2], m)
            cp <- cp + 1
            if (marks == 3) {
              m <- cp
            oldpos <- pos
            pos <- as.numeric(p[3:4])
            datapoints[cp, ] <- list(oldpos[1], oldpos[2], pos[1], pos[2], m)
            cp <- cp + 1
            if (marks == 3) {
              m <- cp
            oldpos <- pos
          } else {
            if (bezier > 1) {
              breaks <- ((1:bezier) / bezier)[-bezier]
              b00 <- oldpos
              b10 <- as.numeric(p[1:2])
              b20 <- as.numeric(p[3:4])
              b30 <- as.numeric(p[5:6])

              for (t in breaks) {
                oldpos <- pos
                b01 <-  (1 - t) * b00 + t * b10
                b11 <-  (1 - t) * b10 + t * b20
                b21 <-  (1 - t) * b20 + t * b30

                b02 <-  (1 - t) * b01 + t * b11
                b12 <-  (1 - t) * b11 + t * b21
                pos <-  (1 - t) * b02 + t * b12

                datapoints[cp, ] <-
                  list(oldpos[1], oldpos[2], pos[1], pos[2], m)
                cp <- cp + 1
                if (marks == 3) {
                  m <- cp
              oldpos <- pos
          pos <- as.numeric(p[(lgt - 1):lgt])
          datapoints[cp, ] <- list(oldpos[1], oldpos[2], pos[1], pos[2], m)
          if (length(p) > lgt) {
            p <- p[(lgt + 1):length(p)]
          } else {
            p <- c()
        # Dealing with closure (z/Z)
        "z" = {
          closure <- TRUE
        "Z" = {
          closure <- TRUE
        stop(paste("Unrecognized character in SVG path:", let))
      if (closure) {
        datapoints[cp + 1, ] <- list(pos[1], pos[2], datapoints[1, 1],
                                     datapoints[1, 2], m)
    datapoints[, 1] <- svgtranslate[1] + datapoints[, 1]
    datapoints[, 2] <- svgtranslate[2] + datapoints[, 2]
    datapoints[, 3] <- svgtranslate[1] + datapoints[, 3]
    datapoints[, 4] <- svgtranslate[2] + datapoints[, 4]

    lpath[[i]] <- datapoints
  # all points to produce the psp are now in lpath
  if (is.null(svgowin)) {
    svgowin <- owin(c(0, svgwidth), c(0, svgheight), unitname = svgunits)
  datapsp <- as.psp(lpath[[1]], window = svgowin, check = FALSE)
  if (length(lpath) > 1) {
    for (i in 2:length(lpath)) {
      datapsp <-
        superimpose(datapsp, as.psp(lpath[[i]], window = svgowin,
                                    check = FALSE))
  # Datapsp contains the data.
  datapsp <- datapsp[which(lengths_psp(datapsp) > 0)]

  # changing orientation of segments of cell borders to point upwards
  if (upward) {
    datapsp <-
      superimpose(datapsp[datapsp$ends$y1 >= datapsp$ends$y0],
                  as.psp(cbind(x0 = datapsp[datapsp$ends$y1 <
                               y0 = datapsp[datapsp$ends$y1 <
                               x1 = datapsp[datapsp$ends$y1 <
                               y1 = datapsp[datapsp$ends$y1 <
                         marks = datapsp[datapsp$ends$y1 <
                         window = as.owin(datapsp)))
  if (rightward) {
    datapsp <-
      superimpose(datapsp[datapsp$ends$x1 >= datapsp$ends$x0],
                  as.psp(cbind(x0 = datapsp[datapsp$ends$x1 <
                               y0 = datapsp[datapsp$ends$x1 <
                               x1 = datapsp[datapsp$ends$x1 <
                               y1 = datapsp[datapsp$ends$x1 <
                         marks = datapsp[datapsp$ends$x1 <
                         window = as.owin(datapsp)))
  if (marks == 0) {
    datapsp <- unmark(datapsp)
  if (connect) {
    default_args <- formals(connectedsets.psp)
    conn.radius <- ifelse(is.null(moreargs$conn.radius),
    conn.angle <- ifelse(is.null(moreargs$conn.angle),
    datapsp <- connectedsets.psp(datapsp, conn.radius = conn.radius,
                                 conn.angle = conn.angle)
  if (reverse) {
    datapsp <- affine(datapsp, diag(c(1, -1)),
                      c(0, diff(as.owin(datapsp)$yrange)))
  if (rescale) {
    datapsp <- affine(datapsp, diag(svgscale))
    datapsp <- rescale(datapsp, 1, unit = svgunits)
  if (!is.null(owin)) {
    datapsp <- datapsp[owin]

  if (!is.null(moreargs$maxlength)) {
    datapsp <- cut.psp(datapsp, moreargs$maxlength)

xraynaud/svg2psp documentation built on April 7, 2024, 9:18 p.m.