
Defines functions multidiv

Documented in multidiv

#' Computes multidiversity estimates for land-use crop-cover rasters
#' @param rfield A raster containing identifier values for each agricultural field
#' @param rcrop A raster containing the crop codes
#' @param rgreenedges A raster or Rasterstack with values indicating the length in meters of green field edges of different widths.
#' @param cereal A vector of numeric values indicating cereal crop codes - these are joined into one category as in Sirami et al.
#' @param snh_types A  vector of numeric values indicating semi-natural habitat types following Sirami et al.
#' @param exclude_field A vector of identifier values to be considered as non-agricultural areas. Defaults to 0.
#' @param exclude_crop A vector of crop codes to be considered as non-crop. Defaults to c(100:199).
#' @param cell.size A number indicating the cell height/widht in meters. Defaults to 25.
#' @param widthgreenedges A number or vector of numbers indicating the assumed width of green field edges in metres. Defaults to 2.
#' @param model One of two final lmer models used in Sirami et al. (model3 or model5). Defaults to model3.
#' @param core logical (TRUE/FALSE), indicates whether the core of the raster should be used in the computation.
#' @param corewidth minimum distance from the centre point to the edge of the core, in units of the projection (usually metres).
#' @return A list containing the estimates, the model call, and a data frame of the explanatory variables
#' @examples
#' # will not run, example for testing mutlidiv for Kirchweger et al. in prep.:
#' exampleoutput<-lapply(as.list(1:13),function(x) multidiv(rfield=struc.sz[[l]][[x]],rcrop=rall[[x]][[1]][[1]],
#' rgreenedges=stack(field.edges.sz[[l]][[x]][[2]],field.edges.sz[[l]][[x]][[3]]),
#' exclude_field=0,exclude_crop=c(100:199),snh_types=133:164,cereal=1:8,
#' cell.size=25,widthgreenedges=widthedges,model=mymodel,core=FALSE,corewidth=500))multidiv(rfield=lu.plot[[1]][[2]],rcrop=lu.plot[[1]][['lu10']],rgreenedges=rbled[[1]],exclude_field=c(0),exclude_crop=c(14),cell.size=25,widthgreenedges=2,model=model3,core=FALSE,corewidth=500)

                   exclude_field=0,exclude_crop=c(100:199),cell.size=25,widthgreenedges=2,model=model3,core=TRUE,corewidth=500) {

  # the following function gets the coordinates for the centrepoints of the rasters to be used as explanaotry variables Lat Lon later on.

    if(is.Raster(x)==FALSE) stop("x needs to be a a RasterLayer, RasterBrick, or a RasterStack")

  rastercentre.spdf= SpatialPointsDataFrame(rastercentre, rastercentre)

  if(core==TRUE & is.numeric(corewidth)){

  # 4.2.1. Farmland compositional heterogeneity
  # We used crop diversity as a measure of farmland compositional heterogeneity.
  # We measured crop diversity using the Shannon diversity index, a widely used metric of landscape heterogeneity (e.g. Bertrand et al. 2015; Bosem Baillod et al. in press):
  # H^'= - sum over i (p[i] * ln(p[i]) where p[i] is the proportion of crop type i in the landscape.
  # Note that this metric assumes that all agricultural cover types (defined in 4.1) are considered equally different
  # Agricultural cover types included: cereal, fallow, alfalfa, clover, ryegrass, rice, corn, sunflower, sorghum, millet,
  # moha, oilseed rape, mustard, pea, bean, soybean, linseed, orchard, almond, olive, vineyard, mixed vegetables, sugar beet,
  # asparagus, carrot, onion, parsnip, potato, tomato, melon, strawberry, raspberry, wild bird cover, grassland (including temporary
  # and permanent grassland managed for production purpose) and other crops (unknown or rare crops)

  # 1-3: cereal,
  # ? set-aside?
  crop.vals$prop<-crop.vals$count/sum(crop.vals$count[(crop.vals$value %in% exclude_crop)==FALSE ])
  crop.vals$prop[(crop.vals$value %in% exclude_crop)==TRUE ] <- NA

  shdi<- -sum(crop.vals$prop * log(crop.vals$prop),na.rm=T)

  # 4.2.2. Farmland configurational heterogeneity
  # We used mean field size (ha) as a measure of farmland compositional heterogeneity. We chose this metric
  # over total field perimeter length per landscape (e.g. Bosem Baillod et al. in press) because it is directly
  # related to our hypotheses (see Appendix 1). Moreover it is easier to base practical recommendations for future
  # agricultural policies on mean field size rather than on total field perimeter length.

  mfs<-mean(field.vals$count[field.vals$value!=0 & !is.na(field.vals$value)]*(cell.size^2)/10000)  # CHECK do only non-agri lus have a plotId == 0?

  # 4.2.3. Semi-natural cover proportion
  # We calculated the sum of woodland (including woody linear elements), open land (e.g. shrubland, grassy margins)
  # and wetland cover (including lakes, rivers, ditches) in the landscape.
        (sum(values(rcrop)%in%snh_types) *(cell.size^2))+
          (sum(values(rgreenedges)[values(rfield) %in% exclude_field ==FALSE]*widthgreenedges))
  if(class(rgreenedges)[1]=="RasterBrick" | class(rgreenedges)[1]=="RasterStack"){
        (sum(values(rcrop)%in%snh_types) *(cell.size^2))+
          (sum(values(sum(rgreenedges*widthgreenedges))[values(rfield) %in% exclude_field ==FALSE]))


  # 4.2.4. Total length of semi-natural linear elements
  # We assessed the total length of semi-natural linear elements between fields (SNL, in meters) by calculating half the sum
  # of all semi-natural linear elements located between two crops. Note that semi-natural linear elements located along roads
  # or urban areas were not included in the calculation of SNL.

  # sum all

  snl <- sum(values(rgreenedges)[values(rcrop) %in% exclude_crop ==FALSE])

  # Lat and Long

  rastercentre.spdf_EPSG3395 <- spTransform(rastercentre.spdf,  CRS("+init=epsg:3395"))

  # others
  # make a SpatialPointsDataFrame (if no data, just coordinates: use SpatialPoints() )


  explvars_raw <-  data.frame(Crop_SHDI = shdi, Crop_MFS = mfs, Seminat_Cover = percsnh,
                              snl = snl, Lat = as.numeric(Lat) ,
                              Lon = as.numeric(Lon) ,sampled.crop.nb = sampled.crop.nb,
                              Year = Year, Region = Region )

  pred_multidiv <- predict(model,newdata=explvars_raw)

  # use the predict function
  return(list(pred_multidiv = pred_multidiv , model=model@call, explvars=explvars_raw ))
yclough/ecodeal documentation built on May 14, 2019, 2:01 a.m.