
Defines functions connectivity_score_raw induceSMat .connnectivity_scale gess_gcmap

Documented in gess_gcmap

#' @rdname gess
#' @description 
#' The gCMAP search method adapts the Gene Expression Signature Search (GESS) 
#' method from the gCMAP package (Sandmann et al. 2014) to make it compatible 
#' with the database containers and methods defined by \code{signatureSearch}. 
#' The specific GESS method, called gCMAP, uses as query a rank transformed GES 
#' and the reference database is composed of the labels of up and down regulated 
#' DEG sets.
#' @details 
#' The Bioconductor gCMAP (Sandmann et al. 2014) package provides access to a 
#' related but not identical implementation of the original CMAP algorithm 
#' proposed by Lamb et al. (2006). It uses as query a rank transformed GES and 
#' the reference database is composed of the labels of up and down regulated 
#' DEG sets. This is the opposite situation of the original CMAP method from 
#' Lamb et al (2006), where the query is composed of the labels of up and down 
#' regulated DEGs and the database contains rank transformed GESs.
#' @importFrom HDF5Array HDF5Array
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @examples 
#' ############## gCMAP method ##############
#' # qsig_gcmap <- qSig(query=query_mat, gess_method="gCMAP", refdb=db_path)
#' # gcmap <- gess_gcmap(qsig_gcmap, higher=1, lower=-1)
#' # result(gcmap)
#' @export
gess_gcmap <- function(qSig, higher=NULL, lower=NULL, padj=NULL, 
                       chunk_size=5000, ref_trts=NULL, workers=1,
                       cmp_annot_tb=NULL, by="pert", cmp_name_col="pert",
                       addAnnotations = TRUE){
  if(!is(qSig, "qSig")) stop("The 'qSig' should be an object of 'qSig' class")
  if(gm(qSig) != "gCMAP"){
    stop(paste("The 'gess_method' slot of 'qSig' should be 'gCMAP'",
               "if using 'gess_gcmap' function"))
  if(!is.null(lower) && !is.null(higher) && higher==lower) {
    stop("Please specify two different cutoffs as 'higher' and 'lower'.")
  query <- qr(qSig)
  db_path <- determine_refdb(refdb(qSig))
  ## calculate cs_raw of query to blocks (e.g., 5000 columns) of full refdb
  full_mat <- HDF5Array(db_path, "assay")
  rownames(full_mat) <- as.character(HDF5Array(db_path, "rownames"))
  colnames(full_mat) <- as.character(HDF5Array(db_path, "colnames"))
  if(! is.null(ref_trts)){
    trts_valid <- trts_check(ref_trts, colnames(full_mat))
    full_mat <- full_mat[, trts_valid]
  full_dim <- dim(full_mat)
  full_grid <- colAutoGrid(full_mat, ncol=min(chunk_size, ncol(full_mat))) # 
  if(! is.null(padj)){
      if(! 'padj' %in% h5ls(db_path)$name){
          stop("The 'refdb' need to be an hdf5 file that contains 'padj' dataset!")
      full_pmat <- HDF5Array(db_path, name="padj")
      rownames(full_pmat) <- as.character(HDF5Array(db_path, name="rownames"))
      colnames(full_pmat) <- as.character(HDF5Array(db_path, name="colnames"))
  ### The blocks in 'full_grid' are made of full columns 
  nblock <- length(full_grid) 
  resultDF <- bplapply(seq_len(nblock), function(b){
    ref_block <- read_block(full_mat, full_grid[[as.integer(b)]])
    if(! is.null(padj)){
        pmat <- read_block(full_pmat, full_grid[[as.integer(b)]])
    } else {
        pmat = NULL
    cmap <- induceSMat(ref_block, higher=higher, lower=lower, 
                       padj=padj, pmat=pmat)
    c <- connectivity_score_raw(experiment=as.matrix(query), query=cmap)
    return(data.frame(c))}, BPPARAM = MulticoreParam(workers=workers))
  resultDF <- do.call(rbind, resultDF)

  ## Apply scaling of scores to full data set
  resultDF[,"effect"] <-.connnectivity_scale(resultDF$effect)
  resultDF <- resultDF[order(abs(resultDF$effect), decreasing=TRUE), ]
  row.names(resultDF) <- NULL
  if(addAnnotations == TRUE){
  res <- sep_pcf(resultDF)
  # add compound annotations
  res <- addGESSannot(res, refdb(qSig), cmp_annot_tb = cmp_annot_tb[,!colnames(cmp_annot_tb) %in% "t_gn_sym"], by, cmp_name_col)
  } else {
    res <- tibble(resultDF)
    colnames(res)[1] <- "pert"
  x <- gessResult(result = res,
                  query = qr(qSig),
                  gess_method = gm(qSig),
                  refdb = refdb(qSig))

.connnectivity_scale <- function(scores) {
  p <- max(scores)
  q <- min(scores)
  ifelse(scores == 0, 0, ifelse( scores > 0, scores / p, -scores / q ))

#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
#' @importFrom Matrix t
induceSMat <- function(mat, lower=NULL, higher=NULL, padj=NULL, pmat){
  if( ! is.null(lower) && ! is.null(higher) && higher == lower) {
    stop("Please specify two different cutoffs")
  gss <- lapply( seq_len(ncol(mat)),
                 function( n ) {
                   if (! is.null( lower )) {
                     down <- as.vector(which( mat[,n] <= lower ))
                   } else {
                     down <- NULL
                   if (! is.null( higher )) {
                     up <- as.vector(which( mat[,n] >= higher ))
                   } else {
                     up <- NULL
                   if(! is.null(padj)){
                       p_index <- as.vector(which(pmat[,n]<=padj))
                       down <- intersect(down, p_index)
                       up <- intersect(up, p_index)
                   list( j = c(down, up),
                         x = c(rep(-1, length(down)), rep(1, length(up)))
  i <- unlist(
    sapply( seq( length( gss ) ), function( m ) {
      rep( m, length( gss[[ m ]]$j ) )
  j <- unlist(sapply(gss ,function( m ) {m$j }))
  x <- unlist(sapply(gss ,function( m ) {m$x }))            
  cmap <- Matrix::t(sparseMatrix(i=as.integer(i),
                          dims=c(ncol(mat), nrow(mat)), # dims=list(ncol(mat), nrow(mat))
                          dimnames = list(colnames(mat), rownames(mat)) ) )

connectivity_score_raw <- function(experiment, query) {
  data.matrix <- experiment
  ## subset objects to shared genes
  matched.features <- fmatch(rownames(experiment), rownames(query))
  matched.sets <- query[na.omit(matched.features),]
  ## extract scores for each gene set
  sets.up <- lapply(seq(ncol(matched.sets)),
                    function(x) which(matched.sets[ ,x ] == 1))
  sets.down <- lapply(seq(ncol(matched.sets)),
                      function(x) which(matched.sets[ ,x] == -1))
  ## transform experiment to (reverse) ranks
  rank.matrix <- apply(data.matrix, 2, function(x) {length(x)-rank(x)+1})
  ## calculate connectivity score
  raw.score <- apply(rank.matrix, 2, function(r) {
    vapply(seq_along(sets.up), function(n) {
      .s(r[sets.up[[n]]], r[sets.down[[n]]], length(r))
    }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
  raw.score <- matrix(raw.score, ncol=ncol(experiment))
  ## scale score across all tested query sets
  ## ThG: modification on next two lines:
  ## score <- apply(raw.score, 2, .S)
  score <- raw.score
  score <- matrix(score, ncol=ncol(experiment))
  ## store results
  results <- data.frame(set = colnames(query), 
                        trend = ifelse(score[,1] >=0, "up", "down"),
                        effect = score[,1],
                        nSet = colSums(as.matrix(abs(query))),
                        nFound = colSums(as.matrix(abs(matched.sets))),
yduan004/signatureSearch documentation built on Feb. 19, 2024, 9:30 a.m.