
Defines functions Rd2roxygen exported_names parse_and_save create_roxygen parse_file

Documented in create_roxygen parse_and_save parse_file Rd2roxygen

#' Parse the input Rd file to a list
#' This function uses the function \code{parse_Rd} in the \pkg{tools} package to
#' parse the Rd file.
#' @param path the path of the Rd file
#' @return a named list containing the documentation sections as strings
#' @export
#' @author Hadley Wickham; modified by Yihui Xie <\url{https://yihui.org}>
#' @examples
#' rd.file = system.file('examples', 'parse_and_save.Rd', package='Rd2roxygen')
#' parse_file(rd.file)
parse_file = function(path) {
  rd = tools::parse_Rd(path)

  tags = sapply(rd, tag)
  tags = gsub("\\\\", "", tags)
  names(rd) = tags

  # Remove top-level text strings - just line breaks between sections
  rd = rd[tags != "TEXT"]

  out = list()
  # Title, description, value and examples, need to be stitched into a
  # single string.
  out$title = reconstruct(untag(rd$title))
  out$docType = reconstruct(untag(rd$docType))
  out$usage = reconstruct(untag(rd$usage))
  out$desc = gsub("$\n+|\n+^", "", reconstruct(untag(rd$description)))
  out$details = reconstruct(untag(rd$details))

  # Process sections
  out$section = lapply(rd[names(rd) == "section"], function(section) {
          reconstruct(untag(section[-1])), sep = ': ')

  out$format = reconstruct(untag(rd$format))
  out$value = reconstruct(untag(rd$value))
  out$note = reconstruct(untag(rd$note))
  out$author = gsub('@', '@@', reconstruct(untag(rd$author)))
  out$seealso = reconstruct(untag(rd$seealso))
  out$references = reconstruct(untag(rd$references))
  out$source = reconstruct(untag(rd$source))

  out$examples = reconstruct(untag(rd$examples))

  # Join together aliases and keywords
  out$name = reconstruct(untag(rd$name))
  out$aliases = unname(sapply(rd[names(rd) == "alias"], "[[", 1))
  # If the only alias is the name, then skip it
  if (identical(out$aliases, out$name)) {
    out$aliases = NULL
  out$keywords = unlist(lapply(rd[names(rd) == "keyword"], head, 1))

  # Pull apart arguments
  arguments = rd$arguments
  arguments = arguments[sapply(arguments, tag) != "TEXT"]
  out$params = unlist(sapply(arguments, function(argument) {
    if (tag(argument) != '\\item') return(NULL)
    paste(if (tag(argument[[1]][[1]]) == "\\dots")
      "\\dots" else gsub(' +', '', argument[[1]]),


#' Create the roxygen documentation
#' The parsed information is converted to a vector of roxygen tags.
#' @param info the named list of the parsed documentation
#' @param usage logical: whether to include the usage section in the output
#'   (this can be useful when there are multiple functions in a single usage
#'   section, but generally it is not necessary because roxygen can generate the
#'   usage section automatically)
#' @export
#' @return a character vector
#' @author Hadley Wickham; modified by Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.org}>
#' @examples
#' rd.file = system.file('examples','parse_and_save.Rd',package='Rd2roxygen')
#' options(roxygen.comment = "##' ")
#' create_roxygen(parse_file(rd.file))
create_roxygen = function(info, usage = FALSE) {
  res = c(comment_line(info$title),
    if (!is.null(info$docType) &&
      (info$docType %in% c('package', 'data', 'methods', 'class')))
      comment_tag("@name", info$name),
    comment_tag("@aliases", paste(info$aliases, collapse = " ")),
    comment_tag("@docType", info$docType),
    if (usage) comment_tag("@usage", info$usage),
    comment_tag("@param", info$params),
    comment_tag("@format", info$format),
    comment_tag("@return", info$value),
    comment_tag("@note", info$note),
    comment_tag("@section", info$section),
    comment_tag("@author", info$author),
    comment_tag("@seealso", info$seealso),
    comment_tag("@references", info$references),
    comment_tag("@source", info$source),
    comment_tag("@keywords", paste(info$keywords, collapse = " ")),
    if (!is.null(info$examples)) {
              gsub("\n", paste("\n", comment_prefix(), sep = ""),
              sep = ""))
    if (!is.null(info$docType) && (info$docType %in% c('package', 'data')))
      "NULL", "\n")
  # remove empty lines
  res[grep("^\\s*$", res, invert = TRUE)]

#' Parse the input Rd file and save the roxygen documentation into a file
#' @param path the path of the Rd file
#' @param file the path to save the roxygen documentation
#' @param usage logical: whether to include the usage section in the output
#' @return a character vector if \code{file} is not specified, or write the
#'   vector into a file
#' @export
#' @author Hadley Wickham; modified by Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.org}>
parse_and_save = function(path, file, usage = FALSE) {
  parsed = parse_file(path)
  output = create_roxygen(parsed, usage = usage)
  if (missing(file)) output else
    cat(paste(output, collapse = "\n"), file = file)

# a simple-minded function to extract exported names in NAMESPACE; it only
# considers export(*), and other objects like S3method(), import() and
# useDynlib() are all ignored
exported_names = function(pkg) {
  if (require(basename(pkg), character.only = TRUE))
    return(ls(paste('package', basename(pkg), sep = ':'), all.names = TRUE))
  if (!file.exists(f <- file.path(pkg, 'NAMESPACE'))) {
    warning('the package ', pkg, ' does not have a NAMESPACE')
  NAMESPACE = readLines(f)
  exported = grep('^\\s*export\\(.+\\)\\s*$', NAMESPACE, value = TRUE)
  gsub('^\\s*export\\((.+)\\)\\s*$', '\\1', exported)

#' Convert all the Rd files of a package to roxygen comments
#' This function takes a package root directory, parses all its Rd files under
#' the man directory and update the corresponding R source code by inserting
#' roxygen documentation in to the R scripts.
#' @param pkg the root directory of the package
#' @param nomatch the file name (base name only) to use when an object in the Rd
#'   file is not found in any R source files (typically this happens to the data
#'   documentation); if not specified, the default will be `pkg'-package.R
#' @param usage logical: whether to include the usage section in the output
#' @return NULL (but the process of conversion will be printed on screen)
#' @note ESS users may use \code{options(roxygen.comment = "##' ")} to ensure
#'   the generated roxygen comments begin with \code{"##' "}, which is the
#'   default setting in Emacs/ESS.
#'   Re-run this function on a package will remove the previous roxygen comments
#'   before functions in R scripts.
#' @export
#' @author Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.org}>
#' @examples
#' ## a demo package
#' pkg = system.file('examples', 'pkgDemo', package = 'Rd2roxygen')
#' file.copy(pkg, tempdir(), recursive = TRUE)  # copy to temp dir first
#' od = setwd(tempdir())
#' ## take a look at original R scripts
#' file.show('pkgDemo/R/foo.R')
#' options(roxygen.comment = "##' ")
#' ## convert Rd's under man to roxygen comments
#' Rd2roxygen(file.path(tempdir(), 'pkgDemo'))
#' file.show('pkgDemo/R/foo.R')  # what happened to foo.R and bar.R?
#' setwd(od)  # restore working directory
Rd2roxygen = function(pkg, nomatch, usage = FALSE) {
  if (!all(c('man', 'R') %in% list.files(pkg)))
    stop("'pkg' has to be the root directory of a source package")
  man.dir = file.path(pkg, 'man')
  R.dir = file.path(pkg, 'R')
  files = list.files(man.dir, '\\.[Rr]d$')
  if (missing(nomatch))
    nomatch = paste(basename(pkg), '-package.R', sep = '')
  unlink(p <- file.path(R.dir, nomatch))
  namespace = exported_names(pkg)
  for (f in files) {
    parsed = parse_file(file.path(man.dir, f))
    Rd = create_roxygen(parsed, usage = usage)
    Rd = Rd[Rd != '\n']
    message('parsed: ', f)
    fname = parsed$name
    tryf = paste(fname, c('.R', '.r'), sep = '')
    tryf = unique(c(tryf[file.exists(file.path(R.dir, tryf))],
                     list.files(R.dir, '\\.[Rr]$')))
    idx = integer(0)
    ## should not search data/package names in R scripts
    if (isTRUE(parsed$docType %in% c('data', 'package')))
      tryf = NULL else message("looking for the object '", fname, "' in:")
    for (i in tryf) {
      r = file.path(R.dir, i)
      idx = grep(sprintf('^[[:space:]]*(`|"|\'|)(%s)(\\1)[[:space:]]*(<-|=)',
                          gsub('([][{}()+*^$|?.])', '\\\\\\1', fname)),
                  (r.Rd = readLines(r, warn = FALSE)))
      message('  ', i, ': ', appendLF = FALSE)
      message(ifelse(length(idx), paste('line', idx), 'not found'))
      if (length(idx)) {
        # add @export to roxygen comments
        if (fname %in% namespace) Rd = c(Rd, comment_tag('@export', fname))
    if (length(idx)) {
      idx = idx[1]  # only use the first match
      if (idx <= 1) r.Rd = c(Rd, r.Rd) else {
        ## remove existing roxygen comments
        j = 0
        for(i in (idx - 1):1) {
          if (grepl("^[#]+'", r.Rd[i])) j = j + 1 else break
        if (j > 0) {
          r.Rd = r.Rd[-(idx - seq_len(j))]
          idx = idx - j
        r.Rd = append(r.Rd, c('\n', Rd), idx - 1)
        while (r.Rd[1] %in% c('', '\n')) r.Rd = r.Rd[-1]
      cat(r.Rd, file = r, sep = '\n')
      message(r, ' updated')
    } else {
      if (tail(Rd, 1) != 'NULL') Rd = c(Rd, 'NULL')
      cat(c('\n', Rd), '\n\n', file = p, sep = '\n', append = TRUE)
      message("unmatched object '", fname, "' written into ", p)
yihui/Rd2roxygen documentation built on April 16, 2024, 8:26 a.m.