#' @include defaults.R
# record input/output lines numbers in Rnw/tex and filenames
knit_concord = new_defaults(list(
inlines = NULL, outlines = NULL, infile = NULL, outfile = NULL, block = NULL, offset = NULL
# do not consider child mode for concordance
concord_mode = function() {
opts_knit$get('concordance') && !child_mode()
current_lines = function(i = knit_concord$get('block')) {
# a helpr function to return line numbers for block i
n = knit_concord$get('inlines')
n1 = sum(head(n, i)); n0 = min(n1, n1 - n[i] + 1)
# adjust line numbers for inline code expressions
if (length(o <- knit_concord$get('offset')) == 2) {
n1 = n0 + o[2]; n0 = n0 + o[1]
paste(c(n0, n1), collapse = '-')
# generate concordance for RStudio
concord_gen = function(infile, outfile) {
if (!concord_mode()) return()
i = knit_concord$get('inlines'); o = knit_concord$get('outlines')
if (is.null(i) || is.null(o)) {
warning('cannot generate concordance due to incomplete line numbers')
stopifnot(length(i) == length(o))
steps = NULL # how many steps to jump forward to match output line numbers
for (k in seq_along(i)) {
steps = c(steps, if (o[k] >= i[k]) {
rep(c(1L, 0L), c(i[k], o[k] - i[k]))
} else {
c(rep(1L, o[k] - 1L), i[k] - o[k] + 1L)
# generate data structure
vals = rle(steps)
vals = c(1L, as.numeric(rbind(vals$lengths, vals$values)))
concordance = paste(strwrap(paste(vals, collapse = ' ')), collapse = ' %\n')
# write to file
if (is_html_output()) {
'<!-- concordance:', outfile, ':', infile, ':', concordance, ' -->\n',
sep = '', file = outfile, append = TRUE
} else if (is_latex_output()) {
confile = paste(sans_ext(outfile), 'concordance.tex', sep = '-')
cat('\\Sconcordance{concordance:', outfile, ':', infile, ':%\n',
concordance, '}\n', sep = '', file = confile)
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