
Defines functions tiny get_uri get_remote_origin make_badge check_badge find_readme test_details test_to_badge badge_covrpage

Documented in make_badge

badge_covrpage <- function(status = "pass") {
  uri_colour <- switch(status,
    "<!--- error/failed --->" = "red",
    "<!--- skipped/warning --->" = "yellowgreen",

  uri_date <- strftime(Sys.Date(), "%Y_%m_%d")

  sprintf("covrpage-Last_Build_%s-%s.svg", uri_date, uri_colour)

test_to_badge <- function(obj) {
  if (is.null(obj)) {

  x <- apply(obj[, c("error", "failed", "skipped", "warning")], 2, sum) > 0

  status <- "pass"

  if (x[["skipped"]] || x[["warning"]]) {
    status <- "skipped/warning"

  if (x[["error"]] || x[["failed"]]) {
    status <- "error/failed"


test_details <- function(obj) {
  if (test_to_badge(obj) == "pass") {
  } else {

find_readme <- function(ROOT = ".", use_rmd = TRUE) {
  ROOT <- normalizePath(ROOT)

  README <- list.files(ROOT, pattern = "README", full.names = TRUE)

  if (length(README) == 0) {

  if (use_rmd) {
    use_rmd <- any(grepl("README.RMD$", README, ignore.case = TRUE))

  ext <- ifelse(use_rmd, "RMD", "MD")

  README <- README[grep(sprintf("README.%s", ext), toupper(README))]


check_badge <- function() {
  README <- find_readme()

  if (is.logical(README)) {

  README_LINES <- readLines(README, warn = FALSE)

  any(grepl("badge/covrpage-", README_LINES))

#' @title Create covrpage Badge
#' @description Create covrpage badge for test status and date that is connected to
#' the README.md created in the tests directory.
#' @param remote_origin character, username/repo of the remote origin, Default: NULL
#' @param active_branch character, current active git branch, Default: NULL
#' @param tinyurl boolean, convert badge uri to tinyurl link, Default: TRUE
#' @return character
#' @details if either inputs are NULL then the .git file is inspected to gather the
#' information
#' @family setup
#' @rdname make_badge
#' @export

make_badge <- function(remote_origin = NULL, active_branch = NULL, tinyurl = TRUE) {
  uri <- get_uri(remote_origin, active_branch)

  uri <- sprintf("%s/tests/README.md", uri)

  if (tinyurl) {
    uri <- tiny(uri)

  prefix <- "[![Covrpage Summary](https://img.shields.io/badge/covrpage-Initialized-orange.svg)]"

  sprintf("%s(%s)", prefix, uri)

get_remote_origin <- function() {
  remote_origin <- system("git config --get remote.origin.url", intern = TRUE)

  remote_origin <- gsub("^(https://|git@)|\\.git$", "", remote_origin)

  endpoint <- gsub("(:|/)(.*?)$", "", remote_origin)

  sprintf("https://%s/%s", endpoint, gsub("^(/|:)", "", gsub(endpoint, "", remote_origin)))

get_uri <- function(remote_origin = NULL, active_branch = NULL) {
  if (is.null(active_branch)) {
    active_branch <- system("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", intern = TRUE)

  if (is.null(remote_origin)) {
    remote_origin <- get_remote_origin()

  sprintf("%s/blob/%s", remote_origin, active_branch)

#' @importFrom curl nslookup curl
tiny <- function(uri) {
  host <- "tinyurl.com"

  if (!is.null(curl::nslookup(host, error = FALSE))) {
    base <- sprintf("http://%s/api-create.php", host)

    x <- curl::curl(sprintf("%s?url=%s", base, uri))

    on.exit(close(x), add = TRUE)

    uri_raw <- uri

    uri <- readLines(x, warn = FALSE)

    message(sprintf("masking %s with %s", uri_raw, uri))

yonicd/covrpage documentation built on Feb. 23, 2023, 6:58 p.m.