#' Analysis constraints in the form
#' @param lp_obj the lp object
#' @export
get_constraint_summary <- function (lp_obj) {
form = lp_obj$output$form
if (!("form_summary" %in% names(lp_obj$output)))
form_summary = get_form_summary(lp_obj) else
form_summary = lp_obj$output$form_summary
form_items <- as.data.frame(bind_cols (form,
form_items <- split.data.frame(form_items, f = form_items$form_ind)
point = lp_obj$alias$point
constraint = lp_obj$constraint
if ("content" %in% names(constraint)) {
content_cons <- lp_obj$constraint$content
long_violation_by_cons <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 5, nrow = 0,
dimnames = list(NULL, c("cons_id", "form_ind", "n", "slice_unit", "vio"))))
violation_by_cons = data.frame(cons_id = 1:nrow(content_cons), vio = 0)
for (k in seq(nrow(content_cons))) {
con = content_cons[k,]
form_ind = con$FORM_IND[[1]]
attribute = con$ATTRIBUTE
if (attribute == "_OVERLAP" || attribute == "_ENEMY") next # later
if (con$SLICE_UNIT == "items") {
if (attribute == "_FORM") {
# for test length
n = form_summary$n_item[which(form_summary$form_ind %in% form_ind)]
} else
if (attribute == "_CLUSTER") {
# for test length and for total points
cluster = which(content_cons$CLUSTER==as.numeric(con$ATTRIBUTE_VALUE))
n = count_items_with_attr_from_forms (content_cons[cluster,], form_items[as.character(form_ind)])
} else
if (attribute == "_PASSAGE") { # items associated with passages
if (!is.null(lp_obj$alias$psg_id))
n <- form_items[form_ind] %>% map_int(function(x) length(which(!is.na(x[[lp_obj$alias$psg_id]])))) else
n = rep(0, length(form_ind))
} else
# any constraint like _ENEMY_COL or _XXX_COL will be ignored for now
if (substr(attribute, 1, 1) == "_") {} else
n = count_items_with_attr_from_forms (con, form_items[as.character(form_ind)])
if (con$SCOPE == "ACROSS") n = sum(n)
if (con$SLICE_UNIT == "points") {
if (attribute == "_FORM") {
# for total points in each form
n = form_summary$n_point[which(form_summary$form_ind %in% form_ind)]
} else
if (attribute == "_CLUSTER") {
# for test length and for total points
cluster = which(content_cons$CLUSTER==as.numeric(con$ATTRIBUTE_VALUE))
n = count_points_with_attr_from_forms (content_cons[cluster,], form_items[as.character(form_ind)], point)
} else
if (attribute == "_PASSAGE") { # points associated with passages
if (!is.null(lp_obj$alias$psg_id))
n <- form_items[form_ind] %>% map_int(function(x) {
m = which(!is.na(x[[lp_obj$alias$psg_id]]))
}) else
n = rep(0, length(form_ind))
} else
# any constraint like _ENEMY_COL or _XXX_COL will be ignored for now
if (substr(attribute, 1, 1) == "_") {} else
n = count_points_with_attr_from_forms (con, form_items[as.character(form_ind)], point)
if (con$SCOPE == "ACROSS") n = sum(n)
if (con$SLICE_UNIT == "passages") {
if (attribute == "_PASSAGE") {
if (!is.null(lp_obj$alias$psg_id))
n <- form_items[form_ind] %>% map_int(function(x) {
psg_id = x[[lp_obj$alias$psg_id]]
}) else
n = rep(0, length(form_ind))
} else stop("Error")
temp = data.frame(cons_id = con$CONS_ID,
form_ind =
if (con$SCOPE == "WITHIN" || con$SCOPE == "" || is.na(con$SCOPE))
paste0(form_ind) else
paste0(form_ind, collapse=","),
n = n,
slice_unit = con$SLICE_UNIT,
vio = 0)
if (any(n<con$SLICE_LOWER | n > con$SLICE_UPPER)) {
vio_at = which(n<con$SLICE_LOWER | n > con$SLICE_UPPER)
for (i in vio_at)
if (n[i] < con$SLICE_LOWER) temp$vio[vio_at] = n[i] - con$SLICE_LOWER else
temp$vio[vio_at] = n[i] - con$SLICE_UPPER
long_violation_by_cons = rbind(long_violation_by_cons, temp)
violation_by_cons$vio[k] = sum(abs(temp$vio))
lp_obj$constraint_summary$content$long_violation_by_cons <- long_violation_by_cons
lp_obj$constraint_summary$content$violation_by_cons <- violation_by_cons
# need to expand tif/tcc for panels?
if (lp_obj$test_inf$n_panel > 1 &&
length(lp_obj$constraint$tif$FORM_IND %>% unlist() %>% unique) * lp_obj$test_inf$n_panel == lp_obj$test_inf$n_form)
do_n_panel = lp_obj$test_inf$n_panel
n_form_per_panel = as.integer(lp_obj$test_inf$n_form/lp_obj$test_inf$n_panel)
} else {
do_n_panel = 1
n_form_per_panel = lp_obj$test_inf$n_form
# > $TIF.margin
# test form theta TIF.obs TIF.lower TIF.upper
# 1 1 1 -2 2.5707 2.4670 3.4670
# 2 1 1 -1 5.3231 5.2490 6.2490
if ("tif" %in% names(constraint)) {
tif = lp_obj$constraint$tif
if (!("SCOPE" %in% names(tif)))
tif = bind_cols(tif, SCOPE = rep("WITHIN", nrow(tif)))
ori_tif = tif
tif_obs_tbl <- map(1:do_n_panel, ~{
tif_obs = tibble(form_ind = list(integer()),
tif_id = character(),
theta = double(),
tif = double(),
tif_lower = double(),
tif_upper = double())
tif = ori_tif
which_panel = .x
if (which_panel > 1)
tif <- tif %>% mutate(FORM_IND = map(FORM_IND, ~.x+(which_panel-1)*n_form_per_panel))
for (k in seq(nrow(tif))) {
con = tif[k, ]
forms = con$FORM_IND[[1]]
theta = con$THETA
column = intersect(names(form_items[[1]]), unlist(lp_obj$alias[grep("^irt_par", names(lp_obj$alias))]))
if (con$SCOPE == "WITHIN" || con$SCOPE == "" || is.na(con$SCOPE)) {
for (f in forms) {
tif_val =
round(sum(fisher(theta = theta,
IRT.par = form_items[[as.character(f)]][, column] ,
IRT.model = form_items[[as.character(f)]][[lp_obj$alias$irt_model]],
IRT.scale = form_items[[as.character(f)]][[lp_obj$alias$irt_scale]])), 4)
tif_obs = dplyr::bind_rows(tif_obs,
tibble(form_ind = list(f),
tif_id = con$TIF_ID,
theta = con$THETA,
tif = tif_val,
tif_lower = con$TIF_LOWER,
tif_upper = con$TIF_UPPER))
if (con$SCOPE == "ACROSS") {
tif_val = unlist(lapply(forms, function (f) {
round(sum(fisher(theta = theta,
IRT.par = form_items[[as.character(f)]][, column] ,
IRT.model = form_items[[as.character(f)]][[lp_obj$alias$irt_model]],
IRT.scale = form_items[[as.character(f)]][[lp_obj$alias$irt_scale]])), 4)}))
tif_val = sum(tif_val)
tif_obs = dplyr::bind_rows(tif_obs,
tibble(form_ind = list(forms),
tif_id = con$TIF_ID,
theta = con$THETA,
tif = tif_val,
tif_lower = con$TIF_LOWER,
tif_upper = con$TIF_UPPER))
rownames(tif_obs) = NULL
}) %>% bind_rows()
# if (!is.null(lp_obj$input_obj$module_structure)) {
# tif_summary = lp_obj$input_obj$module_structure %>%
# select(form_ind = FORM_IND, module_name = MODULE_NAME) %>%
# unnest(form_ind) %>% right_join(tif_obs_tbl %>% unnest(form_ind)) %>%
# group_by(module_name, theta) %>%
# summarise(avg = round(mean(tif), 4), min = min(tif), max = max(tif), tif_target = tif_upper) %>% distinct()
# lp_obj$constraint_summary$tif$tif_summary = tif_summary
# }
} else
tif_obs_tbl = NULL
lp_obj$constraint_summary$tif$tif_obj = tif_obs_tbl
if ("tcc" %in% names(constraint)) {
tcc = lp_obj$constraint$tcc
if (!("SCOPE" %in% names(tcc)))
tcc = bind_cols(tcc, SCOPE = rep("WITHIN", nrow(tcc)))
ori_tcc = tcc
tcc_obs_tbl <- map(1:do_n_panel, ~{
tcc_obs = tibble(form_ind = list(integer()),
tcc_id = character(),
theta = double(),
tcc = double(),
tcc_lower = double(),
tcc_upper = double())
tcc = ori_tcc
which_panel = .x
if (which_panel > 1)
tcc <- tcc %>% mutate(FORM_IND = map(FORM_IND, ~.x+(which_panel-1)*n_form_per_panel))
for (k in seq(nrow(tcc))) {
con = tcc[k, ]
forms = con$FORM_IND[[1]]
theta = con$THETA
column = intersect(names(form_items[[1]]), unlist(lp_obj$alias[grep("^irt_par", names(lp_obj$alias))]))
if (con$SCOPE == "WITHIN" || con$SCOPE == "" || is.na(con$SCOPE)) {
for (f in forms) {
tcc_val = round(sum(expected_score(
theta = theta,
IRT.par = form_items[[as.character(f)]][, column] ,
IRT.model = form_items[[as.character(f)]][[lp_obj$alias$irt_model]],
IRT.scale = form_items[[as.character(f)]][[lp_obj$alias$irt_scale]])) /
form_summary$n_point[which(form_summary$form_ind == f)], 4)
tcc_obs = dplyr::bind_rows(tcc_obs,
tibble(form_ind = list(f),
tcc_id = con$TCC_ID,
theta = con$THETA,
tcc = tcc_val,
tcc_lower = con$TCC_LOWER,
tcc_upper = con$TCC_UPPER))
if (con$SCOPE == "ACROSS") {
tcc_val = unlist(lapply(forms, function (f) {
sum(expected_score(theta = theta,
IRT.par = form_items[[as.character(f)]][, column] ,
IRT.model = form_items[[as.character(f)]][[lp_obj$alias$irt_model]],
IRT.scale = form_items[[as.character(f)]][[lp_obj$alias$irt_scale]]))}))
tcc_val = round(sum(tcc_val) / sum(form_summary$n_point[forms]), 4)
tcc_obs = dplyr::bind_rows(tcc_obs,
tibble(form_ind = list(forms),
tcc_id = con$TCC_ID,
theta = con$THETA,
tcc = tcc_val,
tcc_lower = con$TCC_LOWER,
tcc_upper = con$TCC_UPPER))
rownames(tcc_obs) = NULL
}) %>% bind_rows()
} else
tcc_obs_tbl = NULL
lp_obj$constraint_summary$tcc$tcc_obj = tcc_obs_tbl
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