
Defines functions get_peak_blocks_modulesvhclust

get_peak_blocks_modulesvhclust <- function(dataA = NA, simmat = NA,
    adjacencyfromsimilarity = FALSE, time_step = 3, max.rt.diff = 10,
    outloc, column.rm.index = NA, cor.thresh = NA, deepsplit = 2,
    minclustsize = 20, cutheight = 0.2, cormethod = "spearman",
    networktype = "unsigned", num_nodes = 2, step1log2scale = TRUE,
    mycl_metabs = NA) {

    cnames <- colnames(dataA)

    cnames[1] <- "mz"
    cnames[2] <- "time"

    colnames(dataA) <- as.character(cnames)

    data_mzrt <- dataA[, c(1:2)]

    # 1:3,6:11
    if (is.na(column.rm.index) == FALSE) {
        dataA <- dataA[, -c(column.rm.index)]

    feat_inf <- paste(dataA[, 1], dataA[, 2], sep = "_")
    dataA <- dataA[, -c(1:2)]

    data_m <- t(dataA)

    colnames(data_m) <- feat_inf

    if (step1log2scale == TRUE) {

        data_m <- 2^(data_m)

    sample.col.start <- 2

    # which(dataA$mz>145.9 & dataA$mz<146)
    # cor.test(t(as.numeric(dataA[303,-c(1:2)])),t(as.numeric(dataA[774,-c(1:2)])))

    powers = c(c(1:10), seq(from = 12, to = 20, by = 2))

    do_stepwise = 0
    # print(dim(data_m))

    powers = c(c(1:10), seq(from = 12, to = 20, by = 2))
    sft = try(pickSoftThreshold(data = data_m, dataIsExpr = TRUE,
        powerVector = powers, verbose = 0), silent = TRUE)

    if (is(sft, "try-error")) {

        power_val = 6

    } else {
        power_val = sft$powerEstimate

        if (is.na(power_val) == TRUE) {
            power_val = 6


    # if(FALSE)

        netclassA = try(blockwiseModules(datExpr = (data_m),
            checkMissingData = FALSE, blocks = mycl_metabs,
            maxBlockSize = 5000, blockSizePenaltyPower = 100,
            randomSeed = 12345, loadTOM = FALSE, corType = "pearson",
            maxPOutliers = 1, quickCor = 0, pearsonFallback = "individual",
            cosineCorrelation = FALSE, power = power_val,
            networkType = "unsigned", TOMType = "signed",
            TOMDenom = "min", getTOMs = NULL, saveTOMs = FALSE,
            saveTOMFileBase = "blockwiseTOM", deepSplit = deepsplit,
            detectCutHeight = NULL, minModuleSize = minclustsize,
            maxCoreScatter = NULL, minGap = NULL, maxAbsCoreScatter = NULL,
            minAbsGap = NULL, minSplitHeight = NULL, minAbsSplitHeight = NULL,
            useBranchEigennodeDissim = FALSE, minBranchEigennodeDissim = mergeCutHeight,
            stabilityLabels = NULL, minStabilityDissim = NULL,
            pamStage = TRUE, pamRespectsDendro = FALSE, reassignThreshold = 1e-06,
            minCoreKME = 0.5, minCoreKMESize = minclustsize/3,
            minKMEtoStay = 0.3, mergeCutHeight = cutheight,
            impute = TRUE, trapErrors = FALSE, numericLabels = FALSE,
            nThreads = num_nodes, verbose = 0, indent = 0),
            silent = TRUE)

        # save(netclassA,file='netclassA.Rda') do_stepwise=1
        if (is(netclassA, "try-error")) {

            do_stepwise = 1
        } else {
            n1 <- unlist(netclassA$colors)
            n2 <- as.data.frame(n1,stringsAsFactors = T)
            mod_list <- as.numeric(n2[, 1])

            Alldegrees1 <- softConnectivity(datExpr = data_m,
                power = power_val, minNSamples = 2)
            # Alldegrees1<-
            Alldegrees1 <- cbind(Alldegrees1, Alldegrees1,
                Alldegrees1, Alldegrees1)

    if (do_stepwise == 1) {

        if (adjacencyfromsimilarity == FALSE) {

            powers = c(c(1:10), seq(from = 12, to = 20, by = 2))
            sft = try(pickSoftThreshold(data = data_m, dataIsExpr = TRUE,
                powerVector = powers, verbose = 0), silent = TRUE)

            if (is(sft, "try-error")) {
                power_val = 6
            } else {
                power_val = sft$powerEstimate

            if (is.na(power_val) == TRUE) {
                power_val = 6

            if (cormethod == "pearson") {
                ADJdataOne <- adjacency(datExpr = data_m,
                  type = networktype, power = power_val,
                  corOptions = "use = 'p'")
            } else {
                ADJdataOne <- adjacency(datExpr = data_m,
                  type = networktype, power = power_val,
                  corOptions = "use = 'p',method='spearman'")
        } else {

            sft = try(pickSoftThreshold.fromSimilarity(similarity = simmat,
                powerVector = powers, verbose = 0), silent = TRUE)
            # power_val=sft$powerEstimate

            if (is(sft, "try-error")) {
                power_val = 6
            } else {
                power_val = sft$powerEstimate

            if (is.na(power_val) == TRUE) {
                power_val = 6

            ADJdataOne <- adjacency.fromSimilarity(similarity = simmat,
                power = power_val, type = networktype)

        rnames_simmat <- rownames(ADJdataOne)

        dup_names <- which(duplicated(rnames_simmat) == TRUE)

        if (length(dup_names) > 0) {

            ADJdataOne <- ADJdataOne[-c(dup_names), -c(dup_names)]

        # dissTOMCormat=TOMdist(cormat,TOMType='signed')

        dissTOMCormat = TOMdist(ADJdataOne)

        # save topological overlap dissimilarity
        # save(dissTOMCormat,file='TOMdist.Rda')

        # save topological overlap similarity
        simTOMCormat = 1 - dissTOMCormat

        # save(simTOMCormat,file='TOMsim.Rda')

        # rm(simTOMCormat)

        # if(FALSE)
            hierTOMCormat = flashClust(as.dist(dissTOMCormat),
                method = "complete")
            par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
            plot(hierTOMCormat, labels = F, main = "Dendrogram")

            # save(list=ls(),file='hier_analysis.Rda')

            # if(FALSE)

                colorhdataOne2 = cutreeDynamic(hierTOMCormat,
                  distM = dissTOMCormat, deepSplit = deepsplit,
                  minClusterSize = minclustsize, pamRespectsDendro = FALSE,
                  pamStage = TRUE)

                # colorhdataOne2=cutreeHybrid(hierTOMCormat,distM=
                # dissTOMCormat,deepSplit=deepsplit,
                # minClusterSize=minclustsize, pamRespectsDendro =
                # FALSE,pamStage=TRUE)

                l2colors <- levels(as.factor(colorhdataOne2))  #$labels))

                # print(length(l2colors))
                if (length(l2colors) > 1) {

                  m2 = try(mergeCloseModules(data_m, colors = colorhdataOne2,
                    cutHeight = cutheight), silent = TRUE)

                  if (is(m2, "try-error")) {

                    # m2<-doWGCNA(data_m,deepsplit=deepsplit,minclustsize=minclustsize,cutheight=cutheight)
                    mod_list <- colorhdataOne2  #as.numeric(m2$colors)
                  } else {

                    mod_list <- as.numeric(m2$colors)
                  # m2=mergeCloseModules(data_m,colors=colorhdataOne2$labels,cutHeight=cutheight)

                  # print(length(table(m2$colors)))

                } else {
                  m2 = colorhdataOne2
                  mod_list <- m2  #as.numeric(m2)
                  # mod_list<-rep(0,dim(dataA)[1])
                  # m2<-doWGCNA(data_m,deepsplit=deepsplit,minclustsize=minclustsize,cutheight=cutheight)
                  # mod_list<-as.numeric(m2$colors)
                # max.rt.diff<-5

                # mod_list<-as.numeric(m2$colors)


        # print(length(mod_list)) print(dim(ADJdataOne))

        Alldegrees1 = intramodularConnectivity(ADJdataOne,

        # rownames(Alldegrees1)<-as.character(feat_inf)
        # print('mod_list') print(mod_list[1:4])

        # print('here')

        save(mod_list, file = "mod_list.Rda")

    t1 <- table(mod_list)
    mod_names <- names(t1)
    mod_names <- as.numeric(mod_names)

    time_mult_fact <- 1

    diffmatC <- {

    dataA <- cbind(data_mzrt, dataA)
    dataA <- as.data.frame(dataA)

    diffmatB <- {
    diffmatB <- lapply(1:length(mod_names), function(i) {

        groupA_num <- mod_names[i]

        subdata <- dataA[which(mod_list == groupA_num), ]
        subdata <- subdata[order(subdata$time), ]

        groupB <- group_by_rt_histv1(subdata, time_step,
            max_diff_rt = max.rt.diff, groupnum = groupA_num)

        rownames(groupB) <- NULL


    diffmatB <- ldply(diffmatB, rbind)
    # save(diffmatB,file='diffmatB.Rda')

    # print(dim(diffmatB))
    # rownames(diffmatB)<-as.character(feat_inf)
    diffmatB <- cbind(Alldegrees1[, c(1:4)], diffmatB)


yufree/xMSannotator documentation built on Oct. 31, 2022, 12:20 a.m.