
#' Interactive conditional survival Shiny app
#' \code{condKMapp} produces an interactive Shiny app containing output from
#' both the \code{condKMest} function and the \code{condKMplot} function.
#' @param .basekm \code{survfit} object
#' @return The output includes 1) a plot with one overall Kaplan-Meier survival
#' curve and an additional Kaplan-Meier survival curve for each time on which
#' you are conditioning and 2) a table with conditional survival estimates at
#' the specified survival time along with their associated confidence intervals,
#' with one row for each time on which you are conditioning.
#' @export

condKMapp <- function(.basekm) {

    ui = fluidPage(
        headerPanel("Conditional survival estimates"),
          helpText("This interactive interface allows you to adjust the
                            survival time of interest (using the numeric entry box below)
                            and to select a single survival time, or range of survival times, on
                            which to condition (using the slider bar below)."),
            inputId = "survtime", label = "Enter the survival time of interest (in years)",
            value = 5, min = 0, max = 10
            inputId = "condtime", label = "Select the range of times on which to condition (in years)",
            value = c(1, 4), min = 1, max = 10, step = 1
          helpText("The output includes 1) a plot with one overall Kaplan-Meier
                            survival curve and an additional Kaplan-Meier survival curve for
                            each time on which you are conditioning and 2) a table
                            with conditional survival estimates at the specified
                            survival time along with their associated confidence intervals,
                            with one row for each time on which you are conditioning.")
          plotOutput(outputId = "condplot"),
          tableOutput(outputId = "condtab")

    server = function(input, output) {
      output$condplot <- renderPlot({
        if (class(.basekm) != "survfit") {
          stop("Argument to .basekm must be of class survfit")
        if (max(input$condtime) > max(.basekm$time)) {
            "The range of times on which to condition specifies value(s) outside the range of observed times;",
            "the maximum observed time is", round(max(.basekm$time), 2)

 = F, xlab = "Years", ylab = "Survival probability",
          lwd = 1, mark.time = F, main = "Conditional survival curves"
        at <- seq(from = min(input$condtime), to = max(input$condtime), by = 1)
        nt <- length(at)
        fitkm <- list()
        for (i in 1:nt) {
          fitkm[[i]] <- survfit(
            formula = as.formula(.basekm$call$formula),
            data = eval(.basekm$call$data),
            start.time = at[i]
          lines(fitkm[[i]], = F, col = i + 1, lwd = 1, mark.time = F)
          abline(v = i, lty = 3)
      }, height = 400, width = 500)

      output$condtab <- renderTable({
        if (class(.basekm) != "survfit") {
          stop("Argument to .basekm must be of class survfit")
        if (max(input$condtime) > max(.basekm$time)) {
            "The range of times on which to condition specifies value(s) outside the range of observed times;",
            "the maximum observed time is", round(max(.basekm$time), 2)
        if (max(input$survtime) > max(.basekm$time)) {
            "The survival time of interest specifies a value outside the range of observed times;",
            "the maximum observed time is", round(max(.basekm$time), 2)

        at <- seq(from = min(input$condtime), to = max(input$condtime), by = 1)
        nt <- length(at)
        cstab <- NULL
        for (i in 1:nt) {
          if (at[i] < input$survtime) {
            cs <- summary(.basekm, times = c(at[i], input$survtime))$surv[2] /
              summary(.basekm, times = c(at[i], input$survtime))$surv[1]
            cs.sq <- cs^2
            d <- .basekm$n.event[.basekm$time >= at[i] & .basekm$time <= input$survtime &
              .basekm$n.event > 0]
            r <- .basekm$n.risk[.basekm$time >= at[i] & .basekm$time <= input$survtime &
              .basekm$n.event > 0]
            dr <- d / (r * (r - d))
            var.cs <- cs.sq * sum(dr)
            ci <- cs + c(-1, 1) * (qnorm(0.975) * sqrt(var.cs))
            if (ci[1] < 0) {
              warning("Lower bound of CI has been truncated to 0")
            if (ci[2] > 1) {
              warning("Upper bound of CI has been truncated to 1")
            ci.cs <- round(ci, 2)
            if (ci.cs[1] < 0) {
              ci.cs[1] <- 0
            if (ci.cs[2] > 1) {
              ci.cs[2] <- 1
            cstab <- data.frame(rbind(cstab, c(round(at[i]), round(cs, 2), ci.cs[1], ci.cs[2])),
              stringsAsFactors = FALSE
        colnames(cstab) <- c("Conditional time", "Conditional survival", "Lower 95% CI", "Upper 95% CI")
      }, digits = c(0, 0, 2, 2, 2))
zabore/condsurv documentation built on Nov. 21, 2022, 5:52 a.m.