
Defines functions load.summary.statistics

# History Jan 09 2018 Add code for ambig.by.AF option

load.summary.statistics <- function(summary.files, pathway, options){
  snps.in.pathway1 <- unique(paste0('C', pathway$Chr, 'P', pathway$Pos))
  snps.in.pathway2 <- unique(paste0(pathway$Chr, ':', pathway$Pos))
  snps.in.pathway3 <- unique(pathway$SNP)
  snps.in.pathway <- unique(c(snps.in.pathway1, snps.in.pathway2, snps.in.pathway3))
  msg <- paste("Loading summary statistics:", date())
  if(options$print) message(msg)
  ambigFlag <- options$ambig.by.AF

  header <- c("SNP", "RefAllele", "EffectAllele", "BETA") # columns that must be provided by users
  opt.header <- c("P", "SE")
  opt.header2 <- c('Chr', 'Pos')
  if (ambigFlag) {
    opt.header3 <- c("RAF", "EAF")
  } else {
    opt.header3 <- NULL

  complete.header <- c(header, opt.header, opt.header2, "Direction", opt.header3)
  # summary.files is a vector of file names
  stat <- list()
  lambda <- NULL
  nsamples <- list()
  ncases <- list()
  ncontrols <- list()
  fid <- 0
  snps.in.study <- NULL
  nfiles <- length(summary.files)
  for(i in 1:nfiles){
    st <- load.file(summary.files[i], header = TRUE, nrows = 1e4)
    header.map <- colnames(st)
    colnames(st) <- convert.header(colnames(st), complete.header)
    tmp <- (header %in% colnames(st))
      msg <- paste0("Columns below were not found in ", summary.files[i], ":\n", paste(header[!tmp], collapse = " "))
    names(header.map) <- colnames(st)
    col.class <- sapply(st, class)
    col.id <- which(colnames(st) %in% complete.header)
    col.class[-col.id] <- "NULL"
    col.class[c('SNP', 'RefAllele', 'EffectAllele')] <- 'character'
    names(col.class) <- header.map[names(col.class)]
    st <- load.file(summary.files[i], header = TRUE, select = col.class)
    colnames(st) <- convert.header(colnames(st), complete.header)
    st <- st[st$SNP %in% snps.in.pathway, , drop = FALSE]
    if(nrow(st) == 0){
    st$SNP <- reformat.snps(st$SNP)
    if(!("Direction" %in% colnames(st))){
      st$Direction <- paste(rep('*', length(options$nsamples[[i]])), collapse = '', sep = '')
      msg <- paste0('Direction is not found in ', summary.files[i], '. ARTP2 assumes equal sample size of SNPs in the study. ')
    if(!any(opt.header %in% colnames(st))){
      msg <- paste0("Neither SE nor P is not provided in ", summary.files[i])
    if(!('P' %in% colnames(st))){
      st$P <- NA
    if(!('SE' %in% colnames(st))){
      st$SE <- NA
    if(!('Chr' %in% colnames(st))){
      st$Chr <- NA
    if(!('Pos' %in% colnames(st))){
      st$Pos <- NA
    if (ambigFlag) st <- ambig.check.data(st, summary.files[i], vars=opt.header3)
    st <- st[, complete.header]
    dup <- duplicated(st$SNP)
      dup.snps <- unique(st$SNP[dup])
      msg <- paste("SNPs below are duplicated: ", paste(dup.snps, collapse = " "))
    id.no.SE.P <- which(is.na(st$SE) & is.na(st$P))
    if(length(id.no.SE.P) > 0){
      msg <- paste("For SNPs below, neither SE nor P is not provided in", summary.files[i], ":\n", paste(st$SNP[id.no.SE.P], collapse = " "))
    tmp <- strsplit(st$Direction, split = '')
    len <- sapply(tmp, length)
    if(length(unique(len)) > 1){
      msg <- paste0('Invalid Direction in ', summary.files[i])
    len <- len[1]
    if(len != length(options$nsamples[[i]])){
      msg <- paste0('Invalid nsamples for studies in ', summary.files[i])
    fid <- fid + 1
    st$Direction <- sapply(tmp, function(x){paste(ifelse(x=='?',0,1),sep='',collapse = '')})
    st$N <- sapply(tmp, function(x, ss = options$nsamples[[i]]){sum(ss[x != '?'])})
    st$N1 <- sapply(tmp, function(x, ss = options$ncases[[i]]){sum(ss[x != '?'])})
    st$N0 <- sapply(tmp, function(x, ss = options$ncontrols[[i]]){sum(ss[x != '?'])})
    st$RefAllele    <- removeWhiteSpace(toupper(st$RefAllele))
    st$EffectAllele <- removeWhiteSpace(toupper(st$EffectAllele))
    rownames(st) <- st$SNP
    stat[[fid]] <- st
    snps.in.study <- unique(c(snps.in.study, st$SNP))
    lambda[fid] <- options$lambda[i]
    nsamples[[fid]] <- options$nsamples[[i]]
    ncases[[fid]] <- options$ncases[[i]]
    ncontrols[[fid]] <- options$ncontrols[[i]]
    rm(st, len)
  if(length(stat) == 0){
    msg <- "No SNPs to be included in analysis"
  snps.in.study <- unique(snps.in.study)
  nsnps <- length(snps.in.study)
  SNP.sample.size <- data.frame(N = rep(0, nsnps), N0 = rep(0, nsnps), N1 = rep(0, nsnps))
  rownames(SNP.sample.size) <- snps.in.study
  for(i in 1:length(stat)){
    snps <- stat[[i]]$SNP
    SNP.sample.size[snps, ] <- SNP.sample.size[snps, ] + stat[[i]][, c('N', 'N0', 'N1')]
  list(stat = stat, snps.in.study = snps.in.study, lambda = lambda, 
       nsamples = nsamples, ncases = ncases, ncontrols = ncontrols, 
       SNP.sample.size = SNP.sample.size)
zhangh12/ARTP2 documentation built on Aug. 16, 2019, 7:27 p.m.