
Defines functions split_merge restricted_gibbs ordered_next ordered_remove ordered_insert

Documented in ordered_insert ordered_next ordered_remove restricted_gibbs split_merge

# Define helper functions:

#' insert a cluster ID prior to "index"; mylist keeps a list of cluster IDs
#' This function is called when adding a new cluster with more than one subjects
#' @param index an integer of cluster ID to be inserted
#' @param mylist a vector of integer cluster IDs
#' @param t the effective number of clusters
#' @examples
#' ordered_insert(4,c(1:3,5:10),7)
#' ordered_insert(4,c(1:10),7)
#' @return an vector of cluster IDs with an inserted ID \code{index}.
#' @export
ordered_insert <- function(index,mylist,t){
  j <- t
  while (j>0 && mylist[j]>index){
    mylist[j+1] <- mylist[j]
    j <- j-1
  mylist[j+1] <- index # all elements greater than index have been moved one position to the right,
  # leaving space for index.

#' remove an index from a vector of cluster ID
#' This function is called when removing a cluster.
#' @inheritParams ordered_insert
#' @examples
#' ordered_remove(3,c(1:3,5:10),7)
#' ordered_remove(3,c(1:10),7)
#'# some quick examples:
#' list0 <- c(1:7,0,0,0)
#' k <- 1
#' while (list0[k]==k){ k=k+ 1}; cm = k
#' while (list0[k]==k+1){ k =k+ 1}; ci = k+1
#' while (list0[k]==k+2) {k =k+ 1};  cj = k+2
#' a1 <- ordered_remove(3,list0,7)
#' a2 <- ordered_remove(5,a1,6)
#' a3 <- ordered_insert(cm,a2,5)
#' # end of examples.
#' @export
ordered_remove <- function(index,mylist,t){
  for (j in 1:t){ # it stopped at t, which might be smaller than length of mylist.
    if (mylist[j] >= index){
      mylist[j] <- mylist[j+1]
  mylist # only t-1 matters now.

#' Find the next available cluster ID to use:
#' @param mylist a vector of integer cluster IDs
#' @examples
#' ordered_next(c(1:3,5:10))
#' ordered_next(c(1:3,5:6,9:10))
#' @return an index to use next for an observation during complete Gibbs scan
#' @export
ordered_next <- function(mylist){
  j <- 1
  while (mylist[j]==j) {
    j <- j+1
  j # identify the first gap.

#' Restricted Gibbs scan to update assignment indicators in S.
#' Function to perform Gibbs scan only for the observations associated
#' with either i or j (randomly chosen), but not including the cluster indicator
#' for i or j. This function does not change the cluster observation i or j currently is in,
#' because the restricted Gibbs scan only updates other observations in S by randomly
#' assigning them to the cluster with i or j.
#' @param Y multivariate binary data (row for subjects, column for dimensions)
#' @param zsa cluster assignment indicators prior to updating (transition from in MH)
#' @param zsb cluster assignment indicators after updating (transition to in MH; same below.)
#'            both zsa and zsb will be set to zs when active is true, because we want the zs to be
#'            modified/updated.
#' @param cia,cja cluster indicator for subject i,j prior to updating
#' @param cib,cjb cluster indicator for subject i,j after updating
#' @param ni,nj the number of subjects clustered with i (j) - including i (j).
#' @param i,j two distinct subjects' indices
#' @param S the set of indices clustered with either i or j (including i and j)
#' @param ns size of S
#' @param b gamma in the Dirichlet distribution in MFM.
#' @param active TRUE for performing a split update (both updating cluster indicators and computing the transition probabilities), FALSE otherwise (only for calculating
#' proposal density; used in q(Z|Z_merge) = q(Z|Z_launch)).
#' @param Q a Q matrix of dimension M by L
#' @param p a vector of machine (factor) prevalences of length M
#' @param theta a vector of true positive rates of length L
#' @param psi a vector of false positive rates of length L
#' @return \itemize{
#' \item \code{log_p} the log probability of transitioning from zsa to zsb (product of all subjects in S);
#' \item \code{ni,nj} the number of subjects assigned to cluster for i,j
#' \item \code{zsb} updated assignment indicators for subjects in S
#' }
#' @export
restricted_gibbs <- function(Y,zsa,zsb,cia,cib,cja,cjb,ni,nj,i,j,S,ns,b,active,Q,p,theta,psi){
  # ??need to update the observations to be in sync with zs.
  # ?? i must be different from j?
  log_p <- 0 # variable for log transition probabilities.
  M <- nrow(Q)
  is_identity_Q <- (nrow(Q)==ncol(Q)) && sum(abs(Q-diag(nrow(Q))))<1e-3
  if(!is_identity_Q){H_enumerate <- as.matrix(expand.grid(rep(list(0:1), M)),ncol=M)}
  for (ks in 1:ns){ # beging iteration over observations in S.
    k <- S[ks]
    if (k!=i && k!=j){
      if (zsa[k]==cia){# <--mod # if the current subject to be updated beldongs to cluster of i:
        ni <- ni-1 # <--mod
      } else{
        nj <- nj-1 # <--mod
      # compute probability to assign observation k to the cluster to which obs i belongs:
      if (!is_identity_Q){
        Li <- log_marginal(rbind(Y[(zsa==cia)[-k],,drop=FALSE],Y[k,]),H_enumerate,Q,p,theta,psi) - log_marginal(Y[(zsa==cia)[-k],,drop=FALSE],H_enumerate,Q,p,theta,psi) # from restaurant process.
        Lj <- log_marginal(rbind(Y[(zsa==cja)[-k],,drop=FALSE],Y[k,]),H_enumerate,Q,p,theta,psi) - log_marginal(Y[(zsa==cja)[-k],,drop=FALSE],H_enumerate,Q,p,theta,psi)
        Li <- log_marginal_Q_identity(rbind(Y[(zsa==cia)[-k],,drop=FALSE],Y[k,]),p,theta,psi) - log_marginal_Q_identity(Y[(zsa==cia)[-k],,drop=FALSE],p,theta,psi) # from restaurant process.
        Lj <- log_marginal_Q_identity(rbind(Y[(zsa==cja)[-k],,drop=FALSE],Y[k,]),p,theta,psi) - log_marginal_Q_identity(Y[(zsa==cja)[-k],,drop=FALSE],p,theta,psi)
      Pi <- exp(log(ni+b)+Li- matrixStats::logSumExp(c(log(ni+b)+Li,log(nj+b)+Lj))) # the (ni+b) also comes from restaurant process.
      # if we need to update the assignment indicators:
      if (active){
        zsb[k] <- ifelse(stats::runif(1) < Pi, cib, cjb)
      if (zsb[k]==cib){
        ni <- ni+1
        log_p <-log_p+log(Pi)
      } else{
        nj <- nj+1
        log_p <- log_p + log(1-Pi)
  } #end iteration over observations in S.
  return(list(log_p=log_p,ni=ni,nj=nj,zsb=zsb)) # zsb will be updated and passed to the next intermediate Gibbs scan. zsb indicates which observations are used for calculating log marginal likelihood.

#' Split-merge type update of clusterings
#' This function uses restricted_gibbs to arrive at a launch state and then propose
#' a split-merge move. Based on the computed acceptance probability, this function accepts
#' or rejects the proposal arriving at an old or new state for the cluster indicators.
#' @param Y multivariate binary data (row for subjects, column for dimensions)
#' @param z original cluster indicators
#' @param zs temporary variable used for split-merge assignments
#' @param S temporary set of indicies for restricted Gibbs
#' @param mylist the cluster ID list
#' @param N a vector of the numbers of subjects in the list of clusters
#' @param t total number of non-empty clusters
#' @param b gamma parameter in the mixture of finite mixture formulation
#' @param log_v coefficients in MFM (check Miller and Harrison 2016 JASA)
#' @param n_split the number of intermediate Gibbs scan to arrive at the launch split state (usually 5)
#' @param Q a Q matrix of dimension M by L
#' @param p a vector of machine (factor) prevalences of length M
#' @param theta a vector of true positive rates of length L
#' @param psi a vector of false positive rates of length L
#' @param MORE_SPLIT Default is \code{NULL}. When getting to launch state of the partition,
#' \code{TRUE} for biasing towards split; FALSE for uniformly choose a pair (i,j)
#' and then deciding to merge (if they belong to distinct clusters)
#' or split (if they belong to the identical cluster)
#' @param partition_partial a list of subject ids that each belong to a few known clusters.
#' @return Returns the values at the end of the current iteration \itemize{
#' \item \code{t} the number of clusters;
#' \item \code{z} the cluster assignment indicators for all subjects (taking values from \code{mylist});
#' \item \code{N} the number of subjects for each cluster; please refer to mylist to get the matching cluster IDs;
#' \item \code{mylist} the non-empty and empty cluster IDs.
#' }
#' @export
split_merge <- function(Y,z,zs,S,mylist,N,t,b,log_v,n_split,Q,p,theta,psi,
  # for non-conjugate sampler, there needs to be n_merge
  n <- nrow(Y)
  M <- nrow(Q)
  is_identity_Q <- (nrow(Q)==ncol(Q)) && sum(abs(Q-diag(nrow(Q))))<1e-3
  if(!is_identity_Q){H_enumerate <- as.matrix(expand.grid(rep(list(0:1), M)),ncol=M)}
  # randomly choose a pair of indices:
  rand_pair <- sample(n,2,replace=FALSE)
  i <- rand_pair[1]
  j <- rand_pair[2]
  # print(i)
  # print(j)
  if (!is.null(partition_partial)){
    i_is_here <- NA
    if (i %in% unlist(partition_partial)){
      i_is_here <- which(unlist(lapply(partition_partial,function(v) {i%in%v}))==TRUE)
      j <- sample((1:n)[-partition_partial[[i_is_here]]],1,replace=TRUE)
    # rand_pair <- sample((1:n)[-unlist(partition_partial)],2,replace=FALSE)
    # i <- rand_pair[1]
    # j <- rand_pair[2]
  # print(i)
  # print(j)
  # print(i_is_here)
  ci0 <- z[i]
  cj0 <- z[j] # original states.
  # set S[1],...,S[ns] to the indices of the observations in clusters ci0 and cj0:
  ns <- 0
  for (k in 1:n){
    if (z[k]==ci0 ||  z[k]==cj0){
      ns <- ns+1
      S[ns] <- k
  # <<<<<<<
  if (!is.null(MORE_SPLIT) & MORE_SPLIT){
    if (length(unique(z))>1){
      log_p_bias <- rep(NA,length(unique(z))) # <--- biased towards split.
      count <- 1
      for (k_cj0 in unique(z)){
        ns <- 0
        for (k in 1:n){
          if (z[k]==ci0 || z[k]==k_cj0){
            ns <- ns+1
            S[ns] <- k
        if (k_cj0!=ci0){
          if (!is_identity_Q){
            log_p_bias[count] <- log_marginal(Y[S,,drop=FALSE],H_enumerate,Q,p,theta,psi) -
              log_marginal(Y[z==ci0,,drop=FALSE],H_enumerate,Q,p,theta,psi)-log_marginal(Y[z==k_cj0,,drop=FALSE],H_enumerate,Q,p,theta,psi) # computed for original (not launch state) and proposed states.
          } else{
            log_p_bias[count] <- log_marginal_Q_identity(Y[S,,drop=FALSE],p,theta,psi) -
              log_marginal_Q_identity(Y[z==ci0,,drop=FALSE],p,theta,psi)-log_marginal_Q_identity(Y[z==k_cj0,,drop=FALSE],p,theta,psi) # computed for original (not launch state) and proposed states.
        count <- count+1
      log_p_bias[is.na(log_p_bias)] <- log(4)+ # <-- times more likely to be split.
      p_bias <- exp(log_p_bias-matrixStats::logSumExp(log_p_bias))
      cj0 <- sample(unique(z),1,replace=FALSE,prob=p_bias)
      zz <- z; zz[i] <- 10000
      if (sum(zz==cj0)>0){
        j   <- sample(which(zz==cj0),1,replace=FALSE)
      } else{
        j   <- sample((1:n)[-i],1,replace=FALSE)
      ns <- 0
      for (k in 1:n){
        if (z[k]==ci0 ||  z[k]==cj0){
          ns <- ns+1
          S[ns] <- k
  # <<<<<<<<<
  # find available cluster IDs for split and merge parameters:
  k <- 1
  while (mylist[k]==k){ k=k+ 1};     cm = k
  while (mylist[k]==k+1){ k =k+ 1};  ci = k+1
  while (mylist[k]==k+2) {k =k+ 1};  cj = k+2
  # merge state:
  # for (ks in 1:ns){
  #   #??
  # }
  # randomly choose the launch split state:
  zs[i] <- ci; ni <- 1
  zs[j] <- cj; nj <- 1
  for (ks in 1:ns){# start with a uniformly chosen split:
    k <- S[ks]
    if (k !=i && k!= j){
      if (stats::runif(1)<0.5){
        zs[k] <- ci
        ni<- ni+1 # need adjoin function to collect observations in the same cluster.
      } else{
        zs[k] <- cj
        nj <- nj+1
  for (rep in 1:n_split){#make several restricte Gibb scan moves:
    res_intermediate_GS <- restricted_gibbs(Y,zs,zs,ci,ci,cj,cj,ni,nj,i,j,S,ns,b,TRUE,Q,p,theta,psi) # make sure arguments are updated.
    log_p <- res_intermediate_GS$log_p
    ni <- res_intermediate_GS$ni
    nj <- res_intermediate_GS$nj
    zs <- res_intermediate_GS$zsb
  # make MH proposal:
  if (ci0==cj0){#propose a split:
    # make one final sweep and compute the probability density:
    res_final_GS <- restricted_gibbs(Y,zs,zs,ci,ci,cj,cj,ni,nj,i,j,S,ns,b,TRUE,Q,p,theta,psi) # make sure arguments are updated.
    log_prop_ab <- res_intermediate_GS$log_p
    ni <- res_intermediate_GS$ni
    nj <- res_intermediate_GS$nj
    zs <- res_intermediate_GS$zsb
    # probability of transitioning from the merge state to original state:
    log_prop_ba <- 0 #log(1). Because given current split state, with probability 1 we get the merged state.
    # compute MH acceptance probability
    log_prior_b <- log_v[t+1]+lgamma(ni+b)+lgamma(nj+b)-2*lgamma(b)
    log_prior_a <- log_v[t] + lgamma(ns+b)-lgamma(b)
    if (!is_identity_Q){
      log_lik_ratio <- log_marginal(Y[zs==ci,,drop=FALSE],H_enumerate,Q,p,theta,psi)+log_marginal(Y[zs==cj,,drop=FALSE],H_enumerate,Q,p,theta,psi)-
    } else{
      log_lik_ratio <- log_marginal_Q_identity(Y[zs==ci,,drop=FALSE],p,theta,psi)+log_marginal_Q_identity(Y[zs==cj,,drop=FALSE],p,theta,psi)-
    p_accept <- min(1,exp(log_prop_ba-log_prop_ab+log_prior_b-log_prior_a+log_lik_ratio))
    # accept or reject:
    if (stats::runif(1)<p_accept){#accept split:
      for (ks in 1:ns){
        z[S[ks]] <- zs[S[ks]]
      mylist <- ordered_remove(ci0,mylist,t)
      mylist <- ordered_insert(ci,mylist,t-1)
      mylist <- ordered_insert(cj,mylist,t)
      N[ci0] <- 0
      N[ci]  <- ni
      N[cj]  <- nj
      t <- t+1
  } else{ # propose a merge:
    # probability of transitioning to merge state:
    log_prop_ab <- 0  # log(1)
    # compute probability density of going from split launch state to original state:
    res_imaginary_GS <- restricted_gibbs(Y,zs,z,ci,ci0,cj,cj0,ni,nj,i,j,S,ns,b,FALSE,Q,p,theta,psi)
    log_prop_ba <- res_imaginary_GS$log_p
    ni <- res_imaginary_GS$ni
    nj <- res_imaginary_GS$nj
    # compute acceptance probability:
    log_prior_b <- log_v[t-1]+lgamma(ns+b)-lgamma(b)
    log_prior_a <- log_v[t]+lgamma(ni+b)+lgamma(nj+b)-2*lgamma(b)
    if (!is_identity_Q){
      log_lik_ratio <- log_marginal(Y[S,,drop=FALSE],H_enumerate,Q,p,theta,psi) -
        log_marginal(Y[z==ci0,,drop=FALSE],H_enumerate,Q,p,theta,psi)-log_marginal(Y[z==cj0,,drop=FALSE],H_enumerate,Q,p,theta,psi) # computed for original (not launch state) and proposed states.
    } else{
      log_lik_ratio <- log_marginal_Q_identity(Y[S,,drop=FALSE],p,theta,psi) -
        log_marginal_Q_identity(Y[z==ci0,,drop=FALSE],p,theta,psi)-log_marginal_Q_identity(Y[z==cj0,,drop=FALSE],p,theta,psi) # computed for original (not launch state) and proposed states.
    p_accept <- min(1,log_prop_ba-log_prop_ab+log_prior_b-log_prior_a+log_lik_ratio)
    #accept or reject:
    if (stats::runif(1)<p_accept){
      for (ks in 1:ns){
        z[S[ks]] <- cm
      mylist <- ordered_remove(ci0,mylist,t)
      mylist <- ordered_remove(cj0,mylist,t-1)
      mylist <- ordered_insert(cm,mylist,t-2)
      N[cm] <- ns
      N[ci0] <- 0
      N[cj0] <- 0
      t <- t-1
  return(list(t=t,z=z,N=N,mylist=mylist)) # be extremely clear about what variables got updated.
zhenkewu/rewind documentation built on Sept. 9, 2020, 3:40 p.m.