
Defines functions map2col

#' heatmap of gene expression profilings with cluster indication.
#' heatmap of gene expression profilings with cluster-based color indication. 
#' The direction of DEGs are based on latter Vs former from sample labels. 
#' For example, labels are as.factor(c("ct", "Disease")), the "Disease" are
#' latter compared with "ct". Usually, the order is the alphabet.
#' @inheritParams enrichment
#' @param scale character indicating if the values should be centered and
#'  scaled in either the row direction or the column direction, or none.
#'   The default is "row".
#' @param sampleColor a color vector with the sample length. The default is 
#' from topo.colors randomly.
#' @param clusterColor a color vector with the cluster length. 
#' The default is rainbow(nClusters(object)).
#' @param clusterColor2 a color vector with 2 elements. The default is 
#' rainbow(2).
#' @param heatmapcol col for heatmap. The default is greenred(75).
#' @param maintitle a character. like GSExxx. the output of figure will like
#' "kmeans 3 Clusters GSExxx" in two lines.
#' @param printSum print the summary of the number of genes in each cluster. 
#' Default is TRUE.
#' @param add2 add 2 clusters information.
#' @param cexCol numbers, used as cex.axis in for the column axis labeling. 
#' @param ... other parameters to heatmap.3.
#' @return a gene expression heatmap with Cluster information figure
#' @export
#' @import gplots
#' @rdname heatmapCluster
#' @docType methods
#' @seealso \code{\link{clEnrich}}, \code{\link{heatmap.3}} and
#' \code{\link{heatmapPEI}}
#' @examples
#' data(Psoriasis)
#' annofile <- system.file("extdata", "c2.cp.kegg.v7.01.symbols.gmt.xz", 
#' package="cogena")
#' \dontrun{
#' genecl_result <- coExp(DEexprs, nClust=2:3, clMethods=c("hierarchical","kmeans"), 
#'     metric="correlation", method="complete", ncore=2, verbose=TRUE)
#' clen_res <- clEnrich(genecl_result, annofile=annofile, sampleLabel=sampleLabel)
#' #summay this cogena object
#' summary(clen_res)
#' #heatmapCluster
#' heatmapCluster(clen_res, "hierarchical", "3")
#' heatmapcol <- gplots::redgreen(75)
#' heatmapCluster(clen_res, "hierarchical", "3", heatmapcol=heatmapcol)
#' }
    function(object, method, nCluster, scale="row", sampleColor=NULL,
        clusterColor=NULL, clusterColor2=NULL, heatmapcol=NULL, maintitle=NULL,
        printSum=TRUE, add2=TRUE, cexCol=NULL, ...) 

#' @rdname heatmapCluster
#' @aliases heatmapCluster
setMethod("heatmapCluster", signature(object="cogena"),
    function (object, method=clusterMethods(object), 
        nCluster=nClusters(object), scale="row",
        sampleColor=NULL, clusterColor=NULL,
        clusterColor2=NULL, heatmapcol=NULL, maintitle=NULL, 
        printSum=TRUE, add2=TRUE, cexCol=NULL, ...){

    # get the parameters
    method <- match.arg(method, clusterMethods(object))
    nCluster <- match.arg(nCluster, as.character(nClusters(object)))
    mat <- mat(object)

    # Cluster information and DEGs
    cluster_size <- geneclusters(object, method, nCluster)
    upDownGene <- vector("numeric")
    upDownGene[object@upDn$upGene] <- 1
    upDownGene[object@upDn$dnGene] <- 2

    if (printSum==TRUE) {
        cat ("The number of genes in each cluster:\n")
        if (isTRUE(add2) ){
            print (table(upDownGene))
            print (table(cluster_size))
        } else {
            print (table(cluster_size))

    # reorder the mat based on the clustering and type of sample.
    sampleLabel <- sort(object@sampleLabel)
    mat <- mat[order(cluster_size, decreasing=FALSE), names(sampleLabel)]
    #add the type of sample into the colnames
    # colnames(mat) <- paste(colnames(mat), sampleLabel, sep="_")
    # color setting
    # ColSideColors <- map2col(as.numeric(as.factor(sampleLabel)), sampleColor)
    if (is.null(sampleColor)) {
        sampleColor <- sample(topo.colors(nlevels(as.factor(sampleLabel))))
    ColSideColors <- map2col(as.numeric(as.factor(sampleLabel)), sampleColor)
    if (is.null(clusterColor)) {
        clusterColor <- sample(rainbow(nCluster)) #, alpha = c(1, 0.6)
    if (is.null(clusterColor2)){
        clusterColor2 <- rainbow(2) # c("coral3", "deepskyblue1")

    #clusterColor <- rainbow(nCluster, alpha = c(1, 0.6))
    #make the neighboor colors different
    #clusterColor <- clusterColor[clusterColor]
    RowSideColors <- map2col(sort(cluster_size, decreasing=FALSE), clusterColor)
    if (isTRUE(add2)) {
        RowSideColors2 <- map2col(upDownGene[names(sort(cluster_size, 
                        decreasing=FALSE))], clusterColor2)
    if (is.null(heatmapcol)) {
        heatmapcol <- greenred(75)
    if (isTRUE(add2)){
        RowSideColors <- t(cbind(RowSideColors2, RowSideColors))
        rownames(RowSideColors) <- c("DEG", nCluster)
    } else {
        RowSideColors <- t(as.matrix(RowSideColors))

    if (!is.null(maintitle)) {
        maintitle=paste(maintitle, "\n", "cogena:", method, nCluster)
    } else {
        maintitle=paste(method, nCluster, "clusters",sep="_")
    if (!exists("cexCol")) {
    heatmap.3(mat, col=heatmapcol, trace="none", scale=scale, Rowv=FALSE, 
        Colv=FALSE, dendrogram="none", labRow=NA, 
        # colsep=length(which(sampleLabel==sampleLabel[1])), 
        colsep=cumsum( table(sampleLabel)),
        rowsep=cumsum( table(cluster_size)), #adjCol=c(0.8,0),
        sepcolor="white", sepwidth=c(0.05,1),
        key=TRUE, symkey=FALSE, density.info="none", keysize=1.5, 
        ColSideColors=as.matrix(ColSideColors), ylab=paste(nrow(mat), "Genes"), cexCol=cexCol,
        lhei=c(1.2, 4), ...)
        par(lend = 0, xpd=TRUE)
        legend("left", legend = paste0(1:nCluster),
            col = clusterColor, lty= 1, lwd = 20, bty = "n", 
            title = paste(nCluster, "Clusters"))
        if (isTRUE(add2) ){
            legend("bottomleft", legend = c("Up", "Down"),
                col = clusterColor2, lty= 1, lwd = 20, bty = "n", 
                title = "DEGs")
        legend("top", legend = names(table(sampleLabel)), col = sampleColor, 
            lty=1, lwd=20, bty = "n", title = "Type of Samples", horiz=TRUE)
    # return (mat)

#map2color: get the color vector from the numeric vector x using pal, 
#such as, rainbow(200)
#map2color(cutree(clusters(cogena.cluster, "hierarchical"), 3),rainbow(200))
    if(is.null(limits)) limits=range(x)
zhilongjia/cogena documentation built on Nov. 21, 2023, 1:34 a.m.