LipidomcisSet-class: S4 class to store lipidomics dataset

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This is a S4 class inherits from the MetabolomicsSet-class to store the lipidomics datset. This class can be thought as a special case of the MetabolomicsSet. It acts as a data container for the lipidomics data. Once data is cleaned and passed into the class, it is ready to do statistical analysis and visualization.

This class is not designed to handle mass spectrometry data and feature annotation. This class should only be used after the raw MS data procesing.



A conc_table-class object that stores the concentration information from the experiment. The column names should be the feature IDs, and the rownames should be the row IDs. This should be a numeric matrix.


A sample_table-class object that stores the sample meta-data information. The row names should be sample IDs and should match the column names of the conc_table.


A feature_data-class object that stores the feature infromation during the experiment. The row names should be feature IDs and should match the row names of the conc_table.


A list contains all untabular experimental data.


Chenghao Zhu

zhuchcn/Metabase documentation built on July 23, 2019, 1:36 p.m.