MicrobiomeSet-class: S4 class to store Micorbiome Data

Description Slots Author(s) See Also


This class inherits from the mSet-class and stores the microbiome data (16S seq etc.)



A conc_table-class object that stores the concentration information from the experiment. The column names should be the feature IDs, and the rownames should be the row IDs. This should be a numeric matrix. This slot is equivalent to the OTU table.


A sample_table-class object that stores the sample meta-data information. The row names should be sample IDs and should match the column names of the conc_table.


A feature_data-class object that stores the feature infromation during the experiment. The row names should be feature IDs and should match the row names of the conc_table. The feature_data must be all character and only stores the taxonomy inforamtion (kingdom to species).


A list contains additional experiment information.


Chenghao Zhu

See Also

MicrobiomeSet mSet-class MetabolomicsExperimentData-class

zhuchcn/Metabase documentation built on July 23, 2019, 1:36 p.m.