
package cache message appears correct [plain]

  cat(paste(c("1:", "2:"), sandpaper:::message_package_cache(msg)), sep = "\n")

  -- Caching Build Packages for Generated Content --------------------------------
  The Carpentries lesson infrastructure uses the renv (R environment) package to
  maintain reproducibility for lessons with generated content. It looks like you
  have not yet used renv before, so this is a one-time message that gives you
  information about how the package cache can help you with your lesson.

  Finally, renv maintains a local cache of data on the filesystem, located at:

  - "/path/to/cache"

  This path can be customized: please see the documentation in `?renv::paths`.

  > This may take some time to set up the first time you use it, but once the
  cache is established, the process will run much more quickly.

  If you choose not to use the package cache, be aware that you may find
  differences between the lesson you render on your computer and what is rendered

  Do you want to using a package cache for Carpentries lessons?
  -- Enter your selection or press 0 to exit -------------------------------------
  1: Yes, please use the package cache (recommended)
  2: No, I want to use my default library

package cache message appears correct [ansi]

  cat(paste(c("1:", "2:"), sandpaper:::message_package_cache(msg)), sep = "\n")

  [36m--[39m [1mCaching Build Packages for Generated Content[22m [36m--------------------------------[39m
  The Carpentries lesson infrastructure uses the [34mrenv[39m (R environment) package to
  maintain reproducibility for lessons with generated content. It looks like you
  have not yet used [34mrenv[39m before, so [1mthis is a one-time message[22m that gives you
  information about how the package cache can help you with your lesson.

  [30m[47mFinally, renv maintains a local cache of data on the filesystem, located at:[49m[39m

  - "/path/to/cache"

  This path can be customized: please see the documentation in `?renv::paths`.

  > This may take some time to set up the first time you use it, but once the
  cache is established, the process will run much more quickly.

  If you choose not to use the package cache, be aware that you may find
  differences between the lesson you render on your computer and what is rendered

  [1mDo you want to using a package cache for Carpentries lessons?[22m
  -- Enter your selection or press 0 to exit -------------------------------------
  1: [1mYes[22m, please use the package cache (recommended)
  2: [1mNo[22m, I want to use my default library

package cache message appears correct [unicode]

  cat(paste(c("1:", "2:"), sandpaper:::message_package_cache(msg)), sep = "\n")

  ── Caching Build Packages for Generated Content ────────────────────────────────
  The Carpentries lesson infrastructure uses the renv (R environment) package to
  maintain reproducibility for lessons with generated content. It looks like you
  have not yet used renv before, so this is a one-time message that gives you
  information about how the package cache can help you with your lesson.

  Finally, renv maintains a local cache of data on the filesystem, located at:

  - "/path/to/cache"

  This path can be customized: please see the documentation in `?renv::paths`.

  → This may take some time to set up the first time you use it, but once the
  cache is established, the process will run much more quickly.

  If you choose not to use the package cache, be aware that you may find
  differences between the lesson you render on your computer and what is rendered

  Do you want to using a package cache for Carpentries lessons?
  ── Enter your selection or press 0 to exit ─────────────────────────────────────
  1: Yes, please use the package cache (recommended)
  2: No, I want to use my default library

package cache message appears correct [fancy]

  cat(paste(c("1:", "2:"), sandpaper:::message_package_cache(msg)), sep = "\n")

  [36m──[39m [1mCaching Build Packages for Generated Content[22m [36m────────────────────────────────[39m
  The Carpentries lesson infrastructure uses the [34mrenv[39m (R environment) package to
  maintain reproducibility for lessons with generated content. It looks like you
  have not yet used [34mrenv[39m before, so [1mthis is a one-time message[22m that gives you
  information about how the package cache can help you with your lesson.

  [30m[47mFinally, renv maintains a local cache of data on the filesystem, located at:[49m[39m

  - "/path/to/cache"

  This path can be customized: please see the documentation in `?renv::paths`.

  → This may take some time to set up the first time you use it, but once the
  cache is established, the process will run much more quickly.

  If you choose not to use the package cache, be aware that you may find
  differences between the lesson you render on your computer and what is rendered

  [1mDo you want to using a package cache for Carpentries lessons?[22m
  ── Enter your selection or press 0 to exit ─────────────────────────────────────
  1: [1mYes[22m, please use the package cache (recommended)
  2: [1mNo[22m, I want to use my default library

zkamvar/sandpaper documentation built on Sept. 5, 2024, 6:21 a.m.