
Defines functions train_model_glmnet

Documented in train_model_glmnet

#' Training a glmnet model for binomial prediction.
#' @param data expression data with genes in rows and samples in columns.
#' @param variable_colname Column name for binary class.
#' @param alpha Default = 1 for Lasso penalty. 0 = Ridge penalty. between 0 - 1 = Elastic net. See ?cv.glmnet.
#' @param type.measure See ?cv.glmnet.
#' @param standardize Default = FALSE. Expects data to be pre-scaled. if not, glmnet will do it for you.
#' @param type term for internal prediction type. 
#' @param cutOff value for internal prediction.
#' @param nfolds number of folds for cross validation. use ncol(data) for LOOCV.
#' @param ... pass to glmnet
#' @return Generates a glmnet model.
#' @examples
#' model <- train_model_glmnet(data, variable_colname = "disease", alpha = 0.5, cutOff = 0.5, nfolds = ncol(data)) # LOOCV Elastic net regularization
#' @import glmnet
#' @import doMC
#' @import parallel
#' @export
train_model_glmnet <- function(data, variable_colname , alpha = 1, type.measure = "mse", type = "response", standardize = FALSE, cutOff = 0.5, nfolds = 10, ...) {
    registerDoMC(cores = parallel::detectCores())
    # get column index of predicted variable in dataset
    variableColNum.ori <- grep(variable_colname, names(data))    
    # train model
        fit <- glmnet::glmnet(as.matrix(data[, -variableColNum.ori]), data[, variableColNum.ori], alpha = alpha, family = "binomial", standardize = standardize, ...)
        cv.fit <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(as.matrix(data[, -variableColNum.ori]), data[, variableColNum.ori], alpha = alpha, family = "binomial", 
            type.measure = type.measure, standardize = standardize, nfolds = nfolds, parallel = TRUE, ...)
        # plot result
        # min value of lambda lambda_min <- cv.fit$lambda.min best value of lambda
        lambda_1se <- cv.fit$lambda.1se
        # regression coefficients
        print(coef(fit, s = lambda_1se))
        cv.fit_out <- as.matrix(coef(fit, s = lambda_1se))
        cv.fit_out <- as.data.frame(cv.fit_out)
        cv.fit_out$name <- row.names(cv.fit_out)
        sub_cv.fit_out <- cv.fit_out[cv.fit_out$`1` != 0, ]
        # which classes do these probabilities refer to? What are 1 and 0?
        print(paste("Groups in data..."))
        print(contrasts(data[, variableColNum.ori]))
        # get test data
        newx <- as.matrix(data[, -variableColNum.ori])
        # predict class, type=”class”
        pred <- predict(fit, newx = newx, s = lambda_1se, type = type, ...)
        # translate probabilities to predictions
        predict <- rep(levels(data[, variableColNum.ori])[1], nrow(data))
        predict[pred > cutOff] <- levels(data[, variableColNum.ori])[2]        
        if (alpha == 1) {
            print("Results from LASSO classification...")
        } else if (alpha == 0.5) {
            print("Results from ElasticNet classification...")
        } else if (alpha == 0) {
            print("Results from Ridge classification...")
        # confusion matrix
        predict[is.na(predict)] <- "unassigned"
        prediction <- data.frame(pred = predict, true = data[, variableColNum.ori])
        print(table(prediction$pred, prediction$true))
        print(paste0("Prediction accuracy: ", mean(prediction$pred == prediction$true, na.rm = FALSE)))
        print("Genes used in the model")
        # extract the coefficients
        Coefficients <- as.matrix(coef(fit, s = lambda_1se))
        # calculate the odds ratios
        OddsRatios <- as.matrix(exp(Coefficients))
        # store coefficients and odds ratios as a new data frame
        df <- data.frame(Coefficients = Coefficients, OddsRatio = OddsRatios)
        df <- round(df, 5)
        colnames(df) <- c("Coefficients", "OddsRatios")
        df <- df[cv.fit_out$`1` != 0, ]
zktuong/kelvinny documentation built on Oct. 22, 2020, 1:27 p.m.