#' Convert WKT to JPG
#' @name conv_wkt_to_jpg
#' @description Convert the graphical units (GUs) geometries stored as Well-Known Text geometries (WKT) into JPG files
#' in order to perform contour analysis with the Momocs package
#' @param nodes nodes dataframe coming from the 'conv_shp_to_wkt.R' function
#' @param ids the field names that constitute the unique key of the GU. By default: c("site", "decor", "id").
#' @param dataDir path to the folder.
#' @param out.dir path of the output folder. By default "_out/" in the "dataDir" folder
#' @param verbose if TRUE (by default), will print messages
#' @return JPGs files exported into as many folders as different GUs' types (eg., 'bouche', oeil', 'visage', etc.)
#' The names of the JPGs is the concatenate of their site name, dot, decoration name, dot, GU identifier (eg, "Ain Ghazal.stat_2.1.jpg")
#' @examples
#' dataDir <- system.file("extdata", package = "iconr")
#' nd.df.path <- conv_shp_to_wkt(dataDir = dataDir)
#' nodes <- read.csv(nd.df.path, sep = ";")
#' conv_wkt_to_jpg(nodes = nodes)
#' ## Saving 4.33 x 3.94 in image
#' ## Saving 4.33 x 3.94 in image
#' ## ...
#' @export
conv_wkt_to_jpg <- function(nodes,
ids = c("site", "decor", "id"),
dataDir = system.file("extdata", package = "iconr"),
out.dir = "_out",
verbose = TRUE){
# TODO: add "LINES"
# TODO: for Lines ; When ugs are Line or Polygons, there's a need to get their centroid to pass this value to Edges
# filter on geometries to compare Polygon // Polygon & Lines // Lines & etc.
# will compare by geometries (eg Points, Polygons, etc) &
if(verbose){print(paste0(" the unique identifier of the geometries is based on field(s) '",
paste0(ids, collapse = "."), "'"))}
out.dirPath <- paste0(dataDir, "/", out.dir)
for (geom in c("POLYGON")){
# geom <- "POLYGON"
if(verbose){print(paste0("*read '", geom, "' geometries"))}
nodes.geom <- nodes[grep(geom, nodes$geometry, value = F), ]
gu.types <- unique(nodes.geom$type)
# gu.types <- c("visage", "oeil")
# object folder
for(a.type in gu.types){
# a.type <- "visage"
# a.type <- "caravanserail"
if(verbose){print(paste0(" + read type: '", a.type,"'"))}
out.folder.type <- paste0(out.dirPath, "/", a.type)
# print(out.folder.type)
showWarnings = FALSE)
if(verbose){print(paste0(" the folder '", out.folder.type, "' as been created"))}
# Polygons
noeuds.geom.sf <- sf::st_as_sf(nodes.geom, wkt = "geometry")
noeuds.geom.sf <- noeuds.geom.sf[noeuds.geom.sf$type == a.type, ] # filter on type
# noeuds.geom.sf$sn <- paste0(noeuds.geom.sf$site, ".", noeuds.geom.sf$decor, ".", noeuds.geom.sf$id)
if(length(ids) == 1){
keys <- as.character(as.data.frame(noeuds.geom.sf)[ , ids])
} else {
keys <- as.character(apply(as.data.frame(noeuds.geom.sf)[ , ids], 1, paste0, collapse="."))
keys <- gsub(" ", "", keys)
noeuds.geom.sf$sn <- keys
ct <- 0
tot <- length(noeuds.geom.sf$sn)
for(sn in unique(noeuds.geom.sf$sn)){
ct <- ct + 1
# sn <- "Ain Ghazal.stat_3.1"
# sn <- "EAMENA-0182033.crvn.1"
# sn <- "EAMENA-0182054"
if(verbose){print(paste0(" - ", ct, "/", tot, "] read feature: '", sn, "'"))}
a.wkt <- noeuds.geom.sf[noeuds.geom.sf$sn == sn, ]
# a.wkt.name <- paste0(a.wkt$site, ".",
# a.wkt$decor, ".",
# a.wkt$id, ".jpg")
# duplicated geometry
if(nrow(a.wkt) > 1){
a.wkt <- a.wkt[1, ]
a.wkt.name <- paste0(a.wkt$sn, ".jpg")
g.ug <- ggplot2::ggplot(a.wkt) +
ggplot2::geom_sf(color = 'black',
fill = 'black') +
ggplot2::theme(panel.grid = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.background = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.text = ggplot2::element_blank())
out.g <- paste0(out.dirPath, "/", a.type, "/", a.wkt.name)
# print(out.g)
ggplot2::ggsave(out.g, g.ug)
if(verbose){print(paste0(" - saved"))}
print(paste0(" JPGs of '", a.type, "' have been saved in the eponym subfolder"))
print(paste0("all JPGs have been saved into: '", out.dirPath,"' and subfolders"))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.