#' Resume geometry classes (POINTS, LINES, POLYGON) of GUs for each object
#' @name morph_aggregate
#' @description Aggregate matrices of distances by types, calculating mean distances for each single types (eg., two eyes on a single face decoration) or for the whole decoration (faces, eyes, mouths, ...)
#' @param nodes Nodes dataframe coming from the 'conv_shp_to_wkt.R' function
#' @param ldist A list of distance matrices coming from 'morph_nds_compar(nodes, focus = "dist")'
#' @param aggr Aggregate on GUs' types by decorations ("type") or
#' aggregate by decorations ("decoration").
#' @param dataDir path to the folder.
#' @param out.dir Path of the output folder. By default "_out/" in the "dataDir" folder
#' @return Create plots depending on the list of matrices.
#' @examples
#' dataDir <- system.file("extdata", package = "iconr")
#' nd.df.path <- conv_shp_to_wkt(dataDir = dataDir)
#' nodes <- read.csv(nd.df.path, sep = ";")
#' conv_wkt_to_jpg(nodes = nodes)
#' morph_nds_compar(nodes, focus = c("panel"))
#' ldist <- morph_nds_compar(nodes, focus = c("dist"))
#' morph_aggregate(nodes = nodes, ldist = ldist, aggr = "type")
#' @export
morph_aggregate <- function(nodes = NULL,
ldist = NULL,
aggr = c("type", "decoration"),
dataDir = system.file("extdata", package = "iconr"),
out.dir = "_out"){
out.dirPath <- paste0(dataDir, "/", out.dir)
# library(dplyr)
ldist.type <- list()
# TODO: improve title by counting number of GUs grouped
for (a.type in seq(1, length(ldist))){
# loop throught different types of ugs // matrices
# to group each matrix by decoration
# d1 <- unlist(ldist[[1]]) # n = 10, oeil
# d2 <- unlist(ldist[[2]]) # n = 4, tete
# d3 <- unlist(ldist[[3]]) # n = 5, bouche
# write.xlsx(as.matrix(d1), paste0(dataDir, "/d1.xlsx"))
# write.xlsx(as.matrix(d2), paste0(dataDir, "/d2.xlsx"))
# write.xlsx(as.matrix(d3), paste0(dataDir, "/d3.xlsx"))
# a.type <- 1
a.type.name <- unique(nodes$type)[a.type] # TODO: improve type identification
print(paste("*read distance matrix of ", a.type.name))
a.dist <- unlist(ldist[[a.type]])
df <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(a.dist))
ldecors <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(rownames(df), "\\."), function(x) x[[2]]))
# ldecors <- sapply(strsplit(rownames(df), "\\."), "[[", 2)
df$dec <- ldecors
df.agg <- stats::aggregate(df[, 1:ncol(df) - 1], list(df$dec), mean)
tdf.agg <- as.data.frame(t(df.agg))
colnames(tdf.agg) <- tdf.agg[1, ] # colnames = decorations
tdf.agg <- tdf.agg[-1, ]
# tdf.agg[, 1:ncol(tdf.agg)] <- sapply(tdf.agg[, 1:ncol(tdf.agg)], as.numeric) # character -> num
tdf.agg[, 1:ncol(tdf.agg)] <- lapply(tdf.agg[, 1:ncol(tdf.agg)], as.numeric)
# ldecors <- sapply(strsplit(rownames(tdf.agg), "\\."), "[[", 2)
ldecors <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(rownames(tdf.agg), "\\."), function(x) x[[2]]))
tdf.agg$dec <- ldecors
tdf.agg <- stats::aggregate(tdf.agg[, 1:ncol(tdf.agg)-1], list(tdf.agg$dec), mean)
rownames(tdf.agg) <- tdf.agg[, 1] # rownames = decorations
tdf.agg <- tdf.agg[ , -1]
diag(tdf.agg) <- 0
ldist.type[[length(ldist.type)+1]] <- tdf.agg # add to list
print(" Combined on types...")
minx <- maxx <- miny <- maxy <- 0
for(i in seq(1, length(ldist.type))){
# MDS with min and max coordinates to normalise plots
# i <- 1
a.type.dist <- ldist.type[[i]]
tit.main <- unique(nodes$type)[i] # TODO: improve type identification
# tit.sub <- paste0(as.character(nrow(a.dist)), " GUs")
# ldist.type[[1]]
# ldist.type[[2]]
# ldist.type[[3]]
a.dist <- stats::as.dist(ldist.type[[i]])
a.mds <- MASS::isoMDS(a.dist) # MDS
# get the extend (min, max) of the plot
min.x <- min(a.mds$points[ , 1])
max.x <- max(a.mds$points[ , 1])
min.y <- min(a.mds$points[ , 2])
max.y <- max(a.mds$points[ , 2])
if(min.x < minx){minx <- min.x}
if(max.x > maxx){maxx <- max.x}
if(min.y < miny){miny <- min.y}
if(max.y > maxy){maxy <- max.y}
for(i in 1:length(ldist.type)){
a.type.dist <- ldist.type[[i]]
tit.main <- unique(nodes$type)[i] # TODO: improve type identification
a.dist <- stats::as.dist(ldist.type[[i]])
a.mds <- MASS::isoMDS(a.dist) # MDS
# temp
row.names(a.mds$points) <- ifelse(row.names(a.mds$points) == 'stat_2_gref',
ifelse(row.names(a.mds$points) == 'stat_5_gref',
ifelse(row.names(a.mds$points) == 'crane_afg',
ifelse(row.names(a.mds$points) == 'tete_afe_gref',
ifelse(row.names(a.mds$points) == 'figurine__wx',
paste0('QAR'), NA)))))
if("type" %in% aggr){
# create plot
out.d <- paste0(dataDir, "/", out.dir, "/__", tit.main, "_grouped_by_type_and_dec.png")
# TODO: get ratio to set W and H
df.coords <- as.data.frame(a.mds$points)
g.MDS <- ggplot2::ggplot(df.coords, ggplot2::aes(df.coords[, 1], df.coords[, 2])) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggrepel::geom_text_repel(label = row.names(df.coords)) +
ggplot2::coord_fixed() +
ggplot2::xlim(minx, maxx) +
ggplot2::ylim(miny, maxy) +
ggplot2::ggsave(plot = g.MDS,
filename = out.d,
width = 14, height = 10,
units = "cm")
print(paste0("MDS on grouped type and decorations '", tit.main, "'"))
print(paste0("Plot saved in: ", out.d))
if("decoration" %in% aggr){
# add all matrices and divide to get the mean
ldist.dec <- (Reduce(`+`, ldist.type))/length(ldist.type)
a.dist <- stats::as.dist(ldist.dec)
a.mds <- MASS::isoMDS(a.dist) # MDS
# min.x <- min(a.mds$points[ , 1])
# max.x <- max(a.mds$points[ , 1])
# min.y <- min(a.mds$points[ , 2])
# max.y <- max(a.mds$points[ , 2])
# temp
row.names(a.mds$points) <- ifelse(row.names(a.mds$points) == 'stat_2_gref',
ifelse(row.names(a.mds$points) == 'stat_5_gref',
ifelse(row.names(a.mds$points) == 'crane_afg',
ifelse(row.names(a.mds$points) == 'tete_afe_gref',
ifelse(row.names(a.mds$points) == 'figurine__wx',
paste0('QAR'), NA)))))
out.d <- paste0(dataDir, "/", out.dir, "/2_grouped_by_dec.png")
# TODO: get ratio to set W and H
df.coords <- as.data.frame(a.mds$points)
g.MDS <- ggplot2::ggplot(df.coords, ggplot2::aes(df.coords[, 1], df.coords[, 2])) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggrepel::geom_text_repel(label = row.names(df.coords)) +
ggplot2::coord_fixed() +
# ggplot2::xlim(min.x, max.x) +
# ggplot2::ylim(min.y, max.y) +
ggplot2::ggsave(plot = g.MDS,
filename = out.d,
width = 14, height = 10,
units = "cm")
print(paste0("MDS on grouped decorations '", tit.main, "'"))
print(paste0("Plot saved in: ", out.d))
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