
Defines functions morph_resume

Documented in morph_resume

#' Resume geometry classes (POINTS, LINES, POLYGON) of GUs for each object
#' @name morph_resume
#' @description Create a contact sheet of decoration's and and graphical units (GUs) main informations:
#' eg., number of POLYGONS by types, number of LINES by types, etc.
#' @param dataDir Path of the folder storing folders of all decorations
#' @param nodes Nodes dataframe coming from the 'conv_shp_to_wkt.R' function
#' @param out.dir Path of the output folder. By default "_out/" in the "dataDir" folder
#' @param imgs.format Accepted picture formats (see 'magick' package, 'image_read' function)
#' @return Create a contact sheet of decoration with information on graphical units (GUs) geometries:
#' eg., number of Polygons by types, number of Lines by types, etc.
#' @examples
#' > morph_resume(dataDir = dataDir,
#' +              nodes = nodes)
#' [1] "Ain Ghazal"
#' [1] "Jericho"
#' [1] "Qarassa"
#' @export
morph_resume <- function(dataDir,
                         nodes = NA,
                         out.dir = "_out",
                         imgs.format = c(".jpg", ".png", ".gif", ".tiff", "tif")){
  out.dirPath <- paste0(dataDir, "/", out.dir)
  mytheme <- gridExtra::ttheme_default(base_size = 10,
                                       padding = grid::unit(c(1, 1), "mm"))
  linfo <- list()
  lDir <- list.dirs(path = dataDir, full.names = F, recursive = F)
  lDir <- lDir[!grepl("^_", lDir)] # not folder starting with '_*' (_out, _archives, etc.)
  for (site in lDir){
    # the decoration folders
    # site <- "Pozzo delle Capre" ; site <- "Ain Ghazal"
    print (site)
    in.Dir <- paste0(dataDir, "/", site)
    in.Dir.img <- list.files(in.Dir)
    imgs <- unique(grep(paste(imgs.format, collapse = "|"),
                        in.Dir.img, value=TRUE))
    if(length(imgs) > 0){
      # the images
      for(j in seq(1, length(imgs))){
        # j <- 1
        a.img <- imgs[j]
        img <- unlist(strsplit(a.img, split = "\\.")) # split on "."
        # like "site" "decor" "image format"
        # img.site <- i # img[1]
        # temp
        img.decor <- img[2]
        tit <- paste0(site, ".", img.decor)
        # abbrev
        # TODO: manage abb
        tit.abb <- paste0(abbreviate(site, 2), ".",
                          abbreviate(img.decor, 3))
        # filter on nodes df to get basic statistics
        # image
        img.dec <- magick::image_read(paste0(in.Dir, "/", a.img))
        gg.img.dec <- magick::image_ggplot(img.dec)
        gg.img.dec <- gg.img.dec +
          ggplot2::theme(plot.subtitle = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10)) +
          ggplot2::ggtitle(tit) +
          ggplot2::labs(caption = tit.abb)
        # df
        nodes.nd <- nodes[nodes$site == site & nodes$decor == img.decor, ]
        if(nrow(nodes.nd) > 0){
          nodes.nd$geom <- NA
          nodes.nd[grep("POINT", nodes.nd$geometry, value = F), "geom"] <- "POINTS"
          nodes.nd[grep("LINE", nodes.nd$geometry, value = F), "geom"] <- "LINES"
          nodes.nd[grep("POLYGON", nodes.nd$geometry, value = F), "geom"] <- "POLYGS"
          # names(nodes.nd)[names(nodes.nd) == 'incmplt'] <- 'Incmpl'
          nodes.nd <- nodes.nd[, c("type", "geom")]
          nodes.nd.t <- table(nodes.nd)
          nodes.nd.df <- as.data.frame.matrix(nodes.nd.t)
          gb.nodes.nd <- gridExtra::tableGrob(nodes.nd.df, theme = mytheme)
        } else {
          # blank
          gb.nodes.nd <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
        linfo[[length(linfo) + 1]] <- gg.img.dec
        linfo[[length(linfo) + 1]] <- gb.nodes.nd
  library(gridExtra) # necessary ? see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38983179/do-call-a-function-in-r-without-loading-the-package
  g.all <- do.call("grid.arrange", c(linfo, ncol = 4)) # 8
  g.out <- paste0(out.dirPath, "/1_resume.png")
  ggplot2::ggsave(file = g.out,
                  width = 15,
                  height = length(linfo)/2)
zoometh/iconr documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 10:01 a.m.