ResponsePlot: Plot predicted response curves along covariate gradients

Description Usage Arguments Details Data type Version Date submitted Author(s) See Also


This module plots predicted response curves along covariate gradients for all or specified covariates


ResponsePlot(.model, .ras, cov = NULL)



Internal parameter, do not use in the workflow function. .model is list of a data frame (data) and a model object (model). .model is passed automatically in workflow, combining data from the model module(s) and process module(s), to the output module(s) and should not be passed by the user.


Internal parameter, do not use in the workflow function. .ras is a raster layer, brick or stack object. .ras is passed automatically in workflow from the covariate module(s) to the output module(s) and should not be passed by the user.


covariate name


The module outputs a line graph of probability of occupancy (relative for presence-only and presence background data, absolute for presence-absence data). cov accepts a numeric and character strings. When cov = NULL, the module plots line graphs for each covariate in the zoon workflow iteratively. Currently only implemented for presence-only, presence-background, and presence-absence data.

Data type

presence-only, presence/absence, presence/background



Date submitted



Liz Martin,

See Also

Other output: AIC, AUC, Appify, CoefficientPlot, CovHistograms, DataSummary, Deviance, GenerateCovariateReport, InteractiveCovariateMap, InteractiveMap, InteractiveOccurrenceMap, NoOutput, PairPlot, PerformanceMeasures, PredictNewRasterMap, PrintMap, PrintOccurrenceMap, ROCcurve, ReliabilityPlot, ResponseCurveViz, ResponseCurve, SameTimePlaceMap, SeparatePA, SurfaceMap, VariableImportance

zoonproject/modules documentation built on May 4, 2019, 11:25 p.m.