
# Calculate All Metrics
#'Run All Metrics
#'@param long.df Taxonomic counts in a long data format.
#'@param master.df The master taxa list contains taxonomic ranks from Phylum
#'to species and known taxonomic attributes.
#'@param taxa.rank The lowest taxonomic rank ("ORDER", "FAMILY", or "GENUS")
#' used to calculate the metrics.  If the majority of your taxa are identified
#' to the family level, then it would be inappropriate to perform metric
#' calculations at the genus level.
#' @param tv.cols The name of the tolerance value column you want to use
#' during metric calculations.
#' @param ffg.cols The name of the ffg value column you want to use
#' during metric calculations.
#' @param hab.cols The name of the habit value column you want to use
#' during metric calculations.
#'@return Calculates all of applicable and available metrics in the package.
all_metrics <- function(long.df, master.df, taxa.rank,
                        tv.col = "BIBI_TV",
                        ffg.col = "BIBI_FFG",
                        hab.col = "BIBI_HABIT",
                        beck.col = "BECK_CLASS") {
  # Wide format data frames for necessary taxonomic levels.
  names(long.df) <- trimws(toupper(names(long.df)))
  # Sort long.df by "UNIQUE_ID".
  long.df <- long.df[order(long.df$UNIQUE_ID), ]

  if("CLASS" %in% names(long.df)){
    class.wide <- wide(long.df, "CLASS")
  } else {
    class.wide <- NULL
  if("ORDER" %in% names(long.df)){
  order.wide <- wide(long.df, "ORDER")
  } else {
    order.wide <- NULL
  if("FAMILY" %in% names(long.df)){
  family.wide <- wide(long.df, "FAMILY")
  } else {
    family.wide <- NULL
  if("TRIBE" %in% names(long.df)){
    tribe.wide <- wide(long.df, "TRIBE")
    tribe.wide <- NULL
  if("GENUS" %in% names(long.df)){
    genus.wide <- wide(long.df, "GENUS")
    genus.wide <- NULL
  # Specified Taxonomic level
  if(taxa.rank == "FAMILY"){
    taxa.rank.df <- family.wide
  if(taxa.rank == "GENUS"){
    taxa.rank.df <- genus.wide
  if(!(taxa.rank %in% c("FAMILY", "GENUS"))){
    taxa.rank.df <- wide(long.df, taxa.rank)


  metrics <- data.frame(taxa.rank.df[, c("UNIQUE_ID", "STATION_ID", "AGENCY_CODE",
                                         "DATE", "METHOD", "SAMPLE_NUMBER",
  colnames(metrics) <- c("UNIQUE_ID", "STATION_ID", "AGENCY_CODE", "DATE",
                         "METHOD", "SAMPLE_NUMBER", "CONDITION")
  metrics <- metrics[order(metrics$UNIQUE_ID), ]

  # Calculate diversity metrics
  print("Calculating Diversity Metrics:")
  metrics$RICH <- vegan::specnumber(taxa.rank.df[, 8:ncol(taxa.rank.df)])
  print("...Shannon Diversity")
  metrics$SHANNON <- shannon(taxa.rank.df)
  #print("  Effecitiv Richness (Shannon)")
  #metrics$EFFECTIVE_RICH_SHANNON <- effective_richness(taxa.rank.df, "shannon")
  print("...Simpson Diversity")
  metrics$SIMPSONS <- simpsons(taxa.rank.df)
  #print("  Effective Richness (Simpson)")
  #metrics$EFFECTIVE_RICH_SIMPSON <- effective_richness(taxa.rank.df, "invsimpson")
  print("...Hurlberts PIE")
  metrics$HURLBERTS_PIE <- hurlberts_pie(taxa.rank.df)
  print("...Margalefs Diversity")
  metrics$MARGALEFS <- margalefs(taxa.rank.df)
  print("...Menhinicks Diversity")
  metrics$MENHINICKS <- menhinicks(taxa.rank.df)
  print("...Pielou Evenness")
  metrics$PIELOU <-  pielou(taxa.rank.df)

  #if(taxa.rank %in% c("SUBORDER", "FAMILY", "SUBFAMILY", "TRIBE", "GENUS", "SPECIES")){
    #print("...Ephemeroptera Richness")
    #metrics$RICH_EPHEMEROPTERA <- rich_ephemeroptera(long.df, taxa.rank)
    #print("...Plecoptera Richness")
    #metrics$RICH_PLECOPTERA <- rich_plecoptera(long.df, taxa.rank)
    #print("...Trichoptera Richness")
    #metrics$RICH_TRICHOPTERA <- rich_trichoptera(long.df, taxa.rank)
    print("...EPT Richness")
    metrics$RICH_EPT <- rich_ept(long.df, taxa.rank)
    print("...%EPT Richness")
    metrics$PCT_EPT_RICH <- pct_ept_rich(long.df, taxa.rank)
    print("...COTE Richness")
    metrics$RICH_COTE <- rich_cote(long.df, taxa.rank)
    print("...POTEC Richness")
    metrics$RICH_POTEC <- rich_potec(long.df, taxa.rank)

    # FFGs
    if (ffg.col %in% names(master.df)){
      print("...Collector Richness")
      metrics$RICH_COLLECT <- rich_attribute(taxa.rank.df, master.df,
                                             attribute.column = ffg.col,
                                             attribute.interest = c("CG", "CF"), taxa.rank)
      print("...Gatherer Richness")
      metrics$RICH_GATHER <- rich_attribute(taxa.rank.df, master.df,
                                            attribute.column = ffg.col,
                                            attribute.interest = "CG", taxa.rank)
      print("...Filter Feeder Richness")
      metrics$RICH_FILTER <- rich_attribute(taxa.rank.df, master.df,
                                            attribute.column = ffg.col,
                                            attribute.interest = "CF", taxa.rank)
      print("...Shredder Richness")
      metrics$RICH_SHRED <- rich_attribute(taxa.rank.df, master.df,
                                           attribute.column = ffg.col,
                                           attribute.interest = "SH", taxa.rank)
      print("...Scraper Richness")
      metrics$RICH_SCRAPE <- rich_attribute(taxa.rank.df, master.df,
                                            attribute.column = ffg.col,
                                            attribute.interest = "SC", taxa.rank)
      print("...Predator Richness")
      metrics$RICH_PREDATOR <- rich_attribute(taxa.rank.df, master.df,
                                              attribute.column = ffg.col,
                                              attribute.interest = "PR", taxa.rank)
    if (hab.col %in% names(master.df)) {
      # Habits
      print("...Climber Richness")
      metrics$RICH_CLIMB <- rich_attribute(taxa.rank.df, master.df,
                                           attribute.column = hab.col,
                                           attribute.interest = "CB", taxa.rank)
      print("...Swimmer Richness")
      metrics$RICH_SWIM <- rich_attribute(taxa.rank.df, master.df,
                                          attribute.column = hab.col,
                                          attribute.interest = "SW", taxa.rank)
      print("...Clinger Richness")
      metrics$RICH_CLING <- rich_attribute(taxa.rank.df, master.df,
                                           attribute.column = hab.col,
                                           attribute.interest = "CN", taxa.rank)
      print("...Burrower Richness")
      metrics$RICH_BURROW <- rich_attribute(taxa.rank.df, master.df,
                                            attribute.column = hab.col,
                                            attribute.interest = "BU", taxa.rank)
      print("...Sprawler Richness")
      metrics$RICH_SPRAWL <- rich_attribute(taxa.rank.df, master.df,
                                            attribute.column = hab.col,
                                            attribute.interest = "SP", taxa.rank)
      print("...Skater Richness")
      metrics$RICH_SKATE <- rich_attribute(taxa.rank.df, master.df,
                                           attribute.column = hab.col,
                                           attribute.interest = "SK", taxa.rank)

  if(taxa.rank %in% "GENUS"){
    print("...Non-Chironomidae/Oligochaeta (NCO) Richness")
    metrics$RICH_NCO <- rich_nco(long.df, taxa.rank)
  # Tolerance metrics need to be updated once more taxonomic levels are
  # added to the taxa attributes table

  if(tv.col %in% names(master.df)){ # & taxa.rank %in% c("SUBORDER", "FAMILY", "SUBFAMILY", "TRIBE", "GENUS", "SPECIES")){
    print("...Intolerant Richness (0-3)")
    metrics$RICH_INTOL_0_3 <- rich_tolerance(taxa.rank.df, master.df, tv.col, 0, 3)
    print("...Intolerant Richness (0-4)")
    metrics$RICH_INTOL_0_4 <- rich_tolerance(taxa.rank.df, master.df, tv.col, 0, 4)
    print("...Moderately-Tolerant Richness (4-6)")
    metrics$RICH_MODTOL_4_6 <- rich_tolerance(taxa.rank.df, master.df, tv.col, 4, 6)
    print("...Tolerant Richness (7-10")
    metrics$RICH_TOL_7_10 <- rich_tolerance(taxa.rank.df, master.df, tv.col, 7, 10)
    print("...Tolerant Richness (5-10")
    metrics$RICH_TOL_5_10 <- rich_tolerance(taxa.rank.df, master.df, tv.col, 5, 10)
    print("...Intolerant EPT Richness")
    metrics$RICH_EPT_NO_TOL <- ept_rich_no_tol(long.df, "FAMILY", master.df,
                                               tolerance_value = tv.col)
    print("...Intolerant %EPT Richness")
    metrics$PCT_EPT_RICH_NO_TOL <- pct_ept_rich_no_tol(long.df, "FAMILY", master.df,
                                                       tolerance_value = tv.col)

  if(beck.col %in% names(master.df)) { #& taxa.rank %in% c("SUBORDER", "FAMILY", "SUBFAMILY", "TRIBE", "GENUS", "SPECIES")){
    print("...Becks Version 1")
    metrics$BECKS_V1 <- becks(taxa.rank.df, taxa.rank, master.df, beck.col, beck.version = 1)
    print("...Becks Version 3")
    metrics$BECKS_V3 <- becks(taxa.rank.df, taxa.rank, master.df, beck.col, beck.version = 3)

  #if(taxa.rank %in% c("GENUS", "SPECIES")){
  #  print("...Epeorus Richness")
  #  metrics$RICH_EPHEM_EPEORUS <- rich_ephem_epeorus(long.df, genus.wide)

  taxa.cols <- c("PHYLUM", "SUBPHYLUM", "CLASS",
            "SUBCLASS", "ORDER", "SUBORDER",
            "FAMILY", "SUBFAMILY", "TRIBE",
            "GENUS", "SPECIES")
  taxa.cols <- taxa.cols[taxa.cols %in% names(master.df)]

  master.fill <- fill_taxa(master.df)
  master.fill <- unique(master.fill[, c("FINAL_ID", taxa.cols)])
  #test <- (master.fill[duplicated(master.fill$TSN_R), ])
  long.fill <- long.df
  long.fill <- long.fill[, !names(long.fill) %in% taxa.cols]
  long.fill <- merge(long.fill, master.fill, by = "FINAL_ID", all.x = T)

  ord.fill <- wide(long.fill, "ORDER")
  if(taxa.rank %in% c("FAMILY", "GENUS")){
    fam.fill <- wide(long.fill, "FAMILY")
    if(taxa.rank %in% "GENUS") gen.fill <- wide(long.fill, "GENUS")

  if(taxa.rank %in% "ORDER") taxa.rank.fill <- ord.fill
  if(taxa.rank %in% "FAMILY") taxa.rank.fill <- fam.fill
  if(taxa.rank %in% "GENUS") taxa.rank.fill <- gen.fill
  if(!taxa.rank %in% c("ORDER", "FAMILY", "GENUS")) taxa.rank.fill <- wide(long.fill, taxa.rank)

  print("...%Dominant 1")
  metrics$PCT_DOM1 <- pct_dom(taxa.rank.df, 1)
  print("...%Dominant 2")
  metrics$PCT_DOM2 <- pct_dom(taxa.rank.df, 2)
  print("...%Dominant 3")
  metrics$PCT_DOM3 <- pct_dom(taxa.rank.df, 3)
  print("...%Dominant 4")
  metrics$PCT_DOM4 <- pct_dom(taxa.rank.df, 4)
  print("...%Dominant 5")
  metrics$PCT_DOM5 <- pct_dom(taxa.rank.df, 5)
  metrics$ABUNDANCE <- abundance(taxa.rank.df)

  #Tolerance Metrics============================================================
  # Tolerance metrics need to be updated once more tolerance values are added
  # to the taxa attributes table
  print("Calculating Tolerance Metrics:")
  if("ASPT" %in% names(master.df)){ #& taxa.rank %in% c("SUBORDER", "FAMILY", "SUBFAMILY", "TRIBE", "GENUS", "SPECIES")) {
    metrics$ASPT_MOD <- tol_index(long.fill, master.df, "ASPT", taxa.rank)
  if(tv.col %in% names(master.df)){ # & taxa.rank %in% c("SUBORDER", "FAMILY", "SUBFAMILY", "TRIBE", "GENUS", "SPECIES")){
    metrics$HBI <- tol_index(long.fill, master.df, tv.col, taxa.rank)
    print("...% Urban Intolerant")
    if("INTOLERANT_URBAN" %in% names(master.df)){
      metrics$PCT_URBAN_INTOL <- pct_urban_intol(long.df, master.df)
    print("...% Intolerant (0-3)")
    metrics$PCT_INTOL_0_3 <- pct_tol_val(taxa.rank.fill, master.df, tv.col, 0, 3)
    print("...% Intolerant (0-4)")
    metrics$PCT_INTOL_0_4 <- pct_tol_val(taxa.rank.fill, master.df, tv.col, 0, 4)
    print("...% Moderately Tolerant (4-6)")
    metrics$PCT_MOD_TOL_4_6 <- pct_tol_val(taxa.rank.fill, master.df, tv.col, 4, 6)
    print("...% Tolerant (7-10)")
    metrics$PCT_TOLERANT_7_10 <- pct_tol_val(taxa.rank.fill, master.df, tv.col, 7, 10)
    print("...% Tolerant (5-10)")
    metrics$PCT_TOLERANT_5_10 <- pct_tol_val(taxa.rank.fill, master.df, tv.col, 5, 10)

  #Composition Metrics==========================================================
  print("Calculating Composition Metrics:")
  #if(taxa.rank %in% c("SUBORDER", "FAMILY", "SUBFAMILY", "TRIBE", "GENUS", "SPECIES")){
    print("...%EPT Minus Hydropsychidae and Baetidae")
    metrics$PCT_EPT_HYDRO_BAETID <- pct_ept_hydro_baetid(order.wide, family.wide)
    print("...%EPT Minus Hydropsychidae")
    metrics$PCT_EPT_NO_HYDRO <- pct_ept_no_hydro(order.wide, family.wide)
    print("...%Trichoptera Minus Hydropsychidae")
    metrics$PCT_NON_HYDROP_TRICHOPTERA <- pct_trichoptera_no_hydro(order.wide, family.wide)
    #metrics$PCT_HYDRO_TRICHOPTERA <- pct_hydro_trichoptera(order.wide, family.wide)
    print("...%Ephemeroptera Minus Baetidae")
    metrics$PCT_EPHEMEROPTERA_NO_BAETID <- pct_epmeroptera_no_baetid(order.wide, family.wide)
    print("...%EPT Composed of Hydropsychidae")
    metrics$PCT_HYDRO_EPT <- pct_hydro_ept(order.wide, family.wide)
      print("...%Oligochaeta and Chironomidae")
      metrics$PCT_OLIGO_CHIRO <- pct_oligo_chiro(class.wide, family.wide)
    if("PHYLUM" %in% names(long.df)) {
      print("...%Annelida and Chironomidae")
      phylum.wide <- wide(long.df, "PHYLUM")
      metrics$PCT_ANNELID_CHIRO <- pct_annelid_chiro(phylum.wide, family.wide)
      metrics$PCT_ANNELID_CHIRO <- pct_taxon(phylum.wide, "ANNELIDA") +
        pct_taxon(family.wide, "CHIRONOMIDAE")
    print("...%Limeston Taxa")
    metrics$PCT_LIMESTONE <- pct_limestone(order.wide, family.wide)
    print("...%Chironomidae Composed of Chricotopus and Chironomis")
    metrics$PCT_CC_CHIRO2 <- pct_taxon(genus.wide, c("CHRICOTOPUS",
                                                     "CHIRONOMIS")) /
      pct_taxon(family.wide, "CHIRONOMIDAE") * 100
    print("...%EPT minus Cheumatopsyche")
    metrics$PCT_EPT_CHEUMATOPSYCHE <- pct_taxon(order.wide, c("EPHEMEROPTERA",
                                                               "TRICHOPTERA")) -
      pct_taxon(genus.wide, "CHEUMATOPSYCHE")
    print("...%EPT minus Hydropsyche")
    metrics$PCT_EPT_HYDROPSYCHE <- pct_taxon(order.wide, c("EPHEMEROPTERA",
                                                            "TRICHOPTERA")) -
      pct_taxon(genus.wide, "HYDROPSYCHE")
  metrics$PCT_EPT <- pct_taxon(order.wide, c("EPHEMEROPTERA",
  metrics$PCT_COTE <- pct_taxon(order.wide, c("COLEOPTERA",
  metrics$PCT_POTEC <- pct_taxon(order.wide, c("PLECOPTERA", 
    metrics$GOLD <- 100 - (pct_taxon(class.wide, c("GASTROPODA", "OLIGOCHAETA")) +
      pct_taxon(order.wide, "DIPTERA"))
  #Functional Feeding Group (FFG) Metrics========================================
  print("Calculating FFG Metrics:")
  #if(!(taxa.rank %in% "FAMILY") | taxa.rank %in% "FAMILY") taxa.rank.att <- "FAMILY"
  #if(taxa.rank %in% c("ORDER")) taxa.rank.att <- "ORDER"
  #if(taxa.rank %in% c("FAMILY", "SUBFAMILY", "TRIBE")) taxa.rank.att <- "FAMILY"
  # Update once genus attributes added
  #if(taxa.rank %in% c("GENUS", "SPECIES")) taxa.rank.att <- "GENUS"
  taxa.rank.att <- taxa.rank
  #metrics$PCT_FFG_UNASSIGNED <- pct_attribute(taxa.rank.df, master.df, ffg.col, "UA", taxa.rank.att)
  #metrics$PCT_DOM_FFG <- pct_dom1_group(long.df, master.df, ffg.col, taxa.rank.att)
  if(ffg.col %in% names(master.df)){
    metrics$PCT_COLLECT <- pct_attribute(taxa.rank.fill, master.df, ffg.col, c("CG", "CF"), taxa.rank.att)
    print("...%Filter Feeder")
    metrics$PCT_FILTER <- pct_attribute(taxa.rank.fill, master.df, ffg.col, "CF", taxa.rank.att)
    metrics$PCT_GATHER <- pct_attribute(taxa.rank.fill, master.df, ffg.col, "CG", taxa.rank.att)
    metrics$PCT_PREDATOR <- pct_attribute(taxa.rank.fill, master.df, ffg.col, "PR", taxa.rank.att)
    metrics$PCT_SCRAPE <- pct_attribute(taxa.rank.fill, master.df, ffg.col, "SC", taxa.rank.att)
    metrics$PCT_SHRED <- pct_attribute(taxa.rank.fill, master.df, ffg.col, "SH", taxa.rank.att)
  if(hab.col %in% names(master.df)){
    #Habit Metrics=================================================================
    print("Calculating Habit Metrics:")
    #metrics$PCT_DOM_Habit <- pct_dom1_group(long.df, master.df, hab.col, taxa.rank.att)
    #metrics$PCT_HABIT_UNASSIGNED <- pct_attribute(taxa.rank.df, master.df, hab.col, "UA", taxa.rank.att)
    metrics$PCT_BURROW <- pct_attribute(taxa.rank.fill, master.df, hab.col, "BU", taxa.rank.att)
    metrics$PCT_CLIMB <- pct_attribute(taxa.rank.fill, master.df, hab.col, "CB", taxa.rank.att)
    metrics$PCT_CLING <- pct_attribute(taxa.rank.fill, master.df, hab.col, "CN", taxa.rank.att)
    metrics$PCT_SKATE <- pct_attribute(taxa.rank.fill, master.df, hab.col, "SK", taxa.rank.att)
    metrics$PCT_SPRAWL <- pct_attribute(taxa.rank.fill, master.df, hab.col, "SP", taxa.rank.att)
    metrics$PCT_SWIM <- pct_attribute(taxa.rank.fill, master.df, hab.col, "SW", taxa.rank.att)
  #print("...%Unidentified Taxa")
  #metrics$PCT_UNIDENTIFIED <- pct_unidentified(taxa.rank.df)
  print("Sequence % Taxa")
  if(taxa.rank %in% "FINAL_ID"){
    taxa.cols <- c("PHYLUM", "SUBPHYLUM", "CLASS",
                   "SUBCLASS", "ORDER", "SUBORDER",
                   "FAMILY", "SUBFAMILY", "TRIBE",
                   "GENUS", "SPECIES")
    last.col <- max(which(names(long.df) %in% taxa.cols))
    long.sub <- long.df[, 1:last.col]
  } else {
    last.col <- which(names(long.df) %in% taxa.rank)
    long.sub <- long.df[, 1:last.col]

  seq.pct <- seq_pct_taxa(long.sub, master.df)
  merge.cols <- c("UNIQUE_ID", "STATION_ID", "AGENCY_CODE", "DATE",
                  "METHOD", "SAMPLE_NUMBER", "CONDITION")
  almost_final.df <- merge(metrics, seq.pct, by = merge.cols)
  print("Sequence Taxa Richness")
  seq.rich <- seq_taxa_rich(long.sub, taxa.rank, master.df)
  final.df <- cbind(almost_final.df, seq.rich)
  # TV warning.
  if (!tv.col %in% names(master.df)){
    warn.tv <- paste0("The specified tv.col (", tv.col,
                     ") was not found as column name in the specified master.df.",
                     "Therefore, no tolerance value related metrics were calculated.")
  # Beck warning.
  if (!beck.col %in% names(master.df)){
    warn.beck <- paste0("The specified beck.col (", beck.col,
                      ") was not found as column name in the specified master.df.",
                      "Therefore, no Beck's related metrics were calculated.")
  # FFG warning.
  if (!ffg.col %in% names(master.df)){
    warn.ffg <- paste0("The specified ffg.col (", ffg.col,
                      ") was not found as column name in the specified master.df.",
                      "Therefore, no function feeding group (FFG) related metrics were calculated.")
  # Habit warning.
  if (!hab.col %in% names(master.df)){
    warn.hab <- paste0("The specified hab.col (", hab.col,
                      ") was not found as column name in the specified master.df.",
                      "Therefore, no habit related metrics were calculated.")

zsmith27/Benthos documentation built on May 5, 2019, 2:38 a.m.